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Former Member

2013 is one day old but Glen Lall's long, putrid, homo-erotic obsession with former President Bharrat Jagdeo continues without unabated. His latest infringement underlines what is clearly an intent to expose the former President to physical attack by compromising his security.

Lall's paper today published details about the personal security of the former President under the guise of having the public's interest at heart and pitting its rigidness against a lack of man-power which currently challenges the Guyana Police Force. The former President has every reason to be provided with rigid security especially when one considers that Lall's Kaieteur News published overhead pictures of his residence and spared no efforts at pointing out every security feature at the premises. A former senior police official saw this act as a breach of Jagdeo's security. We must also consider Lall's connection to the criminal underworld as was noted by US Embassy officials in the Wikileaks cables.

This latest act points to a pattern which seems to have as its objective an attack on the former President. Why else would the Kaieteur News go into such detail about the amount of ranks that are part of Jagdeo's security team?



Replies sorted oldest to newest

This is a good point, even this amount of guards are not sufficient considering how the AFC/PNC boys hate the man.  I am sure this was taken into consideration by Brummel who is tasked with protecting the former president. It is not Jagdeo that requests all these guards but rather the commish based on his assessment of Jagdeo's security needs. Maybe if the opposition lay off Jagdeo for a while, Brummel would not think so many guards are necessary.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

This is a good point, even this amount of guards are not sufficient considering how the AFC/PNC boys hate the man.  I am sure this was taken into consideration by Brummel who is tasked with protecting the former president. It is not Jagdeo that requests all these guards but rather the commish based on his assessment of Jagdeo's security needs. Maybe if the opposition lay off Jagdeo for a while, Brummel would not think so many guards are necessary.



Big seed:  Like you is a mud head like your mud head bass man.


Me Fada in his wisdom seh that you all bigging up the CHIEF NO BODY, Mr BJ.


No body have no time with a kangala like BJ.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Jalil, Like yuh does enjoy something stiff every now and then.???


Poom Poom Mudhead.......

I like different thing from you....

Knee-pads love bendover fuh Dr B Injection.......

Dont tell us Lord Canary lie ......pon yuh......or Dr B



Jalil should apply for trademark rights to Kwame's pictures. De man like de stuff da much, he ah come up wid wan wan new wan. We will understand if he does.


Wow...Skeldon fighting fuh Trademark and copyrights.......

like Julius just tek a lil peep out de closet....

and eee run back......



neither Kneepad or Skeldon can replace Kwame as De First Lady.

We know dem will push Sister Varsh out of the way......

but Kwame seh .....

she is #1.....

eeee seh dem other Jagabat Homen  Poom Poom aint ready yet.....

But yuh cant Trust them......look how dem trying


Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Jalil, Like yuh does enjoy something stiff every now and then.???


Poom Poom Mudhead.......

I like different thing from you....

Knee-pads love bendover fuh Dr B Injection.......

Dont tell us Lord Canary lie ......pon yuh......or Dr B



Jalil should apply for trademark rights to Kwame's pictures. De man like de stuff da much, he ah come up wid wan wan new wan. We will understand if he does.


Wow...Skeldon fighting fuh Trademark and copyrights.......

like Julius just tek a lil peep out de closet....

and eee run back......



neither Kneepad or Skeldon can replace Kwame as De First Lady.

We know dem will push Sister Varsh out of the way......

but Kwame seh .....

she is #1.....

eeee seh dem other Jagabat Homen  Poom Poom aint ready yet.....

But yuh cant Trust them......look how dem trying


YUh Prapa lve Stiff, Stiff thing. Meh Gat Video of Elton John, gee meh you Email address meh gun send dem fuh yuh. Meh glad yuh finally come out the Closet. Hold your head high and be PROUD of who you are.


Knee-pad seh.....

 YUh Prapa lve Stiff, Stiff thing.......As you see all of us Running from Jagdeo and Ramotar and the Poom Poom Party. 


 Meh Gat Video of Elton John,......I dont doubt yuh....with friends like Kwame, Mannie and and your Elton John Vidoes dont surprise any of us.



gee meh you Email address meh gun send dem fuh yuh.......Well look me crosses.....yuh cant even hide yuh gay Habits.....this is how yuh does pick up man......Jalil dont friend with Funny day....never happen dont try here.....stick with McCoy, Jagabattie and Mannie.....aya ah birds of a feather all de way.



Meh glad yuh finally come out the Closet........Mudhead it took long for you to know I dont Mess with your Type.....I dont know why it took you so long to know this.....just from me cussing up Jagdeo should have given u a hint......Bhai yuh real slow. 



Hold your head high and be PROUD of who you are.......Thats not a Problem when yuh love Saltfish and Hate Poom Poom Shorts.



Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

You guys are so obsessed with this gay thing. I think you feel by discussing it on the board, you get self satisfaction.

Bhai, Since Marnin he ah fat eye Kwame.  Not that anything is wrong with that. I am happy he finally gat the courage to come out of the Closet. Thank God for the USA. Now he can be himself.


This is B L Jumbee, er, Crombie reporting from ringside at GNI arena.


.....Padit tek a leff hook from Jalillee and he knee buckle...... Panditta get up and straighten heself as Jallilsta circle he fuh get mo angle fuh knack he down......


......and Panditsu lead wid an Elton John uppa cut which Jalaibi parries wid a Jagabattie and counters wid a poom poom short jab......


and dis place going wild.......

Originally Posted by Kari:

This is B L Jumbee, er, Crombie reporting from ringside at GNI arena.


.....Padit tek a leff hook from Jalillee and he knee buckle...... Panditta get up and straighten heself as Jallilsta circle he fuh get mo angle fuh knack he down......


......and Panditsu lead wid an Elton John uppa cut which Jalaibi parries wid a Jagabattie and counters wid a poom poom short jab......


and dis place going wild.......

HEHEHE You should replace Bob Costa.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Henry:

The ex-pats are unable to attend the actual Antimen Fuh Change caucus meetings, must go electronic.

Henry, Since Marnin Uncle Jalil ah watch Kwame Photo and salivate.



Nehru Quote: "gee meh you Email address meh gun send dem fuh yuh".......

Well look me crosses.....yuh cant even hide yuh gay Habits.....

this is how yuh does pick up man......

Jalil dont friend with Funny day....never happen dont try here.....

stick with McCoy, Jagabattie and Mannie.....aya ah birds of a feather all de way.



Cainster these fellas aint got no shame.




Jagdeo + Ramotar = Poom Poom Party = Nehru + Skeldon









We all come here to discuss the political situation in Guyana.

We dont have a problem......until the Mudheads comeout and try glorify Jagdeo and Ramotar........ although the Corruption, Thiefing, Crime, Narco and Mis-Management is overbearing and unbearable.


We all know who you do not bring your Bull$hit and lies here.....



Keep all yuh lies for when you see Jagabat or De Duck.....

 and when yuh blowing them in private.


Yuh Poom Poom Party is history.


Only a Mudhead from Jagdeo and Ramotar Poom Poom Panty would try to link the AFC with @ntiman Runnings.


This Jabat Homan calling himself Henry.....needs to know this is 2013 and all de guyanese and the whole world .....know who are the Poom Poom.


Mudhead Henry need to show us  who are the Antimen .......and which party they belong to.


Henry please feel free to add some more of your Poom Poom Panties.

This is no secret....they are in the Guyana News everyday....

Henry please confirm that they all belong to the Jagabat Poom Poom Panty.



And as a Certified Mudhead....If yuh need Help......

De Rev Al will tell u de truth.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by albert:


2013 is one day old but Glen Lall's long, putrid, homo-erotic obsession with former President Bharrat Jagdeo continues without unabated. His latest infringement underlines what is clearly an intent to expose the former President to physical attack by compromising his security.

Lall's paper today published details about the personal security of the former President under the guise of having the public's interest at heart and pitting its rigidness against a lack of man-power which currently challenges the Guyana Police Force. The former President has every reason to be provided with rigid security especially when one considers that Lall's Kaieteur News published overhead pictures of his residence and spared no efforts at pointing out every security feature at the premises. A former senior police official saw this act as a breach of Jagdeo's security. We must also consider Lall's connection to the criminal underworld as was noted by US Embassy officials in the Wikileaks cables.

This latest act points to a pattern which seems to have as its objective an attack on the former President. Why else would the Kaieteur News go into such detail about the amount of ranks that are part of Jagdeo's security team?



What the hell is he doing with 12 full time guards? That is a serious waste of money and that is the point. Pretending that this revelation of the PPP excess has nefarious intent is only another of your long line of excuses for robbing us blind.

Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Henry:

The ex-pats are unable to attend the actual Antimen Fuh Change caucus meetings, must go electronic.

Henry, Since Marnin Uncle Jalil ah watch Kwame Photo and salivate.



Nehru Quote: "gee meh you Email address meh gun send dem fuh yuh".......

Well look me crosses.....yuh cant even hide yuh gay Habits.....

this is how yuh does pick up man......

Jalil dont friend with Funny day....never happen dont try here.....

stick with McCoy, Jagabattie and Mannie.....aya ah birds of a feather all de way.



Cainster these fellas aint got no shame.




Jagdeo + Ramotar = Poom Poom Party = Nehru + Skeldon









Rumors have it that you were bartending when Kwame came in for a beer. You told Kwame "get out of here; we don't serve ******s". Kwame, however convinced you to engage in a game of fart football. You agreed if Kwame wins, you will serve him a beer. Kwame explained that drinking the beer will yield you 6 points. The extra point is earned by taking your pants off, bend over and fart. If you fart, you score the extra point. Kwame did his stuff and scored 7 points. You drank your beer and scored the 6 points. You dropped your pants, bent over to fart when Kwame jumped on you and started to bu##er you. You shouted to Kwame "What the hell are you doing"? Kwame continued his humping and replied "Block the kick! Block the kick". Kwame won with your pants down! 


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