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Former Member

Pedestrians wearing protective masks walk near the Eastern Market in Detroit, Michigan, U.S.

The coronavirus can infect anybody but African Americans are dying in disproportionate numbers, especially in certain big cities

by  in Washington

While New York’s Governor Andrew Cuomo once called the coronavirus a “great equalizer”, data shows the virus has been anything but indiscriminate.

As the US climbed to more than 10,000 coronavirus deaths on Monday state health officials grappled with its disproportionate impact on black Americans. The disparity is especially stark in cities like New Orleans, Chicago and Detroit, where high concentrations of African Americans live.

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Citing data from New York City's health department, de Blasio said Latinos — who make up about 29% of the city's population — represent nearly 34% of the patients who had died of COVID-19 as of Monday. And almost 28% of the city's 2,472 known deaths were among black people, who represent about 24% of the population.

Meanwhile, the numbers reflected a disproportionately lower impact among white people — about 32% of the city's population and 27% of its COVID-19 deaths — and Asian people, who represent nearly 14% of the population and about 7% of its deaths.........

In Chicago, data analyzed by member station WBEZ showed that as of Saturday, black people made up 70% of the city's recorded deaths, while black residents there make up less than 30% of its population. African American residents in Louisiana also represented "slightly more than 70% of deaths" across the state, its governor, John Bel Edwards, said on Monday.

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Could better hygiene be one of the reasons for a lower infection rate among other groups that are less affected?

I think it's population density.

Last edited by Former Member

Maybe it's the whites who came up with the virus and when they went to Wuhan for the military games, unleashed it there. Now there's one that's been going around.

Last edited by cain

Depends how much you believe and follow the bible.

I thought trump was the second coming of Christ, least he thought so.

Banna, it's amazing how many people quote parts from the bible to suit whatever is going on at the moment but don't really follow nor live by the Bible..It's just as those who tend to always use quotes such as, doan throw rocks if you live in a glass house, chances are those same people don't follow what they preach. On the whole most people,are hypocrites. Back to the Bible. If you were to look at all that's written in there, we all dead already.


I never used to believe in the Bible but when I read it, i changed my mind about it.   The only things I don't believe in, are 'The story of Adam and Eve',

The 'Resurection'  and the alledged miracles.


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