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Indians who supported the PNC and voted for them are now crying in shame. There is no excitement in this government. Ramjattan also regretted joining the PNC. The joint agreement between AFC+PNC is breached. A clear indication that shows Granger true color. These white mouth so called Indians can't answered some simple questions about the lost of Investors confidence. All private constructions in Georgetown are at a stand still since PNC took over. All their promises are empty so far.         


They wanted to give township status to four more places in Guyana, but no major roadways to link them. NO talks about the Amaila Hydro Power. Nothing about a road from Lethem to Linden & Berbice. The replacement of the Demerara Harbor Bridge. The deep water harbor. Not to mention the tourist industry is dead. LCDS is dead and our forest will be sold to Tom, Dick and Harry.         


The Americans asked them to pass the Money Laundering Bill as a priority, that fell on deaf ears. Do we have a government? For the sell out Indians, are you getting your invested percentage fairly? Don't worry, all of you who are talking brave right now, your time is coming to an end.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Cobra:
What a bunch of shameless pricks refuse to accept embarrassment of their own doing. What your parents suffered under the PNC will fall on your shoulders.


My parents? As far as I know they never ate one meal less under the PNC. Actually obesity only became a real problem for your clan under the PNC

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Indians who supported the PNC and voted for them are now crying in shame. There is no excitement in this government. Ramjattan also regretted joining the PNC. The joint agreement between AFC+PNC is breached. A clear indication that shows Granger true color. These white mouth so called Indians can't answered some simple questions about the lost of Investors confidence. All private constructions in Georgetown are at a stand still since PNC took over. All their promises are empty so far.         


They wanted to give township status to four more places in Guyana, but no major roadways to link them. NO talks about the Amaila Hydro Power. Nothing about a road from Lethem to Linden & Berbice. The replacement of the Demerara Harbor Bridge. The deep water harbor. Not to mention the tourist industry is dead. LCDS is dead and our forest will be sold to Tom, Dick and Harry.         


The Americans asked them to pass the Money Laundering Bill as a priority, that fell on deaf ears. Do we have a government? For the sell out Indians, are you getting your invested percentage fairly? Don't worry, all of you who are talking brave right now, your time is coming to an end.

boohoohoo!!! WAAAAAHHH!!!! ow gawd! abie lass abie gravy train! WAAAHHH! somebody tell dem black man na fa jail abie! ow gawd abie kyan teef na mo! waaahhh!

Originally Posted by antabanta:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Indians who supported the PNC and voted for them are now crying in shame. There is no excitement in this government. Ramjattan also regretted joining the PNC. The joint agreement between AFC+PNC is breached. A clear indication that shows Granger true color. These white mouth so called Indians can't answered some simple questions about the lost of Investors confidence. All private constructions in Georgetown are at a stand still since PNC took over. All their promises are empty so far.         


They wanted to give township status to four more places in Guyana, but no major roadways to link them. NO talks about the Amaila Hydro Power. Nothing about a road from Lethem to Linden & Berbice. The replacement of the Demerara Harbor Bridge. The deep water harbor. Not to mention the tourist industry is dead. LCDS is dead and our forest will be sold to Tom, Dick and Harry.         


The Americans asked them to pass the Money Laundering Bill as a priority, that fell on deaf ears. Do we have a government? For the sell out Indians, are you getting your invested percentage fairly? Don't worry, all of you who are talking brave right now, your time is coming to an end.

boohoohoo!!! WAAAAAHHH!!!! ow gawd! abie lass abie gravy train! WAAAHHH! somebody tell dem black man na fa jail abie! ow gawd abie kyan teef na mo! waaahhh!


While he is an idiot, the lies being fed by the PPP are having an effect. The economy (driven primarily by Indians) are at some kind of standstill driven almost completely by PPP fearmongering. The PPP is destabilizing Guyana economically.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by antabanta:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Indians who supported the PNC and voted for them are now crying in shame. There is no excitement in this government. Ramjattan also regretted joining the PNC. The joint agreement between AFC+PNC is breached. A clear indication that shows Granger true color. These white mouth so called Indians can't answered some simple questions about the lost of Investors confidence. All private constructions in Georgetown are at a stand still since PNC took over. All their promises are empty so far.         


They wanted to give township status to four more places in Guyana, but no major roadways to link them. NO talks about the Amaila Hydro Power. Nothing about a road from Lethem to Linden & Berbice. The replacement of the Demerara Harbor Bridge. The deep water harbor. Not to mention the tourist industry is dead. LCDS is dead and our forest will be sold to Tom, Dick and Harry.         


The Americans asked them to pass the Money Laundering Bill as a priority, that fell on deaf ears. Do we have a government? For the sell out Indians, are you getting your invested percentage fairly? Don't worry, all of you who are talking brave right now, your time is coming to an end.

boohoohoo!!! WAAAAAHHH!!!! ow gawd! abie lass abie gravy train! WAAAHHH! somebody tell dem black man na fa jail abie! ow gawd abie kyan teef na mo! waaahhh!


While he is an idiot, the lies being fed by the PPP are having an effect. The economy (driven primarily by Indians) are at some kind of standstill driven almost completely by PPP fearmongering. The PPP is destabilizing Guyana economically.

That won't last long. People are not stupid. They know what the PPP are doing. Most of the affluent will attempt to hold the new govt hostage hoping to get whatever ransom they can squeeze out until the bottom line starts screaming for revenue.
In no time, the crabdags will start moving the economy again, striving to gain whatever little advantage they can over each other.

It's a free economy.. right?

Originally Posted by antabanta:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by antabanta:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Indians who supported the PNC and voted for them are now crying in shame. There is no excitement in this government. Ramjattan also regretted joining the PNC. The joint agreement between AFC+PNC is breached. A clear indication that shows Granger true color. These white mouth so called Indians can't answered some simple questions about the lost of Investors confidence. All private constructions in Georgetown are at a stand still since PNC took over. All their promises are empty so far.         


They wanted to give township status to four more places in Guyana, but no major roadways to link them. NO talks about the Amaila Hydro Power. Nothing about a road from Lethem to Linden & Berbice. The replacement of the Demerara Harbor Bridge. The deep water harbor. Not to mention the tourist industry is dead. LCDS is dead and our forest will be sold to Tom, Dick and Harry.         


The Americans asked them to pass the Money Laundering Bill as a priority, that fell on deaf ears. Do we have a government? For the sell out Indians, are you getting your invested percentage fairly? Don't worry, all of you who are talking brave right now, your time is coming to an end.

boohoohoo!!! WAAAAAHHH!!!! ow gawd! abie lass abie gravy train! WAAAHHH! somebody tell dem black man na fa jail abie! ow gawd abie kyan teef na mo! waaahhh!


While he is an idiot, the lies being fed by the PPP are having an effect. The economy (driven primarily by Indians) are at some kind of standstill driven almost completely by PPP fearmongering. The PPP is destabilizing Guyana economically.

That won't last long. People are not stupid. They know what the PPP are doing. Most of the affluent will attempt to hold the new govt hostage hoping to get whatever ransom they can squeeze out until the bottom line starts screaming for revenue.
In no time, the crabdags will start moving the economy again, striving to gain whatever little advantage they can over each other.

It's a free economy.. right?


The economy is like the U.S not Wall Street alone but principally Main Street.


The ordinary Indian merchant class are always taking the political temperature of Guyana. And they are very susceptible to PPP scare tactics. Many people, including our resident Economist TK, are of the opinion that the Guyanese economy is already in negative growth territory and has been for a while as the PPP has been cooking the books to hide it. I suspect the Guyanese economy is in such a fragile state that it only needs a slight push to send it over a cliff. The PPP is more dangerous in Opposition than I imagined.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by antabanta:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by antabanta:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Indians who supported the PNC and voted for them are now crying in shame. There is no excitement in this government. Ramjattan also regretted joining the PNC. The joint agreement between AFC+PNC is breached. A clear indication that shows Granger true color. These white mouth so called Indians can't answered some simple questions about the lost of Investors confidence. All private constructions in Georgetown are at a stand still since PNC took over. All their promises are empty so far.         


They wanted to give township status to four more places in Guyana, but no major roadways to link them. NO talks about the Amaila Hydro Power. Nothing about a road from Lethem to Linden & Berbice. The replacement of the Demerara Harbor Bridge. The deep water harbor. Not to mention the tourist industry is dead. LCDS is dead and our forest will be sold to Tom, Dick and Harry.         


The Americans asked them to pass the Money Laundering Bill as a priority, that fell on deaf ears. Do we have a government? For the sell out Indians, are you getting your invested percentage fairly? Don't worry, all of you who are talking brave right now, your time is coming to an end.

boohoohoo!!! WAAAAAHHH!!!! ow gawd! abie lass abie gravy train! WAAAHHH! somebody tell dem black man na fa jail abie! ow gawd abie kyan teef na mo! waaahhh!


While he is an idiot, the lies being fed by the PPP are having an effect. The economy (driven primarily by Indians) are at some kind of standstill driven almost completely by PPP fearmongering. The PPP is destabilizing Guyana economically.

That won't last long. People are not stupid. They know what the PPP are doing. Most of the affluent will attempt to hold the new govt hostage hoping to get whatever ransom they can squeeze out until the bottom line starts screaming for revenue.
In no time, the crabdags will start moving the economy again, striving to gain whatever little advantage they can over each other.

It's a free economy.. right?


The economy is like the U.S not Wall Street alone but principally Main Street.


The ordinary Indian merchant class are always taking the political temperature of Guyana. And they are very susceptible to PPP scare tactics. Many people, including our resident Economist TK, are of the opinion that the Guyanese economy is already in negative growth territory and has been for a while as the PPP has been cooking the books to hide it. I suspect the Guyanese economy is in such a fragile state that it only needs a slight push to send it over a cliff. The PPP is more dangerous in Opposition than I imagined.

I submit the economy has been in negative growth because of he vise grip of the PPP oligarchy on the productive sector, and the skimming, well gouging actually, of the meagerest of funds available anywhere.
The superficial development projects are just that. There has not actually been any substantial infrastuctural improvement. It only took the PPP 22 years to do some maintainance on the Black Bush Polder road, one of the largest rice producing areas around. They are still to do anything about the dreadful living conditions that drive people to record numbers of suicide.

That's only one example.

With release from the stranglehold, and you know who used to have to get a massive cut for any potential investment in Gy, perhaps the economy will truly flow freely.


Like any volatile region in the world, both consumers and producers are waiting to see what will happen after a power change. I say the Gy Indian merchant class are in for a shock of they abstain too long. There are quite a large number of professionals and investors, of all races, who are more than willing to return to Gy, if the political/social/economic environment changes for the better.


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