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Former Member

PPP, PNC and AFC needs cut out the dotishness and work together.

PPP have to tell that jackass anil......everyone have to work together....and anyone who thiefing must be jailed.




Muse or Amuse… Ever saw a peacock fly?

January 19, 2013 | By | Filed Under News

Ever saw a peacock really fly? A nice long flight? That’s the impossible spectacle I imagine every time I think of the politicians in Guyana. Strutting, flying peacocks with nothing more than a beautiful tale. Yep, a beautiful tale about how everything is the next person’s fault! Twenty-eight years of PNC’s cockishness, 20 years of PPP cockishness. It’s Donald’s fault. It’s Granger’s fault, oh no, it’s Ramjattan’s fault. And Anil gotta keep banging on the legal books to tell the speaker how to speak. And, the Speaker gotta keep wearing two suits to Parliament, that of the eff-cee and that of Speaker. The Guyana Government and the Guyana Opposition parties are wasting the time of all Guyanese. Other than a pretty tale, there is nothing they offer us, no structure, no plan, no intent to develop this country. Their sole aim is power and power and more power. So each day they whittle away at each other’s power base and work at building more and more sordid, sorry tale of NOTHING. The peacock’s tale is flashing all over Ministry of Housing with tales of house lots and woes; flashing all over Ministry of Finance with tales of contracts and tenders. Health is failing. More than 100 persons have resigned from the Health Minister’s autocratic rule while public works continue not to work. And, in Hammy’s own words, the longest serving Mayor (to which I will add) the most inefficient and ineffective mayor is the Mayor of Georgetown. So the Ministries are performing poorly, the infrastructure is failing, and the economy continues to be buffered by the underground economy. And we are brushed with tales from the strutting and flying peacocks. The entire Cabinet – each member must take full responsibility for every act of corruption or poor decision that was made from cabinet’s decisions. That includes people like Frank and Seeraj and everyone else. You’re all responsible, you cannot divorce yourself from some. Just like Ralph. Try as he might to distance himself from the decisions of the PPP executive, he shares equal blame as others as he was an equal member of the executive. The wrongs of the PPP as a party and as a Government are the responsibility of the PPP and the Cabinet – every one of you guys have been flying a peacock’s tale to the entire public. I am amused that they see the flying peacock as real and corruption as surreal. With regards to the opposition, I am amused that the Kaieteur News is fighting the fight of the politicians. I cannot imagine how dull, unimaginative and ineffective the opposition would be without Kaieteur News. Look at the Cabinet, look at Government, look at PPP, look at the Private Sector! It is as if they are weevil-infested. Take careful note of that word we-evil. So long as certain persons remain in certain areas, the entire operations of Cabinet and private sector will be we-evil infested. If we look at the private sector, we find the same thing. The we-evil infestation is evident. Hard as the new chairman of PSC may try, the taint of the two persons will continue to depress and destroy the good work of the PSC. What has and what is the Private Sector doing to help the country? Obviously nothing. But in the meantime, one chairman received state largesse while servicing in a board, while another will soon be rewarded with an appointment in public office. Look closely at how the positions in Trade and Industry as well as the National Strategic Unit are shaping up. We continue to be amused at the musical chairs being played by all the politicians. Indeed peacock flying. I am amused.

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