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It is quite glaring that the police are becoming complacent

Dear Editor,

Please permit me a space in your letter column. As a very concerned and law abiding citizen, I am very dissatisfied with the actions of the police in Region 2. The police are targeting the poor and weak and ARE very biased in the execution of their duties. Criminals are attacking mainly one section of the population which the police are doing nothing about. The police can be seen daily in suspicious spaces and hanging out with persons who are of suspect character. The police force is moving away from their motto to SERVE and PROTECT. The Guyana Police Force is becoming more corrupt daily and that is the main reason for the high crime rate in the county. Region 2 was always known to be the most quiet and peaceful region, but with the Force becoming more corrupt we are afraid for our lives, our families and businesses. Business owners are afraid to open late, citizens scared of taking an afternoon walk or evening stroll… we cannot sleep peaceful at night. We have lost all trust and confidence in the police.

There are so many robberies in this region ranging from snatching of purse to armed robberies and the police are dragging their feet on most of these issues. It is the public spirited citizens who are apprehending most of these criminals. I am pleading with the President, who I have faith in, the Minister of Home Affairs and Commissioner of Police to do something to curb this

situation. It is time to go to the drawing board and come up with a solution. It’s time for strategic planning, we need this lawlessness to stop. I would like persons to be granted firearm licenses so that they can help protect themselves, families and business. The police station gates are padlocked soon as night falls, it seems they are more fearful than the civilians. This needs urgent attention. The President, Minister of Home Affairs and Commissioner of Police and the Crime Chief need to do the right thing and come up with a solution. It is quite glaring that the police are becoming complacent and lackadaisical in the execution of their duties. They took a sworn oath to serve and protect without favour or affection, malice or ill will. I hope this letter can get the attention of those responsible.


Concerned Citizens of Region 2

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