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Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Kari:

You're sitting in Alaska? or Gingrich's moon colony.


The results are coming in as expected.

Is what got you so?

  I am nervous as hell.

Chief....follow my posts. The key is the 9 battleground states. The national vote may be close or Romney may even win that, but Barack will get more than the 270 States' votes needed to be re-elected. And so far all the partial results and from the precincts they're coming in from point to Obama holding serve and blocking Romney from taking States he needs to get to 270. For instance California is Obama's and that's 55 votes. Right now Obama is like 162 to 158 in the Electoral college votes. Add California as well as Washington and Oregon, then look at the mid-west States around the car country and that are traditionally Democratic, and you see a clear path for Obama. Close????No even!

Originally Posted by warrior:

prashad i hope you have that rope handy,after tonight a black man will rule again for the next 4 yrs

Warria: You all talk about a black man.  He also has a white side (FYI.. His mother was white). He didn't get all the smarts from is black father. If his black father was that smart, he wouldn't have been driving drunk and get killed.


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