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Dear Editor,

A recent news item in the print media gave the impression that the appointments of four senior members of the Audit Office’s staff have already been made by the long-acting Auditor General Mr Deodat Sharma. That would conflict with the Audit Act under which any proposed appointment first must have the approval of the Public Accounts Committee.


I am concerned that this attempt by Mr Sharma – which not surprisingly has received the support of the head honchos of the PPP/C members of the Public Accounts Committee – is a precursor for himself to be confirmed. Clearly, if the number two position from which he was moved up is subsequently filled, he cannot then step back into it, if and when a decision is finally made to appoint a qualified Auditor General from outside the Audit Office.


Mr Sharma has many handicaps. The first is that he is does not have the qualification to be the Auditor General. Accordingly, he has to rely on – as his key qualified staff – the wife of the Minister of Finance who is responsible for the country’s public finances generally and solely responsible for the Contingencies Fund.


The lack of that competence that comes with professional training has meant that in the six audit reports on the public accounts Mr. Sharma has issued since he was appointed to act, he could do no better than identify two major issues – the tendering procedures for drug purchases and the fact that the drawings from the Contingencies Fund did not meet the qualifying test.  But he did not initiate the disclosures – they were continuing developments identified by his predecessors.

In relation to the Contingencies Fund, his reports consistently misquote the law relating to replenishments – conveniently to the advantage of the Minister – and second and very importantly, he does not report findings on the actual payments. No wonder it takes him more than three months to report on a $90 million expenditure in an engagement in which he is taking a lead role. Such an audit should take a pair of reasonably capable junior auditors properly guided two weeks maximum.


Mr Sharma has made lots of promises before. He promised in the 2009 Audit Report to complete before December 2010 value for money audits of the drug purchases by the Ministry of Health and the tender procedures of the government. Before that he had promised audits of the Cricket World Cup, Carifesta and the 2005 Flood Audit. And of course, he had promised that by end of April 2012 he would have completed the $90 million audit of Contingencies Fund, a promise accepted by the National Assembly.


It is impossible to say whether Mr Sharma is as keen to be confirmed in the job as the government is to have someone who hesitates to go after Mr Ramkarran’s “pervasive corruption.” The compensation package now enjoyed by Mr Sharma is the same as that of the Chief Justice and the Chancellor. It would seem that it is as normal for no one to risk giving up such an undeserved package as it is for no government to appoint, even in an acting capacity, a Chancellor or Chief Justice possessing only a para-legal degree.


The Constitution of Guyana provides that whether as a substantive appointment or acting Auditor General, the appointment of the Auditor General is made by the President acting in accordance with the advice of the Public Service Commission.Whether or not President Ramotar wants to deal with corruption, it is time that Guyana has a proper Auditor General.


Once a substantive Auditor General has been appointed, that person working with the Public Accounts Committee can then address the other senior positions and indeed the rest of the staffing of the Audit Office, including the issue of conflict of interest under the Code of Conduct governing accountants.


Yours faithfully,
Christopher Ram

Replies sorted oldest to newest

The fact that the PPP presents us with this nakedly obvious case of a conflict of interest and are aghast that one complains as to what is going on tells us a lot of this party. They do not care for the rules of propriety. They see themselves as entitled. It is with fading expectations that the present opposition can ever get them to act as rational agents of change. These people have become our problem; the impediment to a full flowering of democracy. They are essentially totalitarian dictators of the old Soviet state mold.


Guyana cannot function properly with a perfect auditor general. Do you know any expert that haven't made a mistake in his or her findings? Let's take for example Stormborn. He was said to be a perfectionist on this board until he sell his soul to the devil and lied through his teeth to defend neemakaram politics. As a matter of facts, they should give Tar_k the auditor general's job.


Guyana is break down due to the traitors that have alias like warrior. Do you know the meaning of a warrior? Shaka Zulu was a warrior who believed in saving his land and people with his blood and life against foreign foes. 


I wonder why the position was not posted by the Civil Service Association and open to competetion rather than Sharma hand picking and recommending the wife of the Finance Minister for this position.

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

Guyana cannot function properly with a perfect auditor general. Do you know any expert that haven't made a mistake in his or her findings? Let's take for example Stormborn. He was said to be a perfectionist on this board until he sell his soul to the devil and lied through his teeth to defend neemakaram politics. As a matter of facts, they should give Tar_k the auditor general's job.


Tar_K would not qualify, he needs to be  a chartered accountant or CPA with at least 5 years practice. His only experience is teaching, a profession that is sought when people fail in the real world.  Those who fail teach. 

next Tar_K would have a conflict of interest as his is already biased against the PPP and would cook up the books just for revenge. 


The primary fact is Ashni Singh's wife in a senior role within the auditor generals office gives rise to  a major conflict of interest.


Tar_K would not qualify. He was not trained on how to cook de books. Bush cook maybe, but not book cook....

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

I wonder why the position was not posted by the Civil Service Association and open to competetion rather than Sharma hand picking and recommending the wife of the Finance Minister for this position.

Jagdeo's model of succession and talent selection.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

Guyana cannot function properly with a perfect auditor general. Do you know any expert that haven't made a mistake in his or her findings? Let's take for example Stormborn. He was said to be a perfectionist on this board until he sell his soul to the devil and lied through his teeth to defend neemakaram politics. As a matter of facts, they should give Tar_k the auditor general's job.


...he needs to be  a chartered accountant or CPA with at least 5 years practice.

Correct, 5 years experience might be light.  Person should have served in a senior level Audit function and Accounting/Management background combo.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

I wonder why the position was not posted by the Civil Service Association and open to competetion rather than Sharma hand picking and recommending the wife of the Finance Minister for this position.

Jagdeo's model of succession and talent selection.






And the control is never make them permanent keep them in the Acting position and pay them above average.



Conflict of interest is at the heart of the PPP/C pac vote – What a disgrace


June 27, 2012 | By | Filed Under Letters 


What transpired at the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) of the Guyana Parliament on Monday 25th June, 2012 constitutes a grave moral and ethical wrong. The APNU in a press statement informed the nation that on the date referred to above the PPP/C used the absence of the AFC member of the committee, Mr. Trevor Williams, to force a vote to ensure that the wife of Minister of Finance, Dr. Ashni Singh, be appointed the head of the agency responsible for auditing the accounts of those public entities of which her husband, the minister, heads.


Clearly, this situation is a glaring example of conflict of interest and smacks at the moral and ethical considerations which ought to have been called into question in issues of this nature. How can we expect the people to have good regard for the kind of moral and ethical principles which should guide our actions when the those who rise up to lead us disregard these very fundamentals of a civilized society? One needs not be a rocket scientist to figure out that inherent in the arrangement cited above lies the opportunity for collusion; covering up, non transparency; and all the other ills that comes with bad governance.

It is mind-boggling that a government which is engulfed with mismanagement and corruption, as are reported almost daily in the press, would want to openly and knowingly commit acts which would induce even more suspicion from the people regarding its corrupt practices. This is an open act of disrespect and dismissal of the concerns of the people and any government which flaunts such open disregard and contempt for the moral and ethical principles of its people is a government which will lose the confidence, trust and respect of its people.

One would also imagine that the PPP/C would have by now come to the realization that its actions must be temperate and sober, and that it cannot continue to run the business of the people the way it did last time around. The longer they fail to adjust their bullying mannerism and adopt a more collaborative and less iron-fist style of management the longer it will take for there to be any real progress in the nation. However, examining the action of the government, it appears as though the PPP/C can care less about any progress. If this recent rearward step taken at the PAC on Monday was a direct response to the budget cuts I would have to conclude that it appears that the PPP/C have taken a decision to continue as they did for the last twenty years, to unleash the venom of bad-governance on the people.


There is no argument to be advanced in support of the Minister of Finance wife being the auditor of the public entities, such as NICIL, of which her husband manages. These entities are not owned by Ashni Singh and family nor are they owned by the PPP/C party for which the minister or the government could have appointed Ashni Singh’s wife ‘money controller in charge’. Instead they are entities owned by the people of Guyana whose views regarding how they should be audited must be respected and upheld. How can the PPP/C claim to have an interest in tackling rampant corruption in the government when its own actions provide enticing landscapes for potential corrupt activities to flourish, and harbor ingrained suspicion? If the PAC vote on Monday 25th June 2012 does not amount to unconcealed conflict of inflict of interest, tell me what does!

I hope this matter will not end here, and I will close by asking the question where lies the ethical and moral compass of the Minister of Finance and his wife, which one of them will do the decent thing and relieve self from the position, will it be the husband or the wife!

Lurlene Nestor


Originally Posted by Mitwah:

The primary fact is Ashni Singh's wife in a senior role within the auditor generals office gives rise to  a major conflict of interest.


Tar_K would not qualify. He was not trained on how to cook de books. Bush cook maybe, but not book cook....

The Ashni's wife's appointment is indeed conflict of interest.

But Tar_k knows how to cook books, it is in his blood. You need an impartial auditor, not someone with political motives.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

Guyana cannot function properly with a perfect auditor general. Do you know any expert that haven't made a mistake in his or her findings? Let's take for example Stormborn. He was said to be a perfectionist on this board until he sell his soul to the devil and lied through his teeth to defend neemakaram politics. As a matter of facts, they should give Tar_k the auditor general's job.


...he needs to be  a chartered accountant or CPA with at least 5 years practice.

Correct, 5 years experience might be light.  Person should have served in a senior level Audit function and Accounting/Management background combo.


This is a tall order for Guyana as everyone is poltically affiliated and would cook the books either for or against govt depending on their party affiliation.

Also with Guyana's limited amount of industries it would be hard to find someone qualified. This job should be outsourced to an outside accounting firm as is the practice in many organizations.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:


This is a tall order for Guyana as everyone is poltically affiliated and would cook the books either for or against govt depending on their party affiliation.

Also with Guyana's limited amount of industries it would be hard to find someone qualified. This job should be outsourced to an outside accounting firm as is the practice in many organizations.

Iteresting point!


The current acting auditor general  is not qualified for this job he has been compromised by his recomendation.  He is opposed to external audits. Trinidad, Barbados, Jamaica and throughout the caribbean outsource this kind of engagement.  It goes to shows how this auditor and  Guyana is out of touch with the norms of accountability and transparency or perhaps the current administration have things to hide.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:


This is a tall order for Guyana as everyone is poltically affiliated and would cook the books either for or against govt depending on their party affiliation.

Also with Guyana's limited amount of industries it would be hard to find someone qualified. This job should be outsourced to an outside accounting firm as is the practice in many organizations.

Iteresting point!


The current acting auditor general  is not qualified for this job he has been compromised by his recomendation.  He is opposed to external audits. Trinidad, Barbados, Jamaica and throughout the caribbean outsource this kind of engagement.  It goes to shows how this auditor and  Guyana is out of touch with the norms of accountability and transparency or perhaps the current administration have things to hide.

Maybe this would be a good option after all they are paying massive salaries to local and foreign consultants for OLPF, etc.  A good qualified outsider to to rebuild and mold an independent AG function might be the best investment of all.


But the PPP is too corrupt to do that.  It will have far-reaching implications for the way the PPP run things.


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