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From the Diaspora…Is there any depth to the depravity of the PPP Govt.?


By Ralph Seeram
I am reading this transcript and my blood is literally boiling. Is this for real? Is this really the Attorney General of Guyana speaking; the guardian of the constitution; the guardian of the people’s rights, the guardian of the Rule of Law and Democracy? Is this the person talking about “when you continue to attack people like that and they have no way of responding they gun just walk with their weapon into that same f**king Saffon Street office and wha come suh do and innocent Peter gun gah pay fuh f**king Paul in deh one day?”
By now you must have read that famous transcript of a conversation between a reporter of this newspaper and the Guyanese Attorney General, which from press reports the AG has acknowledged is authentic.
This conversation confirms what this newspaper has been saying all along, that the PPP Government is bent on silencing Kaieteur News, Guyana’s largest selling newspaper, and one that has the largest online readers in the Guyanese Diaspora.
Could it get any worse than this? Do the Guyanese people need any more evidence of the arrogance of this government which feels that it is not accountable to its people, that it must not be criticized in any way, shape or form for its corruption?
That conversation, if it was coming from anyone else in Government, might have been almost insignificant, but coming from the Attorney General of the country, one has to take the threats seriously.
There are some aspects of this conversation that have not been highlighted, like the AG allegedly breaking the law.
“I use some money from the government, Glenn mek an issue of it. I pay back deh f**king money long before he even mek de issue and he know about it because I pay it back.”
Now is he saying that he converted some taxpayers’ money to his own use? If so then he is guilty of a serious crime; it does not matter if he paid back the money.
Many public servants have been jailed for converting public funds to their own use. But then again who is going to charge the Attorney General? Shalimar Ali-Hack can you really “try devil case in hell”?
This might have been hilarious had the issue not been so serious. Is the AG “pimping” for his friend or uncle?
AG: “Who who is the other staff? Some girl dem see”…..he went on …”De man wan f**k de girl, de man tell me seriously he wan knock de girl.”
“You can arrange”?
Seriously, doesn’t that sound like a pimp at work? Remember this is the Attorney General. Still not satisfied, later on he will ask three times again about the girl, later saying he got no ulterior motives.
What is amazing is the PPP coming out defending the Attorney General, despite clear evidence of law breaking. The party did not doubt the authenticity of the recording, but came out with this piece of nonsense for a defence.
“We stand by the Attorney General, as the Government of Guyana goes out of its way to foster peace and goodwill. We believe in the INTEGRITY and PROFFESSIONALISM of the Minister of Legal Affairs, Mr. Anil Nandlall, and stand by him.
“Today, to our utter consternation, the public listened to a voice recording and was shocked at what the nation heard. Broadcast on social media, the recording contains a distorted, manipulated conversation between a Minister and Leonard Gildarie, a reporter from the Kaieteur News.”
What distorted or manipulated conversation? Here the man is ranting in gutter language, boasting how superior he is. I thought the caste system died when indentured labourers arrived in this country. But here the man claims he is a higher class, a higher breed, but pimping and behaving worse than a “chamar”.
If the AG’s behaviour is the PPP standard for Integrity, then the PPP has really lost its way, lost the moral right to rule this country. The PPP always defends the indefensible, taking the Guyanese public for asses and insulting the intelligence of Guyanese.
The PPP defenders are focused on how the tape was obtained rather than the message. The MESSAGE is what is important here, not the MESSENGER. The PPP is more focused on the messenger (Kaieteur News) than the message.
Here is the problem for the PPP and why it could lose the next election. On my recent trip to Guyana I was in Crabwood Creek on the Corentyne, a PPP stronghold dominated by Indo-Guyanese. I was perusing the voters’ list posted on the shop when a young Indo Guyanese in his 20s, let’s call him Ramesh, engaged me in a political conversation, and told me he would be VOTING FOR PNC.
Why? Because the PPP has let down the sugar workers and the people. I was shocked. Here in PPP stronghold this young Indo Guyanese is declaring he is going to vote for the opposition PNC.
That is where the PPP problems lie; not Glenn Lall or Kaieteur News; not the messenger.  Glenn Lall only has one vote. It is that young former PPP supporter, and you can bet there are thousands like him, totally disillusioned with the PPP.
That is where their problem lies. That is what the PPP focus should be on because if more of its supporters stay away from the polls like they did in the last election or switch to other parties, the PPP will be history at the next election.
In other societies the AG would not only have had to resign, but would have been charged with a crime; but not in Guyana.
Nandlall boasted that “I am clean….I never tek a dog from any…f**king body….I never thief”. Is this an indirect admission that others in the Government are thieves? Just asking.
Before I close I want to express my deepest sympathy to the family of Navin Chandarpal. He was one of the few in the PPP with integrity. I knew Navin way back. He was from New Amsterdam like me.
In my last conversation with him less than two years ago, he thanked me for coming to his defence when former President Bharrat Jagdeo tried to smear his character. May he R.I.P.
Ralph Seeram can be reached at email: or Facebook.

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