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Is there a strategy to this cuss-down drama?
November 10, 2011 | By KNews | Columnists, Freddie Kissoon

Attorney Roysdale Forde explained to me that he thinks that Mr. Jagdeo’s cuss-down style at the PPP rallies is a stratagem designed to shift focus away from Mr. Ramotar. He explained that as the campaign gets older and as Mr. Jagdeo continues to cuss down, the opposition, the media and other Guyanese political observers reserve their attention for Mr. Jagdeo’s unbecoming style and Mr. Ramotar is left out of the picture

This is one explanation and it may be valid. At least it sounds and looks plausible. And indeed Mr. Jagdeo’s intemperate rage does bring him into the focus of both the media and opposition politicians. Are there other theories? There may be. I will offer a number of other explanations. One could be psychological.
It is this writer’s belief that Mr. Jagdeo desperately wanted a third term. The reasons for this exist in Mr. Jagdeo’s head and need not detain us. I posit that as Mr. Jagdeo’s days get shorter and his name is about to be removed from the glare of the nation, Mr. Jagdeo is bitter.

Mr. Jagdeo is bitter about two irritations. The first is that the third term died before it was born. It never even caught on outside of a small personalized circle intimately connected to Mr. Jagdeo. Not even in Freedom House was there any support for another period for Mr. Jagdeo. The continuing vexations and the deplorable language that accompanies them may be a reaction to the loss of power.
Psychologically, Mr. Jagdeo sees himself as a great leader and there is mental anguish that the Guyanese people didn’t accept the changes that could have allowed for a third term.

I posit another theory, that of the brutal reality that Mr. Jagdeo knows he is going out and will not come even within miles of the three top predecessors – Forbes Burnham, Desmond Hoyte and Cheddi Jagan – when his reign is studied by the scholar. In the twelve years that he was at the helm, Mr. Jagdeo has not found a place in the same category as these three men.
I did not like Burnham and Jagan. I think Hoyte was a more humane, transformational and innovative leader but Mr. Jagdeo cannot be placed anywhere near to Burnham and Jagan who were giants in their own right
My opinion is that as the sun sets on his empire (my assessment of his presidency will have to wait for an academic conference), Mr. Jagdeo is just hitting out in a fanatical way

And he is unmindful of the way he does it. Of course he is hurting the PPP’s campaign but the nature of the PPP with its indelible imprint of strongman leadership prevents any other PPP leader from upbraiding Mr. Jagdeo.
Another factor in the study of Mr. Jagdeo’s recent unbecoming deportment at these rallies could be his state of depression. Two horizons seem to be staring Mr. Jagdeo. One is the uncertainty of what Roger Khan and Captain Clarke told the American Government about the confluence of political power and narco-trafficking in this land.

We don’t know what was said. What we know is that one was treated generously and allowed to stay in the US while the other was given an extremely soft sentence given the fact he was facing a few life sentences. Is Mr. Jagdeo in a terrible state of mind of what may happen to him after 2011?
Is it possible too that Mr. Jagdeo is lashing out wildly and madly because he senses that the PPP may lose the election or even if it wins a plurality of votes, may lose the Parliament thereby stripping him of his legal immunity? If the researcher carefully analyses Mr. Jagdeo’s rage, he produces venom on Mr. Nigel Hughes and Moses Nagamootoo more than any other citizen since the campaign began.

Two reasons can explain this. Maybe Mr. Jagdeo felt that Hughes may have finally done what the major opposition parties could not do – raise the level of African consciousness to such heights that it may cause them to go out and vote this time. Did the libel case have anything to do with this?
Any analyst would tell you that African voters form a large percentage of the absentee group.
And finally Moses Nagamootoo. Does Mr. Jagdeo feel that Moses parachuting into the AFC’s arena could damage the PPP badly? Well, Mr. Nagamootoo isn’t pulling dozens of listeners, but hundreds, and not in Georgetown but in Berbice.
Surely that was never anticipated by Mr. Jagdeo and the PPP. The loss of power brings on insanity in some dictators.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

I believe that it is a deliberate attempt to divert focus from the issues that face the nation....for example corruption,crime,mismanagement,lack of internal democracy in the PPP,the marketing of an unqualified and untalented presidential candidate,etc.... it became apparent when the clique launched a personal onslaught against Moses after he resigned....Jagdeo started this verbal onslaught on nominations day and set the tone for later occurrences by himself and others.....I hope Moses does not fall into this trap and lower himself to Jagdeo's gutter standards....

I also believe that Jagdeo's crude utterances and his constant " hogging " of the platforms at the PPP-C rallies has hurt the image of the party in many quarters....I know for a fact that many die-hard PPP supporters are turned off by Jagdeo....some mentioned to me that whenever they see Jagdeo on stage they also imagine Ed Ahmad standing with him !
Originally posted by TI:
Jagdeo not running for office though.
So why all the focus on him?

Thats exactly the point here ! focus on him takes away focussing on the real issues.....Guyanese must not allow this to continue.....
Originally posted by Churchill:

Thats exactly the point here ! focus on him takes away focussing on the real issues.....Guyanese must not allow this to continue.....

99% of the posts here are focused on Jagdeo.
Originally posted by TI:
Jagdeo not running for office though.
So why all the focus on him?

The one standing at the podium is the one the shit is thrown at.
So, if Jagdeo ain't runnning why is he at the podium running his mouth?
Originally posted by Mr.T:
Antiman are good cuss down merchants.

Thias may sound funny but its very very very true.
Even in busines when I have to deal with an antiman expect headache!!
Originally posted by TI:
Originally posted by Churchill:

Thats exactly the point here ! focus on him takes away focussing on the real issues.....Guyanese must not allow this to continue.....

99% of the posts here are focused on Jagdeo.

99% of the political speeches are given by Jagdeo

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