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Former Member

By Kurt Campbell


General Secretary of the PPP, Clement Rohee leads the protest in front of Parliament.

General Secretary of the PPP, Clement Rohee leads the protest in front of Parliament.


[] – Hundreds of Sugar workers are at the moment protesting outside the Parliament Building where the consideration of the estimates of the 2014 will commence shortly.


The sugar workers grievances are in relation to the speculation that the Opposition will disapprove the $6B allocated in the budget to the Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo).


The first estimates to be considered when the House convenes is those of the Agriculture Sector.



“If they want to cut, let them cut cane,” protestors shouted.


The protest action was being led by General Secretary of the ruling People’s Progressive Party Clement Rohee, Ministers of the Government and other party representatives.


Those protesting contended that if the money is disapproved, it could possibly lead to the shutdown of the industry, thereby putting them out of jobs. Sugar workers form a large part of the PPP’s support base.



Rohee charged the more than 300 sugar workers to demand from the Opposition that they approve the money. Government has been providing subventions to the industry over the last two years, none of which was ultimately disapproved.


Sugar workers during the protest. [iNews' Photo]

Sugar workers during the protest.

Sugar workers during the protest. [iNews' Photo]

Sugar workers during the protest.

Meanwhile, Alliance For Change (AFC) Executive Member Moses Nagamootoo joined the protestors and was meted with much disgust and rejection. (Let's examine Moses National unity)


He told Inews in an invited comment that the protest was ethnic mobilization on the part of the PPP. (Shameless)



To this end Agriculture Minister Dr. Leslie Ramsammy rejected Nagamootoo’s assertions, stating that it was an absolutely reprehensible comment and he should be ashamed.



He argued that the sugar workers had a right to protest for their subvention, positing that it was the same people the AFC would return to for support at the next elections.



Dr. Ramsammy admitted that indeed there were challenges in the industry but noted that the administration is working to address those challenges.



Meanwhile, Nagamootoo told iNews, “I understand they were told that they would be paid a day’s pay to come and do this so I don’t see why they wouldn’t, I want to warn sugar workers not to be misused by the government” Nagamootoo said.



Nagamootoo said his Party and the Opposition by extension is concerned with the mismanagement of the industry and the lack of a plan to steer the industry in the right direction.


He recalled demands for audits into the monies spent so far, which has not been forthcoming.



He said what the opposition wants is to see the money spent to benefit sugar workers and a reexamination of the estimates.


The APNU and AFC has said before the commencement of the budget debates that the industry should consider moving in a direction to start producing ethanol and aquaculture.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Meanwhile, Alliance For Change (AFC) Executive Member Moses Nagamootoo joined the protestors and was meted with much disgust and rejection. (Let's examine Moses National unity)

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Meanwhile, Alliance For Change (AFC) Executive Member Moses Nagamootoo joined the protestors and was meted with much disgust and rejection. (Let's examine Moses National unity)

Like Dem Canecutters called Moses name. Can anyone report the names he was called???


He told Inews in an invited comment that the protest was ethnic mobilization on the part of the PPP. (Shameless)


We have to find out what percentage of Indians cutting cane as compared to blacks.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Cobra:

He told Inews in an invited comment that the protest was ethnic mobilization on the part of the PPP. (Shameless)

I rest my case with this POWER HUNGRY man. !!!!!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by Cobra:

We have to find out what percentage of Indians cutting cane as compared to blacks.

The man is simply delusional, Power hungry and has demonstrated his willingness to sellout any ethics he may have left!!!  Shameless is now a compliment for him. He is way beyond SHAMELESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Moses fell short of speaking his mind like Carl Greenedge when he said that coolie cane cutters is PPP problem in last year's budget debate. Moses suddenly trade his Indian heritage since he join the AFC. It's a shame and disgrace for Moses to say that the protest is an ethnic mobilization when the majority of cane cutters are Indians. So much for his national unity speech, and so much for his love for Cheddi Jagan who fought for the working class.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Moses fell short of speaking his mind like Carl Greenedge when he said that coolie cane cutters is PPP problem in last year's budget debate. Moses suddenly trade his Indian heritage since he join the AFC. It's a shame and disgrace for Moses to say that the protest is an ethnic mobilization when the majority of cane cutters are Indians. So much for his national unity speech, and so much for his love for Cheddi Jagan who fought for the working class.


Originally Posted by Cobra:

Moses fell short of speaking his mind like Carl Greenedge when he said that coolie cane cutters is PPP problem in last year's budget debate. Moses suddenly trade his Indian heritage since he join the AFC. It's a shame and disgrace for Moses to say that the protest is an ethnic mobilization when the majority of cane cutters are Indians. So much for his national unity speech, and so much for his love for Cheddi Jagan who fought for the working class.

When do you show concern for the FORMER bauxite workers.  Former because the PPP sold off bauxite and 80% were laid off by the new owners.


No you rant and rave about "dem lazy and ungrateful blackman".


If you want national unity, you need to reciprocate, but then that is not something that the PPP wants.

Originally Posted by albert:

I expect these protesters to be described as paid PPP stooges etc. As usual when ever persons protest opposition actions they are 'paid' PPP operatives

Do you think "real sugar workers" who clearly know the looting of their industry by the PPP is the bane of their existence will come here to say how much the need more money to feed the PPP pockets? Obviously Raj Sing and his fat cat salary is known to them. These are bussed in poor needing a flag and a meal plus a couple of drinks.It is a foregone conclusion the PPP is no longer a functioning administration but a well oiled criminal cartel

Originally Posted by albert:

I expect these protesters to be described as paid PPP stooges etc. As usual when ever persons protest opposition actions they are 'paid' PPP operatives

Tek a survey. Many of them was never in a canefield. Not even to catch fish at the A-bandeen.

Originally Posted by albert:

I expect these protesters to be described as paid PPP stooges etc. As usual when ever persons protest opposition actions they are 'paid' PPP operatives

Tek a survey. Many of them was never in a canefield. Not even to catch fish at the A-bandeen.

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by albert:

I expect these protesters to be described as paid PPP stooges etc. As usual when ever persons protest opposition actions they are 'paid' PPP operatives

Tek a survey. Many of them was never in a canefield. Not even to catch fish at the A-bandeen.

And you know dat by sitting on your stink, FAT ASS!!!!

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by albert:

I expect these protesters to be described as paid PPP stooges etc. As usual when ever persons protest opposition actions they are 'paid' PPP operatives

Tek a survey. Many of them was never in a canefield. Not even to catch fish at the A-bandeen.

And you know dat by sitting on your stink, FAT ASS!!!!

you can know when a government is no good when they have to protest,i think the ppp have it backward.well its guyana we talking about 

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by albert:

I expect these protesters to be described as paid PPP stooges etc. As usual when ever persons protest opposition actions they are 'paid' PPP operatives

Tek a survey. Many of them was never in a canefield. Not even to catch fish at the A-bandeen.

And you know dat by sitting on your stink, FAT ASS!!!!

you can know when a government is no good when they have to protest,i think the ppp have it backward.well its guyana we talking about 

HEHEHE DEm ah SUPPORT THE GOVT.I know it is not easy to understand simple things sometimes.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by albert:

I expect these protesters to be described as paid PPP stooges etc. As usual when ever persons protest opposition actions they are 'paid' PPP operatives

Tek a survey. Many of them was never in a canefield. Not even to catch fish at the A-bandeen.

And you know dat by sitting on your stink, FAT ASS!!!!

you can know when a government is no good when they have to protest,i think the ppp have it backward.well its guyana we talking about 

HEHEHE DEm ah SUPPORT THE GOVT.I know it is not easy to understand simple things sometimes.

thats good but is the government supporting them

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by albert:

I expect these protesters to be described as paid PPP stooges etc. As usual when ever persons protest opposition actions they are 'paid' PPP operatives

Tek a survey. Many of them was never in a canefield. Not even to catch fish at the A-bandeen.

And you know dat by sitting on your stink, FAT ASS!!!!

you can know when a government is no good when they have to protest,i think the ppp have it backward.well its guyana we talking about 

HEHEHE DEm ah SUPPORT THE GOVT.I know it is not easy to understand simple things sometimes.

thats good but is the government supporting them

It is a BRAND NEW and IMPROVED Guyana, workers ARE ALLOWED to FIGHT for their RIGHT. NO Black Clothes Squad to Assasinate then no more UNLESS we VOTE KFC?PNC.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by albert:

I expect these protesters to be described as paid PPP stooges etc. As usual when ever persons protest opposition actions they are 'paid' PPP operatives

Tek a survey. Many of them was never in a canefield. Not even to catch fish at the A-bandeen.

And you know dat by sitting on your stink, FAT ASS!!!!

you can know when a government is no good when they have to protest,i think the ppp have it backward.well its guyana we talking about 

HEHEHE DEm ah SUPPORT THE GOVT.I know it is not easy to understand simple things sometimes.

thats good but is the government supporting them

It is a BRAND NEW and IMPROVED Guyana, workers ARE ALLOWED to FIGHT for their RIGHT. NO Black Clothes Squad to Assasinate then no more UNLESS we VOTE KFC?PNC.

spoken like a jumbie stuck in the past,grow up 

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by albert:

I expect these protesters to be described as paid PPP stooges etc. As usual when ever persons protest opposition actions they are 'paid' PPP operatives

Tek a survey. Many of them was never in a canefield. Not even to catch fish at the A-bandeen.

And you know dat by sitting on your stink, FAT ASS!!!!

you can know when a government is no good when they have to protest,i think the ppp have it backward.well its guyana we talking about 

HEHEHE DEm ah SUPPORT THE GOVT.I know it is not easy to understand simple things sometimes.

thats good but is the government supporting them

It is a BRAND NEW and IMPROVED Guyana, workers ARE ALLOWED to FIGHT for their RIGHT. NO Black Clothes Squad to Assasinate then no more UNLESS we VOTE KFC?PNC.

spoken like a jumbie stuck in the past,grow up 

Yeh bhai Nehru is right. Freedom rings in Guyana. We is baad. You of no duh.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by albert:

I expect these protesters to be described as paid PPP stooges etc. As usual when ever persons protest opposition actions they are 'paid' PPP operatives

Tek a survey. Many of them was never in a canefield. Not even to catch fish at the A-bandeen.

And you know dat by sitting on your stink, FAT ASS!!!!

Couldn't have said it better

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by albert:

I expect these protesters to be described as paid PPP stooges etc. As usual when ever persons protest opposition actions they are 'paid' PPP operatives

Do you think "real sugar workers" who clearly know the looting of their industry by the PPP is the bane of their existence will come here to say how much the need more money to feed the PPP pockets? Obviously Raj Sing and his fat cat salary is known to them. These are bussed in poor needing a flag and a meal plus a couple of drinks.It is a foregone conclusion the PPP is no longer a functioning administration but a well oiled criminal cartel

This shows the state of delusion which permeates the AFC no wonder Sase ran along. Ya'll still believe is di same ignorant and uninformed set of people ya'll dealing with .............wait till you see how enlightened these people are and how one of them spoke glowingly about the AFC quacks

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by albert:

I expect these protesters to be described as paid PPP stooges etc. As usual when ever persons protest opposition actions they are 'paid' PPP operatives

Do you think "real sugar workers" who clearly know the looting of their industry by the PPP is the bane of their existence will come here to say how much the need more money to feed the PPP pockets? Obviously Raj Sing and his fat cat salary is known to them. These are bussed in poor needing a flag and a meal plus a couple of drinks.It is a foregone conclusion the PPP is no longer a functioning administration but a well oiled criminal cartel



Originally Posted by Stormborn:

this is the PPP using NCN as their convenient campaign platform. These are real and spontaneous voices of angst in the sugar belt as Plumpy as a legitimate bikini model!

Is that all you have to say? Wow.


These Crab louse cannot complain that they were given all the time they want to build their best case before anyone respond.


General Secretary of the PPP, Clement Rohee leads the protest in front of Parliament.  Trucking in 300 supporters,(300 Drunks)

giving dem lil fryrice,

A Flattie(lil Rum) & a lil freck(small piece) .......

do not change the facts.


De cane cutters have not gained a penny

from de Millions of US Dollars

white elephant now at Skeldon.


If the canecutters did not benefit from Skeldon .....

please tell us who did?

Where did all that money Go??????


I want Rohee, Ramsammy, Ashnee

or anyone of the 300 Donkey who get paid,

tell us anyone Canecutter in Guyana

who happy with Raj Singh Salary....

(which canecutter in Guyana happy about Raj Singh Millions)



Soon....very soon

when De Real Canecutters go on strike again...

where will these 300 Sagiwang be....



If Rohee go so much confidence

in 300 Rummouth....

why don't he get Ramotar fuh ....

Call Elections now....

if he think them got a chance of winning.....


If this Rent-a-crowd

300 Sagiwan was not Ethnic Mobilization

how come we do not see

Kwame, Lamumba, Bynoe, Edgehill,

Kit Nascimento, Norman McClean,

Brian Young, Gerry Gouviea

or any Black PPP-House Of Isreal Hindu

in de mix.


Wha happen de thugs

give way fuh de 300 Sagiwang.


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