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Former Member

Here is the long awaited picture. Many here doubted me when I broke this news a few months ago. 


I also heard from a highly reliable source that Moses will be next if he is not crowned leader of the AFC. The AFC is in deep deep trouble.


I predicted the downfall of the AFC as a result of Nigel and Cathy who destroyed the  AFC. Folks enjoy as the wheels of the AFC falls off. Let us give the PNC and TK credit for bringing over another top brass leader of the AFC over to the PNC.


The downfall of the AFC was it's reluctance to fight internal corruption. Kudos to Gerhard and I wish him all the best. I will not agree with his politics but he was brave enough to stand up against AFC corruption.





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Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by yuji22:

And here is the AFC Bluffmaster in talks wit the Chinese. He is still hiding in his toilet after he bluffed about the no confidence motion. Moses will be best served by joining Gerhard and become a PNC.




yuji, you doggedly persist in misrepresenting Moses Nagamootoo's action in this photo.

These Chinese officials came to Guyana after the parliamentary opposition parties raised alarm about a US$150 million secret deal between the PPP regime and China Harbour Engineering Company[CHEC] to execute the CJIA expansion project.

Those Chinese men in the picture are CHEC officials. They met with a Ramotar team and an AFC team headed by Moses Nagamootoo.

yuji is maliciously imputing that Moses met with the Chinese for personal gain. This is completely false.

Stop slandering Moses, yuji.


Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:

For the record, I am still an Executive Member of the AFC.  


I was introduced to politics at age 4 when my family returned from East Germany to Guyana by my father.  He took me to Freedom House before I could speak English and enrolled me as a Pioneer.  Later I would join the PYO and then the PPP proper.  My father himself was introduced to politics at age 8 by my aaja (my paternal grandfather) in 1946 when the PAC (the precursor to the PPP) was formed.  My aaja was the foreman for Kitty and would open the market for PAC meetings.  My dad would sit on my aaja's shoulders and listen to the meetings, and in turn put me on his shoulders when I was 8 to listen to Dr Walter Rodney at Bourda.


My father always kept my eyes on the prize of a united Guyana.  He told me of when he campaigned for Forbes Burnham in 1953 and how the term Apaan Jhat was coined by a pro-Indian politician who opposed the PPP, and who was fighting in that constituency.  He told me of the unity of the people at the time and how much it hurt him when the PPP split in 1955.  


And even though he fought the PNC since then and I did since 1976, he never forgot his dream of a united Guyana.  He kept me grounded and did his best to stop any hatred for the "blackman" from seeping into my psyche.  He knew what at some at Freedom House would tell me and so he told me of the atrocities committed by Indians in the 60s.  He also told me of an incident in 1962 when Freedom House was mobbed and people inside brought out guns to shoot the protesters, but Dr Jagan told them to use slingshots instead, telling them that they were their brothers and sisters being misled.


And so while I spent most of my life fighting the PNC, I was never taught to hate them.  In fact, my dad and I believed in Dr Jagan's promise of a broad-based Gov't in 1992 to the extent that we thought PNC people would be invited to join.  We were deeply disappointed when that Gov't was comprised mostly of party hacks, the unfortunate results of which we so clearly see today.


After Dr Jagan died and things turned around 180 degrees, my dad and I had no compunction joining the AFC which with its PNC and PPP elements represented a return to the pre-1955 PPP.  And so today, I feel the same way about the prospect of an APNU/AFC coalition.  Such a coalition would be even more representative of the pre-1955 PPP than the AFC.


Of course, the lesson learnt from 1992 is that our national problems are not solved by the simple removal of a Gov't.  Therefore, should a coalition arise, it must not be with the sole aim of removing the PPP, but of permanently transforming Guyana's political landscape by committing to and engaging in Constitution, Electoral and Security Sector reform among other things.


I hope that persons can now gain an insight into the politics of my dad and I.  We were introduced to it as children and so all we knew was to fight for what's right without thought of position or reward.  This is what informed and guided our struggle, the same struggle I am continuing in the name of my son.

Originally Posted by Wally:

The AFC is made up of some very hardcore PPP Jaganites who left the PPP chiefly because the Jagans are no longer in power.  I just cannot see them ever having a lasting coalition with the PNC unless Mr. Moses or Van West is the Presidential or Prime Minister candidate in such coalition.

There is nothing barring Moses Nagamootoo from being a Prime Ministerial candidate in a possible pre-election AFC-APNU partnership, Wally.



Originally Posted by Wally:

Bookman the question is would those Jaganite AFC members and voters stay in the party if there is a AFC-PNC coalition or would they go back to the PPP.  I feel with a leader like Comrade Moses they would stay with the party.   

Wally, history and hard experience have shown that people who desert the PPP and return to the PPP are treated as outcasts and viewed with suspicion and prevented from upward mobility within the Party.

The last prominent case was Joey Jagan who returned just before the 2011 general elections, was used by Ramotar to attack Moses at Port Mourant, and then snubbed by Ramotar after the elections. Joey wrote a letter in the press saying that he sent letters to Ramotar suggesting certain reforms but Ramotar didn't even have the courtesy to acknowledge receipt of those letters.

Before Joey there were others. They lived to regret that they ever rejoined the PPP.

I'm sure the so-called Jaganites in the AFC know that.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Wally:

Bookman the question is would those Jaganite AFC members and voters stay in the party if there is a AFC-PNC coalition or would they go back to the PPP.  I feel with a leader like Comrade Moses they would stay with the party.   

Wally, history and hard experience have shown that people who desert the PPP and return to the PPP are treated as outcasts and viewed with suspicion and prevented from upward mobility within the Party.

The last prominent case was Joey Jagan who returned just before the 2011 general elections, was used by Ramotar to attack Moses at Port Mourant, and then snubbed by Ramotar after the elections. Joey wrote a letter in the press saying that he sent letters to Ramotar suggesting certain reforms but Ramotar didn't even have the courtesy to acknowledge receipt of those letters.

Before Joey there were others. They lived to regret that they ever rejoined the PPP.

I'm sure the so-called Jaganites in the AFC know that.

The few that I know here would be very angry with the AFC. The loss of financial support could be the end of the AFC.


A lot of these pot belly so called Uncles that Gerhard have here on this board may be breathing a sign of relief tonight and sleeping sound in their beds tonight because they now know that Gerhard is still AFC and has not joined the PNC like their race traitor TK.  Therefore he and family will not a lebelled as so called Indian (althought they may reserve and use the C word for TK)  race traitors like TK is.  It is truely disgusting just to think about this situation.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

AFC will not lose any financial support. Any such thinking is a misnomer. Many business people want to see a change in government. Many people who are big and in front hollering PPP PPP are quietly making overtures to the PNC and AFC that is a fact, Yuh nah see even Gerhard knockin glass and boots wid granger.

I really feel sorry for TK ...

poor chap is exposed as De PNC Sakiwinki....

Grehard show us how dishonest he is....

Gerhard show him what Political Pedigree means.....

Dr Rose is saying he want no part of the

Monkey Mountain Development Plan....


where does this leff de Undercover Jihaji

Originally Posted by Wally:

A lot of these pot belly so called Uncles that Gerhard have here on this board may be breathing a sign of relief tonight and sleeping sound in their beds tonight because they now know that Gerhard is still AFC and has not joined the PNC like their race traitor TK.  Therefore he and family will not a lebelled as so called Indian (althought they may reserve and use the C word for TK)  race traitors like TK is.  It is truely disgusting just to just think about this situation.


Originally Posted by Wally:

A lot of these pot belly so called Uncles that Gerhard have here on this board may be breathing a sign of relief tonight and sleeping sound in their beds tonight because they now know that Gerhard is still AFC and has not joined the PNC like their race traitor TK.  Therefore he and family will not a lebelled as so called Indian (althought they may reserve and use the C word for TK)  race traitors like TK is.  It is truely disgusting just to think about this situation.

So wuh goin on, u pissed off because GerHard din leave the AFC, I doan get the point.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Wally:

Bookman the question is would those Jaganite AFC members and voters stay in the party if there is a AFC-PNC coalition or would they go back to the PPP.  I feel with a leader like Comrade Moses they would stay with the party.   

Wally, history and hard experience have shown that people who desert the PPP and return to the PPP are treated as outcasts and viewed with suspicion and prevented from upward mobility within the Party.

The last prominent case was Joey Jagan who returned just before the 2011 general elections, was used by Ramotar to attack Moses at Port Mourant, and then snubbed by Ramotar after the elections. Joey wrote a letter in the press saying that he sent letters to Ramotar suggesting certain reforms but Ramotar didn't even have the courtesy to acknowledge receipt of those letters.

Before Joey there were others. They lived to regret that they ever rejoined the PPP.

I'm sure the so-called Jaganites in the AFC know that.

Bookman I think Joey Jagan was not allowed to be a member of the PPP party. According to what Prashad wrote here a few years ago Joey Jagan was told that he can only be a member of the Civic and come under it's leader Sam Hinds.  If Prashad or some others can shed some more light on this matter it would be good.

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Wally:

A lot of these pot belly so called Uncles that Gerhard have here on this board may be breathing a sign of relief tonight and sleeping sound in their beds tonight because they now know that Gerhard is still AFC and has not joined the PNC like their race traitor TK.  Therefore he and family will not a lebelled as so called Indian (althought they may reserve and use the C word for TK)  race traitors like TK is.  It is truely disgusting just to think about this situation.

So wuh goin on, u pissed off because GerHard din leave the AFC, I doan get the point.

Are you happy Cain that he did not leave the AFC to join TK the so called Indian traitor in the PNC. 


Regardless of if you like or hate TK for joining the PNC party you have to admit the man has got some serious balls/chonas and that is what true leadership is made of.  Just take a look at the photo of Indira Gandhi standing on the China-India border looking with a pair of military binoculars.  Would Nehru do that.  Hell no. He was just a leader on paper.  That woman had serious balls/chonas and that is what true leadership is made of.  

Originally Posted by Wally:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Wally:

Bookman the question is would those Jaganite AFC members and voters stay in the party if there is a AFC-PNC coalition or would they go back to the PPP.  I feel with a leader like Comrade Moses they would stay with the party.   

Wally, history and hard experience have shown that people who desert the PPP and return to the PPP are treated as outcasts and viewed with suspicion and prevented from upward mobility within the Party.

The last prominent case was Joey Jagan who returned just before the 2011 general elections, was used by Ramotar to attack Moses at Port Mourant, and then snubbed by Ramotar after the elections. Joey wrote a letter in the press saying that he sent letters to Ramotar suggesting certain reforms but Ramotar didn't even have the courtesy to acknowledge receipt of those letters.

Before Joey there were others. They lived to regret that they ever rejoined the PPP.

I'm sure the so-called Jaganites in the AFC know that.

Bookman I think Joey Jagan was not allowed to be a member of the PPP party. According to what Prashad wrote here a few years ago Joey Jagan was told that he can only be a member of the Civic and come under it's leader Sam Hinds.  If Prashad or some others can shed some more light on this matter it would be good.

Wally yuh correct....

The Same man who write Moses a letter "Thanking him for Resigning from de PPP"


Tha same man tell Joey Jagan....

"You cannot be a Member of the Party Yuh Father & Mother slave for and Build"......

"PPP today do not want to hear about Jagan.....all aya Jagan Fu*k Off"..

"And who yuh think Joey Jagan is.....look yuh Backside aint shit today"....

"we do not need you....we got Manniram, Lamumba, Prya De Big-Puss, Anil, Irfan, Carolyn, Robert, Ashnee, Kwame and all De Black House of Israel Thugs.......what de Fu*k we need Jagan fuh"


"Jagan only talking about Lean & Clean Govt....We dont need Jagan...dem cant go pull teeth and forget about PPP....Jagan do not Deal with Drug wha aya gon do?"

Originally Posted by Wally:

Regardless of if you like or hate TK for joining the PNC party you have to admit the man has got some serious balls/chonas and that is what true leadership is made of.  Just take a look at the photo of Indira Gandhi standing on the China-India border looking with a pair of military binoculars.  Would Nehru do that.  Hell no. He was just a leader on paper.  That woman had serious balls/chonas and that is what true leadership is made of.  

TK got Balls?.....No Tk does play with Granger Balls....

TK taught AFC would collapse when he leave.

That ia a lie....


The Truth is the AFC is Stronger since TK move to Monkey Mountain.


Jalil yuh need to wuk TK out of yuh system because here is the deal.


If Moses and dem PNC chap decide fuh hold hand and walk around de marro yuh gonna have to swalla dis and smile and guess who gonna be pan de odda side to welcome de barriat? TK.


Yuh ain't see how TK arrange limousine and champagne fuh Granger when de man come to New Yark? de man was de chief organizer. TK like he prappa upset one and two people in curry hill.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Jalil yuh need to wuk TK out of yuh system because here is the deal.

 So finally....yuh admitting to be de Jumbie


If Moses and dem PNC chap decide fuh hold hand and walk around de marro yuh gonna have to swalla dis and smile and guess who gonna be pan de odda side to welcome de barriat? TK.

Wa mek yuh admitting now?


Yuh ain't see how TK arrange limousine and champagne fuh Granger when de man come to New Yark? de man was de chief organizer. TK like he prappa upset one and two people in curry hill.

Watch GNI....TK trying fuh tek Credit Now

Haul yuh a**........TK was not allowed close to Granger.....TK was de one encouraging people to leave AFC and Join him at Monkey Mountain..... TK call me and was crying how he was treated bad by (his words) dem PNC Monkeys in Richmond Hill.


If TK want to man up...he must admitt  Joining the PNC was a big mistake....and all those who ignored him like Gerhard, DR Rose and others made the right decision.


TK like cent Ice now....Guyana Cent.


Ow Jalie boy like yuh slowin down wid old age yuh aint understanding wah me a seh?


When Granjah and Moses guh walk around de marro yuh boy TK will be right there. I gat de pictures to show you TK wid gerhard Uncle Granjah. You know Gerhard callin de man Uncle now right?


Even Mike passaud confirm dat TK was present wid Granger and was de big arganizer in Queens fuh Granger. Suh what yuh getting all worked up about. Juss now Rose, TK and Gerhard and even you gonna be singing de praises of Granjah once Moses walk round de marro.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Ow Jalie boy like yuh slowin down wid old age yuh aint understanding wah me a seh?


When Granjah and Moses guh walk around de marro yuh boy TK will be right there. I gat de pictures to show you TK wid gerhard Uncle Granjah. You know Gerhard callin de man Uncle now right?


Even Mike passaud confirm dat TK was present wid Granger and was de big arganizer in Queens fuh Granger. Suh what yuh getting all worked up about. Juss now Rose, TK and Gerhard and even you gonna be singing de praises of Granjah once Moses walk round de marro.


Look how de Jumbie and his Story is being unmasked.....


How suddenly this moment

Redux and TK openly talking for TK??????

Mike say yuh lie....eee say yuh arrange with Dolly Hassan fuh embarrass Granger.....and it backfire......Do not keep Lieing ....

Last edited by Former Member

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