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Exit polling show that Bibi Netanyahu's right-wing Likud party and Isaac Herzog's center-left Zionist Union party are neck-and-neck in the Israeli elections held today.


The Palestinian Joint List party is likely to become the 3rd largest party, but chances are they will not be part of any government as they would be accountable for policies like the Gaza blockade and restriction of Arab freedom in Israel. They instead will be an active opposition block to stop harmful legislation.


Now for the title of this thread. I was advocating for AFC to build for one more cycle - seats, money, organization, etc. so that by 2020 they will be a legitimate peer party to the two majors. Now if the coalition wins then they will govern and be accountable for APNU's policies and governance. What does that portend for their organizing abilities in the next elections and their money sources, etc.? Now if the coalition loses then they would have really taken a step backward and be in a position like the 2006 elections.

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