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Ituni residents appreciative - as Gov’t delivers on laptop promise - community warned against external forces causing division

Written by , Georgetown, GINA, October 2, 2014, Published in News, Source - Gina


 A section of the residents who came out to engage with Minister in the Ministry of Finance, Juan Edghill at the Ituni Primary School

A section of the residents who came out to engage with Minister in the Ministry of Finance, Juan Edghill at the Ituni Primary School


Residents of Ituni, Region Ten, on Tuesday received their laptops under the One Laptop Per Family (OLPF) programme and expressed appreciation to the Government for extending the initiative to their community.

Two hundred and one residents (201) received their devices as the programme moved into the Region 10 communities over the past few days.


Minister within the Ministry of Finance Juan Edghill visited the community to overlook the process after which he met with residents.

During the community meeting which was held at the Ituni Primary School, the residents were given the opportunity to raise issues that are affecting them, and possible solutions. Residents took the opportunity to laud the government for delivering on its promise of providing each family with a laptop.


The Minister took the opportunity to inform residents of some of the government’s other programmes and policies, aimed at improving their lives.

Minister Edghill noted that while each community continues to benefit from developmental projects, there is still the need for cooperation in the communities to ensure further development.   


Residents of Ituni, Region Ten collecting their laptops from staffers of the OLPF programme


“We are appealing for your cooperation; we are calling for you to work with school teachers, health care workers, the elderly, and the disabled to build your community.”


Pointing to the current laptop distribution, the Minister noted that this initiative is evidence of Government living up to its promise to ensure delivery of services, and called on the residents to play their part to aid in the further development of themselves and children.

In addition, the Minister announced that shortly, the government will commence the distribution of the $10,000 grant for all students in a public school.


In encouraging the residents to play their role in community development, the Minister called on residents to make the best of the initiatives rolled out by the government.


“We recognise that education is the way to the future and the joy of any parent is to produce children that are better than them… and the government realises that not everyone has the means, but what we do is set policies and framework in place to ensure that where you can’t make it, we chip in and help you.”


Minister in the Ministry of Finance, Juan Edghill during his meeting with residents of Ituni Region Ten


Minister Edghill also warned against external forces coming into their community and causing division, and at the same time stymieing progress.

Residents said they are of the opinion that they are not being represented well at the regional level; hence some of their needs are not being met.

The residents of Ituni also made inquiries about the process of establishing a CDC and having it registered with the aim of having one body representing their interest.


A staff from the One Laptop Per Family delivering a laptop to a pensioner who was unable to visit the distribution site at Ituni


Among the issues raised were those of limited water supply to the community and the need for some traffic signs, because traffic passing through has increased.


To this, the Minister promised that he would be engaging the relevant authorities with the aim of having the issues raised addressed.


In his closing remarks, the Minister called on residents to be on the lookout for their community and each other and more so give support to the service providers in their communities.


The residents were also reminded that as Guyana moves forward they will not be forgotten as they play a very vital role in Guyana’s development and they will continue to be included in every development programme and policy.


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