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Africo Selman addressing a public meeting at Charity

Selman tells Essequibo… Only President Ramotar has ability to lead Guyana to prosperity

FORMER APNU MP, Ms Africo Selman, who is now campaigning on the PPP/C platform, told a large crowd of PPP/C supporters at a public meeting at Charity on Sunday night that they and all other Guyanese must vote on May 11 for President Donald Ramotar and the PPP/C. 


She emphasised that it is only President Ramotar who has the ability to lead Guyana to prosperity, and the PPP/C is the only party interested in development.


The former MP of the 10th Parliament said President Ramotar must be commended for extending an olive branch to the Opposition when he prorogued Parliament and sought consultation on the way to move Guyana forward. She said, however, the Opposition is not interested in the development of Guyana – only power is their motive.


Ms Selman said Guyanese cannot afford to support a group of people called a coalition whose quest is all about power. The former MP said the APNU/AFC-led coalition is made up of a group of old retired military men headed by David Granger, Joseph Harmon, Fitzroy Cornette and Winston Felix who are all tired, tired, retired old men who want to control the democracy of Guyana and make mockery of the system.


She said the PNC has changed its name many times but it is still the same old PNC.


According to Selman, the PNC, now APNU, has David Granger at the helm, an old retired military officer who has being a member of the PNC for more than 35 years. She said the APNU- led coalition has “it is time for change” as its election theme but the APNU and AFC are the ones that need to be changed. She said their attitude towards respect for Guyanese and their intelligence need to be changed


Selman said the Opposition is a hypocritical, disrespectful and abusive bunch of people who Guyanese cannot allow to take over Guyana. She called on Guyanese to stand strong and to stand up against anti-democracy, anti-development, anti-women and anti-youth behaviour. She called for young Guyanese to be educated about the true nature of the PNC. She said Guyanese must not be deceived by ‘Time for Change’.


By Rajendra Prabhulall

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9 hours ago

Africo Selman addressing a public meeting at Charity

Selman tells Essequibo… Only President Ramotar has ability to lead Guyana to prosperity

FORMER APNU MP, Ms Africo Selman, who is now campaigning on the PPP/C platform, told a large crowd of PPP/C supporters at a public meeting at Charity on Sunday night that they and all other Guyanese must vote on May 11 for President Donald Ramotar and the PPP/C. 


She emphasised that it is only President Ramotar who has the ability to lead Guyana to prosperity, and the PPP/C is the only party interested in development.


The former MP of the 10th Parliament said President Ramotar must be commended for extending an olive branch to the Opposition when he prorogued Parliament and sought consultation on the way to move Guyana forward. She said, however, the Opposition is not interested in the development of Guyana – only power is their motive.




"Ms Selman said Guyanese cannot afford to support a group of people called a coalition whose quest is all about power. The former MP said the APNU/AFC-led coalition is made up of a group of old retired military men headed by David Granger, Joseph Harmon, Fitzroy Cornette and Winston Felix who are all tired, tired, retired old men who want to control the democracy of Guyana and make mockery of the system."


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