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caribny posted:
Mr.T posted:
Kari posted:


  Coptic Christians in Egypt are free as Muslims are in America. Saudi Arabia is a hell hole yes, but it is not the totality of Islam, even though the holy places are there.

You are obviously not ware of how many hundreds of Coptic Christians have been murdered by Muslims in Egypt in just the last five years, and churches burnt down.  You can own a quran in the US. You can't own a Bible in Saudi Arabia.

Kari is fully aware.  He just wants to pretend as if only Bush is responsible for lunatics waging their "jihad" against other Muslims, and non Muslims.

Charlie Hebdo.  Can one imagine Christians in 2016 killing any one merely because of a drawing?

Kari needs to admit that a segment of the Muslim religion have regressed to religious based barbarities which the rest of us left behind 200 years ago.

Those are not Islamic people. They just abuse Islam. Islam does not need to be defended.

Boka Haram and Al Shabbab are not Islamic and they need to be exterminated like Al Qaeda and ISIS. It's a struggle with Nigeria, Somalia, Iraq and Syria. But those countries need strengthening with American air and intelligence support along with regional players. To fight against Islam is meaningless. That's a phantom enemy. Fight the tribes - the Al Shabbabs and the Nigerians in the north and the Sunni Baathists and the Shiite Mahdi army. These are not Islamic entities. Islam does not need to be defended. IT is not at stake here. It's the Tribes. Keep it Tribes Stupid (like Keep it Simple Stupid).


Kari has kept it plain and simple with his contribution on this thread.

Islam does not need any make over.

However let me add , what really do need a good makeover is the actions by certain muslims. Hijacking Islam to promote themselves is just not the teachings.




Kari posted:
 Violence against Coptics are not government sponsored or condoned - .

In fact violence was perpetrated by various Islamic fanatics who are offended that Christianity should be allowed to exist in a majority Muslim country.

Chief posted:


Islam does not need any make over.





This is the curtain that you all apologists run behind. It isn't that Islam needs a make over.

Its that Muslims need to work hard to protect the image of Islam by removing the ability of a broad assortment of fanatics to use the religion to peddle their filthy ideology.

And this includes honor killings and attacks on females who desire equal access to education.  It goes way beyond ISIS.


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