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Chief posted:

The entire world is on Islam this morning.

The only unfortunate thing about today's event  is an unhinged US President who will be addressing the Muslim World leaders.

The entire world is watching how the "great wall" against Islamic Extremist and Saudi Wahamism will engage with the head of the [wicked] snake.  That's the only reason the eyes of the world are on Wahabistan.  It's about the great leader Trump, not about Islam and some of their terroristic leadership!

Chief posted:

The entire world is on Islam this morning.

The only unfortunate thing about today's event  is an unhinged US President who will be addressing the Muslim World leaders.

Well said for a man whose ancestors fought against Islam and were defeated and converted on the battlefields of India at the point of the executioner's sword.

VishMahabir posted:

Does this mean that Chief was a Hindu at some point?

Bai, according to Muslim teachings, everyone is born as a Muslim. Islam is the only religion that teaches that everyone is born sinless and without prior burden. They do not bring with them anyone else's deeds. Therefore, in the purest sense Chief was born a Muslim and so were you. Now obviously since your birth, you have adopted a Hindu approach which by the way, I don't have any problems with. Perhaps Chief has also been a Hindu at some point after birth also. 

ksazma posted:
VishMahabir posted:

Does this mean that Chief was a Hindu at some point?

Bai, according to Muslim teachings, everyone is born as a Muslim. Islam is the only religion that teaches that everyone is born sinless and without prior burden. They do not bring with them anyone else's deeds. Therefore, in the purest sense Chief was born a Muslim and so were you. Now obviously since your birth, you have adopted a Hindu approach which by the way, I don't have any problems with. Perhaps Chief has also been a Hindu at some point after birth also. 

Ooh rass. I think Christians say the same thing, no?

I know many Muslims in India were once Hindus. 



ksazma posted:
VishMahabir posted:

Does this mean that Chief was a Hindu at some point?

Bai, according to Muslim teachings, everyone is born as a Muslim. Islam is the only religion that teaches that everyone is born sinless and without prior burden. They do not bring with them anyone else's deeds. Therefore, in the purest sense Chief was born a Muslim and so were you. Now obviously since your birth, you have adopted a Hindu approach which by the way, I don't have any problems with. Perhaps Chief has also been a Hindu at some point after birth also. 

Everyone is born an atheist. If left alone they will remain so.

VishMahabir posted:
ksazma posted:
VishMahabir posted:

Does this mean that Chief was a Hindu at some point?

Bai, according to Muslim teachings, everyone is born as a Muslim. Islam is the only religion that teaches that everyone is born sinless and without prior burden. They do not bring with them anyone else's deeds. Therefore, in the purest sense Chief was born a Muslim and so were you. Now obviously since your birth, you have adopted a Hindu approach which by the way, I don't have any problems with. Perhaps Chief has also been a Hindu at some point after birth also. 

Ooh rass. I think Christians say the same thing, no?

I know many Muslims in India were once Hindus. 



Many Muslims in Paki, Afgan, India, Bangladesh, Burma were once Hindus.  They were captured and forcible converted under a regime of ISIS-style intimidation.  Many today are a product of rape, forced marriages and sex slavery!

Many of the conquered were given the "PNC-Style" treatment.  Their people were denied food unless the acquiesce to Islamic demands and many of their pretty females were pawned to the Mullahs for food, t'was like getting a PNC card for lil cheese and butter!

VishMahabir posted:
ksazma posted:
VishMahabir posted:

Does this mean that Chief was a Hindu at some point?

Bai, according to Muslim teachings, everyone is born as a Muslim. Islam is the only religion that teaches that everyone is born sinless and without prior burden. They do not bring with them anyone else's deeds. Therefore, in the purest sense Chief was born a Muslim and so were you. Now obviously since your birth, you have adopted a Hindu approach which by the way, I don't have any problems with. Perhaps Chief has also been a Hindu at some point after birth also. 

Ooh rass. I think Christians say the same thing, no?

I know many Muslims in India were once Hindus. 



Incorrect. Christians believe that people have to be 'born again' in the blood of Christ.

No doubt, there were many Muslims who were once Hindus.

Stormborn posted:
ksazma posted:
VishMahabir posted:

Does this mean that Chief was a Hindu at some point?

Bai, according to Muslim teachings, everyone is born as a Muslim. Islam is the only religion that teaches that everyone is born sinless and without prior burden. They do not bring with them anyone else's deeds. Therefore, in the purest sense Chief was born a Muslim and so were you. Now obviously since your birth, you have adopted a Hindu approach which by the way, I don't have any problems with. Perhaps Chief has also been a Hindu at some point after birth also. 

Everyone is born an atheist. If left alone they will remain so.

I agree in the sense of if one is not taught some form of religion. I was referring to the state of their souls at the time of their birth according to Muslim teachings as being without sin or prior burdens.

ksazma posted:
VishMahabir posted:
ksazma posted:
VishMahabir posted:

Does this mean that Chief was a Hindu at some point?

Bai, according to Muslim teachings, everyone is born as a Muslim. Islam is the only religion that teaches that everyone is born sinless and without prior burden. They do not bring with them anyone else's deeds. Therefore, in the purest sense Chief was born a Muslim and so were you. Now obviously since your birth, you have adopted a Hindu approach which by the way, I don't have any problems with. Perhaps Chief has also been a Hindu at some point after birth also. 

Ooh rass. I think Christians say the same thing, no?

I know many Muslims in India were once Hindus. 



Incorrect. Christians believe that people have to be 'born again' in the blood of Christ.

No doubt, there were many Muslims who were once Hindus.

Christian take the notion that you are a tableau raza at birth hence one has to write the christian theology on the soul for it to come to an understanding of god hence acceptance of the apostolic creed etc and baptism rituals.

Since everyone are a creation of god everyone is of god and would be godly if only not for evil in the world. These rituals are performed at an age when the child is of critical understanding for comprehension to take hold. It is the same in all Abraham faiths.

The jews have bat/bar mitzvah ritual to mark the occasion of full community membership. Muslims take a different path. They believe all are  born Muslim hence the presumption that no crossing over a threshold ritual is necessary. It does not mean they take the better stance.

Some muslim sects still maintain a solemn family gathering or aqiqah to welcome a new muslim; the shahada is then taken when the child can recite the phrase.

Last edited by Former Member
VishMahabir posted:

Does this mean that Chief was a Hindu at some point?

Chief is a hindu boy whose ancestors faced the sword. I am reading the Holy Quran right now. Like the Bible and the Torah most of it is about the Jewish experience with their environmental forces. Do you think Chief''s ancestors in their village in South Asia would have cared about the Jewish experience without the sword being applied to them.

ksazma posted:
Stormborn posted:
ksazma posted:
VishMahabir posted:

Does this mean that Chief was a Hindu at some point?

Bai, according to Muslim teachings, everyone is born as a Muslim. Islam is the only religion that teaches that everyone is born sinless and without prior burden. They do not bring with them anyone else's deeds. Therefore, in the purest sense Chief was born a Muslim and so were you. Now obviously since your birth, you have adopted a Hindu approach which by the way, I don't have any problems with. Perhaps Chief has also been a Hindu at some point after birth also. 

Everyone is born an atheist. If left alone they will remain so.

I agree in the sense of if one is not taught some form of religion. I was referring to the state of their souls at the time of their birth according to Muslim teachings as being without sin or prior burdens.

At conception, the evolution created at the very instant, male female in the same organism. An organism of man woman making their way into God's creation - peaceful, comfortable, joyous and sinless. Then, by God's design the soul emerges as a woman or a man. Each experiencing the man woman companionship miracle  at conception.  We mature into humans continually feeling the desire for companionship. Simply, because we started out being that way.

It is a Jewish thought, not a muslim one. If anything, it is a Semitic in nature of which the Arabs have their bloodline. 

I am certain, knowledgeable men who referred to the Quran doan go around teking universal truths as only muslim teachings. Furthermore, in the Vedas, such explanations are given. And as many times before when I referred,  the concept of life has been stated in the Book of Enoch. I can understand why the Etiopian Orthodox Church uses the Book astheir main text for sermons.


ksazma posted:
ba$eman posted:
Chief posted:

Zam Zam water is being served and Trump is drinking some.

???  What's the stroke of magic in that??

Main significance is that it has been around since the time of baby Ishmael.

One would think Ishmael mom took him back to Eygpt, seeing that is where she's from. Fixing Ishmael in Arabia doan reason at all, there was a nation of Arabs already there. The well from which his mother quenched his thirst, provided by God, you are assuming was the same well Mohammad used as well. I believe water is water, wah happen to all the other people who drank from the same well, the nomads.  

ksazma posted:
VishMahabir posted:

Does this mean that Chief was a Hindu at some point?

Bai, according to Muslim teachings, everyone is born as a Muslim. Islam is the only religion that teaches that everyone is born sinless and without prior burden. They do not bring with them anyone else's deeds. Therefore, in the purest sense Chief was born a Muslim and so were you. Now obviously since your birth, you have adopted a Hindu approach which by the way, I don't have any problems with. Perhaps Chief has also been a Hindu at some point after birth also. 

What a load of "Bull Crap".  What is the oldest religion???

seignet posted:
ksazma posted:
ba$eman posted:
Chief posted:

Zam Zam water is being served and Trump is drinking some.

???  What's the stroke of magic in that??

Main significance is that it has been around since the time of baby Ishmael.

One would think Ishmael mom took him back to Eygpt, seeing that is where she's from. Fixing Ishmael in Arabia doan reason at all, there was a nation of Arabs already there. The well from which his mother quenched his thirst, provided by God, you are assuming was the same well Mohammad used as well. I believe water is water, wah happen to all the other people who drank from the same well, the nomads.  



I had dinner last night with a group of friends, I made the comment of how I find some of my diet causes an uneasiness in my stomach. Without any notice, it just happened. One of the ladies pointed out that we all carry in us the genes that cause all major ailments that affect humans. It is a matter of time when the possibilities triggers those genes or God help us that those genes lay dormant.

I am humble in the knowledge that God keeps me healthy, because in reality, life and health is a mystery and a gift, moment by moment. Strip away all the vanity of beliefs and religions, God remains. Not elusive or invisible, the senses are cognizant of His proximity.


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