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Samuel L. Jackson's 'racist' reason for voting Obama: 'Because he was black'
In an interview with Ebony, Jackson shares his views on the American political system. Not everyone is appreciative
posted on February 13, 2012, at 11:24 AM

Samuel L. Jackson said in an interview it wasn't President Obama's message that got his vote, but the color of his skin. Photo: Mike Coppola/Getty Images SEE ALL 88 PHOTOS
Best Opinion: Urban Daily, American Thinker, Impre

Amid grumbling from some black intellectuals and media personalities about Obama's record on tackling poverty, says Newsweek's Allison Samuels, Black Hollywood is weighing how much to support President Obama's reelection campaign. When Ebony asked actor Samuel L. Jackson where he stood, his answer raised some eyebrows. Obama's "message didn't mean sh*t to me," Jackson said, according to the New York Post. "I just hoped he would do some of what he said he was gonna do." Implying that Obama has not yet been able to behave like a "scary" "n*gga," Jackson said he hopes Obama will be more "scary" in his second term, "cuz he ain't gotta worry about getting re-elected." "I voted for Barack because he was black," Jackson said. "Cuz that’s why other folks vote for other people β€” because they look like them." Is this an honest insight, or gross intolerance?

Give him points for honesty: Well, "leave it to Samuel L. Jackson to keep it real," says ReBecca Theodore-Vachon in The Urban Daily. Agree with him or not, he "has no shame in his game that he voted for President Obama because of his race."
"Samuel L. Jackson: 'I voted for Obama because he was black'"

Jackson's an "ignorant buffoon": The Pulp Fiction star "clearly is proud that he never lets politics get in the way of his bigotry," but he's also empirically wrong, says Selwyn Duke in American Thinker. After all, Obama won 43 percent of the white vote in 2008, including 54 percent of young whites, proving that at least "whites can be colorblind." On the other hand, 96 percent of blacks supported Obama. Make of that what you will.
"Samuel L. Jackson drops the act"

This is insulting... to Obama: All this interview tells us is that Jackson is so worried about his career he feels the need to "make some ridiculous, racist, disgusting comments about President Obama," says Mikel Alger in Impre. People voted for Obama because they wanted change, and "one of these changes was better relations between the races and cultures of the United States." And calling the president a "n***er"? No way, Jackson. "Hopefully these statements are the end of his career."
"Jackson calls Obama the N-Word: What does this say to non-blacks?"

Replies sorted oldest to newest

After all, Obama won 43 percent of the white vote in 2008, including 54 percent of young whites, proving that at least "whites can be colorblind." On the other hand, 96 percent of blacks supported Obama. Make of that what you will.

Like him or not Samuel L. Jackson is just brutally frank and honest in admitting an unpalatable but widely known fact. No doubt a mirror image of the voting pattern of both blacks and indos in Guyana. Hopefully sooner rather than later, both races can see issue rather than race like those 43% and 56 % of enlightened white folks who eschewed ethnic cleavage for principled values.
. . . 96 percent of blacks supported Obama. Make of that what you will[/b]

For the RACISTS seeking comfort and JUSTIFICATION for their RACISM, and the irretrievably IGNORANT . . .

African-American Voting Patterns since 1984

1984 DEM 91% REP 9%
1988 DEM 90% REP 10%
1992 DEM 83% REP 10% OTHER 7%
1996 DEM 84% REP 12% OTHER 4%
2000 DEM 90% REP 9% OTHER 1%
2004 DEM 88% REP 11% OTHER 1%
2008 DEM 96% REP 4%

Please ALSO note the following . . . and make the APPROPRIATE correlations.

1964 Johnson (DEM) 94% Goldwater (REP) 6%
You are an ass . If someone is honest and admits that they voted for a candidate because they feel represented by someone that looks like them , does that mean they are a "racist " . " Racist " , " Racist " , Racist ..idiots like you Ramakant,Carib and tons of others on here ..thats all you guys yap all day ..racist racist ..the word loses its meaning..esp on a bb !
Originally posted by Guyanese4eva:
You are an ass . If someone is honest and admits that they voted for a candidate because they feel represented by someone that looks like them , does that mean they are a "racist " . " Racist " , " Racist " , Racist ..idiots like you Ramakant,Carib and tons of others on here ..thats all you guys yap all day ..racist racist ..the word loses its meaning..esp on a bb !

Look up the word "correlation" . . .; then take another look at the numbers, . . .; then come again, moron!

BTW, Samuel L. Jackson's is allowed to vote for whomever for whatever reasons, and bray accordingly . . . It's a free country.

It's the BS inference(s) by the know-nothing band of bigots on GNI that I am addressing [your membership is noted]!
Originally posted by redux:
Originally posted by Guyanese4eva:
You are an ass . If someone is honest and admits that they voted for a candidate because they feel represented by someone that looks like them , does that mean they are a "racist " . " Racist " , " Racist " , Racist ..idiots like you Ramakant,Carib and tons of others on here ..thats all you guys yap all day ..racist racist ..the word loses its meaning..esp on a bb !

Look up the word "correlation" . . .; then take another look at the numbers, . . .; then come again, moron!

yeah ..i should look up causation too ? This is why it is hard to have a simple discussion with idiots like you
Originally posted by Guyanese4eva:
Originally posted by redux:
Originally posted by Guyanese4eva:
You are an ass . If someone is honest and admits that they voted for a candidate because they feel represented by someone that looks like them , does that mean they are a "racist " . " Racist " , " Racist " , Racist ..idiots like you Ramakant,Carib and tons of others on here ..thats all you guys yap all day ..racist racist ..the word loses its meaning..esp on a bb !

Look up the word "correlation" . . .; then take another look at the numbers, . . .; then come again, moron!

yeah ..i should look up causation too ? This is why it is hard to have a simple discussion with idiots like you

Yep, "causation" was next on my list . . . baby steps though
Originally posted by redux:
Originally posted by Guyanese4eva:
Originally posted by redux:
Originally posted by Guyanese4eva:
You are an ass . If someone is honest and admits that they voted for a candidate because they feel represented by someone that looks like them , does that mean they are a "racist " . " Racist " , " Racist " , Racist ..idiots like you Ramakant,Carib and tons of others on here ..thats all you guys yap all day ..racist racist ..the word loses its meaning..esp on a bb !

Look up the word "correlation" . . .; then take another look at the numbers, . . .; then come again, moron!

yeah ..i should look up causation too ? This is why it is hard to have a simple discussion with idiots like you

Yep, "causation" was next on my list . . . baby steps though

Because you think you are having a discussion with your mom ?
Originally posted by Guyanese4eva:
Originally posted by redux:
Originally posted by Guyanese4eva:
Because you think you are having a discussion with your mom ?

No cure for stupid . . .

Is that what she told you when you were born ?

U 'win' de insult one-liner contest bai . . . I happily concede.

Meanwhile . . . back to the voting pattern NUMBERS!!
Originally posted by redux:
Originally posted by Guyanese4eva:
Originally posted by redux:
Originally posted by Guyanese4eva:
Because you think you are having a discussion with your mom ?

No cure for stupid . . .

Is that what she told you when you were born ?

U 'win' de one-liner contest bai . . . I concede.

Meanwhile . . . back to the voting pattern NUMBERS!!

no contest here you dimwit . I don't give two shits about the numbers . There is no agenda here , hence no need for tangential arguements . Its a simple discussion posed to the bb based on the account of one man's honesty.

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