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Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

PPP reading the tea leaves...and it don't look good

Ray, I am ashamed of you. None of you have the facts BUT are quick to jump to ILLITERATE conclusions!!!!!

like you wanna kick some asses too

George Bush said he gun kick some Asses and he did.  Jagdeo is all talk and no action.

seems there was some action with the assasination of this fellow

Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

PPP reading the tea leaves...and it don't look good

Ray, I am ashamed of you. None of you have the facts BUT are quick to jump to ILLITERATE conclusions!!!!!

like you wanna kick some asses too

George Bush said he gun kick some Asses and he did.  Jagdeo is all talk and no action.

seems there was some action with the assasination of this fellow

Seems, another GREAT English word.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:


I would never deign to ask Blacks or any group to forget anything. We don't have to hold each other guilty for past injustices though.



You cannot be so foolish and asinine to put 100% of the blame on the PNC.


The PPP and the PNC are creatures of Guyana's ethnic insecurity dilemma.  You should be advocating a solution.  Right now you aren't.


It isn't about two nations at war.  Its about different parts of the SAME NATION tearing itself to pieces.  So some PPP lunatic quite likely instigated this murder.  If some lunatic PNC retaliates then it will bring a reaction. That is 100% of what 1962-64 was all about.



Thank you!!!


Rickford Burke has just concluded the investigation. As usual it was some evil Coolies bent on killing Blacks.


New York Caribbean Institute for Democracy condemns the assassination of well known Guyanese anti-PPP government activist, Courtney Crum-Ewing and the unrelenting killing of PPP opponents,

Courtney Crum-Ewing's body lying in the Street

Courtney Crum-Ewing’s body lying in the Street

NEW YORK: The Caribbean Guyana Institute for Democracy (CGID) condemns the assassination of well known Guyanese anti-PPP government activist, Courtney Crum-Ewing, while campaign against Guyana’s ruling People’s Progressive Party (PPP).

CGID expresses outrage at the unrelenting killing, with impunity, of PPP opponents, solely because of their anti-government activism. Almost all of these murders are unsolved. The refusal of the Guyana Police Force (GPF) to seriously investigate these murders is a repudiation of justice and a mockery of the rule of law.

Mr. Crum-Ewing’s assassination is reminiscent of the assassination of journalist Ronald Waddell, who was killed by a death squad allegedly operated by then PPP Cabinet Minister Ronald Gajraj and Roger Khan – now convicted and imprisoned in the United States.

Mr. Crum-Ewing’s murder followed a hate speech by former President Bharrat Jagdeo, which appealed to the evil Trojan of Guyana’s politics – race and racial violence.  Mr. Jagdeo hurled the most profane racial epithets and deserves harsh condemnation.



Courtney Crum-Ewing was in Diamond Village, Guyana, on Tuesday evening, using a loud hailer to urge citizens to go out and vote in the general elections on May 11, 2015. While in the act of campaigning, a car with four occupants drove up and shot him in the head. He was taken to the Diamond hospital, where he was pronounced dead.

Mr. Crum-Ewing’s relatives have called for independent international pathologists to observe the autopsy, as well as for independent forensic and ballistic experts to assist in the investigation. We will pursue this matter with US officials.

Mr. Crum-Ewin was a zealous protester against Attorney General, Anil Nandlall, who was caught on tape threatening that journalists at Kaieteur newspapers, Guyana’s largest daily, will die in retaliation for their exposure of alleged corruption involving the Attorney General. Gunmen previously attacked the premises of the newspapers and killed several employees.

This is incontrovertibly a political assassination calculated to provoke a reaction that will engender racial fears and polarization, as the nation prepares for general elections. This evil tactic must not be tolerated; especially at this juncture of unprecedented unity, which has propelled Guyana to threshold of dramatic political change. It must be aggressively repelled by right thinking members of the security forces.

CGID calls for the speedy arrests and prosecution of Mr. Cum-Ewing’s killers. We call on President Donald Ramotar to request the assistance of international law enforcement in this investigation, as the people have no confidence in the Guyana Police Force to conduct an objective, unbiased and professional investigation.

We also call on the people of Guyana to remain resolute in the fight for political change and the restoration of full democracy to Guyana.

Rickford Burke, President – Caribbean Guyana Institute for Democracy (CGID)

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

PPP reading the tea leaves...and it don't look good

Ray, I am ashamed of you. None of you have the facts BUT are quick to jump to ILLITERATE conclusions!!!!!

like you wanna kick some asses too

George Bush said he gun kick some Asses and he did.  Jagdeo is all talk and no action.

you saying the champion of the earth is all talk,you getting amnesia    

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Chief:



Did you hear him say that coolie people must go shoot innocent unarmed Blacks?

Telling people to "kick ass" can be interpret by some to commit violence.


Given Guyana's history this is a bad act.


A certain former Prime Minister lost his job when he used similar language to fire up his supporters.  He lost power after 20 years, and is still dazed about  this.


Hopefully May 16th will see similar results, this when the PPP does its best to instigate violence by withholding results, as they always do.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Chief:


 But telling them to go BURN and KILL IS FINE.  MO FIAH SLO FIAH.

Did you hear him say that coolie people must go shoot innocent unarmed Blacks?

Telling people to "kick ass" can be interpret by some to commit violence.


Given Guyana's history this is a bad act.


A certain former Prime Minister lost his job when he used similar language to fire up his supporters.  He lost power after 20 years, and is still dazed about  this.


Hopefully May 16th will see similar results, this when the PPP does its best to instigate violence by withholding results, as they always do.


Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

This could possibly be an act committed by the PNC to incite racial tensions. We saw this happening during the Linden riots.


I sincerely hope that Guyanese do not buy into this attempt by the opposition to create racial tensions.



Oh yes, the PNC will instigate an action which will panic Indians back to the PPP.


I tell you when intelligence was being handed out you were at the back of the line.


The only people who THINK that they can benefit from racial panic is the PPP, because they are still locked in an era when Indians were the majority vote.


PNC is rallying their troops. A PNC meeting will soon be  held in Linden.


This could be an attempt to intimidate PPP voters into not voting in GT.


PNC can never hide their brutality in order to hang on to their base.

You are so smart it is amazing we can keep up with this relentless outpouring of concentrated wisdom! The APNU killed their own worker because they want to scare Indians!


PNC killed their own in  Linden in order to spread riots and violence. PNC is a very violent organization.


The world already knows who murder linden protesters...

Last edited by sachin_05
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

This is not a political killing yet. This is a killing of a person who happens to be a political activist. Let's not run to 2+2=22.


Let's at least wait till we at least get hold of some more facts. Most murders tend to occur for very personal reasons.

Bai you have either been brainwashed or involved.

Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Chief:

and who murder Sat Sawh.

I want to see an independent commission of inquiry into his murder. 


I thought this was already closed....they say the people RK killed did case closed

Sat was a very decent and honourable man. Only a commission of inquiry will reveal the truth.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Chief:

and who murder Sat Sawh.

I want to see an independent commission of inquiry into his murder. 


I thought this was already closed....they say the people RK killed did case closed

Sat was a very decent and honourable man. Only a commission of inquiry will reveal the truth.

you will get your wishes when the collation win the election 

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Chief:

and who murder Sat Sawh.

I want to see an independent commission of inquiry into his murder. 


I thought this was already closed....they say the people RK killed did case closed

Sat was a very decent and honourable man. Only a commission of inquiry will reveal the truth.

you will get your wishes when the collation win the election 


The coalition consists of pack of dunces and idiots. The PPP is headed for one of it's biggest majority.

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Chief:

and who murder Sat Sawh.

I want to see an independent commission of inquiry into his murder. 

The new Government will answer your wishes. 

New Government in your dreams.


We are headed to one of PPP's biggest majority. The internal numbers are impressive.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Chief:

and who murder Sat Sawh.

I want to see an independent commission of inquiry into his murder. 


I thought this was already closed....they say the people RK killed did case closed

Sat was a very decent and honourable man. Only a commission of inquiry will reveal the truth.

you will get your wishes when the collation win the election 


The coalition consists of pack of dunces and idiots. The PPP is headed for one of it's biggest majority.

Your skewed assessment,not the view of the masses.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Chief:

and who murder Sat Sawh.

I want to see an independent commission of inquiry into his murder. 

The new Government will answer your wishes. 

New Government in your dreams.


We are headed to one of PPP's biggest majority. The internal numbers are impressive.

the ppp plan to kill more supporters of the collation 

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Chief:

and who murder Sat Sawh.

I want to see an independent commission of inquiry into his murder. 

The new Government will answer your wishes. 

New Government in your dreams.


We are headed to one of PPP's biggest majority. The internal numbers are impressive.

PPP least they got hopes,this one they will

loose big time never to return.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Chief:

and who murder Sat Sawh.

I want to see an independent commission of inquiry into his murder. 

The new Government will answer your wishes. 

New Government in your dreams.


We are headed to one of PPP's biggest majority. The internal numbers are impressive.

you guys was voting internally in freedum house now this make sense,too bad you do not know how the rest of the guyanese feel

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Rickford Burke has just concluded the investigation. As usual it was some evil Coolies bent on killing Blacks.


New York Caribbean Institute for Democracy condemns the assassination of well known Guyanese anti-PPP government activist, Courtney Crum-Ewing and the unrelenting killing of PPP opponents,

Courtney Crum-Ewing's body lying in the Street

Courtney Crum-Ewing’s body lying in the Street

NEW YORK: The Caribbean Guyana Institute for Democracy (CGID) condemns the assassination of well known Guyanese anti-PPP government activist, Courtney Crum-Ewing, while campaign against Guyana’s ruling People’s Progressive Party (PPP).

CGID expresses outrage at the unrelenting killing, with impunity, of PPP opponents, solely because of their anti-government activism. Almost all of these murders are unsolved. The refusal of the Guyana Police Force (GPF) to seriously investigate these murders is a repudiation of justice and a mockery of the rule of law.

Mr. Crum-Ewing’s assassination is reminiscent of the assassination of journalist Ronald Waddell, who was killed by a death squad allegedly operated by then PPP Cabinet Minister Ronald Gajraj and Roger Khan – now convicted and imprisoned in the United States.

Mr. Crum-Ewing’s murder followed a hate speech by former President Bharrat Jagdeo, which appealed to the evil Trojan of Guyana’s politics – race and racial violence.  Mr. Jagdeo hurled the most profane racial epithets and deserves harsh condemnation.



Courtney Crum-Ewing was in Diamond Village, Guyana, on Tuesday evening, using a loud hailer to urge citizens to go out and vote in the general elections on May 11, 2015. While in the act of campaigning, a car with four occupants drove up and shot him in the head. He was taken to the Diamond hospital, where he was pronounced dead.

Mr. Crum-Ewing’s relatives have called for independent international pathologists to observe the autopsy, as well as for independent forensic and ballistic experts to assist in the investigation. We will pursue this matter with US officials.

Mr. Crum-Ewin was a zealous protester against Attorney General, Anil Nandlall, who was caught on tape threatening that journalists at Kaieteur newspapers, Guyana’s largest daily, will die in retaliation for their exposure of alleged corruption involving the Attorney General. Gunmen previously attacked the premises of the newspapers and killed several employees.

This is incontrovertibly a political assassination calculated to provoke a reaction that will engender racial fears and polarization, as the nation prepares for general elections. This evil tactic must not be tolerated; especially at this juncture of unprecedented unity, which has propelled Guyana to threshold of dramatic political change. It must be aggressively repelled by right thinking members of the security forces.

CGID calls for the speedy arrests and prosecution of Mr. Cum-Ewing’s killers. We call on President Donald Ramotar to request the assistance of international law enforcement in this investigation, as the people have no confidence in the Guyana Police Force to conduct an objective, unbiased and professional investigation.

We also call on the people of Guyana to remain resolute in the fight for political change and the restoration of full democracy to Guyana.

Rickford Burke, President – Caribbean Guyana Institute for Democracy (CGID)

This is what you call instigating violence , one BLACK man far away in U S A writing nonsense and gets away with it. He is playing Judge and jury.


In all fairness, it is premature and irresponsible to accuse the PPP of this crime.


No matter how much you may hate the PPP, you simply have to wait on more details.  Rash judgments are unfair.


That being said, the only one who can benefit from something like this is the Chat-3 as Mr. Ewing targeted him personally through daily protests. I do not put it past the Chat-3 to engineer something like this.  But at this point, there is simply no evidence.


The only way the PPP as party can benefit is if this assassination is used to go on a violence spree across the city, which is what the PPP will relish.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

This is not a political killing yet. This is a killing of a person who happens to be a political activist. Let's not run to 2+2=22.


Let's at least wait till we at least get hold of some more facts. Most murders tend to occur for very personal reasons.

Bai you have either been brainwashed or involved.

Mr T ....

Look ....We have Jagdeo, Ramotar & Rohee spreading Race Hate to a Smaller & Smaller PPP Coolie Support Base.

Wha use to be 30,000 in only 2,500 today.



Now....we have Anil Lapcloth

still trying fuh defend PPP and "De Collie Party"....

while the whole of Guyana mourning...

and cannot wait for May 11th

fuh turn the Table and correct this mess.



Anil admit he use Govt money and buy Sperm....


And His Lapcloth

suck D Gal BT after you leff.


Anil Drink Ramson Pee

when eee get Knock-out at Everest...


and Nandalall Retain

de Chat-3 Dutty Lapcloth

 fuh spread De Dhar Poke pee

here on GNI today.


Careful Bhai

Da Dutty Lapcloth

can Carry yuh Sperm

and sell it in Guyana.


Eee got Market...


Chief ....

Chat-3 like Cuss Muslim

yuh Believe

He would tell us

DharPoke marry a Fulla Gal?

Ah bet yuh ...eee na tell CaribJ about none of this.


Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:



I was gonna leave you alone for the sake of our past affiliation but you're apparently too stupid for your own good.....

This would mek meh friend Chief Crack-up Laughing.....

"Chief ....Ow Bhai...Look at this lil midget Gutter Rat.....messing Big Man from De Mansion".......Chief he go and suck de Gal BT after you gone....And now he Cussing Fullaman.


So explain some stuff for me chap.

Let's recap your admissions to me  privately:

Look at this Lil Crablouse....Anil buss up yuh bag.


1) Since I'm a stooge, why do you still have daily conversations with Donald Ramotar advising him what to do while at the same time bein all de Coalition poster you can be?.....

This Stooge got it all wrong....Not Daily....Hourly....

Anil cannot do me anything....I never ask him fuh a Raise...and yes his Boss who refused to meet with you ....still respect me.....


2) Tell us about Nagamootoo's secret invites to negotiate with the PPP?

Moses is my friend....and he too avoided you in Guyana....How come both Moses & Donald tell me yuh is a Cock man.....and not to be Trusted....and it aint no secret anymore.


3) Tell us more about how you're playing up for maximum potential benefit your personal ties to the PPP and the AFC.

Low life Crablouse they know me and respect me.....

and the Do not want to know you....

and have no respect for you....HOW COME....


Foucking hypocrite!

and as Ray say....."F OFF CRABLOUSE"



Some artful aversions, some lies, but good enough.



You and Jalil should keep this in-house.......really!

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

This could possibly be an act committed by the PNC to incite racial tensions. We saw this happening during the Linden riots.


I sincerely hope that Guyanese do not buy into this attempt by the opposition to create racial tensions.



Oh yes, the PNC will instigate an action which will panic Indians back to the PPP.


I tell you when intelligence was being handed out you were at the back of the line.


The only people who THINK that they can benefit from racial panic is the PPP, because they are still locked in an era when Indians were the majority vote.


PNC is rallying their troops. A PNC meeting will soon be  held in Linden.


This could be an attempt to intimidate PPP voters into not voting in GT.


PNC can never hide their brutality in order to hang on to their base.

You are so smart it is amazing we can keep up with this relentless outpouring of concentrated wisdom! The APNU killed their own worker because they want to scare Indians!


PNC killed their own in  Linden in order to spread riots and violence. PNC is a very violent organization.



How the PPP Killed Sugar, Betrayed Berbice Supporters


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