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Former Member

Clico Guyana in its final years was a mecca of illegalities before it went into liquidation.


Just prior to its avoidable demise, former President Bharrat Jagdeo showed that he was really in charge.


He negotiated a deal with Trinidad to collect $3.6 billion in exchange to waive the right to take Trinidad to court for the $7 billion Guyana lost in CLICO.


So our only recourse is Bahamas but Bahamas said they have no record of our claim.



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Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

Clico Guyana in its final years was a mecca of illegalities before it went into liquidation.


Just prior to its avoidable demise, former President Bharrat Jagdeo showed that he was really in charge.


He negotiated a deal with Trinidad to collect $3.6 billion in exchange to waive the right to take Trinidad to court for the $7 billion Guyana lost in CLICO.


So our only recourse is Bahamas but Bahamas said they have no record of our claim.



BT, is this your opinion or fact? Please provide the source.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

Clico Guyana in its final years was a mecca of illegalities before it went into liquidation.


Just prior to its avoidable demise, former President Bharrat Jagdeo showed that he was really in charge.


He negotiated a deal with Trinidad to collect $3.6 billion in exchange to waive the right to take Trinidad to court for the $7 billion Guyana lost in CLICO.


So our only recourse is Bahamas but Bahamas said they have no record of our claim.



BT, is this your opinion or fact? Please provide the source.

those are well known facts on record.  Use your Google fu to verify it


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