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I read an article not long ago that says most Guyanese citizens are not too mindful of politics or even cares to get deeply involved. They worry more about their daily livelihood and issues surrounding their business and standard of living. However, they do get involved in the voting process a month or two before elections. Which means, the majority of Guyanese are not well informed about their government, politics, or what course of action is necessary to bring changes to their standard of living, working and social lives.                                                                                                              

We in the diaspora have a keen interest on most of what's happenings in Guyana, its government and politics through the free media and the internet more than Guyanese do at home.                                                                                

Take into account that most citizens like the cane harvesters and rice farmers who are less informed of their political representatives can be easily persuaded by opposition propaganda, and that can be an infringement on the voters rights and a serious problem at the poll.          


If this is true, what can be done to make sure that every citizen can exercise their democratic rights to vote for a candidate of their choice in the next election?

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This is why the people should not vote for the PPP/C.


Victim wants investigation of Freedom House JP in bogus car sale
July 11, 2013 | By KNews | Filed Under News

Babita Ramnarine and husband, Sewchand Dhunmmum want an investigation launched into the activities of a Justice of the Peace (JP) whom they say caused them to lose their recently purchased motorcar. The couple says that the JP, based at Freedom House on Robb Street, endorsed false documentation which purported that the couple had sold their hire car, HC 1339.

Babita Ramnarine and Sewchand Dhunmmum leave Freedom House after one of their numerous visits last month.

As a result, the couple says they have been plunged into debt. The vehicle was confiscated by the car dealership. Ramnarine and her husband are now facing financial difficulty at home. The couple lives at Lot 876 Belle West Housing Scheme, West Bank Demerara. The two explained that since Dhunmmum was injured in an armed robbery years ago, he is unable to perform tedious tasks. The family had finally gathered enough money last August and bought a vehicle which he worked as a taxi to support the family. Sometime after the car was purchased, Ramnarine said that it was hijacked while she and daughter were inside. The assailant took to them to East Bank Demerara, but then released them unharmed. After earnest searches, the vehicle was recovered within days in the yard of a gentleman living at Golden Grove, East Bank Demerara.

Reports were made to the police, the man was detained and the car was returned. Days following this, the couple said they were summoned to the Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR) at Eve Leary only to learn that the man was claiming that the couple had sold him the vehicle. To prove that they were the original vehicle owners, Ramnarine said they presented to the police the registration on request. The officer took the document to another room, returned it and told them to come back to OPR the following day.
When they returned, Ramnarine said to their surprise the alleged car thief had documents purporting that they had indeed sold their car. The JP’s signature and signatures purporting to be that of the couple were on the document. The matter was eventually taken to court since the police said they could not ascertain to whom the car really belonged.

The court ruled that the Belle West couple be given the car, but that was the start of their problems Ramnarine said. They are several months behind on car payments since the police kept the car during the court matter. The car dealership will not return the vehicle unless they clear their arrears. Ramnarine said that when confronted, the JP promised to pay off the car arrears, but fooled them by telling them to go back to OPR where he would bring the money. Instead, Ramnarine alleges, she and her husband were ordered at OPR, to sign a document saying that the JP owed them no money and that they would not go to the media with the matter. She said the document was never signed but they embarked on a quest for justice. Despite reports of the hijacking and false documents, Ramnarine said the police never launched an investigation.

For more than a month now, the couple has been trying to get the President’s attention but to no avail. Kaieteur News was told by the President’s secretary that he was engaged, but that he knew about that matter, and planned to look into it. Ramnarine said that even the ORP has offered no assistance into the matter. When Kaieteur News spoke to the head of the agency, Mohamed Jameer, last month he said he was aware of the matter and that the police had sent the matter to the court because they did not know who owned the car. When asked about investigations into fraud and kidnapping, he said the police had no such report.

So far, the couple has sought the advice of Attorney-at-law Khemraj Ramjattan who told Kaieteur News that the police are at fault for not following up the criminal matter of fraud and hijacking. If the car was found at the man’s home, they had to find out how he got it, Ramjattan said.  The authenticity and credibility of the JP should also be checked, Ramjattan continued. Ramnarine said that they are hoping that someone will hear their plight and offer some assistance in getting back their vehicle.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

In the PPP/C what can be done to make sure every grass root member exercise their democratic right and cast a vote and select the leader and other key positions for members of their choice in the party?  

Most of the grass root supporters are either retired or dead and no longer in politics. The PPP is a reform party since president Jagdeo administration. Today's PPP is catered for younger and brilliant politically minded Guyanese to carry the torch of the party. Losing a few old head doesn't mean they lost touch with the mainstream. You guys worry too much over the PPP and stop taking notes of the other two oppositions. The PPP is a working party if you notice what's going on weekly and daily in Guyana under Ramotar administration. The PPP never asked to lose sleep over them. They're going where no other party has gone before. 


The PPP 2013 congress: Dictatorship versus reality

September 10, 2013 | By

Mr. Ralph Ramkarran has done an interesting analysis on the recent election that came out of the PPP congress last month. He argued that Anil Nandlall who came in fourth at the voting to select the 35-member Central Committee was not elected into the Executive Committee by that 35-member unit. Mr. Ramkarran said that there was a campaign at the congress against Mr. Nandlall.
Is the failure of Mr. Nandlall to secure a seat on the policy-making Executive a manifestation of the divorce between PPP members and a core of its leaders? If your answer is no then that answer runs into problems when you consider that Mr. Kellawan Lall brought third to last yet won a place in the Executive and is elevated in terms of authority in that he occupies a seat in the PPP Secretariat  and chosen to be the editor of the party’s organ, Thunder.
Any analyst is bound to see a disconnection between the general membership and that core of leaders in that an apparatchik is placed fourth in congressional voting but is out of the policy-making body yet another party leader that lay at the bottom of the table finds a place in the executive.
This interpretation here is neither a comment on Mr. Nandlall or Mr. Lall. I simply point out the facts as the voting went. The frequent letter-writer that goes under the name M. Maxwell did an interesting statistical outlay in last Sunday KN of the voting patterns for the last three PPP congresses including 2013 and concluded that the 2013 voting results were tampered with.
If they were or were not, time is running out on the PPP for open, democratic voting from among its membership to chose its party leaders. We are in 2013; years before we reached the 21st century, this was the way party leaders were chosen. Go around the world to the most powerless parties that are not close to winning the government and they elect their leaders from among their membership.
Our neighbor, Trinidad, allowed a free vote in the UNC and the party’s leader Basdeo Panday was beaten. In the PNC, the party the PPP loves to hate, they have now incorporated the primary system where hierarchical members compete with each other. Even if you take into account the accusation by Dr. Faith Harding that her competitors were given an advantage over her candidacy, she could not have made that statement if there wasn’t an open contest.
On a related matter, Mr. Ramotar publicly acknowledged that at the congress groups of delegates sought to campaign against Mr. Jagdeo. This was good for democracy in the PPP. Mr. Jagdeo is capable of defending himself and had delegates within the congress that could have confronted the points of his detractors. But it raises the question again of a disjoint between the PPP membership and its highly centralized leadership.
The PPP would hardly have selected delegates to its congress if they were critical of the PPP. These are beneficiaries of the party and people active in the district committees. One must assume then that a negative campaign against Mr. Jagdeo did not mean a vilification of the PPP but directed against Mr. Jagdeo himself.
Surely this calls for analysis. After twelve years of the presidency and just twenty two months after his left office, there were delegates openly hostile to Mr. Jagdeo. Those critics must have identified some reasons why Mr. Jagdeo should not have been in the party’s hierarchy. It is possible that they were trying to keep Mr. Jagdeo out because they believe that he has taken the PPP far away from its original mooring?
These developments have implications when one looks at the possibility of snap poll. If the PPP dismisses the Nandlall/Lall/Jagdeo scenarios at the just concluded congress and regards Mr. Ralph Ramkarran as a disgruntled gentleman, then it will be a pattern that is so characteristic of authoritarian tradition, meaning that authoritarian leaders just cannot muster enough mental fortitude to comprehend the world around them.
There is nothing in the PPP’s chemistry to suggest that the party will reflect on what happened at the congress and internalize the lessons of history. A majority of Guyanese may be wrong in the reason they offer for the scare the PPP got when they saw the results of the 2011 election results.
The scare was there alright but the reason is another matter altogether. That core of leaders actually believes that the Indians were so assured of a PPP victory that they didn’t bother to go out to vote. Dictatorship and reality are opposites.

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

In the PPP/C what can be done to make sure every grass root member exercise their democratic right and cast a vote and select the leader and other key positions for members of their choice in the party?  

Most of the grass root supporters are either retired or dead and no longer in politics. The PPP is a reform party since president Jagdeo administration. Today's PPP is catered for younger and brilliant politically minded Guyanese to carry the torch of the party. Losing a few old head doesn't mean they lost touch with the mainstream. You guys worry too much over the PPP and stop taking notes of the other two oppositions. The PPP is a working party if you notice what's going on weekly and daily in Guyana under Ramotar administration. The PPP never asked to lose sleep over them. They're going where no other party has gone before. 


A big load of crap!


I believe Cobra is on to something here,some  Guyanese folks don't pay attention to the AFc/PNC stealing and killing that is why a few fall for their lies 2 months before elections.  The pedophile crew led by mitjuanita and co chaired by worrier should take heed and start a blitz in their lies 2 months ahead of elections instead of punishing themselves year round with nonsense. ahahha


I did read something to this nature from a letter submitted to the chronicle newspaper a while back. Some of which proved true of how the cane cutters and sugar workers are being approached by AFC propagandist, Gerhard, to lied to them and steer their mind on false promises. They will never go the intelligent voters and lied to them because they will get slapped around. This is also happening in the PPP stronghold by APNU where poor voters live. So, desperate party will do desperate things to the poor and vulnerable voters.

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by JB:

APNU is the only party in Guyana that allowed a free vote. 

It's on the record to prove that the PPP since 1992 is responsible for free voting, free press, and freedom of movements that set the standard for a free democratic nation. Where is your record?

For the record, you mistake the facts. The PPP did not return us to democracy. They were for all intents and purposes inheritors of the struggle of many people. One remembers that Rodney was on the front lines when the PPP were offering critical support as to toe the line of their Soviet masters.


Many group inclusive of the catholic church, Overseas elements all struggle in unison. It was inevitable the PPP would win given Indians superior numbers but they were to transition us into democracy


Instead they retain the old dictatorial constitution and actually insist on totalitarian power. These are vestiges of the cold war era. They still run their party per the rules of the third Leninist congress. They are apparently alien to democracy and only pay lip service to the process. 


Get this in your granite head; fifteen member or less select the Presidential candidate for the PPP! The people, lacking proper voice and exit strategies given our executive presidency and closed party list have  are pawns to the process. They are a captured participants. No one selected Jagdeo or Ramotar. The PPP cabal selected them.




July 21, 2013 | By | Filed Under News 


By Ralph Seeram 
We knew for sure we were in for a severe “cut ass”. My cousin Eric and I had broken a most important rule of my aunt; do not go and play without permission. More important do not go beyond the immediate home surroundings. Not only did we venture beyond the immediate area but we were missing for about two hours.
One of my cousins met us at the gate and gleefully told us to prepare for “licks”. My aunt was a strict disciplinarian. She had to be; she had eleven children of her own plus me. Now you may be wondering, what was our major infraction of the rules? Well we went to the Babu John foreshore to catch birds.
Yes a group of friends decided to go to the Babu John foreshore, where flocks of birds gathered to feast on shrimps and fishes on the foreshore, the very foreshore on which Cheddi Jagan was cremated.
We basically had one person chasing the flock and we threw cast nets to catch the birds. We caught hundreds, and divided them among ourselves and headed home. As my cousin and I were about to enter our yard we were greeted by another cousin who with some measure of satisfaction told us to “prepare for licks”.
We were already prepared, so when my aunt asked where we went, we told her we went to Babu John and showed her our catch. To our amazement she calmly told us to clean up the birds and bring them to her to cook. That was it; she loved bird meat; the birds of Babu John saved our hide from a licking. Today the question is, can Babu John save the PPP?
The PPP is returning to Babu John at Port Mourant for its congress—Port Mourant the birth and memorial site of its founder leader Cheddi Jagan.  Port Mourant was considered the heart of the PPP, and I use the word “was” in a relative sense. There was a time when you dare not say anything “bad” about the PPP to the people of Port Mourant. Now the people of Port Mourant are speaking “bad” of the PPP. That’s how far the PPP has declined.
The evidence became very clear at the elections in 2011, where the AFC made inroads in the PPP strongholdâ€Ķ But don’t tell that to Clement Rohee and company. They delude themselves that everything is going smoothly within the party; there is no disunity in the rank and file.
Clement Rohee is either an idiot or in “la la land” to not realize that the PPP is in deep trouble. The former maybe closer when you consider the idiotic statements he made in his mathematical equation, using the initials of Ralph Ramkarran, Moses Nagamootoo and Khemraj Ramjattan. The PPP has lost support even among its base support, sugar workers.
Will congress at Babu John map out a plan for the PPP to retain its former glory? Some in the party may wonder why the party is losing support in a thriving economy. Despite what some may argue, the PPP government has done a great job in terms of the economy. The answer is what most Guyanese are aware off, the corrupt nature of some in Government.
In case they have not noticed the PPP has been losing votes consistently at each election culminating with them losing the House at the 2011 election. Today they are paying the price for that. In fact, the Guyanese public is paying the price as the APNU and AFC opposition keeps decimating their projects and development plans, such as the new airport, the Marriott Hotel, the subsidy to electricity and now the Amaila Falls Hydro Project.
President Donald Ramotar must be frustrated by these irresponsible actions of the opposition parties. Most of these plans were formulated by former President Bharrat Jagdeo and it’s ironic, as the general feelings are that Jagdeo cost them the election.
So what’s the way forward for the PPP? What changes will congress at Babu John make? Ralph Ramkarran has spelt it out for the PPP. He made a road map for the recovery, and those delegates attending should read his piece. For some in the PPP, instead of paying attention to what he said, like Rohee, they attacked him. Some of the PPP mouthpieces and soup drinkers went to the internet to attack Ramkarran’s character.  Instead of paying attention to the message they are attacking the messenger.
President Ramotar, I am sure, wants to make some changes. I gathered this much during my interview with him a few months ago. But he will need the assistance of delegates at the forth coming congress at Babu John. Delegates will have to vociferously voice their concerns about the corruption in the Party; they will have to sweep out the new elite that have drifted away from the ideals from its founder Cheddi Jagan.
The President, I am sure, is looking forward to the Congress to strengthen “his hand” to make significant changes. He is aware of what needs to be done, but those PPP delegates who are disenchanted will have to give him the support he needs.
One must remember that those at the top control the “pie”, they may want to retain their position by doling out small pieces of the “pie” to delegates. Promises of jobs, position and perks can be tempting. There will be some serious internal campaigning by the elite to retain their position, these elites really do not care about the survival of the PPP, they care about their bank accounts and that is what delegates have to pay attention to.
So the question is, will Babu John save the PPP ship from sinking further, or will they steer it in the direction Ralph Ramkarran mapped out for them? The last PPP congress was three years ago. Who knows if the next one will be three years from now well past the next election? This makes this Babu John congress crucial for the survival of the party.
Babu John saved my cousin and me from a licking. Can Babu John save the PPP from a severe licking at the next election?

Ralph Seeram can be reached at email:



Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by JB:

APNU is the only party in Guyana that allowed a free vote. 

It's on the record to prove that the PPP since 1992 is responsible for free voting, free press, and freedom of movements that set the standard for a free democratic nation.

 The PPP has been losing votes consistently at each election culminating with them losing the House at the 2011 election and will continue to spiral  downward .

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by JB:

APNU is the only party in Guyana that allowed a free vote. 

It's on the record to prove that the PPP since 1992 is responsible for free voting, free press, and freedom of movements that set the standard for a free democratic nation. Where is your record?

The party election was rigged to remove Moses and Mr Ramkarran. A few weeks ago they rigged it again against Nandalall. Boodhoo tried to fudge the numbers and Mr Vincent Alexander of the PNC stopped him. Don't kid yourself those Stalinist corruptocrats in the PPP will rig an election if they have to just like Forbes. The opposition has to be vigilant. 

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Cobra, the PPP will loose the next election. Bishram is ashamed to post the recent outcome of his poll.


So, you believe in Bisram poll when it's convenient, right? Do you believe in his recent poll on Amaila Falls Project? Yes or No will be fine!

He has no credibilty.


The PPP has lost support even among its base support, sugar workers.


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