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ISIS is a potent military force because we (US) disbanded the Iraqi military in 2003/2004.  Had they actually followed the principles of the Baathist and not allow religious zealots to run rampant, the conversation today might have been different.  However, the religious zealot did bring some fight and new fighters to the table and also gave them projection capability.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by baseman:

ISIS is a potent military force because we (US) disbanded the Iraqi military in 2003/2004.

That was the stupid work of your bai GW. Now yuh backing the stupid Trump.

He should have never followed the advice of Rice, Powell, Rumsfeld and the rest of those clowns.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

And this shit head redux is playing defense chief to suggest how to defeat them. Terror alerts is all over Europe, means ISIS is winning and America is losing. Pull your old braws up and think again. You don't send a boy to do a man's job. 

Isis is not winning you miserable nutcase. They lost thousands of fighters, half their territory, resupply routes and their forces are split in half. All of that was before the french start dropping some 20 bombs a day on them. They are in the news because they have been barbaric not because they are winning.

These are the same people that the US defeated in 7 days when they numbered 1 million, had 200 jets, twice that many tanks and tens of times more ammunition including surface to air missiles and owned an entire state


These are some are some 50K men living in mainly 3 loosely held cities and only doing so by extreme cruelty to the civilian population. You are simply nuts.


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