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Former Member

It would seems that allocating billions of dollars for Infrastructural work is gateway for thieving and more corruptions, so Guyana can expect more corrupt PPP/C officials to become billionaires as this is where the big thieving occurs.

Where the kickback works in to corrupt officials as manna from heaven.


National Budget 2014…$1.9B for sea

and river defence upgrade

March 27, 2014 | By | Filed Under News 

Government has allocated $1.9B in this year’s National Budget to ensure the further strengthening of the sea and river defence infrastructure.
Minister of Finance, Dr. Ashni Singh, during his budget presentation said, rising sea levels continue to threaten the already vulnerable coastland.

 [File photo) Rip-rap sea defence infrastructure at Stewartville

(File photo) Rip-rap sea defence infrastructure at Stewartville


He added that whilst utilising new and emerging technologies for the improvement and sustainability of the structural integrity of the sea and river defence infrastructures, Guyana is promoting experimental soft and hard interventions.
This year, the Ministry of Public Works will be executing critical sea and river defence works in Regions Two to Seven. In addition, the mangrove restoration and replanting programme will continue with the planting of 50,000 mangrove seedlings, spartina grassing in selected areas, construction of geotextile breakwater structures, and the hydrological restoration of Wellington Park mangrove site.
According to Dr. Singh, Government will invest more than US$65M over the next five years in infrastructural works and coastal zone management systems, which will benefit almost 90 percent of our population.
These interventions include construction, rehabilitation and maintenance of more than 80 kilometres of sea and river defence infrastructures, the implementation of an integrated shore zone management system that will enhance resilience to coastal and riverine hazards, and integrated flood risk preparedness strategies, he said.
The Minister said that to reduce the risk of flooding and loss of land, Government’s policy is to foster better harmonisation among coastal zone and flood management stakeholders in close coordination with our national disaster management agency and strategy.
In 2013, the sum of $1.7 billion was disbursed for the improvement of our sea and river defence infrastructure. Under the piloted interventions bamboo brushwood dams, iron bamboo fences and rubber mound groynes were constructed to protect young mangrove seedlings from destruction and promote mangrove restoration

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This Corrupt PPP/C Government allocated G$625 to the poor and vulnerable, pensioners of Guyana. The amount of pensioners is being put by the PPP/C as 42,500: So the Corrupt Government gives the poor and needy $625, so lets do the maths, 42,500 pensioners x G$625 = G$26,562,500 (twenty six million, five hundred and sixty two and five hundred dollar)


Now if the Corrupt PPP/C were the give the pensioners G$2,500 it would mean that 42,500 x G$2,500 = G$106,250,000:


Which means that if the Corrupt PPP/C had given the pensioners 2,500 their bill would have been G$106,250,000: but they give G$26,562.500 (106,250,000 less 26,562500 = G$79,687,500


Means that had they given the pensioners $79,697,500 (Seventy Nine Millions) more, that would have been a livable amount with Pensioners moving to G$15,000 per month:


NB The rosters of 42,500 pensioners is a PPP/C figures, and because of their crookedness and lieing from the top to the bottom, that figure is suspect.

And once that figure is suspect.....then I would not be surprised to unearth more fraud and corruptions on the back of the poor and needy.

How more low can the Corrupt PPP/C get?


G$6 Billions for Guysuco


This will very well be chopped by the opposition, not because of the sugar workers, but because G$3 Billiion might very well go into the pocket of the Corrupt PPP/C

Last edited by Former Member

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