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Former Member

Jagan II receives money for a non-existent qualification




Dear Editor,
A disturbing situation was recently brought to my attention. It must be exposed, and urgently dealt with by this government if the government is serious about combating corruption and oligarchy.
When Kaieteur News first published the list of “fat cats” earning “super salaries” under this PPP/C government, the Guyanese population learned that among the most highly paid employees of this government was Cheddi Beret Jagan, II, who was listed as an “attorney-at-law” working at the Office of the President, and earning approximately $489,666 per month.
Everyone bought into the idea that Mr. Jagan II was a duly qualified attorney-at-law, who is licensed to practise law in at least one jurisdiction.
In fact, he himself has furthered this idea by signing multiple letters in the Guyanese newspapers with the suffix “Esq.,” a title reserved for attorneys who have attained the requisite professional qualifications to practise law.
Yet, there is no record that Mr. Jagan II is, as he claims, an attorney-at-law, much less one who is licensed to practise law in Guyana.
I diligently checked the online records of the Guyana Chronicle, Stabroek News and Kaieteur News, and found not a single article about Mr. Jagan II being called to the bar in Guyana. I also spoke with multiple Guyanese attorneys who all stated that they are unaware of Mr. Jagan II being called to the Bar in Guyana.
There is also no evidence that Mr. Jagan II possesses the (Certificate of Legal Education) LEC, which is a prerequisite to become a member of the Bar in Guyana.
Likewise, there is no evidence that Mr. Jagan II is licensed to practice law in any state in the United States of America.
Mr. Jagan II has himself admitted, in a heated, often pompous and arrogant online discussion related to one of his letters on EzJet (see comments after letter at, that he is not licensed to practice in any jurisdiction, though he took the New York Bar Exam in February, 2012.
Unfortunately, Mr. Jagan II’s name was not on the list of successful candidates for the February exam. (See:
Nevertheless, it appears as though Mr. Jagan II re-sat this exam in July, 2012, and was finally successful. (See: Congratulations are in order for him in passing this exam.
I hope though, that Mr. Jagan II will be honest and admit that merely passing the NY Bar Exam is insufficient in and of itself to qualify one as an attorney-at-law.
The fact is that Mr. Jagan II has to further undergo a Character and Fitness Exam, where his personal character and background is examined, and only after passing this (a process that takes months), will he be certified to be sworn in to the NY Bar, and eventually become a licensed attorney.
At the moment, Mr. Jagan II’s name does not appear on the official list of attorneys licensed to practise law in New York State. (See: http://iapps.courts.state.ny.u...orney/AttorneySearch).
Mr. Jagan II’s background is fair game because he is a highly-paid official employed by the Office of the President, paid by the Guyanese people via their taxes. And when it is examined, one finds that his academic and professional qualifications cannot possibly justify his employment at the Office of the President, much less the exorbitant salary that he is paid.
How can Mr. Jagan II be paid as an “attorney-at-law” when he is not an attorney? How can he give legal advice to this government when he is not licensed to do so?
How can he justify his salary which is significantly higher even than that earned by lecturers at the University of Guyana when he has not even attained the professional requirements for the position he holds? Is he engaged in the unauthorized practice of law, and if so, what is the government’s response?
This PPP/C government loves to argue that there is no evidence of corruption and oligarchy in Guyana, so I am publicly asking it to justify Mr. Jagan II’s employment at the Office of the President, taking into consideration his failure/inability, thus far, to obtain a bar license and his relative lack of experience, as compared to the others of eminently more qualified attorneys in Guyana.
Mr. Anil Nandlall, the Attorney General, ought to also explain to the Guyanese public how this government can justify seeking/relying upon the legal advice of Mr. Jagan II when he is not a licensed attorney – anywhere in the world!
Finally, this PPP/C government should inform Guyanese how other qualified attorneys can obtain a position at the Office of the President with similar responsibilities and pay as that Mr. Jagan II enjoys.
Disgusted Guyanese

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Hold your horses now, this is just a claim being peddled by someone. Let us keep this in perspective, is the person "disgusted Guyanese" real and why did he/she not give their name? Is this person an investigative journalist or just another AFC/PNC rabble rouser?

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Hold your horses now, this is just a claim being peddled by someone. Let us keep this in perspective, is the person "disgusted Guyanese" real and why did he/she not give their name? Is this person an investigative journalist or just another AFC/PNC rabble rouser?

1. FYI, many real Guyanese are really disgusted with their govt.


2. Do you really need an answer to why Disgusted Guyanese never used his/her name? Could it be the same reason Disgusted Guyanese people don't post out of Guyana?




Originally Posted by redux:

people . . . this is small potatoes


imho, we should save our "disgust" for, and focus attention on the REAL shyte the PPP is hoping we continue to ignore

As long as the country continues to see massive progress under the PPP,  these claims by you and AFc/PNC types will be like throwing water on duck's back. You continue to fabricate tales of massive corruption, but are short on providing evidence. Look how you fools ran away from the corruption debates when you had the golden opportunity to expose the PPP for the alleged corruption you claim to the general public. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by redux:

people . . . this is small potatoes


imho, we should save our "disgust" for, and focus attention on the REAL shyte the PPP is hoping we continue to ignore

As long as the country continues to see massive progress under the PPP,  these claims by you and AFc/PNC types will be like throwing water on duck's back. You continue to fabricate tales of massive corruption, but are short on providing evidence. Look how you fools ran away from the corruption debates when you had the golden opportunity to expose the PPP for the alleged corruption you claim to the general public. 

ress yourself u quasi-literate donkey . . . nobody cares what u 'think'

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by redux:

people . . . this is small potatoes


imho, we should save our "disgust" for, and focus attention on the REAL shyte the PPP is hoping we continue to ignore

As long as the country continues to see massive progress under the PPP,  these claims by you and AFc/PNC types will be like throwing water on duck's back. You continue to fabricate tales of massive corruption, but are short on providing evidence. Look how you fools ran away from the corruption debates when you had the golden opportunity to expose the PPP for the alleged corruption you claim to the general public. 

ress yourself u quasi-literate donkey . . . nobody cares what u 'think'

hahaha, just like that other lower primate Mitwah, you run for cover when I apply the pressure. ahahahaha

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by redux:

people . . . this is small potatoes


imho, we should save our "disgust" for, and focus attention on the REAL shyte the PPP is hoping we continue to ignore

As long as the country continues to see massive progress under the PPP,  these claims by you and AFc/PNC types will be like throwing water on duck's back. You continue to fabricate tales of massive corruption, but are short on providing evidence. Look how you fools ran away from the corruption debates when you had the golden opportunity to expose the PPP for the alleged corruption you claim to the general public. 

ress yourself u quasi-literate donkey . . . nobody cares what u 'think'

hahaha, just like that other lower primate Mitwah, you run for cover when I apply the pressure. ahahahaha

yeah sure . . . next

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by redux:

people . . . this is small potatoes


imho, we should save our "disgust" for, and focus attention on the REAL shyte the PPP is hoping we continue to ignore

As long as the country continues to see massive progress under the PPP,  these claims by you and AFc/PNC types will be like throwing water on duck's back. You continue to fabricate tales of massive corruption, but are short on providing evidence. Look how you fools ran away from the corruption debates when you had the golden opportunity to expose the PPP for the alleged corruption you claim to the general public. 

ress yourself u quasi-literate donkey . . . nobody cares what u 'think'

hahaha, just like that other lower primate Mitwah, you run for cover when I apply the pressure. ahahahaha

Your mother is a donkey, your father the horse or vice versa. That makes you a mule. The good thing about this is you are sterile.  The world is saved from your inability to produce off springs. Keep on braying and fart on your goadee.


The young man is an attorney-at-law. He took several years of university to become one. He passed all of his exams at university.



The New York bar exam is one of the most difficult law exams anyone can take. Read about the Kennedy boy experiences with that exam.  For young Jagan to pass that exam in his second sitting is an accomplishment that no one should try to destroy for political gain.

Last edited by Prashad
Originally Posted by Prashad:

The young man is an attorney-at-law. He took several years of university to become one. He passed all of his exams at university.



The New York bar exam is one of the most difficult law exams anyone can take. Read about the Kennedy boy experiences with that exam.  For young Jagan to pass that exam in his second sitting is an accomplishment that no one should try to destroy for political gain.

The question is how can a qualified lawyer in Guyana earn $6 million a year at Office of the President for legal advice.  The facts are young Jagan who uses the letters ESQ falsely is not admitted to practice in Guyana.


There is no destruction of anyone's reputation here, it is a matter of principle and truth.


Would the father of the nation Dr Cheddi Jagan taken the people's money under such false pretense?


Prashad you answer! 

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Ronald Narain:
Originally Posted by Prashad:

The young man is an attorney-at-law. He took several years of university to become one. He passed all of his exams at university.



The New York bar exam is one of the most difficult law exams anyone can take. Read about the Kennedy boy experiences with that exam.  For young Jagan to pass that exam in his second sitting is an accomplishment that no one should try to destroy for political gain.

The question is how can a qualified lawyer in Guyana earn $6 million a year at Office of the President for legal advice.  The facts are young Jagan who uses the letters ESQ falsely is not admitted to practice in Guyana.


There is no destruction of anyone's reputation here, it is a matter of principle and truth.


Would the father of the nation Dr Cheddi Jagan taken the people's money under such false pretense?


Prashad you answer! 

The man could have practiced law in America and rake in hundreds of thousands of US dollars. Six million dollars a year is only $30,000.00 year. Is that too much to ask for a man of his qualification? Let's get real and look at this objectively. He chose to return home and serve his country. That's more than anyone on this board is prepared to do. 


Ronald Narain there is nothing to discuss with you.  You and some others on this board are out to soil and ruin the names of the Jagans.  I join this board so that I can put a stop to these attacks on the Jagans and the using of the Jagans name for personal political gain.  There is nothing to discuss with you. So shove off ( I would have used a much worst word than shove but I have too much respect for Amral)

Last edited by Prashad

The pay for lawyers is seriously unequal in the US. The top 10% makes most and become millionaires. You have about 60% making very little and still have to repay student loans. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Hold your horses now, this is just a claim being peddled by someone. Let us keep this in perspective, is the person "disgusted Guyanese" real and why did he/she not give their name? Is this person an investigative journalist or just another AFC/PNC rabble rouser?

 Shut your silly mouth. If the gentleman is paid for his legal skills as a lawyer then under the law it has to be one licensed by some authority. It does not have to be a Guyanese authority since his advice could on laws for other jurisdiction. I do not think his income is significant as carpenters make that in a couple of months. 

Originally Posted by TK:

This letter could have come right out from the GINA crew. Remember this is Joey's son. They might be trying to hit back at Joey. 

 I see your reasoning! I also agree they are creative at conniving but not at governing. I remember the paid posters here can get Nagamottoo cancel checks from Brassington to post it here but no accounting summary to illustrate NICIL is not a washing machine for PPP cronies. I do not deny this can be to excoriate, publicly reducible, and then expel this young gentleman as insubstantial .

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by TK:

This letter could have come right out from the GINA crew. Remember this is Joey's son. They might be trying to hit back at Joey. 

 I see your reasoning! I also agree they are creative at conniving but not at governing. I remember the paid posters here can get Nagamottoo cancel checks from Brassington to post it here but no accounting summary to illustrate NICIL is not a washing machine for PPP cronies. I do not deny this can be to excoriate, publicly reducible, and then expel this young gentleman as insubstantial .

They are indeed not smart at governing. These are the lowest of the low who are working as sycophants and news carriers. I remember a few years ago that moron Albert - who could not find a full time academic job in the US - telling me he is at UG at the moment and have evidence I broke some scholarship contract. They are not elever in that sense. However, rumormongering is what they are great at. 

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by TK:

This letter could have come right out from the GINA crew. Remember this is Joey's son. They might be trying to hit back at Joey. 

 I see your reasoning! I also agree they are creative at conniving but not at governing. I remember the paid posters here can get Nagamottoo cancel checks from Brassington to post it here but no accounting summary to illustrate NICIL is not a washing machine for PPP cronies. I do not deny this can be to excoriate, publicly reducible, and then expel this young gentleman as insubstantial .

They are indeed not smart at governing. These are the lowest of the low who are working as sycophants and news carriers. I remember a few years ago that moron Albert - who could not find a full time academic job in the US - telling me he is at UG at the moment and have evidence I broke some scholarship contract. They are not elever in that sense. However, rumormongering is what they are great at. 

I remember, I also remember he said he will kill me because that is how the PPP deals with "traitors". I bet he thought the International community was not looking then.

Originally Posted by TK:

They are indeed not smart at governing. These are the lowest of the low who are working as sycophants and news carriers.nse. However, rumormongering is what they are great at. 

You should try to take a panoramic view of situations and get a wider picture. You are often too focused on part of it.

The fact is that you are correct in your observation, but there is more. Far more. These people are there to hoard away not just the house but als the fittings. They act as if they own the place and that it is everyone for themselves.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:
Originally Posted by TK:

They are indeed not smart at governing. These are the lowest of the low who are working as sycophants and news carriers.nse. However, rumormongering is what they are great at. 

You should try to take a panoramic view of situations and get a wider picture. You are often too focused on part of it.

The fact is that you are correct in your observation, but there is more. Far more. These people are there to hoard away not just the house but als the fittings. They act as if they own the place and that it is everyone for themselves.

Mr T, good point you made here. I am taking a panoramic view of things. I agree with you that jokers like Conscience, Nehru, Skeldon_man, Druggie and Albert are part of a machinery to grab the resources of the people. They are the ones sent out to create diversions. Fortunately we have them covered here. That is why I organize them as being part of the oligarchy.  


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