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seignet posted:

Lots of noise, sexual gyrations and ungodly acts as entertainment. 

Seems like something from the Samson and Deliah movie. The pillars coulld come tumbling down. And to think the Liberals complaining about Trump. 

Siggy bai, Even the holiest men in America, Jim Baker(banging Jessica Hahn on the rug), Jimmy Swaggart(banging a seasoned prostitute), and the most powerful man in the world(our beloved stable idiot genius) did worse(being a John for Stormy). Why can't we just look and have flashbacks? Nothing wrong with looking and wishing. I am sure for most men that performance kept their blood pressure in check for the time being. Nothing wrong. Those performances put back years of smiles on my face. No touch, no harm done.

skeldon_man posted:
seignet posted:

Lots of noise, sexual gyrations and ungodly acts as entertainment. 

Seems like something from the Samson and Deliah movie. The pillars coulld come tumbling down. And to think the Liberals complaining about Trump. 

Siggy bai, Even the holiest men in America, Jim Baker(banging Jessica Hahn on the rug), Jimmy Swaggart(banging a seasoned prostitute), and the most powerful man in the world(our beloved stable idiot genius) did worse(being a John for Stormy). Why can't we just look and have flashbacks? Nothing wrong with looking and wishing. I am sure for most men that performance kept their blood pressure in check for the time being. Nothing wrong. Those performances put back years of smiles on my face. No touch, no harm done.

The book of Romans (5:6) mentioned that Christ died for the Ungodly.

Mitwah posted:
skeldon_man posted:
seignet posted:

Lots of noise, sexual gyrations and ungodly acts as entertainment. 

Seems like something from the Samson and Deliah movie. The pillars coulld come tumbling down. And to think the Liberals complaining about Trump. 

Siggy bai, Even the holiest men in America, Jim Baker(banging Jessica Hahn on the rug), Jimmy Swaggart(banging a seasoned prostitute), and the most powerful man in the world(our beloved stable idiot genius) did worse(being a John for Stormy). Why can't we just look and have flashbacks? Nothing wrong with looking and wishing. I am sure for most men that performance kept their blood pressure in check for the time being. Nothing wrong. Those performances put back years of smiles on my face. No touch, no harm done.

The book of Romans (5:6) mentioned that Christ died for the Ungodly.

Christ did not die for me. I was not born then. My ancestors were probably not even on the horizon yet. I don't know whether they were godly or ungodly. Anyway, mankind created god.

Ray posted:
seignet posted:

Lots of noise, sexual gyrations and ungodly acts as entertainment. 

Seems like something from the Samson and Deliah movie. The pillars coulld come tumbling down. And to think the Liberals complaining about Trump. 

what are you doing watching this ungodly stuff

Taking in what pornographic things the world is skinning their teeth about. 

Mitwah posted:
skeldon_man posted:
seignet posted:

Lots of noise, sexual gyrations and ungodly acts as entertainment. 

Seems like something from the Samson and Deliah movie. The pillars coulld come tumbling down. And to think the Liberals complaining about Trump. 

Siggy bai, Even the holiest men in America, Jim Baker(banging Jessica Hahn on the rug), Jimmy Swaggart(banging a seasoned prostitute), and the most powerful man in the world(our beloved stable idiot genius) did worse(being a John for Stormy). Why can't we just look and have flashbacks? Nothing wrong with looking and wishing. I am sure for most men that performance kept their blood pressure in check for the time being. Nothing wrong. Those performances put back years of smiles on my face. No touch, no harm done.

The book of Romans (5:6) mentioned that Christ died for the Ungodly.

That's like seying, "making His death worthwhile by sinning alot more."

skeldon_man posted:
Mitwah posted:
skeldon_man posted:
seignet posted:

Lots of noise, sexual gyrations and ungodly acts as entertainment. 

Seems like something from the Samson and Deliah movie. The pillars coulld come tumbling down. And to think the Liberals complaining about Trump. 

Siggy bai, Even the holiest men in America, Jim Baker(banging Jessica Hahn on the rug), Jimmy Swaggart(banging a seasoned prostitute), and the most powerful man in the world(our beloved stable idiot genius) did worse(being a John for Stormy). Why can't we just look and have flashbacks? Nothing wrong with looking and wishing. I am sure for most men that performance kept their blood pressure in check for the time being. Nothing wrong. Those performances put back years of smiles on my face. No touch, no harm done.

The book of Romans (5:6) mentioned that Christ died for the Ungodly.

Christ did not die for me. I was not born then. My ancestors were probably not even on the horizon yet. I don't know whether they were godly or ungodly. Anyway, mankind created god.

Do you realize how many thousands of years your DNA exists.


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