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N. Korea puts artillery forces at top combat posture in latest threat on S. Korea, US

North Korea's military warned Tuesday that its artillery and rocket forces are at their highest-level combat posture in the latest in a string of bellicose threats aimed at South Korea and the United States.

The announcement came as South Koreans marked the third anniversary of the sinking of a warship in which 46 South Korean sailors died. Seoul says the ship was hit by a North Korean torpedo, while the North denies involvement.

Seoul's Defense Ministry said Tuesday it hasn't seen any suspicious North Korean military activity and that officials are analyzing the North's warning. Analysts say a direct North Korean attack is extremely unlikely, especially during joint U.S.-South Korean military drills that end April 30, though there's some worry about a provocation after the training wraps up.

The rival Koreas have had several bloody naval skirmishes in disputed Yellow Sea waters since 1999. In November 2010, a North Korean artillery strike on a South Korean island killed two marines and two civilians.

North Korea, angry over routine U.S.-South Korean drills and recent U.N. sanctions punishing it for its Feb. 12 nuclear test, has vowed to launch a nuclear strike against the United States and repeated its nearly two-decade-old threat to reduce Seoul to a "sea of fire." Despite the rhetoric, outside weapons analysts have seen no proof that North Korea has mastered the technology needed to build a warhead small enough to mount on a missile.

On Tuesday, the North Korean army's Supreme Command said it will take "practical military action" to protect national sovereignty and its leadership in response to what it called U.S. and South Korean plots to attack.

The statement, carried by the North's official Korean Central News Agency, cited the participation of nuclear-capable B-52 bombers in South Korea-U.S. drills.

North Korea's field artillery forces -- including strategic rocket and long-range artillery units that are "assigned to strike bases of the U.S. imperialist aggressor troops in the U.S. mainland and on Hawaii and Guam and other operational zones in the Pacific as well as all the enemy targets in South Korea and its vicinity" -- will be placed on "the highest alert from this moment," the statement said.

Pentagon press secretary George Little said the threat would only further isolate North Korea.

"North Korea's bellicose rhetoric and threats follow a well-worn pattern designed to raise tensions and intimidate others," Little said. He said there have been three flights by U.S. B-52 bombers during the recent military drills with South Korea.

The North's recent threats are seen partly as efforts to strengthen internal loyalty to young leader Kim Jong Un and to build up his military credentials.

Kim "needs to show he has the guts. The best way to do that is to use the military might that he commands," said Lee Yoon-gyu, a North Korea expert at Korea National Defense University in Seoul. "This paves the way for greater praise for him if North Korea makes a provocation later and claims victory."

Kim will eventually be compelled to do "something provocative to prove the threats weren't empty," Lee said.

Meanwhile, websites and organizations run by North Korean defectors in South Korea said they suffered cyberattacks on Tuesday, one week after computer systems at some South Korean banks and TV networks were widely disrupted.

Daily NK, which posts news about North Korea, said it experienced a cyperattack, and South Korea's Yonhap news agency said Free North Korea Radio also was attacked.

Yonhap said a computer network used by seven local governments was also briefly attacked, as was a network belonging to broadcaster YTN.

Authorities have not confirmed who was behind last week's cyberattack but suspect North Korea.

At a ceremony marking the third anniversary of the warship sinking, new South Korean President Park Geun-hye urged the North again to abandon its nuclear weapons program. "Focusing its national strength on the development of nuclear weapons while its people are suffering starvation ... will only bring international isolation to themselves," Park said in a televised speech at a national cemetery south of Seoul where the 46 sailors are buried.

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Originally Posted by God:
Chief, you mussi really stupidy if you think that US military are not monitoring the situation in the Korean Peninsula. There are thousands of US military personnel stationed in South Korea.

That I aware of but my point is too much noise is being made about Iran and less is being made about another rouge nation.

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by God:
Chief, you mussi really stupidy if you think that US military are not monitoring the situation in the Korean Peninsula. There are thousands of US military personnel stationed in South Korea.

That I aware of but my point is too much noise is being made about Iran and less is being made about another rouge nation.

We will bring Iran to its knees as it poses the greatest threat with a loose cannon in office. North Korea will be dealt with accordingly.  One at a time, right now Iran is at the top of the list and the sanctions are working as we see their money being devalued daily. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by God:
Chief, you mussi really stupidy if you think that US military are not monitoring the situation in the Korean Peninsula. There are thousands of US military personnel stationed in South Korea.

That I aware of but my point is too much noise is being made about Iran and less is being made about another rouge nation.

We will bring Iran to its knees as it poses the greatest threat with a loose cannon in office. North Korea will be dealt with accordingly.  One at a time, right now Iran is at the top of the list and the sanctions are working as we see their money being devalued daily. 

I doubt Iran will be brought to it's knees.  Right now the survival of Syria is the focus of Iran.  Only an outright invasion will bring them down, and the US will not attempt that.

Originally Posted by Chief:

Well said BGurd and I like that, "the sanctions are working". OBAMA IS A WISE MAN.

Sanctions, which excludes trade with China, India and Russia have no chance.  It's not about Obama or any individual.  Obama making some of the same mistakes as Bush, but in a different way and don't realize.  He screwed Gadaffi to handed Libya to Al Qaeda, he screwed Mubarak and handed Egypt to the muslim brotherhood, now he out to screw Assad and hand Syria to Arab terrorists.  And he want to Drone the US, wise man Obama.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Chief:

Well said BGurd and I like that, "the sanctions are working". OBAMA IS A WISE MAN.

Sanctions, which excludes trade with China, India and Russia have no chance.  It's not about Obama or any individual.  Obama making some of the same mistakes as Bush, but in a different way and don't realize.  He screwed Gadaffi to handed Libya to Al Qaeda, he screwed Mubarak and handed Egypt to the muslim brotherhood, now he out to screw Assad and hand Syria to Arab terrorists.  And he want to Drone the US, wise man Obama.

How long can a country suppress it's citizens from their own will. If majority of folks in Libya and EGYPT want the brotherhood and AlQuieda as their leaders then there is nothing Obama can do.

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Chief:

Well said BGurd and I like that, "the sanctions are working". OBAMA IS A WISE MAN.

Sanctions, which excludes trade with China, India and Russia have no chance.  It's not about Obama or any individual.  Obama making some of the same mistakes as Bush, but in a different way and don't realize.  He screwed Gadaffi to handed Libya to Al Qaeda, he screwed Mubarak and handed Egypt to the muslim brotherhood, now he out to screw Assad and hand Syria to Arab terrorists.  And he want to Drone the US, wise man Obama.

How long can a country suppress it's citizens from their own will. If majority of folks in Libya and EGYPT want the brotherhood and AlQuieda as their leaders then there is nothing Obama can do.

True, he can do nothing, or knows not what to do, except to seek droning the US populace.  BTW, where are the "liberals" and Obamaites on this?  Why it took the TEA and Republicans to lead the charge against Obama's cowardly plans?  How come you guys were up in arms over lil water-boarding but mum on this?  Kari-cuttah seem to lost his waggly tongue on this one.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Chief:

Well said BGurd and I like that, "the sanctions are working". OBAMA IS A WISE MAN.

Sanctions, which excludes trade with China, India and Russia have no chance.  It's not about Obama or any individual.  Obama making some of the same mistakes as Bush, but in a different way and don't realize.  He screwed Gadaffi to handed Libya to Al Qaeda, he screwed Mubarak and handed Egypt to the muslim brotherhood, now he out to screw Assad and hand Syria to Arab terrorists.  And he want to Drone the US, wise man Obama.

How long can a country suppress it's citizens from their own will. If majority of folks in Libya and EGYPT want the brotherhood and AlQuieda as their leaders then there is nothing Obama can do.

True, he can do nothing, or knows not what to do, except to seek droning the US populace.  BTW, where are the "liberals" and Obamaites on this?  Why it took the TEA and Republicans to lead the charge against Obama's cowardly plans?  How come you guys were up in arms over lil water-boarding but mum on this?  Kari-cuttah seem to lost his waggly tongue on this one.

I am absolutly against useing of drones. Obama is reckless with this and he was the one that was criticizing George Bush.


Base as you can see the table is now reversed, Republicans on the ball whilst the democrats are asleep on this issue.

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Chief:

Well said BGurd and I like that, "the sanctions are working". OBAMA IS A WISE MAN.

Sanctions, which excludes trade with China, India and Russia have no chance.  It's not about Obama or any individual.  Obama making some of the same mistakes as Bush, but in a different way and don't realize.  He screwed Gadaffi to handed Libya to Al Qaeda, he screwed Mubarak and handed Egypt to the muslim brotherhood, now he out to screw Assad and hand Syria to Arab terrorists.  And he want to Drone the US, wise man Obama.

How long can a country suppress it's citizens from their own will. If majority of folks in Libya and EGYPT want the brotherhood and AlQuieda as their leaders then there is nothing Obama can do.



The people don't necessarily want ALQuida or the Brotherhood to lead, these folks are just more organized than the other more democratic parties. There is a void left after the overthrow of the the leaders of Egypt and Libya, Brotherhood and ALQuida just sitting in the wings with good organizational skills to get people to vote for them.

Why do you think so many Egyptians are against Morsi? Brotherhood and AlQUida not much different than the old leaders...unfortunately the people don't have much better choices, or their choices are highly threatened by Brotherhood and AlQuida henchmen


Yuh need to think a little...not accept what you see on the surface

Originally Posted by Nehru:

I believe the Attorney General is saying that America will use Drones in the US if it becomes NECESSARY. For example, someone with a Nuke who is about to blow a City up. I guess the thinking is that in such cases it will be better to save an entire City rather than a few.

Who decides what is "Necessary".  This is a Liberal Obamaite strategy to set the stage to suppress independent political thinking from the South.  Obama is a hypocrite.  Who the hell could get a nuke here when a man who took an isotope stress test was detected entering a subway.


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