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Former Member


June 8, 2013, By , Filed Under Features / Columnists, Peeping Tom, Source


One of the things that leaders should understand is that you cannot please all of the people all of time and you definitely cannot please some people at any time at all.

It is waste of time trying to please those who cannot be pleased at all. It matters not what you do, what you say or what you believe, there are some persons who will never see any good in certain leaders.
That is the reality of politics in Guyana.

Yesterday the results of the National Grade Six Assessments were announced. The students who fell in the top one per cent, it was announced, will receive a laptop from the government.

Most of them, I am sure already have laptops, but it is the thought that matters. To these top students, the fact that they can be recognized and rewarded matters a great deal to them. So they will undoubtedly be glad to learn that their country recognizes them and will do something for them by giving them a computer.

They will see this reward by the government as recognition of what they have achieved through their studies.

It is not that they desperately want a computer but it is the fact that their success has gained the attention of the President of Guyana who wants to show his appreciation by donating to each of them a computer.

These children are not into political games.

They are not concerned that the government is PPPC or that the opposition is APNU. They have achieved something that they feel happy about; that their country has acknowledged their success and granted them each an award of a computer.

You would therefore believe that many persons would be happy for these kids.

Yet for some inexplicable reason, there are individuals out there who on certain blogs have poured scorn on the government’s offer and instead of applauding the gesture have resorted to ridicule.

But those views while gaining attention of certain blogs are not necessarily representative of how the people of Guyana feel. They are marginal views and those who hold those views are not likely to change their positions.


There is nothing that the government does that will ever please some of those individuals.

There was a time in this country when if you passed your Common Entrance you could not expect even a Chicken-in–the-Rough because even that was a scarce commodity at one time.

There was a time when you may have been lucky if you got an ice cream cone because even that was so expensive.

Today the government has rewarded the top-flyers in the country with a laptop and that says that the country has come a far way. But while the country has moved forward, there are some individuals who are stuck in the pessimism of the past and still fail to even show appreciation for the kind gesture shown by the government to those who have done well.

It is a sad commentary, one that calls attention to the fact that while the country is moving forward, some attitudes remain entrenched and will not change for the better.

Fortunately these views do not represent those of all the people, most of whom will appreciate even a small deed, a kind gesture and a sincere thought.

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