Mr. Sampson, prosecutors said, approached a friend in the office of the United States attorney for the Eastern District for help.       

Turn over the names of all of the cooperating witnesses who could make a case against him, Mr. Sampson asked, so he could arrange to “take them out.”       

That is among the crimes Mr. Sampson, a powerful Democrat, is accused of as he tried to thwart an intensifying federal inquiry centered on accusations that he had stolen more than $400,000 from the sale of foreclosed homes.    (In partnership with Ed Ahmad)   

Prosecutors said Mr. Sampson used the money, which he had access to as a court-appointed referee for foreclosure proceedings in Brooklyn, to help finance his unsuccessful campaign for the Brooklyn district attorney’s office in 2005.

The next year, prosecutors said, he persuaded a prominent real estate developer to give him nearly $200,000 help cover up the thefts.

When the developer was arrested on unrelated charges, Mr. Sampson feared his crimes would be uncovered and turned to his friend in the United States attorney’s office.       

The developer was not named in court documents, but law enforcement officials with knowledge of the matter identified him as Edul Ahmad, who pleaded guilty to mortgage fraud in 2012.

The employee in the United States attorney’s office also was not named. Prosecutors said the person, identified by a law enforcement official as Sam Noel, had been fired after being found with a list of the witnesses’ names that Mr. Sampson had requested.       

The charges come after a procession of New York legislators, including several who have held top positions, have been charged with a variety of crimes. Speculation that Mr. Sampson would be next increased after the revelation last week that another legislator facing criminal charges, Shirley L. Huntley, a former Democratic state senator, had worked with prosecutors to secretly record conversations with Mr. Sampson. In one conversation, he helped arrange a meeting between Ms. Huntley and a businessman who intended to offer bribes in exchange for help securing lucrative contracts, according to court documents and law enforcement officials.       

The United States attorney for the Eastern District of New York, Loretta E. Lynch, called the case “one of the most extreme examples of political hubris we have yet seen.”       

Mr. Sampson, 47, surrendered to federal agents on Monday morning and was arraigned in Federal District Court in Brooklyn in the afternoon. He pleaded not guilty to charges that included two counts of embezzlement, five counts of obstruction of justice and two counts of making false statements to the Federal Bureau of Investigation.       

During the hearing, a prosecutor said he had offered Mr. Sampson a plea agreement, which he has until the end of the month to accept. Under the agreement, Mr. Sampson would plead guilty to embezzlement and one other charge and accept a sentence of 37 to 46 months. He faces up to 20 years in prison under the most serious charge if he is found guilty in a trial.       

Mr. Sampson declined to comment after the hearing. His lawyer, Zachary W. Carter, accused federal prosecutors of wrongfully portraying the case as one of public corruption, saying the crimes charged had nothing to do with Mr. Sampson’s position as a legislator. Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo said on Monday that Mr. Sampson’s indictment, coming on the heels of the arrests of other elected officials, “made a bad situation worse.”       

In an interview on a public radio program, “The Capitol Pressroom,” Mr. Cuomo repeated his vow to pass new anticorruption measures in the legislative session that is scheduled to end in June.       

“With today, there’s more of an urgency to do it, and denial is not a life strategy,” Mr. Cuomo said.       

The Democratic leader of the State Senate, Andrea Stewart-Cousins of Yonkers, said Mr. Sampson had been stripped of his committee assignments and would no longer caucus with his fellow Senate Democrats.       

The accusation that he stole from the Brooklyn courts to help pay for his race to become the borough’s top law enforcement officer was particularly striking, prosecutors said. For 10 years, beginning in 1998, Mr. Sampson, as a court-appointed referee, supervised escrow accounts of surplus money from foreclosure sales. Mr. Sampson was supposed to turn the money over to the county clerk’s office to be distributed among people with claims, including people who had just lost their homes.       

It remains unclear how the theft of such large sums would go unnoticed. The county clerk in Brooklyn, Nancy T. Sunshine, said her office did not have oversight of surplus money from foreclosure sales.       

Thomas Kaplan and William K. Rashbaum contributed reporting.