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It’s Sam Hinds - for the fifth time

Written by Rickey Singh
Sunday, 16 October 2011 03:42
Source - Guyana Chronicle

SAMUEL ARCHIBALD HINDS, the chemical engineer and former civil society crusader for electoral democracy in Guyana, who has been serving as Guyana’s Prime Minister for almost 19 years, is to be presented today as a prime ministerial candidate for a fifth consecutive time. The official announcement will come from the first-time presidential candidate of the incumbent People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C), Donald Ramotar, in the bauxite town of Linden, some 65 miles away from Georgetown, and the residential base of Hinds, who will be 68 years this coming December.

Linden has been a traditional stronghold of the main opposition People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR), located in Region 10 (Upper Demerara/Upper Berbice) for electoral purposes. But, the electorate in the mining town and the wider Region 10 constituency, have been increasingly diversifying their votes at elections, with the PPP/C being a significant beneficiary that contributed to securing one of the two allotted parliamentary seats in the 65-member National Assembly at the 2006 elections.

As running-mate to presidential hopeful, Ramotar, currently General Secretary of the governing PPP, should the incumbent be returned to power for a fifth unbroken term -- as being forecast -- Hinds will again emerge as the Prime Minister. He had previously so served three previous Executive Presidents -- Dr Cheddi Jagan; his widow, Janet Jagan; and the now outgoing Bharrat Jagdeo.

In a telephone interview with Prime Minister Hinds yesterday, I asked him how it feels to have been invited to serve in the Number Two spot on the PPP/C list with Ramotar as the presidential candidate. He chuckled and said:

“Let’s wait for the official announcement… I would be willing to have the opportunity to again serve as Prime Minister for continuity in advancing the social, cultural and economic developments of our Dear Land of Guyana, and at a time when Guyanese across the political divide are clearly showing greater interest in what unites us, and not the old divisions that have been so counterproductive and injurious to families and communities…”

The former long-serving Director for Production Quality, Research and Development in the mining operations, of what used to be Canadian-owned before nationalization, Hinds feels that the PNCR “is hurting itself in seeking to play the old divisive politics in Linden, now under a coalition of convenience called APNU (A Partnership for National Unity)…”

Hinds was invited by the late Dr. Jagan to join the PPP/Civic team for the internationally supervised 1992 general election that resulted in an end to 24 years of uninterrupted State power by the PNC, first under Forbes Burnham and, following his death, Desmond Hoyte.

At the time of his exit from the civil society crusaders for electoral democracy, Hinds was chairman of a coalition of forces under what was called GUARD (Guyanese United for Action, Reform and Democracy). With the PPP/C’s victory in October 1992, he emerged as Prime Minister, and is now looking forward to again serve as the Number Two for the fifth time, in a new government.

That verdict, of course, rests squarely with the decision of the electorate when votes are cast on November 29, 2011.

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Sam Hinds


As running-mate to presidential hopeful, Ramotar, currently General Secretary of the governing PPP, should the incumbent be returned to power for a fifth unbroken term -- as being forecast -- Hinds will again emerge as the Prime Minister. He had previously so served three previous Executive Presidents -- Dr Cheddi Jagan; his widow, Janet Jagan; and the now outgoing Bharrat Jagdeo.

with the PPP/C being a significant beneficiary that contributed to securing one of the two allotted parliamentary seats in the 65-member National Assembly at the 2006 elections.

FALSE - the PPP stole this seat from the AFC with Surujbally's assistance.
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:
The people are out and the rallies are progressing for another PPP/C majority victory. flag

No DG the busses and the people starved for free entertainment are at the rallies. Get with the program.
20% Salary Increase for Workers - in AFC Government

After careful review of government financial statements, vigorous internal debates, and consultation with external chartered accountants and economists, the AFC has decided to make a commitment to increasing the pay of government workers by 20% soon after it wins the election on November 28. This comes after the AFC has also made a commitment to cut the VAT from 16% to 12% and cut profit taxes to 25%. The VAT and salary increases will make life easier for ordinary citizens, while cutting the profit tax on manufacturing and service businesses is expected to stimulate private investments and job creation.

AFC economic and financial experts have calculated an overall fiscal deficit of 5.9% to GDP resulting from the salary increase and tax cut in the first three years of government. We believe this is very manageable and easily financeable. We expect to finance this from slashing static accounts ($4 bill) and Jagdeo slush funds (about $5.3 bill) – over budgeted funds at the behest of the President – over two years. We estimate that $300 mill annual recurring lotto funds never get recorded in government revenues. We will make sure these funds are accounted for. The AFC plans to trim top heavy ministry jobs for the boys/girls consultants, especially the unnecessary ones working out of the Office of the President.

Government properties will be rented rather than sold. Approximately $1 bill in funds each year will be raised here. We will make a commitment to privatize the much abused Chronicle and NCN – thus resulting in one time funds. We will revisit the strategy of outsourcing most of government public works versus bringing back some in house by employing people to join the public service. This will allow us to cut the overbilling by connected friends and families of the government. We estimate that we can save $6.6 bill each year by insourcing many public projects. If we can save this amount through in sourcing, the fiscal deficit will move to a surplus, which opens the door for even bigger salary increases from the new AFC government. Embedded in the contract outsourcing arrangement are overbilling, discrimination and kick-back arrangements.

Contractors tend to consider mainly the profit motive; therefore they cut back on materials and labor cost. Hence many infrastructure works are disintegrating soon after completion. These have to be done all over again thus adding further costs to the government. Ultimately our strategy to target annual GDP growth at 7% to 8% will create jobs, bring in foreign investments, and therefore result in more tax revenues after three years into an AFC government.
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:
CaribJ ..

55% or more == PPP/C
45% or less == PNCR, AFC and other parties.

sorry Dg it does appear that many Indos are deserting the PPP. No more bad PNC for them to fear.

Now the question will be whether blacks folks show up to vote or not. You better hope they dont.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:
CaribJ ..

55% or more == PPP/C
45% or less == PNCR, AFC and other parties.

sorry Dg it does appear that many Indos are deserting the PPP. No more bad PNC for them to fear.

Now the question will be whether blacks folks show up to vote or not. You better hope they dont.

1. At the end of November 2011, we will see the actual results .. PPP/C == 55% or more.

2. Every voting-age individual has the right to cast a ballot.
It's a good move. Sam is not a back stabber. With Jagdeo as general secretary it would be a good move also because it protects Donald from members of the Jagan Royal Court who are still in the party and their allies who have left the party. If Donald wins or loses in the next election this move will be very important. It also protects Donald from opportunists who are trying to play both sides (Donald/Jagdeo/Sam and the Jagan Royal Court members) for their own individual gains.
Originally posted by Wally:
It's a good move. Sam is not a back stabber. With Jagdeo as general secretary it would be a good move also because it protects Donald from members of the Jagan Royal Court who are still in the party and their allies who have left the party. If Donald wins or loses in the next election this move will be very important. It also protects Donald from opportunists who are trying to play both sides (Donald/Jagdeo/Sam and the Jagan Royal Court members) for their own individual gains.

Donald will be leader and General secretary until the next convention.
At PPP/C grand rally at Linden .. Ramotar promises over 1,000 new bauxite jobs for Region 10 .. names industry veteran Hinds as running mate

Written by Johann Earle
Monday, 17 October 2011 04:48
Sourc - Guyana Chronicle

PRESIDENT hopeful Donald Ramotar at Linden last evening named Sam Hinds as his running mate for the upcoming elections, and outlined his developmental plans for Linden and Region 10, speaking of an immediate push for the bauxite companies to explore new products.

“Tonight, I am telling you that I have chosen a man to run with me as my Prime Ministerial candidate. He is a man who has shown tremendous intelligence [and] a capacity for hard work. He has shown dedication. He has shown that he is ready and he has indicated his desire to continue to work hard on behalf of the people of this country. He is a man from Linden. He is our well-known and beloved Comrade Samuel Archibald Hinds,” said Ramotar, to loud applause from the Lindeners.

Ramotar said that Hinds has given yeoman service to Guyana and that he still has the energy and desire and the will to continue to serve Guyana. “I want Comrade Sam with me as we take Guyana to another level,” he said.

PRESIDENT Bharrat Jagdeo at Linden.

He said that immediately upon taking office, the new government that he heads will “negotiate, encourage and press the two bauxite companies that operate in Guyana to expand their production and to develop new products that will see greater value added in the bauxite industry. “We expect that we will succeed in pressing them in this direction and you can expect almost immediately...that we will create over 1,000 new jobs in this region in a very short space of time,” he said.

“I see Region 10 being pivotal to the development of Guyana. Apart from the increase in production and the new products in the bauxite industry, imagine what Linden and Region 10 will look like when we connect the road from Linden to Lethem, when that becomes a main corridor for our international trade, when that becomes linked to a deep water harbour,” he said.

Ramotar spoke of the new possibilities for the people of Linden and Region 10 that the new fibre-optic cable will create. “It will create the conditions for us to move the communities to a higher level,” he said, promising to fulfill all of the promises and projects put forward by President Bharrat Jagdeo.

He said that with the Amaila hydro project coming to fruition, the already subsidised cost of electricity to the people of Linden could be further reduced. The cheaper electricity will mean more possibilities for more manufacturing and value added activities in Linden and Region 10.

“The time is not very far off when we will not be exporting merely bauxite from Guyana. The possibility is coming for us to export alumina and aluminium from this country. Imagine how your life will change when all of these things begin to come on stream,” he said. “You will have the opportunity of earning much more by providing more and more services to the people of our country,” Ramotar said.

“We have made a lot of changes in Guyana. But most importantly for us is the fact that we have built a society in which freedom is one of the most important values that we have brought our country,” he said. “Because of that, we have been able to create the conditions for our people to produce more,” he said.

Speaking to the gathering, President Bharrat Jagdeo said that the APNU’s call on Saturday for the people of Linden to turn off their lights in a protest to the government is an attempt to return to the dark days of the past. They have no vision. They are stuck in the past, he said.

The President lashed out at the members of the Opposition parties and some media houses, which he referred to as hostile to government, vilifying those persons who might have ‘crossed the floor’ into the arms of the PPP/C.

He said that for those who believe the PPP/C Government discriminates, they are right. “We discriminate in favour of women and children and the poor. This is what our party stands for. We don’t discriminate against people because of their race, or how they look, or their religion,” he said.

Other speakers at the Linden rally included Carolyn Rodrigues-Birkett, Robeson Benn and Phillip Bynoe.

Last Updated ( Monday, 17 October 2011 05:02 )

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