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It’s time Guyanese look to the diaspora for its new leaders

Just as the Israelites were in the wilderness for 40 years, likewise the Guyanese have been in the wilderness for over 50 years.

Fifty years later, the life of the Guyanese people is still sadly crippled by overwhelming unemployment,  domestic violence, and the  people still live in dire poverty and with blackouts.

Fifty years later, there’s still mass migration, people are still treated as second class citizens, looked down on and talked down to by the politicians.

Fifty years later, the Guyanese people all still don’t have clean drinking water, are betrayed and deceived by politicians, while the politicians gave themselves mansions and pay raises and corruption is still rampant, 

It’s time for a change of the way the country is being led. It’s time for the people of this country to recognize and realize that the politicians have deceived and divided us.

It’s time for the people of this country to get fired up and get rid of the political parties which have failed them and bring in new leaders.


These new leaders must not be politicians. They can be scientists, businessmen and women, bankers, economists, professors, doctors, lawyers,  judges, teachers and others.

These new leaders must put the people of this country first. They must not treat Guyanese like second class citizens.

Throughout the country’s history, the Guyanese people have been governed by politicians who put themselves first and treated the citizenry like second class citizens. It’s time for the people of this country to give a new group of people a chance to lead them.

For many years, the politicians promised the nation change, but they never delivered. There has been little progress.

Editor, after their dismal performances, I can’t believe that the politicians still have the audacity to ask the people to continue to support them.

I say to the citizenry don’t give them your vote.


It’s time to vote for new leaders. Therefore, I am proposing that the citizenry ask the Guyanese in the diaspora to come back to Guyana and run for the president of the country.

The country cannot continue voting for the same people elections after elections and expect a different result. It’s insanity. It’s time for a change. It’s time for new leadership. It’s time to bring in the diaspora to run the country.

It’s time to take back the country from the politicians.

It’s time to join the battle,  to save the country and our lives. It is time to stop being treated as a second class citizen, to end the strife between the local and diaspora, to forgive and forget about our past differences and chart a new course for the future of the country. It’s time for the local and Guyanese diaspora to put aside their differences and unite for the good of the country.

It is time to stop thinking that the political parties will change and bring in new leadership. It’s time to give the diaspora a chance to run the country. They are our only hope for the country’s future. It’s time to do something radical. It’s time to bring back home  the diaspora and let them run for president.

Yours faithfully,

Anthony Pantlitz


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@Mitwah posted:

It’s time Guyanese look to the diaspora for its new leaders

It’s time for the people of this country to get fired up and get rid of the political parties which have failed them and bring in new leaders.

These new leaders must not be politicians. They can be scientists, businessmen and women, bankers, economists, professors, doctors, lawyers,  judges, teachers and others.

These new leaders must put the people of this country first. They must not treat Guyanese like second class citizens.

Yours faithfully,

Anthony Pantlitz


Pantilitz, perhaps it might start to occur in about 1,000 years.


Pantilitz is a family we knew on EBD.

This guarantees nothing.  Rikety Bruk and his gang of racist Brooklyn Black Supremist will do to Guyana what the Brooklyn Jews did to the Arabs and Palestinians in Israel.  He should ask them how they fare under diaspora domination.  The PNC's intentions are to make Indians second-class citizens in the country of their birth.

The goal of this current PNC is to subjugate Indians and force them out of Guyana by attrition and have a final solution and Black domination.

Last edited by Former Member

The Indian today is left to the mercy of the PPP and its leadership. Since 1950, it has been the efforts of a single Indian to discredit any Indian association as being racists. He felt, there must be only one representation of the working class. Foolishly, he never realized that race and culture comes first and then nationalism. We are seeing this in real time as the Afro Guyanese forces unified under Black control of the country. Had we adopted the Colonial gift of a stable approach to self determination instead of confrontational communism we may have been more nationalistic. Perhaps, limiting the prospects of what we are facing today, the determination of a racial group to perform great injustice upon an entire country so that they may feel safe.

I have said, some weeks ago on GNI that Indians needs to create something similar to the BGEIA, independent of the PPP controls.

We need to rebuild our people. It is plain as dayclean, Guyana is everyman(race)fuh demselves.    

On Mr. Pantlitz and every new politcal movement, it is great to intitiate. However, they fail to do the very basic, they never can be contacted or they do not reply. Organizations that make great strides are the ones that goes after support, one person at a time.


Last edited by seignet

Seignet: The Indians today made their beds and they prefered to suffer under the PPP rather than the PNC.  They are not under any pressure to vote for the PPP but when the PPP is the best party to move Guyana forward, they will have no choice but to vote PPP.    233,336 people agree with me. I do not know who you are but you are not a sane person.


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