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GAZA/JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Israeli troops killed dozens of Palestinians taking part in mass protests on the Gaza border on Monday as the United States opened its embassy to Israel in Jerusalem. 

The U.S. relocation of its embassy from Tel Aviv fulfilled a pledge by U.S. President Donald Trump, who has recognized the holy city as the Israeli capital, but it has fired Palestinian anger and drawn criticism from many foreign governments as a setback to peace efforts.

At the embassy inauguration ceremony, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu thanked Trump for “having the courage to keep your promises”.

“What a glorious day for Israel,” Netanyahu said in a speech. “We are in Jerusalem and we are here to stay.”

Trump, in a recorded message, said he remained committed to peace between Israel and the Palestinians. He was represented at the ceremony by his daughter Ivanka and his son-in-law Jared Kushner, U.S. envoy to the Middle East.

Kushner said it was possible for both sides in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict to gain more than give in any peace deal.

“Jerusalem must remain a city that brings people of all faiths together,” he said in a speech.

As the ceremony took place in Jerusalem, Palestinian protests on the Gaza border quickly turned into bloodshed.

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Nehru posted:

Sad Day in the World. Well, you do not expect a JACKASS to know the consequence of his ignorance!!!

Jerusalem is a bargaining chip for peace that may never be. I am concerned about the killing of Palestinian protesters. 


Isreal has been killing Palestinians in great numbers for the past 7 decades with impunity. All with the blessings of the US. But nothing lasts forever. What they are doing now is no less evil than Hitler’s death chambers. Things have a way of switching sides. 

Nehru posted:

THe clueless orange Orangutan and his Family who converted are beyond stupid.

You don't have sympathy for people picknie or what they converted to?

Seriously, I don't think Trump would want to be there personally for security reasons.

Chief posted:

As Buddy Nehru correctly stated it's a sad day for the World. 

Chief, the reality is the Islamic world doesn't care about the Palestinian either. Mahmoud Abbas took secret money from America to keep a low profile. As Yuji would say, money talks and bullshit walks. 


Always blame the victims. Since when protestors are killed for protesting? And to add insult to injury, our stupid government said it is Hamas' fault.

Netanyahu should revisit history. He said that they are in Jerusalem and they are there to stay. He is forgetting that they were there to stay four thousand years ago and then they were chased all over the world.


Lets not forget that they were killed while trying to cross the border by force, culpability is all around. 

Protests on Gaza border turn bloody.

A mass attempt by Palestinians to cross the border fence separating Israel from Gaza turned violent, as Israeli soldiers responded with rifle fire. Monday became the bloodiest day since the campaign of demonstrations began seven weeks ago to protest Israel’s economic blockade of Gaza.


It's never good to watch Isreal backed by the U.S. and shelling at innocent Palestinian protesters. Reality is, we can register our disgust of Isreal's bullyism, but we can't do anything. There are a few countries including Turkey and France who are speaking against this move. This is fresh, but I expect much more happenings in the weeks and months ahead.    

Again, I blame Mahmoud Abbas for not taking a tougher position with Isreal before this happens. He was bought and sold for American $$.

Prince posted:

It's never good to watch Isreal backed by the U.S. and shelling at innocent Palestinian protesters. Reality is, we can register our disgust of Isreal's bullyism, but we can't do anything. There are a few countries including Turkey and France who are speaking against this move. This is fresh, but I expect much more happenings in the weeks and months ahead.    

Again, I blame Mahmoud Abbas for not taking a tougher position with Isreal before this happens. He was bought and sold for American $$.

Come on now fellow. What do you think would happen if thousands of Mexicans try to invade the US carrying weapons etc?  You are only telling half the story. 

By late in the evening, 58 Palestinians, including several teenagers, had been killed and more than 1,350 wounded by gun fire, the Health Ministry said. Israeli soldiers and snipers used barrages of tear gas as well as live gunfire to keep protesters from entering Israeli territory.

The Israeli military said that some in the crowds were planting or hurling explosives, and that many were flying flaming kites into Israel; at least one kite outside the Nahal Oz kibbutz, near Gaza City, ignited a wildfire.

By midafternoon, the protest nearest to Gaza City had turned into a pitched battle — a chaotic panorama of smoke, sirens and tear gas that stretched along the fence. Emergency workers with stretchers carried off a stream of injured protesters, many with leg wounds but some having been shot in the abdomen. A number were teenagers.


I blame the Palestinian leader to let his own people get killed by Isrealis. Abbas is a scam. The peace deal is still to come with or without Jerusalem. Let's watch and see how angry Palestinians will slaughter Mahmoud Abbas for selling out Jerusalem out to Isreal.


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