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Ivanka Trump Abrutly Storms Out Of Interview After a Tough Question

Ivanka Trump’s efforts to help roll out her father’s new childcare policy proposal and to make his candidacy more palatable to young women took an unexpected turn when she abruptly walked out of an interview with Cosmopolitan Wednesday after being asked about Donald Trump’s past comments about maternity leave.

According to CNN, the Republican presidential nominee daughter had hoped to highlight the new childcare policy, which she helped craft and introduce this week. But she bristled when interviewer Prachi Gupta asked:

“In 2004, Donald Trump said that pregnancy is an inconvenient thing for a business. It’s surprising to see this policy from him today. Can you talk a little about those comments, and perhaps what has changed?”

“I think that you have a lot of negativity in these questions,” Ivanka said before adding: “I don’t know how useful it is to spend too much time with you on this, if you’re going to make a comment like that.”

Ivanka Trump. Image: Screenshot, ABC News video frameIvanka Trump. Image: Screenshot, ABC News video frame

Ivanka then argued that the question was “an unfair characterization of his track record and his support of professional women.”

But Gupta pressed on: “I would like to say that I’m sorry the questions — you’re finding them negative, but it is relevant that a presidential candidate made those comments. So I’m just following up.”

Ivanka: “Well, you said he made those comments. I don’t know that he said those comments.”

When Gupta showed her the source of her father’s quote — an NBC interview in 2004 — Ivanka said “there’s plenty of time for you to editorialize around this,” and again pitched the campaign’s new childcare policy.

Gupta, however, pivoted to asking her about how Donald Trump proposed to pay for some of his most expensive policy proposals — such as the border wall with Mexico, infrastructure investment, and increased defense spending. That’s when an irritated Ivanka cut the interview off saying:

“I’m going to jump off — I have to run. I apologize,” Trump said as she was leaving.

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Gupta, however, pivoted to asking her about how Donald Trump proposed to pay for some of his most expensive policy proposals — such as the border wall with Mexico, infrastructure investment, and increased defense spending. That’s when an irritated Ivanka cut the interview off saying:

“I’m going to jump off — I have to run. I apologize,” Trump said as she was leaving.

Ivanka Trump Abrutly Storms Out Of Interview After a Tough Question, By Ron Delancer, Thursday, September 15, 2016,

Seems to be the usual style of the group, ... when they cannot answer a question they deflect as in this latest situation, they walk out in a huff.

They talk and want others to believe absolutely without the opportunity to respond and provide the appropriate answers.


She is a darn gorgeous woman that will grace the white house in January. Politicians would love to rub shoulder with her. Uh, lala. I don't think people will concentrate on their work with her being there. Somebody might accidentally knocked over the nuclear switch and cause a panic. 

Vish M posted:

This man is not worth our conversation

Are you on Hillary bandwagon to call Trump supporters Dalits? Get a grip on yourself, Vishnu. FYI, he worth my conversation. 

Prince posted:
Vish M posted:

This man is not worth our conversation

Are you on Hillary bandwagon to call Trump supporters Dalits? Get a grip on yourself, Vishnu. FYI, he worth my conversation. 

Trump admits Obama was born in U.S., but falsely blames Clinton for starting rumors

skeldon_man posted:
Prince posted:
Vish M posted:

This man is not worth our conversation

Are you on Hillary bandwagon to call Trump supporters Dalits? Get a grip on yourself, Vishnu. FYI, he worth my conversation. 

Trump admits Obama was born in U.S., but falsely blames Clinton for starting rumors

Trump continues to sway aimlessly like a blowing leaf in the wind.

Nehru posted:

Kasz, I hear European women dont lay idle, is true??

I am not Ksazma, I take this opportunity to reply as I lived on continental Europe for 8-years for my graduate and post-graduate studies. 

Indeed, European women are extremely active.


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