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Dear Editor,

 In the early period of our protracted election crisis US Ambassador, the Honourable Sarah–Ann Lynch, put in the public record, her and the US government’s position on Guyana’s election crisis. To support her position she cited the US Constitution, Bill of Rights and Universal Declaration of Human Rights as documents that represented the philosophical bases for her conviction on democracy. Stabroek News carried the Ambassador’s pronouncements in an article published in its (03-04-2020) edition captioned, “US Ambassador: statement on Guyana elections are defence of ‘bedrock’ principles”.

In response to the Ambassador, I wrote a letter that acknowledges US rights to engage our electoral process. I was critical of some aspects of Ambassador Lynch’s statement. But more importantly, I raised questions on the timing and motive that was driving the US government policy on our elections. In the penultimate paragraph of my letter, I cited the political situation in Venezuela and President Donald Trump’s re-election bid in November as issues influencing the US government policy. I also called on Ambassador Lynch to give a public assurance to Guyanese that our country would not be drawn into the US/Venezuela conflict.

This is what I wrote: “ In closing, I wish to ask US Ambassador Sarah-Ann Lynch for a public assurance to the Guyanese nation that her country’s present attitude and involvement in our election crisis is not driven by its Venezuela policy and linked to the re-election of President  Donald Trump in the November Elections. As a Guyanese, I have a great suspicion that her government’s diplomacy (if it can be called so) in relation to Guyana is driven by the need to have access to our land, sea and air space for military operations against Venezuela. Ambassador, I hope you will appreciate the anxiety of the Guyanese nation in this dangerous geopolitical adventure as US warships are heading to Venezuela. ” 

Readers should note to date the Ambassador has not given any assurance to the nation in relation to my request. In my view, her silence on this important matter is proof that I struck the hammer on the correct nail, so to speak. In doing so I exposed the US and its allies’ conspiracy with the PPP/C  against the Granger-led APNU+AFC coalition government. The March 02, 2020, General and Regional elections were effectively, a means to an end, that is, regime change to facilitate US hemispheric objectives.

While the Honourable Sarah . A. Lynch was seeking cover in silence on this sensitive matter, objective reality has since kicked in. Reluctantly the APNU+AFC coalition administration revealed to the country and the world that the US government had requested permission to use Guyana’s short wave radio frequency for the Voice of America to broadcast to Venezuela. That request was correctly denied in the interest of national security by the coalition government. In response, Ambassador Lynch admitted that the request was made but added, that presently, her government is no longer interested in the project. This revelation by the former Guyana government and the Ambassador’s admission was the first public confirmation that my suspicions on the US attitude to our elections was influenced by its Venezuela policy was correct, and that my assessment was rooted in political reality.

Within days of the PPPC’s administration, the truth of the US position begun unfolding, and I am predicting it will continue to do so in the run-up to the November elections. It is now payback time and from all indications, the Irfaan Ali regime will be a faithful client. The Trump administration in its efforts to deny Latin American countries from occupying the important post of President of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) put forward its candidate and requested Guyana’s support. President Ali meekly concurred, with the outrageous statement abandoning Latin America solidarity stating that his government is not concerned with “convention” and has agreed to the US request. What we are witnessing unfolding before our eyes is a neo-colonial relationship.

It was not long thereafter that we got the news that the Guyana government has fully embraced the US-sponsored initiative for a   Venezuelan solution to that country’s political crisis. Guyana is now an active supporter of the group of concerned countries pushing for a US-sponsored solution in Venezuela. This was met with pleasure by the Acting Assistant Secretary for the US Department of State’s Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs, Mr Michael Kozak, who publicly acknowledged Guyana cooperation.

I end with the observation that the APNU+AFC coalition government’s policy on Venezuela was one of neutrality and respect for that country’s sovereignty.

Yours faithfully,

Tacuma Ogunseye   

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The Americans did not assist the PPP during the last election from the goodness of their heart, because they don't do something for nothing. Whether its oil, Peace Corps or politics, there is always payback. 

Compare all that to the UN Peace Keepers. It was initiated by Canadian  Prime Minister Lester Pearson, who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1957, but it became a UN program.   


Canada joins US in demanding immediate release of Guyana's disputed election results

Wednesday, July 15, 2020 1 comment

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Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau (File photo)


OTTAWA, Canada (CMC) — Canada today said it would join its partners in the international community in calling on Guyana to ensure the results of the disputed March 2 regional and general elections are released immediately.

“Canada strongly regrets the extended delay in declaring election results in Guyana, a delay that has now lasted more than four months,” the Justin Trudeau government said in a statement.


It follows an announcement by the United States that it would impose “visa restrictions on persons undermining democracy” in the Caribbean Community (Caricom) country and growing speculation that the United Kingdom may soon announce measures of its own.


US Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo said the David Granger government “must respect the result of democratic elections and step aside” and warned that the visa restrictions could also be extended to “immediate family members of such persons”, delaying the release of the results.


In its statement, Canada said that it supports the calls made by the Organization of American States, Caricom, the Commonwealth, the Caribbean Court of Justice and civil society organisations “to announce the results based on the national recount, as validated by the CARICOM observer mission”.


“In the interest of the democratic rights of the people of Guyana, Canada firmly maintains that the rule of law and democratic processes must be respected and a declaration be announced without further delay.


“Canada will continue to work with its partners in the international community, using all tools at our disposal, to demand a swift and transparent conclusion to the election process and hold accountable those who prevent it,” the statement added.

@Former Member posted:

Canada was spearheading the effort to remove Lucifer Garanger and his racist, wicked and evil AFC PNC  Cabal. 

Canada helped the PPP with the election and did not  ask for favours like the Americans. Lets see how  the Rat gun give broadcast licence to the Americans for Venezuela, that APNU refused. Selling Guyana, like he did to the Chinese. 


All you kathar suicide crew got upset when Canada sent an Honourable Canadian Premier to review a corrupt PNC contract and report. All paid for by a Canadian fund.

All you na gat shame and credibility. Just like Moses, a bunch of katahars. 

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

All you kathar suicide crew got upset when Canada sent an Honourable Canadian Premier to review a corrupt PNC contract and report. All paid for by a Canadian fund.

All you na gat shame and credibility. Just like Moses, a bunch of katahars. 

Canada sent ? Bhai, the PPP has always been a poor choice of people they select to do a job.  The Chinese, Bhim Singh lives in the US and chair GUYSUCO board with travel expenses. Robert Persaud gun do the same.  D_G mentioned the poor choice of Redford for Guyana and her politics is also known here.  

You should go live in the Pitcairns and operate a business near Simco Lake. 


Blah Blah Blah.

Your posted right here that Ali will never become President. You now eat moco moco  All you na gat shame, all you love to cuss all you mattie Kulie. But you mouth was in your rear when Granger was raping the constitution and attempted to install a dictatorship.

Shameless Kuile Crabdawg, 

You are always posting nonsense. You need to calm down and relax. Good thing PPP won. 

You started attacking posters and you get belly wok now that they responded in kind. 

How your is suicide mission coming along ? Take a chill pill, Jagdeo will govern for another 20 years. 

Last edited by Former Member
@Tola posted:

Canada sent ? Bhai, the PPP has always been a poor choice of people they select to do a job.  The Chinese, Bhim Singh lives in the US and chair GUYSUCO board with travel expenses. Robert Persaud gun do the same.  D_G mentioned the poor choice of Redford for Guyana and her politics is also known here.  

You should go live in the Pitcairns and operate a business near Simco Lake. 

Did you mention jobs? The PPP creating jobs.   Whom they put to do the job is not your concern.  You should be more concerned about your friends in the PNC who didn't create any job in the last 5 1/2 years they were in the government and whom you supported. Today you are criticizing Ali who is on record to create 50,000 jobs for all Guyanese.

@Former Member posted:

Blah Blah Blah.

Your posted right here that Ali will never become President. You now eat moco moco  All you na gat shame, all you love to cuss all you mattie Kulie. But you mouth was in your rear when Granger was raping the constitution and attempted to install a dictatorship.

Shameless Kuile Crabdawg, 

You are always posting nonsense. You need to calm down and relax. Good thing PPP won. 

You started attacking posters and you get belly wok now that they responded in kind. 

How your is suicide mission coming along ? Take a chill pill, Jagdeo will govern for another 20 years. 

From the bullshit you post there is no doubt that "coolie crabdog" you speak about, would be you.


So hear nuh. Dah stupid grinnin' toad above is now pissed off at Goodyear because they have banned political wear, eg:  MAGA hats. The fool wants Goodyear be banned...same special tires used on the vehicle used to lug his silly arse around. What a classy ruler, with all that is occurring, banning Goodyear is soooooo important.

There should be a special mode of transport for that fool...donkeycart, with him right up front pulling while dem donkeys sit on the cart with legs all cocked up.

@cain posted:

So hear nuh. Dah stupid grinnin' toad above is now pissed off at Goodyear because they have banned political wear, eg:  MAGA hats. The fool wants Goodyear be banned...same special tires used on the vehicle used to lug his silly arse around. What a classy ruler, with all that is occurring, banning Goodyear is soooooo important.

There should be a special mode of transport for that fool...donkeycart, with him right up front pulling while dem donkeys sit on the cart with legs all cocked up.

Me still rememba how me fada used to mek the round metal strap that hold the  donkey cart wooden wheel together and me offer to help make de special cartwheel for Mahatma Trump...ops grinnin' toad dankey kart. 

You sure de real reason for bannin' Goodyear is not a tire mark on his back that reads have a GOODYEAR.  If that guy gets a second term, you betta dump de US in de Pacific. 


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