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Yes, I would like TK to comment on this Volda Lawrence story.




Lawrence says illness affected crucial spending vote

Posted By Staff Writer On December 14, 2013 @ 5:16 am In Local News | No Comments

APNU MP Volda Lawrence yesterday defended her actions during crucial voting in the National Assembly on Thursday, which resulted in several government spending measures being passed even though the joint opposition had intended to slash them.

Leader of the Opposition David Granger yesterday said that APNU will be conducting an investigation into the twist of events which saw government outvoting the opposition on a number of allocations brought in financial papers to the National Assembly after Lawrence said she fell ill.

Volda Lawrence

Volda Lawrence

Lawrence at one stage left the Chamber, rushing out without the customary bow before the Speaker on entry and exit. When she later returned, she seemed disoriented and unsteady. The failure of her vote to register enabled funding for the controversial Specialty Hospital to be approved.

Speaking at a press conference held yesterday at the Office of the Leader of the Opposition, Granger addressed the issue when questioned by members of the media.

“My information was that in the first instance Mrs. Lawrence left the Chamber because she was not well. Two other MPs went to assist her and one actually came back and asked for some medication which Lawrence had in her bag and took that medication to her. When she came back and sat in her chair she was obviously distraught and I heard no sound from her,” said Granger. “I wouldn’t use the word ‘abstain’ but there was no sound from her and the vote was taken,” said Granger.

“So this matter has to be investigated as to whether there was a breakdown in communication. My information is that she was ill and that is what I am working towards. I haven’t been able to meet with her as yet,” he said.

Asked whether members had to vote along a certain line, Granger said, “We have a Shadow Cabinet and Mrs Lawrence is a part of that Shadow Cabinet. We take decisions collectively and we also have APNU Parliamentary Group [which meets once a month].”

He said that while there was no caucus of the APNU members yesterday, the Shadow Cabinet took decisions on the vote affecting the Specialty Hospital, “and we have a long standing position on all matters effecting Mr. Clement Rohee’s Ministry so our positions were clear,” he said.

Granger said that he is yet to determine what happened. “My information from last night is that she left because she was unwell,” he asked. Asked why it was that Lawrence stayed in the Chamber when she was not well enough to exercise her vote, Granger said, “I down have all the answers at this time as I said it is being investigated.”


‘I took ill’

Speaking to this newspaper yesterday, Lawrence said that for the vote on the Specialty Hospital, she was in the Chamber when the question was put for its approval or disapproval in the Committee. “I was in the room when it was put and I took ill,” she said. “I was waiting on the vote and I could not wait anymore or else I would have puked [there and then] on the people around me,” Lawrence said.

She insisted, however, that she voted against the Amerindian projects allocation of $500m and the allocation for the Ministry of Health though those weren’t officially registered as negations. “The only one I abstained from is the vote for the allocation for the Ministry of Home Affairs,” she said in a weak and feeble voice.

Convinced that she voted against two of the allocations and abstained on only one, Lawrence telephoned Clerk of the National Assembly Sherlock Isaacs yesterday to challenge what she said had to be a mistake in yesterday’s edition of this newspaper in recording the way the votes went. According to her, Isaacs on the other end of the line confirmed the information that Stabroek News had as being correct. She, however, insisted that she voted against the Amerindian projects in the amount of $500 million allocation as well as the allocation for the Ministry of Health’s Specialty Hospital – an amount of $34.4 million. “The [allocations for] the Ministry of Home Affairs were taken as a block vote and by the time I could speak to [Opposition Chief Whip Amna Ally] about it, [APNU MP] Annette Ferguson had already started to say no,” she said.

The allocation was presented on Financial Paper 2/2013 – Advances made from the Contingencies Fund for the period August 13, 2013 to November 5, 2013 – and covered a number of activities including office materials, rental of building, polygraph testing, training of the SWAT Unit and dietary supplies.

Lawrence said that she did not want to vote against some of the contentious items in the allocation to the detriment of the non-contentious ones and therefore abstained on that and only that occasion. “I cannot recognise something as a fault and still [be a part of it]. I am an individual. I must be able to think,” she said. “I said yes to the other two but it was inaudible,” she said.

Lawrence said that she will write Speaker of the National Assembly Raphael Trotman explaining her actions with a view to setting the record straight.

Asked what her reaction was to APNU’s decision to investigate her actions on Thursday night, Lawrence said that this is something she was expecting. “I expect that we will have a discussion about it and have the matter dealt with. I am looking forward to that,” she said.

According to information reaching this newspaper, it is likely that the record in the National Assembly will stand as is, since the period for making appeals of such  nature would have been following the Speaker’s official announcement of the results of the vote as tabulated by the Clerk and the Deputy Clerk.

An observer said that it was strange that Lawrence would be unsure of how her party was voting since she was 28th in line and she would have had 27 opportunities in hearing what line the party was voting. The observer said that this might mean that she was convinced of herself that she was voting along the party lines but the reality was that she was not loud enough.

There have been several occasions where opposition MPs have failed to properly vote allowing key government initiatives to pass the House where the opposition has a wafer-thin one seat majority. A key vote in the Public Accounts Committee in parliament also went against the opposition after one of their MPs was unable to be present for the meeting.




Originally Posted by Conscience:

His skin is thin, the making of a poor politician, he ran off this forum like a little sissy, afraid to be criticized.

At least he's not one of Kwame's butt boys like you, whose job is to post PPP propaganda on GNI. The man has a real job and a real doctorate. You can only dream about those achievements.


TK is now a liability to any party that he joins. He party hopped until the last option was the PNC. The PNC has totally ignored him and put him on notice that they need votes not papers. TK cannot deliver hence his liability grows beyond recovery. 


His departure had zero impact on the AFC. Word is that the AFC was relieved that the left.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:

TK is now a liability to any party that he joins. He party hopped until the last option was the PNC. The PNC has totally ignored him and put him on notice that they need votes not papers. TK cannot deliver hence his liability grows beyond recovery. 


His departure had zero impact on the AFC. Word is that the AFC was relieved that the left.


Well are you scared he is supporting APNU. The guys are working for electing Mr Granger to put you all in jail. 

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

TK is now a liability to any party that he joins. He party hopped until the last option was the PNC. The PNC has totally ignored him and put him on notice that they need votes not papers. TK cannot deliver hence his liability grows beyond recovery. 


His departure had zero impact on the AFC. Word is that the AFC was relieved that the left.


Well are you scared he is supporting APNU. The guys are working for electing Mr Granger to put you all in jail. 




Even the PNC is trying to get rid of him since they made it very clear that the need votes and not a talker. TK is just that... a talker. A liability to any party that he joins. Well.... there is no other party for him to join.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

TK is now a liability to any party that he joins. He party hopped until the last option was the PNC. The PNC has totally ignored him and put him on notice that they need votes not papers. TK cannot deliver hence his liability grows beyond recovery. 


His departure had zero impact on the AFC. Word is that the AFC was relieved that the left.


Well are you scared he is supporting APNU. The guys are working for electing Mr Granger to put you all in jail. 




Even the PNC is trying to get rid of him since they made it very clear that the need votes and not a talker. TK is just that... a talker. A liability to any party that he joins. Well.... there is no other party for him to join.

Well for a talker he certainly have you and the PPP on their toes. As a thieve you are very uncomfortable with the things he and people like Rose and Sase write. 

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

TK is now a liability to any party that he joins. He party hopped until the last option was the PNC. The PNC has totally ignored him and put him on notice that they need votes not papers. TK cannot deliver hence his liability grows beyond recovery. 


His departure had zero impact on the AFC. Word is that the AFC was relieved that the left.


Well are you scared he is supporting APNU. The guys are working for electing Mr Granger to put you all in jail. 




Even the PNC is trying to get rid of him since they made it very clear that the need votes and not a talker. TK is just that... a talker. A liability to any party that he joins. Well.... there is no other party for him to join.

Well for a talker he certainly have you and the PPP on their toes. As a thieve you are very uncomfortable with the things he and people like Rose and Sase write. 

When I questioned TK what he would do if a student disrespects him in the class room, he refused to answer. He could not stand up to a freshman in college. How would he react to a bully such as Grainger or Carl G? He is a follower not a leader. He will always be in the shadows.

Did TK believe that the AFC was and is fading in the sunset? Is this why he bolted? 

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

TK is now a liability to any party that he joins. He party hopped until the last option was the PNC. The PNC has totally ignored him and put him on notice that they need votes not papers. TK cannot deliver hence his liability grows beyond recovery. 


His departure had zero impact on the AFC. Word is that the AFC was relieved that the left.


Well are you scared he is supporting APNU. The guys are working for electing Mr Granger to put you all in jail. 




Even the PNC is trying to get rid of him since they made it very clear that the need votes and not a talker. TK is just that... a talker. A liability to any party that he joins. Well.... there is no other party for him to join.

Well for a talker he certainly have you and the PPP on their toes. As a thieve you are very uncomfortable with the things he and people like Rose and Sase write. 

When I questioned TK what he would do if a student disrespects him in the class room, he refused to answer. He could not stand up to a freshman in college. How would he react to a bully such as Grainger or Carl G? He is a follower not a leader. He will always be in the shadows.

Did TK believe that the AFC was and is fading in the sunset? Is this why he bolted? 

Here you are, asking a hypothetical ( to you since the man is in a class rooom) and because he refuses to answer you conclude that he cannot stand up to a freshman so any other is outside his pervue. What effortless display of distilled ignorance!

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

TK is now a liability to any party that he joins. He party hopped until the last option was the PNC. The PNC has totally ignored him and put him on notice that they need votes not papers. TK cannot deliver hence his liability grows beyond recovery. 


His departure had zero impact on the AFC. Word is that the AFC was relieved that the left.


Well are you scared he is supporting APNU. The guys are working for electing Mr Granger to put you all in jail. 




Even the PNC is trying to get rid of him since they made it very clear that the need votes and not a talker. TK is just that... a talker. A liability to any party that he joins. Well.... there is no other party for him to join.

Well for a talker he certainly have you and the PPP on their toes. As a thieve you are very uncomfortable with the things he and people like Rose and Sase write. 

When I questioned TK what he would do if a student disrespects him in the class room, he refused to answer. He could not stand up to a freshman in college. How would he react to a bully such as Grainger or Carl G? He is a follower not a leader. He will always be in the shadows.

Did TK believe that the AFC was and is fading in the sunset? Is this why he bolted? 

And your point is?

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

TK is now a liability to any party that he joins. He party hopped until the last option was the PNC. The PNC has totally ignored him and put him on notice that they need votes not papers. TK cannot deliver hence his liability grows beyond recovery. 


His departure had zero impact on the AFC. Word is that the AFC was relieved that the left.


Well are you scared he is supporting APNU. The guys are working for electing Mr Granger to put you all in jail. 




Even the PNC is trying to get rid of him since they made it very clear that the need votes and not a talker. TK is just that... a talker. A liability to any party that he joins. Well.... there is no other party for him to join.

Well for a talker he certainly have you and the PPP on their toes. As a thieve you are very uncomfortable with the things he and people like Rose and Sase write. 

When I questioned TK what he would do if a student disrespects him in the class room, he refused to answer. He could not stand up to a freshman in college. How would he react to a bully such as Grainger or Carl G? He is a follower not a leader. He will always be in the shadows.

Did TK believe that the AFC was and is fading in the sunset? Is this why he bolted? 

Here you are, asking a hypothetical ( to you since the man is in a class rooom) and because he refuses to answer you conclude that he cannot stand up to a freshman so any other is outside his pervue. What effortless display of distilled ignorance!

Welfare Case #00000001,

This is not a hypothetical question. I have seen this happen in the classroom. I would call you a jackass, but I will only be insulting the innocent animals.  

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

TK is now a liability to any party that he joins. He party hopped until the last option was the PNC. The PNC has totally ignored him and put him on notice that they need votes not papers. TK cannot deliver hence his liability grows beyond recovery. 


His departure had zero impact on the AFC. Word is that the AFC was relieved that the left.


Well are you scared he is supporting APNU. The guys are working for electing Mr Granger to put you all in jail. 




Even the PNC is trying to get rid of him since they made it very clear that the need votes and not a talker. TK is just that... a talker. A liability to any party that he joins. Well.... there is no other party for him to join.

Well for a talker he certainly have you and the PPP on their toes. As a thieve you are very uncomfortable with the things he and people like Rose and Sase write. 

When I questioned TK what he would do if a student disrespects him in the class room, he refused to answer. He could not stand up to a freshman in college. How would he react to a bully such as Grainger or Carl G? He is a follower not a leader. He will always be in the shadows.

Did TK believe that the AFC was and is fading in the sunset? Is this why he bolted? 

Here you are, asking a hypothetical ( to you since the man is in a class rooom) and because he refuses to answer you conclude that he cannot stand up to a freshman so any other is outside his pervue. What effortless display of distilled ignorance!

Welfare Case #00000001,

This is not a hypothetical question. I have seen this happen in the classroom. I would call you a jackass, but I will only be insulting the innocent animals.  

I call you a man complacent in his fantasy to make all sorts of delusional claims being impoverish of mind and not so great in the pocket either that you need this to feel good. Dream all you want but ask the guys here what I do to fools who get personal and mean on no account.

Originally Posted by Conscience:


How often will you post that creepy dude pretending to save the nation by counting who spent what on bigan and bora? Where is his diligence on the Marriott or the white elephant at Skeldon?


BTW when will we get full disclosure laws from the PPP with respect to elections spending. Surely if they are so concerned they that no quid quo pro exists between the party and the donor. One would not like what happened with jagdeo, receiving 29 tons of swag from a party supporter who subsequently benefited directly from national asset give aways

Originally Posted by yuji22:

TK is now a liability to any party that he joins. He party hopped until the last option was the PNC. The PNC has totally ignored him and put him on notice that they need votes not papers. TK cannot deliver hence his liability grows beyond recovery. 


His departure had zero impact on the AFC. Word is that the AFC was relieved that the left.

Did you get this "word" while biting on a pillow?

Last edited by cain
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Dream all you want but ask the guys here what I do to fools who get personal and mean on no account.

Engage with in-coherent chuntering.

More typical of old goats than me.....

And, you a much older goat ...

if it pleases you to think so I cannot begrudge you your wishful musings.


A few years ago I mentioned that TK was a fraud like d2, he was never fully committed to politics in Guyana. He made sure that he secured his tenure in the US and held on to his university job for dear life while dipping his toes in Guyanese politics, hopping from one party to another.  Now he is at the end of his rope as Granger et al rejected him as a loser, questioning his ability to bring in votes. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

A few years ago I mentioned that TK was a fraud like d2, he was never fully committed to politics in Guyana. He made sure that he secured his tenure in the US and held on to his university job for dear life while dipping his toes in Guyanese politics, hopping from one party to another.  Now he is at the end of his rope as Granger et al rejected him as a loser, questioning his ability to bring in votes. 

Were you not demonstrably stupid the above could have been excused as a joke. Your only voice is here so how does that calibrates to authenticity and commitment?

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Dream all you want but ask the guys here what I do to fools who get personal and mean on no account.

Engage with in-coherent chuntering.

More typical of old goats than me.....

And, you a much older goat ...

if it pleases you to think so I cannot begrudge you your wishful musings.

The focus is on your unmanageable introspection.

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

A few years ago I mentioned that TK was a fraud like d2, he was never fully committed to politics in Guyana. He made sure that he secured his tenure in the US and held on to his university job for dear life while dipping his toes in Guyanese politics, hopping from one party to another.  Now he is at the end of his rope as Granger et al rejected him as a loser, questioning his ability to bring in votes. 

Were you not demonstrably stupid the above could have been excused as a joke. Your only voice is here so how does that calibrates to authenticity and commitment?

Don't blame the messenger, speak to the message. I am not the one seeking political position in Guyana.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

A few years ago I mentioned that TK was a fraud like d2, he was never fully committed to politics in Guyana. He made sure that he secured his tenure in the US and held on to his university job for dear life while dipping his toes in Guyanese politics, hopping from one party to another.  Now he is at the end of his rope as Granger et al rejected him as a loser, questioning his ability to bring in votes. 

Were you not demonstrably stupid the above could have been excused as a joke. Your only voice is here so how does that calibrates to authenticity and commitment?

Don't blame the messenger, speak to the message. I am not the one seeking political position in Guyana.

If you were a messanger they should behead your behind for being a poor deliverer of messages. I wonder who you know wants a political position at home.

Originally Posted by Danyael:

If you were a messanger they should behead your behind for being a poor deliverer of messages. I wonder who you know wants a political position at home.

Don't play stupid, you know very well that TK looking for minista job with whichever party can deliver.  Because he brings no supporters no party wants his sorry behind. 


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