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Kaieteur News

July 21, 2012

Dear Editor,

The events in Linden call for the authorities of our country to mend fences and protect the people of Guyana from violence and bloodshed. As a citizen and as a candidate of the PPP/Civic in the last elections, I hereby call on our President, Mr. Ramotar, to ask for the resignation of Mr. Sam Hinds from the Cabinet and the government.
Mr. Hinds has been Prime Minister for twenty years and as the person in charge of electricity in Guyana and in particular, the effects of his policies towards Linden, he should shoulder the blame for the catastrophic events there.
Furthermore, as a resident of that area, he has done basically nothing much for Lindeners over the last 20 years, leaving Linden a community of few resources and a dismal place to live, with no real chance for betterment.
In a recent letter I wrote to Mr. Ramotar, to which I never received an answer, I made it quite clear that Hinds is a liability to the PPP/Civic government and should be replaced, but little did I know that my words would be foreshadowing the disaster which is looming over all of us.
It is high time that we in the PPP/Civic face the consequences of losing the last elections and adapt to the words of President Cheddi :”winner does not take all” and move on to some sort of genuine shared governance . Sam Hinds was given a mandate by President Cheddi to expand the Civic component of the PPP/Civic and the fact that the Civic is a toothless entity is a reflection of Hinds’ failures; failures which are compounded by the present disaster. It is time for Hinds to go!
Cheddi (Joey) Jagan (Jr.)


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Originally Posted by Dondadda:

Furthermore, as a resident of that area, he has done basically nothing much for Lindeners over the last 20 years, leaving Linden a community of few resources and a dismal place to live, with no real chance for betterment.


In a recent letter I wrote to Mr. Ramotar, to which I never received an answer, I made it quite clear that Hinds is a liability to the PPP/Civic government and should be replaced, but little did I know that my words would be foreshadowing the disaster which is looming over all of us.

It is high time that we in the PPP/Civic face the consequences of losing the last elections and adapt to the words of President Cheddi :”winner does not take all” and move on to some sort of genuine shared governance . . . It is time for Hinds to go!

Cheddi (Joey) Jagan (Jr.)

The ignorant GNI hyenas thirsting for blood and vengeance would do well to reflect on and heed the words of Dr Jagan's only son.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Dondadda:

Furthermore, as a resident of that area, he has done basically nothing much for Lindeners over the last 20 years, leaving Linden a community of few resources and a dismal place to live, with no real chance for betterment.


In a recent letter I wrote to Mr. Ramotar, to which I never received an answer, I made it quite clear that Hinds is a liability to the PPP/Civic government and should be replaced, but little did I know that my words would be foreshadowing the disaster which is looming over all of us.

It is high time that we in the PPP/Civic face the consequences of losing the last elections and adapt to the words of President Cheddi :”winner does not take all” and move on to some sort of genuine shared governance . . . It is time for Hinds to go!

Cheddi (Joey) Jagan (Jr.)

The ignorant GNI hyenas thirsting for blood and vengeance would do well to reflect on and heed the words of Dr Jagan's only son.

Their only begotten son who the parents treated with a 10-foot pole.  Joey in a big mouth non-entity who is forever seeking opportunities for himself.  What role has he played in Guyana except waffling opportunistically between the PPP and PNC.


Joey does not have the right to say who should or shouldn't go.  He should crawl back under a rock and try begging Pres Ramotar for a job for his lil smokey-dopey.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Dondadda:

Furthermore, as a resident of that area, he has done basically nothing much for Lindeners over the last 20 years, leaving Linden a community of few resources and a dismal place to live, with no real chance for betterment.


In a recent letter I wrote to Mr. Ramotar, to which I never received an answer, I made it quite clear that Hinds is a liability to the PPP/Civic government and should be replaced, but little did I know that my words would be foreshadowing the disaster which is looming over all of us.

It is high time that we in the PPP/Civic face the consequences of losing the last elections and adapt to the words of President Cheddi :”winner does not take all” and move on to some sort of genuine shared governance . . . It is time for Hinds to go!

Cheddi (Joey) Jagan (Jr.)

The ignorant GNI hyenas thirsting for blood and vengeance would do well to reflect on and heed the words of Dr Jagan's only son.

Their only begotten son who the parents treated with a 10-foot pole.  Joey in a big mouth non-entity who is forever seeking opportunities for himself.  What role has he played in Guyana except waffling opportunistically between the PPP and PNC.


Joey does not have the right to say who should or shouldn't go.  He should crawl back under a rock and try begging Pres Ramotar for a job for his lil smokey-dopey.

When you finish with your rant . . . talk to us lil bit about what the man SAID


the people in the ppp is fed up with the way the party is heading,that is the decent people,yet you have a set of low live on this forum that will do anything to stay in power so they can steal the tax payers money.joey donot need to work for the government he is selfemploy and is making more money than what the government can pay him and he too honest to be a ppp thief

Originally Posted by TI:
Dr Jagan's only son is an idiot. Nobody takes him seriously. With his experience in protesting, rioting and damaging property, he should have been in the forefront of the protest. The PPP must be in dire straits to have him in their ranks.

Cheddie was a rebel too. He sey suh in his book. De mother child and father are absolutely useless-destructionists they are. Thank goodness the daughter tek she great greatfather genes. She got brains and I am hoping she use it.


Yuh know Dr.Jagan buggah up the GUARD movement. He marginalized Paul Tennessse and made Sam Hinds a buffon. Suh, Sam mek public appearance, eat and drinkup as much as he can. Komrade J change the GUARD into CIVIC and load the CIVIC with real idiots. There has never been any CIVIC in the PPP. The day that GUARD talked to Jagan, his sweet mouth stole the desires of a Progressive Movement.  

Originally Posted by warrior:

at the end of the day SAM is a waste to the guyanese people its time he say goodby.the ppp donot need him to show the guyanese that they have black man in a top poistion.guyana have to shed some of these dead weigh for it to move on and the ppp have lots of them

Sam Hinds is a key leadership personality within the GoG.  He is doing his job.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Sam Hinds is a key leadership personality within the GoG.  He is doing his job.




Burnham promulgated electricity reform in Linden – Prime Minister Hinds

April 15, 2012 By -- Source

Prime Minister Samuel Hinds said the reform of electricity supply in Linden was recognised as necessary, and was promulgated in mid-1976 by the then Prime Minister Linden FS Burnham.

Hinds in supporting his position, said in an article entitled β€œGuyana Electricity Corporation to take over electricity supply at Linden” published in the GUYBAU news of Friday, July 23, 1976, Burnham was reported to have disclosed that the electricity supply for the entire Linden area would be incorporated into the electricity supply of the entire country.

He noted that in 2011, the treasury, from taxes and revenues of all of the people of Guyana, put $2,576,320,000 towards subsidising of electricity costs in Linden – that was a subsidy of $60.81 per kWh billed to the community; a subsidy of G$17,000 per month (G$204,000 per year) for the average domestic consumer; a subsidy of G$50,000 per month (G$600,000 per year) for the average business customer, in Linden.

β€œIf the continued growth and development of Linden is to proceed on a sound basis, and without constraint, electricity costs in Linden would need to be standardised with the rest of the country!  It is widely recognised that it is, indeed, unsustainable to continue to indefinitely subsidise electricity costs for Linden.  The initial adjustment would be disruptive, yes, but the pain would pass and Linden will be free of the constraint of availability of subsidy for electricity!

β€œThe government’s aim is to have the Linden area merged seamlessly into GPL by the beginning of 2016, the year during which hydroelectricity should become available to the national grid!” the prime minister said.
The reform in the supply and pricing of electricity in Linden, was met with opposition from Lindeners, but comes into effect from July 1, 2012.

The reform will see the merging of the supply area of the Linden Utility Services Co-op Society Limited (LUSCL) into the Linden Electricity Company Inc (LECI); the aligning of classification of customers in Linden with that of GPL, and the adopting of GPL’s tariff schedule.

The monthly electricity bill of each customer will be calculated in accordance with the GPL tariff, but each customer will pay only half of the bill, as calculated for the remainder of 2012 and Bauxite pensioners will receive the first 100 kWh each month at no charge.

β€œEven with the reform outlined above being implemented, $1,865,844,000 is provided for in the budget of 2012, as subsidy to consumers of electricity in Linden,” Prime Minister Hinds said.


 Hinds in supporting his position, said in an article entitled β€œGuyana Electricity Corporation to take over electricity supply at Linden” published in the GUYBAU news of Friday, July 23, 1976, Burnham was reported to have disclosed that the electricity supply for the entire Linden area would be incorporated into the electricity supply of the entire country.

No shame in the PPP game . . . it is instructive and ironic that Sam Hinds is reaching back 36 years to Forbes Burnham to backhandedly rationalize the shootdown of unarmed protesters in Linden.



Originally Posted by warrior:

the part that tell me guyana is the poorest country  in the south america and the caribbean what is the purpose of the window dressing to stay poor is not because we are poor that is why we have the problem in linden

The problems of Linden is no different than the problems of Buxton or Annandale, so why should these two villages not have the same benefits and privileges as their Linden compatriots.  Guyana is "one people, one nation, one destiny".

Originally Posted by redux:

 Hinds in supporting his position, said in an article entitled β€œGuyana Electricity Corporation to take over electricity supply at Linden” published in the GUYBAU news of Friday, July 23, 1976, Burnham was reported to have disclosed that the electricity supply for the entire Linden area would be incorporated into the electricity supply of the entire country.

No shame in the PPP game . . . it is instructive and ironic that Sam Hinds is reaching back 36 years to Forbes Burnham to backhandedly rationalize the shootdown of unarmed protesters in Linden.



History is a blue-print for the present day.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:

 Hinds in supporting his position, said in an article entitled β€œGuyana Electricity Corporation to take over electricity supply at Linden” published in the GUYBAU news of Friday, July 23, 1976, Burnham was reported to have disclosed that the electricity supply for the entire Linden area would be incorporated into the electricity supply of the entire country.

No shame in the PPP game . . . it is instructive and ironic that Sam Hinds is reaching back 36 years to Forbes Burnham to backhandedly rationalize the shootdown of unarmed protesters in Linden.



History is a blue-print for the present day.

way over your head dude . . . go play with Nehru

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:

No shame in the PPP game . . . it is instructive and ironic that Sam Hinds is reaching back 36 years to Forbes Burnham to backhandedly rationalize the shootdown of unarmed protesters in Linden.



History is a blue-print for the present day.

way over your head dude . . . go play with Nehru

And right between your legs.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:

No shame in the PPP game . . . it is instructive and ironic that Sam Hinds is reaching back 36 years to Forbes Burnham to backhandedly rationalize the shootdown of unarmed protesters in Linden.



History is a blue-print for the present day.

way over your head dude . . . go play with Nehru

And right between your legs.



As I told Nehru . . . your antiman obsessions are ultimately your own affair

Originally Posted by redux:

 Hinds in supporting his position, said in an article entitled β€œGuyana Electricity Corporation to take over electricity supply at Linden” published in the GUYBAU news of Friday, July 23, 1976, Burnham was reported to have disclosed that the electricity supply for the entire Linden area would be incorporated into the electricity supply of the entire country.

No shame in the PPP game . . . it is instructive and ironic that Sam Hinds is reaching back 36 years to Forbes Burnham to backhandedly rationalize the shootdown of unarmed protesters in Linden.



Where were the protestors at that time. They were afraid that Burnham  would have unleash Granger of GDF to and KILL shoot all the ring leaders. 

Originally Posted by Dondadda:
Originally Posted by redux:

 Hinds in supporting his position, said in an article entitled β€œGuyana Electricity Corporation to take over electricity supply at Linden” published in the GUYBAU news of Friday, July 23, 1976, Burnham was reported to have disclosed that the electricity supply for the entire Linden area would be incorporated into the electricity supply of the entire country.

No shame in the PPP game . . . it is instructive and ironic that Sam Hinds is reaching back 36 years to Forbes Burnham to backhandedly rationalize the shootdown of unarmed protesters in Linden.



Where were the protestors at that time. They were afraid that Burnham  would have unleash Granger of GDF to and KILL shoot all the ring leaders. 

Burnham never implemented it; and we will never know the details of this 'plan'!


However, I agree that protests would have been put down ruthlessly.


but, ahmmm . . . how the hell is all this diversion relevant again?

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Dondadda:
Originally Posted by redux:

 Hinds in supporting his position, said in an article entitled β€œGuyana Electricity Corporation to take over electricity supply at Linden” published in the GUYBAU news of Friday, July 23, 1976, Burnham was reported to have disclosed that the electricity supply for the entire Linden area would be incorporated into the electricity supply of the entire country.

No shame in the PPP game . . . it is instructive and ironic that Sam Hinds is reaching back 36 years to Forbes Burnham to backhandedly rationalize the shootdown of unarmed protesters in Linden.



Where were the protestors at that time. They were afraid that Burnham  would have unleash Granger of GDF to and KILL shoot all the ring leaders. 

Burnham never implemented it; and we will never know the details of this 'plan'!


However, I agree that protests would have been put down ruthlessly.


but, ahmmm . . . how the hell is all this diversion relevant again?

It is relevant because Burnham knew that Lindeners wanted to use him to get freeness. Burnham also knew that he had the security strength to wipe dem rass out in Linden, because they were becoming a burden and a liability to him. Burnham tried his best to give them what was just and reasonable, but they became very greedy and it remained so till today.

Originally Posted by Dondadda:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Dondadda:
No shame in the PPP game . . . it is instructive and ironic that Sam Hinds is reaching back 36 years to Forbes Burnham tobackhandedly rationalize the shootdown of unarmed protesters in Linden.



Where were the protestors at that time. They were afraid that Burnham  would have unleash Granger of GDF to and KILL shoot all the ring leaders. 

Burnham never implemented it; and we will never know the details of this 'plan'!


However, I agree that protests would have been put down ruthlessly.


but, ahmmm . . . how the hell is all this diversion relevant again?

It is relevant because Burnham knew that Lindeners wanted to use him to get freeness. Burnham also knew that he had the security strength to wipe dem rass out in Linden, because they were becoming a burden and a liability to him. Burnham tried his best to give them what was just and reasonable, but they became very greedy and it remained so till today.

Burnham increased prices at will for anything, he banned many products, he cornered every aspect of life, he forced people to register and carry party card to get food, he set his goons off to brutalize, rob, confiscate and destroy life, limb and property.  Apart from Rodney, 90% of his target were Indians, who took a different path.


So he never needed to "unleash", it was daily 'quasi-aparthied".  What happened to Rodney?  Clearly, Redux lived in a different Guyana, behind the gun barrel and boots shield enjoying a life on the backs of the oppressed majority.  He probably still wondering why we didn't just "eat cake"!

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Dondadda:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Dondadda:
No shame in the PPP game . . . it is instructive and ironic that Sam Hinds is reaching back 36 years to Forbes Burnham tobackhandedly rationalize the shootdown of unarmed protesters in Linden.



Where were the protestors at that time. They were afraid that Burnham  would have unleash Granger of GDF to and KILL shoot all the ring leaders. 

Burnham never implemented it; and we will never know the details of this 'plan'!


However, I agree that protests would have been put down ruthlessly.


but, ahmmm . . . how the hell is all this diversion relevant again?

It is relevant because Burnham knew that Lindeners wanted to use him to get freeness. Burnham also knew that he had the security strength to wipe dem rass out in Linden, because they were becoming a burden and a liability to him. Burnham tried his best to give them what was just and reasonable, but they became very greedy and it remained so till today.

Burnham increased prices at will for anything, he banned many products, he cornered every aspect of life, he forced people to register and carry party card to get food, he set his goons off to brutalize, rob, confiscate and destroy life, limb and property.  Apart from Rodney, 90% of his target were Indians, who took a different path.


So he never needed to "unleash", it was daily 'quasi-aparthied".  What happened to Rodney?  Clearly, Redux lived in a different Guyana, behind the gun barrel and boots shield enjoying a life on the backs of the oppressed majority.  He probably still wondering why we didn't just "eat cake"!

off topic and boring


any thread, no matter what the topic, being used as a platform for the same stream-of-consciousness racist rants and buse out over and over and over and over . . .


poorly programmed robot . . . you just can't help yourself


Turn over a new leaf and address your LIES [the ones I called you out on] for a change nuh . . . stop running away, U lil antiman


What ever Burnham wanted Burnham got and no one said a word. Stormborn was quiet as a mouse in his house. Redux bathe in the trench without LUX. Mitwah had his tails between his legs and Warrior had to toe the line or else Burnham would peel his pine. But they all come here and prattle and did nothing to win the battle, except to prattle some more... 

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

What ever Burnham wanted Burnham got and no one said a word. Stormborn was quiet as a mouse in his house. Redux bathe in the trench without LUX. Mitwah had his tails between his legs and Warrior had to toe the line or else Burnham would peel his pine. But they all come here and prattle and did nothing to win the battle, except to prattle some more... 

off topic but clever . . .


U overdoing it lil bit towards the end though


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