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Former Member

Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo has come to Kaieteur News’s defense after Foreign Secretary Carl Greenidge accused the newspaper of profiling African countries.

Foreign Secretary Carl Greenidge

In a letter published by Stabroek News, Greenidge made comments about several advertisements that were published in the Kaieteur News on matters of corruption in a list of African nations.
The ex-Foreign Minister proposed that Kaieteur News rescind the advertisements as he believes that they inform harmful stereotypes about African leaders as corrupt and incompetent, further claiming that the current APNU+AFC government may be victim of those stereotypes as well.
Greenidge called the message corrosive and dysfunctional, and accused the writer of the advertisement of bias.
In a scathing response, Jagdeo said that Greenidge’s accusation is “blowing the dogwhistle on racism”. He further explained that though there are issues on which he does not toe the line with this newspaper, it was “a stretch” to target the newspaper simply because it published advertisements which listed African countries as examples of corruption.
Jagdeo said that the issues written about may not be unique to Africa, but that Africa’s stories tend to go untold.

Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo

To Greenidge, the Opposition Leader’s instructions are clear – tackle the arguments on their merit.

Publisher’s note: Kaieteur News rejects the baseless insinuations, made by the Foreign Secretary, Carl Greenidge, that this newspaper reflects a mindset which can provide the logic for the opposition of African-based parties or governments.
We urge Carl Greenidge to have the courage to face the media so as to provide answers about the oil negotiations with ExxonMobil and not to be sniping at this newspaper from behind the letter columns of other newspapers.
We wish to make it known to Carl Greenidge that the entire editorial staff of the Kaieteur News, save and except one senior reporter, is of African descent, and this has been so for some time now.
We also wish to inform him that of the thousands of articles written on the oil and gas industry since May 2015, none was authored by that one reporter, Leonard Gildarie.
It should also be mentioned that of our columnists, only one, Mr. Frederick Kissoon, is non-African. We urge Carl Greenidge to do the decent thing and withdraw his obnoxious and malicious insinuations against Kaieteur News.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

I don’t ever see Guyana having any reconciliation under either the PPP or PNC!  They acknowledge nothing positive of each and never recognizes contributions made by each other to Guyana’s development!

Even as Guyana is on the precipice of break out wealth due to oil, all they do is fight and argue and don’t take a minute to say anything positive!  PNC never even acknowledged that the oil endeavors span governments and a generation!  Dem supporters even claiming it’s the will of God!

PPP was in power for 23 years and did little to recognize anything the PNC ever did!  In fact they  renamed the airport built by Burnham as Cheddi Jagan!  They never honored Burnham with any national emblem!  So PPP is no different!

Daag and Cyat does behave more civil than them PNC and PPP barracudas!  And this will not change!  The general population reflects this attitude!  The nation remains dysfunctional and will be stolen from both in due course!

Ayuh try deh!  I don’t know what people does celebrate!


What the fvck is the difference between Foreign Minister and Foreign Secretary other than paying two people to do the same job. The PNC is incapable for behaving in civilized manners.


African countries are corrupt, Guyana in the same pattern. Retraction duz not mek it a lie or misinformation. Thank God for the Caribbean leaders and their ppl, dey have a lil fear of God in dem and duz do tings the rite way. 


It is factual that Africa is infested by corrupted and incompetent leaders so what is Greenidge griping about? The Middle East and many parts of Asia are also plagued by the same thing. The reality is that the PNC is also corrupted and incompetent so Greenidge should focus his energy on that and try to correct it. But it is easier for him and his supporters, some right here on GNI to lean on the race crutch when the PNC is the most racist party ever existed in Guyana. Greenidge kyan ker he skont dahside.

Base, ress yuh poke. This topic is about Greenidge nonsense and the PNC incompetence. Don't go crowding it with nonsense about any PPP matters.

Baseman posted:

I don’t ever see Guyana having any reconciliation under either the PPP or PNC!  They acknowledge nothing positive of each and never recognizes contributions made by each other to Guyana’s development!

Even as Guyana is on the precipice of break out wealth due to oil, all they do is fight and argue and don’t take a minute to say anything positive!  PNC never even acknowledged that the oil endeavors span governments and a generation!  Dem supporters even claiming it’s the will of God!

PPP was in power for 23 years and did little to recognize anything the PNC ever did!  In fact they  renamed the airport built by Burnham as Cheddi Jagan!  They never honored Burnham with any national emblem!  So PPP is no different!

Daag and Cyat does behave more civil than them PNC and PPP barracudas!  And this will not change!  The general population reflects this attitude!  The nation remains dysfunctional and will be stolen from both in due course!

Ayuh try deh!  I don’t know what people does celebrate!

That's why the country is underdeveloped ,Jagdeo marauding he is the best thing since slice bread. He left a tattered legacy as head of state from 1999 to 2011, there is an article by COHA,written in January 2011.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
Baseman posted:

I don’t ever see Guyana having any reconciliation under either the PPP or PNC!  They acknowledge nothing positive of each and never recognizes contributions made by each other to Guyana’s development!

Even as Guyana is on the precipice of break out wealth due to oil, all they do is fight and argue and don’t take a minute to say anything positive!  PNC never even acknowledged that the oil endeavors span governments and a generation!  Dem supporters even claiming it’s the will of God!

PPP was in power for 23 years and did little to recognize anything the PNC ever did!  In fact they  renamed the airport built by Burnham as Cheddi Jagan!  They never honored Burnham with any national emblem!  So PPP is no different!

Daag and Cyat does behave more civil than them PNC and PPP barracudas!  And this will not change!  The general population reflects this attitude!  The nation remains dysfunctional and will be stolen from both in due course!

Ayuh try deh!  I don’t know what people does celebrate!

That's why the country is underdeveloped ,Jagdeo marauding he is the best thing since slice bread. He left a tattered legacy as head of state from 1999 to 2011, there is an article by COHA,written in January 2011.

Bai Django, You sound as if the 28 years of the PNC was a utopia for Guyana. Guya will remain undeveloped because of the PNC. They want power at all cost and all they do is squander and theif...emptying the treasury. They run Guyana as Mugabe did with Zimbabwe.

Last edited by Former Member
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
Baseman posted:

I don’t ever see Guyana having any reconciliation under either the PPP or PNC!  They acknowledge nothing positive of each and never recognizes contributions made by each other to Guyana’s development!

Even as Guyana is on the precipice of break out wealth due to oil, all they do is fight and argue and don’t take a minute to say anything positive!  PNC never even acknowledged that the oil endeavors span governments and a generation!  Dem supporters even claiming it’s the will of God!

PPP was in power for 23 years and did little to recognize anything the PNC ever did!  In fact they  renamed the airport built by Burnham as Cheddi Jagan!  They never honored Burnham with any national emblem!  So PPP is no different!

Daag and Cyat does behave more civil than them PNC and PPP barracudas!  And this will not change!  The general population reflects this attitude!  The nation remains dysfunctional and will be stolen from both in due course!

Ayuh try deh!  I don’t know what people does celebrate!

That's why the country is underdeveloped ,Jagdeo marauding he is the best thing since slice bread. He left a tattered legacy as head of state from 1999 to 2011, there is an article by COHA,written in January 2011.

Bai Django, You sound as if the 28 years of the PNC was autopia for Guyana.

Guya will remain undeveloped because of the PNC. They want power at all cost and all they do is squander and theif...emptying the treasury. They run Guyana as Mugabe did with Zimbabwe.

Banna , do a fair analysis ,both PNC and PPP are power grabbers ,shed the superiority of race ,it will help from being biased.


The only friggin Party that RIG anf FRIG Election, conduct Mo Fiah Slo Fiah, create Black Clothes Goons to intimidate, kill and murder, disrespect the Rule Of Law, Courts, Constitution, lacks basic humanity, decency, integrity and humanity. Well, the answer is simple for all except SHIT HEADs!!!

Nehru posted:

The only friggin Party that RIG anf FRIG Election, conduct Mo Fiah Slo Fiah, create Black Clothes Goons to intimidate, kill and murder, disrespect the Rule Of Law, Courts, Constitution, lacks basic humanity, decency, integrity and humanity. Well, the answer is simple for all except SHIT HEADs!!!

Seem to forget the Black Clothes Goons was used by both PNC and PPP.

Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
Baseman posted:

I don’t ever see Guyana having any reconciliation under either the PPP or PNC!  They acknowledge nothing positive of each and never recognizes contributions made by each other to Guyana’s development!

Even as Guyana is on the precipice of break out wealth due to oil, all they do is fight and argue and don’t take a minute to say anything positive!  PNC never even acknowledged that the oil endeavors span governments and a generation!  Dem supporters even claiming it’s the will of God!

PPP was in power for 23 years and did little to recognize anything the PNC ever did!  In fact they  renamed the airport built by Burnham as Cheddi Jagan!  They never honored Burnham with any national emblem!  So PPP is no different!

Daag and Cyat does behave more civil than them PNC and PPP barracudas!  And this will not change!  The general population reflects this attitude!  The nation remains dysfunctional and will be stolen from both in due course!

Ayuh try deh!  I don’t know what people does celebrate!

That's why the country is underdeveloped ,Jagdeo marauding he is the best thing since slice bread. He left a tattered legacy as head of state from 1999 to 2011, there is an article by COHA,written in January 2011.

Bai Django, You sound as if the 28 years of the PNC was autopia for Guyana.

Guya will remain undeveloped because of the PNC. They want power at all cost and all they do is squander and theif...emptying the treasury. They run Guyana as Mugabe did with Zimbabwe.

Banna , do a fair analysis ,both PNC and PPP are power grabbers ,shed the superiority of race ,it will help from being biased.

I agree that both parties have sticky hands. However, PPP took a little bit, developed Guyana, and supported the poor with the rest. PNC took most of it(remember the empty treasury), neglected any development and left the people to eat dry coconut and dance without music.
I do not see you looking at it from both sides. Let's be objective about it.

skeldon_man posted:

I agree that both parties have sticky hands. However, PPP took a little bit, developed Guyana, and supported the poor with the rest.PNC took most of it (remember the empty treasury), neglected any development and left the people to eat dry coconut and dance without music.

I do not see you looking at it from both sides.Let's be objective about it.

I am, the PPP taking little bit ,supporting the poor full of holes. I stated do an analysis of both the PPP and PNC you will find who out do each other , in taking lil bit ,developing and helping the poor.

Stealing was not the major cause for financial crisis in the 70's under the PNC. Desmond Hoyte resuscitate the economy ,by 1992 it was on a road to recovery. C.B. Jagan came to power later in the year and the economy continues to grow until his demise. From then on  to 2011, for a decade the average growth was 3 % ,the small prosperity wasn't shared with the Guyanese citizens.

Here is quote from COHA ,article  January 2011.

Public spending on education dropped to 6.1 percent of total GDP in 2007, down from 8.5 percent in 2000. Because of this lack of adequate spending on public education, the percentage of primary school entrance-age children enrolled in such schools dropped from 91.8 percent to 62.0 percent.2 While it is difficult to speculate precisely what effect these substantive budget cuts on education have had on childhood literacy rates in the country (owing to a lack of data collected by Georgetown officials), there could be pernicious social consequences if education continues to take a back seat on the Guyanese agenda.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:

I agree that both parties have sticky hands. However, PPP took a little bit, developed Guyana, and supported the poor with the rest.PNC took most of it (remember the empty treasury), neglected any development and left the people to eat dry coconut and dance without music.

I do not see you looking at it from both sides.Let's be objective about it.

I am, the PPP taking little bit ,supporting the poor full of holes. I stated do an analysis of both the PPP and PNC you will find who out do each other , in taking lil bit ,developing and helping the poor.

Stealing was not the major cause for financial crisis in the 70's under the PNC. Desmond Hoyte resuscitate the economy ,by 1992 it was on a road to recovery. C.B. Jagan came to power later in the year and the economy continues to grow until his demise. From then on  to 2011, for a decade the average growth was 3 % ,the small prosperity wasn't shared with the Guyanese citizens.

Here is quote from COHA ,article  January 2011.

Public spending on education dropped to 6.1 percent of total GDP in 2007, down from 8.5 percent in 2000. Because of this lack of adequate spending on public education, the percentage of primary school entrance-age children enrolled in such schools dropped from 91.8 percent to 62.0 percent.2 While it is difficult to speculate precisely what effect these substantive budget cuts on education have had on childhood literacy rates in the country (owing to a lack of data collected by Georgetown officials), there could be pernicious social consequences if education continues to take a back seat on the Guyanese agenda.

Regardless of what was written, Guyana became a beggar under the PNC. No amount of positive statistics will be recorded in history. The global picture was Guyanese are starving under the PNC.

skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:

I agree that both parties have sticky hands. However, PPP took a little bit, developed Guyana, and supported the poor with the rest.PNC took most of it (remember the empty treasury), neglected any development and left the people to eat dry coconut and dance without music.

I do not see you looking at it from both sides.Let's be objective about it.

I am, the PPP taking little bit ,supporting the poor full of holes. I stated do an analysis of both the PPP and PNC you will find who out do each other , in taking lil bit ,developing and helping the poor.

Stealing was not the major cause for financial crisis in the 70's under the PNC. Desmond Hoyte resuscitate the economy ,by 1992 it was on a road to recovery. C.B. Jagan came to power later in the year and the economy continues to grow until his demise. From then on  to 2011, for a decade the average growth was 3 % ,the small prosperity wasn't shared with the Guyanese citizens.

Here is quote from COHA ,article  January 2011.

Public spending on education dropped to 6.1 percent of total GDP in 2007, down from 8.5 percent in 2000. Because of this lack of adequate spending on public education, the percentage of primary school entrance-age children enrolled in such schools dropped from 91.8 percent to 62.0 percent.2 While it is difficult to speculate precisely what effect these substantive budget cuts on education have had on childhood literacy rates in the country (owing to a lack of data collected by Georgetown officials), there could be pernicious social consequences if education continues to take a back seat on the Guyanese agenda.

Regardless of what was written, Guyana became a beggar under the PNC. No amount of positive statistics will be recorded in history.

The global picture was Guyanese are starving under the PNC.


I was living there ,know the facts.

Last edited by Django
Ray posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Ray posted:

same old...same old

yall on the same shit....just different day

So why you read it?

knowledge is power

So you read the same shit different days to get knowledge?

Django posted:
Baseman posted:

I don’t ever see Guyana having any reconciliation under either the PPP or PNC!  They acknowledge nothing positive of each and never recognizes contributions made by each other to Guyana’s development!

Even as Guyana is on the precipice of break out wealth due to oil, all they do is fight and argue and don’t take a minute to say anything positive!  PNC never even acknowledged that the oil endeavors span governments and a generation!  Dem supporters even claiming it’s the will of God!

PPP was in power for 23 years and did little to recognize anything the PNC ever did!  In fact they  renamed the airport built by Burnham as Cheddi Jagan!  They never honored Burnham with any national emblem!  So PPP is no different!

Daag and Cyat does behave more civil than them PNC and PPP barracudas!  And this will not change!  The general population reflects this attitude!  The nation remains dysfunctional and will be stolen from both in due course!

Ayuh try deh!  I don’t know what people does celebrate!

That's why the country is underdeveloped ,Jagdeo marauding he is the best thing since slice bread. He left a tattered legacy as head of state from 1999 to 2011, there is an article by COHA,written in January 2011.

You with your shyte!  This is not only to do with PPP or Jagdeo!  You are part of the problem!  Criticize your PNC cohorts for their role!!

Get Jagdeo out your craw for a day and think straight!

Baseman posted:
Django posted:
Baseman posted:

I don’t ever see Guyana having any reconciliation under either the PPP or PNC!  They acknowledge nothing positive of each and never recognizes contributions made by each other to Guyana’s development!

Even as Guyana is on the precipice of break out wealth due to oil, all they do is fight and argue and don’t take a minute to say anything positive!  PNC never even acknowledged that the oil endeavors span governments and a generation!  Dem supporters even claiming it’s the will of God!

PPP was in power for 23 years and did little to recognize anything the PNC ever did!  In fact they  renamed the airport built by Burnham as Cheddi Jagan!  They never honored Burnham with any national emblem!  So PPP is no different!

Daag and Cyat does behave more civil than them PNC and PPP barracudas!  And this will not change!  The general population reflects this attitude!  The nation remains dysfunctional and will be stolen from both in due course!

Ayuh try deh!  I don’t know what people does celebrate!

That's why the country is underdeveloped ,Jagdeo marauding he is the best thing since slice bread. He left a tattered legacy as head of state from 1999 to 2011, there is an article by COHA,written in January 2011.

You with your shyte!  This is not only to do with PPP or Jagdeo!  You are part of the problem!  Criticize your PNC cohorts for their role!!

Get Jagdeo out your craw for a day and think straight!

So what are you doing ? no one can speak about the failure of Jagdeo ,who still wants power . I know African clueless they can't do nothing,East Indian smart not so ?

Django posted:
Baseman posted:
Django posted:
Baseman posted:

I don’t ever see Guyana having any reconciliation under either the PPP or PNC!  They acknowledge nothing positive of each and never recognizes contributions made by each other to Guyana’s development!

Even as Guyana is on the precipice of break out wealth due to oil, all they do is fight and argue and don’t take a minute to say anything positive!  PNC never even acknowledged that the oil endeavors span governments and a generation!  Dem supporters even claiming it’s the will of God!

PPP was in power for 23 years and did little to recognize anything the PNC ever did!  In fact they  renamed the airport built by Burnham as Cheddi Jagan!  They never honored Burnham with any national emblem!  So PPP is no different!

Daag and Cyat does behave more civil than them PNC and PPP barracudas!  And this will not change!  The general population reflects this attitude!  The nation remains dysfunctional and will be stolen from both in due course!

Ayuh try deh!  I don’t know what people does celebrate!

That's why the country is underdeveloped ,Jagdeo marauding he is the best thing since slice bread. He left a tattered legacy as head of state from 1999 to 2011, there is an article by COHA,written in January 2011.

You with your shyte!  This is not only to do with PPP or Jagdeo!  You are part of the problem!  Criticize your PNC cohorts for their role!!

Get Jagdeo out your craw for a day and think straight!

So what are you doing ? no one can speak about the failure of Jagdeo ,who still wants power . I know African clueless they can't do nothing,East Indian smart not so ?

I was speaking of Guyana, you seem fixated on Jagdeo!  Guyana’s issues transcends Jagdeo!  It was there before he arrived on the scene!  Granger and the current junta have perpetrated the issues!

8B1E760D-ADD0-4C35-A601-19443EF76412Django posted:
Baseman posted:
Django posted:
Baseman posted:

I don’t ever see Guyana having any reconciliation under either the PPP or PNC!  They acknowledge nothing positive of each and never recognizes contributions made by each other to Guyana’s development!

Even as Guyana is on the precipice of break out wealth due to oil, all they do is fight and argue and don’t take a minute to say anything positive!  PNC never even acknowledged that the oil endeavors span governments and a generation!  Dem supporters even claiming it’s the will of God!

PPP was in power for 23 years and did little to recognize anything the PNC ever did!  In fact they  renamed the airport built by Burnham as Cheddi Jagan!  They never honored Burnham with any national emblem!  So PPP is no different!

Daag and Cyat does behave more civil than them PNC and PPP barracudas!  And this will not change!  The general population reflects this attitude!  The nation remains dysfunctional and will be stolen from both in due course!

Ayuh try deh!  I don’t know what people does celebrate!

That's why the country is underdeveloped ,Jagdeo marauding he is the best thing since slice bread. He left a tattered legacy as head of state from 1999 to 2011, there is an article by COHA,written in January 2011.

You with your shyte!  This is not only to do with PPP or Jagdeo!  You are part of the problem!  Criticize your PNC cohorts for their role!!

Get Jagdeo out your craw for a day and think straight!

So what are you doing ? no one can speak about the failure of Jagdeo ,who still wants power . I know African clueless they can't do nothing,East Indian smart not so ?

The people’s president Dr Jagdeo 



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  • 8B1E760D-ADD0-4C35-A601-19443EF76412

I wouldn’t praise Hoyte too much. Remember it was him who after he wasn’t President anymore using violence to destabilize Guyana. And he never found enough decency to curb his behavior. Only death stopped his wickedness. Hoyte is undeserving of any praise. He should forever be condemned for his racial and violent behavior especially after he was kicked out of OP.

ksazma posted:

I wouldn’t praise Hoyte too much. Remember it was him who after he wasn’t President anymore using violence to destabilize Guyana. And he never found enough decency to curb his behavior. Only death stopped his wickedness. Hoyte is undeserving of any praise. He should forever be condemned for his racial and violent behavior especially after he was kicked out of OP.

None deserve praise!  Hoyte was no different, just he was put under lil mannazz by the White massa!

Baseman posted:
ksazma posted:

I wouldn’t praise Hoyte too much. Remember it was him who after he wasn’t President anymore using violence to destabilize Guyana. And he never found enough decency to curb his behavior. Only death stopped his wickedness. Hoyte is undeserving of any praise. He should forever be condemned for his racial and violent behavior especially after he was kicked out of OP.

None deserve praise!  Hoyte was no different, just he was put under lil mannazz by the White massa!

I agree. Guyana is run by a bunch a shithole people.

Baseman posted:
ksazma posted:

I wouldn’t praise Hoyte too much. Remember it was him who after he wasn’t President anymore using violence to destabilize Guyana. And he never found enough decency to curb his behavior. Only death stopped his wickedness. Hoyte is undeserving of any praise. He should forever be condemned for his racial and violent behavior especially after he was kicked out of OP.

None deserve praise!  Hoyte was no different, just he was put under lil mannazz by the White massa!


Baseman posted:

I was speaking of Guyana, you seem fixated on Jagdeo!  Guyana’s issues transcends Jagdeo!  It was there before he arrived on the scene!  

Granger and the current junta have perpetrated the issues!

What's the article about ? why the advertisement of corruption on African countries ? what messages are been sent to the nation ? why did he not work towards reconciliation , he was advised to do so , turned out to be baby kong . Regarding your last sentence it's pure crap.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
Baseman posted:

I was speaking of Guyana, you seem fixated on Jagdeo!  Guyana’s issues transcends Jagdeo!  It was there before he arrived on the scene!  

Granger and the current junta have perpetrated the issues!

What's the article about ? why the advertisement of corruption on African countries ? what messages are been sent to the nation ? why did he not work towards reconciliation , he was advised to do so , turned out to be baby kong . Regarding your last sentence it's pure crap.

As I said you seem fixated on Jagdeo!  And I don’t clear him, but he is just one of several!

The “Coalition” got into power on the backs of the AFC which drew support from Nagamootoo’s support base!  What did they chose to do?  Defanged the AFC then destroyed the likelihood of 7,000 workers and strangled 28,000 mouths and another 25,000 down stream!

So don’t come with your shyte as though the current regime did not do their part in destroying trust and chances of reconciliation!  They are worse than any previous government, PPP or PNC!

Django posted:
Baseman posted:

I was speaking of Guyana, you seem fixated on Jagdeo!  Guyana’s issues transcends Jagdeo!  It was there before he arrived on the scene!  

Granger and the current junta have perpetrated the issues!

What's the article about ? why the advertisement of corruption on African countries ? what messages are been sent to the nation ? why did he not work towards reconciliation , he was advised to do so , turned out to be baby kong . Regarding your last sentence it's pure crap.

Why are you asking the question, provide a rebuttal and show why African countries are not the most corrupt in the world.

Dave posted:
Django posted:
Baseman posted:

I was speaking of Guyana, you seem fixated on Jagdeo!  Guyana’s issues transcends Jagdeo!  It was there before he arrived on the scene!  

Granger and the current junta have perpetrated the issues!

What's the article about ? why the advertisement of corruption on African countries ? what messages are been sent to the nation ? why did he not work towards reconciliation , he was advised to do so , turned out to be baby kong . Regarding your last sentence it's pure crap.

Why are you asking the question, provide a rebuttal and show why African countries are not the most corrupt in the world.

Listen banna , you are too shallow to see message or either you gloat over such.

Baseman posted:
Django posted:
Baseman posted:

I was speaking of Guyana, you seem fixated on Jagdeo!  Guyana’s issues transcends Jagdeo!  It was there before he arrived on the scene!  

Granger and the current junta have perpetrated the issues!

What's the article about ? why the advertisement of corruption on African countries ? what messages are been sent to the nation ? why did he not work towards reconciliation , he was advised to do so , turned out to be baby kong . Regarding your last sentence it's pure crap.

As I said you seem fixated on Jagdeo!  And I don’t clear him, but he is just one of several!

The “Coalition” got into power on the backs of the AFC which drew support from Nagamootoo’s support base!  What did they chose to do?  Defanged the AFC then destroyed the likelihood of 7,000 workers and strangled 28,000 mouths and another 25,000 down stream!

So don’t come with your shyte as though the current regime did not do their part in destroying trust and chances of reconciliation!  They are worse than any previous government, PPP or PNC!

Where you pulled the 7,000 workers from ?

Let Django educate you a little in 1992 , GUYSUCO operations ,  8 sugar factories with  28,081 employees. That amount was reduced in 1998 to 18,873 employees.

Now tell us how many mouths was fed and how many benefited from the downstream.

The number of people employed by cane farmers aren't included.

That nonsensical formula, started to be used when the rat man , started to make up numbers, to look good.

Paid a few dollars , to download yearly reports from GUYSUCO website , those numbers are factual.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
Dave posted:
Django posted:
Baseman posted:

I was speaking of Guyana, you seem fixated on Jagdeo!  Guyana’s issues transcends Jagdeo!  It was there before he arrived on the scene!  

Granger and the current junta have perpetrated the issues!

What's the article about ? why the advertisement of corruption on African countries ? what messages are been sent to the nation ? why did he not work towards reconciliation , he was advised to do so , turned out to be baby kong . Regarding your last sentence it's pure crap.

Why are you asking the question, provide a rebuttal and show why African countries are not the most corrupt in the world.

Listen banna , you are too shallow to see message or either you gloat over such.

You are referring to yourself coward. 


Some idiots want to rewrite history with PNC maths .

In 2017 between Enmore, Skeldon and Rosehall, over 4000 workers were laid off. 

Altogether, approximately 7,000 persons are expected to be laid off to facilitate GuySuCo’s restructuring.

Over 2,000 Skeldon sugar workers fired - Stabroek News

-Harmon says Cabinet wasn’t notified of start of layoffs

The Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo) has issued termination letters to over 2,000 workers at the Skeldon Estate as it moves ahead with plans to consolidate its operations.

The issuance of the redundancy letters, which began on Monday, follows on the heels of the similar notice given to Rose Hall Estate workers a week ago, which State Minister Joseph Harmon yesterday said Cabinet was not aware of prior to press reports.

A source at the Skeldon Estate told Stabroek News last evening that on Monday some 1,700 workers, mostly junior staff, were given redundancy letters, while yesterday others, including supervisors and clerks, received theirs.

The source noted that it is expected that more persons will receive letters today.

When contacted, Chief Executive Officer of GuySuCo Errol Hanoman told Stabroek News that he could not give definite figures and preferred to wait until today, when the corporation would have accurate data at its disposal, which would be readily provided.

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The Rose Hall sugar factory’s last day in operation yesterday.

According to the ‘Junior Staff Redundancy Notification’ letter, which was seen by Stabroek News, the workers will be made officially redundant on December 29, which will be their last working day.

The letter sent on Monday starts by referencing a meeting that was held on November 20 at the Skeldon Estate Training Building between the workers and representatives from their union, the National Association of Agricultural, Commercial and Industrial Employees (NAACIE), where they were informed of the company’s decision with regard to their employment at the estate.

“The Corporation has given consideration to the option of you continuing in a similar job within the organization. However, there is no suitable vacancy to accommodate you,” the letter stated.

It added that as a result, the corporation can no longer provide the employees with regular employment at the estate and therefore, in accordance with Section 12, subsection (2) (a), (b) and (c) of the Termination of Employment and Severance Pay Act 1997, “the corporation wishes to inform you that your job is being made redundant.”

According to the letter, the notice will expire on December 29.

Workers at Skeldon Estate last evening told Stabroek News that they are worried about the future.

Government had announced in May of  this year, when a ‘State Paper on the Future of the Sugar Industry’ was tabled in the National Assembly,  that it plans to scale back sugar production to some 147,000 tonnes per year, keep only three estates  and divest the company’s remaining assets.

GuySuCo, under the plan, aims to produce the 147,000 tonnes of sugar annually from the Albion-Rose Hall, Blairmont and Uitvlugt-Wales estates, Minister of Agriculture Noel Holder had said then, as he informed that the determined production amount was decided upon as to satisfy local demand while simultaneously keeping international commitments.

Under the planned amalgamation of existing estates, cane from Wales would be reassigned to the Uitvlugt factory. The Wales Estate was closed at the end of the crop in December, 2016 and hundreds of workers have been laid off. Also, cultivation at the Albion and Rose Hall estates would be merged, but the Rose Hall factory would be closed at the end of this year.

Already some 400 workers of the Rose Hall Estate were given letters of redundancy.

In addition to those numbers, this newspaper understands that more than 250 workers are expected to be made redundant by December 9 at the Enmore Estate as the sugar company continues to scale down its operations.

Altogether, approximately 7,000 persons are expected to be laid off to facilitate GuySuCo’s restructuring.


But while GuySuCo moves ahead with plans to lay off workers by the end of this year, Harmon said that the decision was not discussed at Cabinet and all but Holder were “surprised” by the move.

Harmon yesterday said that such a major decision should have at least been discussed with the other APNU+AFC Cabinet members so as to plan accordingly. “We believe that at least some kind of notification ought to have been given…,” he told the press on the sidelines of the ongoing budget debate in the National Assembly.

He added that while he was aware that GuySuCo would take the current course of action, the manner in which it has proceeded came as a surprise. “I believe that having regard to several initiatives that have been taken—the Special Purpose Unit [SPU] has said that it is having some very good responses to their offers—that one would have thought that they could have at least [done] things differently. This is my concern—that they have basically come out like a surprise to us,” he said.

Nevertheless, Holder was adamant yesterday that nothing is wrong with sending the workers home since the White Paper presented to the National Assembly had indicated that workers would be laid off, even as he pointed out that there is no work for the workers to do at the estates.

“The question is: What happens after January the 1st? From the GuySuCo standpoint, there is no cane in the ground. There is no way you can continue the operations of the factory because the cane has been finished from the crop. So, GuySuCo is duty-bound to do what they have to do,” Holder said when questioned on the matter.

When asked if he supported the decision to issue the letters, Holder would only say, “It comes back to what happens after the 31st of December. GuySuCo has no employment for them.”

He added that while there is the SPU, which is responsible for spearheading the divestment and privatisation of certain GuySuCo assets, its views are financial and not agriculturally-oriented. “A Special Purpose Unit might have other ideas but a Special Purpose Unit does not fall under agriculture, it falls under [the Ministry of] Finance. It is a part of NICIL and they aren’t the ones that have to make the decision,” he noted.

Hanoman added that Holder speaks for GuySuCo and had been made aware of all plans and decisions taken.

“I would rather you speak with Minister Holder, who is the Minister of Agriculture and to whom GuySuCo’s Board and Chairman reports to,” Hanoman said when asked why Cabinet was not informed.

‘Some notification’

Harmon made clear that when he speaks of the element of surprise and being informed beforehand, he was limiting it to a Cabinet and not government. “When you say government, I can say specifically the Cabinet, because government is also the Ministry of Agriculture. So, I cannot basically say that government has not been informed about it. But because  of the nature of this matter, that is something [that] at least could have come to the Cabinet, giving us some notification before time, so at least you know that if in fact the action had to be taken, that they could make it softer and cushion[it],” he explained.

Harmon pointed out that Cabinet has not discussed the matter and while he would not want to “prejudge” what its actions will be, he was confident that once the matter comes before it, it will discuss and “come up with a decision.”

He informed that he personally only learned of the redundancy in his reading of the local newspapers and was taken aback.

“Just like the citizens of this country, I read of it in the newspaper and I myself was a bit surprised that a major decision like that would not have come to Cabinet,” Harmon stated.

He said that given that it has played a major role in assisting the sugar corporation financially over the many years and because Cabinet has to plan strategically, it should have been at least been informed that the workers would be laid off.

“The [Cabinet], because of its responsibility to always provide bailouts for [GuySuCo], and the fact that we have a bigger responsibility for ensuring that there is stability in the nation and that the people of this country, [and] that workers, in particular, are treated fairly, we believe that at least some prior notification ought to have been given of this letter that was sent out to these workers,” he said.

He reminded that he had only recently said that government did not foresee the estates closing before December 31st of this year and had planned to look at the issue in 2018.

“I said that we would look at this matter in 2018 and that the decision to close the estates would not have taken place in December of 2017 and that it would go over to 2018,” he stressed.

Last edited by Former Member

Guyana: GAWU and the future of sugar… and of the country

After a hiatus of almost seven years, this writer was in Guyana to launch a training program for GAWU organizers under a project supported by the Canadian union, Unifor. Appropriately, the initiative is entitled “Guyana Sugar Sector at a Critical Moment and Responsibilities of the Guyana Agricultural and General Workers Union (GAWU).” The training prepares GAWU members to tackle challenges arising from the so-called restructuring of the Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo). For instance, if the already closed sugar estates are eventually sold and new operators/owners appear, labor practices will change.

A first group of thirty organizers from three estates attended a four-day program at the GAWU Labor School in Georgetown. The program had two blocks. One was a review of the global and regional sugar sector as the context for a restructured Guyanese sugar industry; a review that was completed with a “Situation and Outlook” presentation on GuySuCo. The second dealt with the role of unions and organizers in a changing environment, reviewed national labor laws and focused on communication skills and methods needed to maintain a strong and active union. A second group of thirty organizers will attend a similar program in late November.

The sugar sector in Guyana, overwhelmingly owned and controlled by the state through the long-time battered GuySuCo, is in the middle of a drastic (and dramatic) process of “restructuring.” From the eight sugar estates operating last year, five have been closed, three still working. Some 7,000 direct jobs have been lost.

It has been repeated ad nauseam that sugar is the economic, social and political backbone of Guyana; that is the single historical fact that has marked the country. At present, it might be that close to 15 percent of the population living in the country depends on sugar, with many thousands more linked indirectly to sugar. Hence the role of GAWU as a trade union that for decades has represented sugar workers.

Uitvlugt and Wales

On 3 September, a Monday, the writer visited Uitvlugt and Wales on the west bank of the Demerara river. The visit reminded him of Dicken’s opening sentence: “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times…” Uitvlugt looks to be a thriving company – using some cannibalized equipment from Wales – which, according to local sources, is improving efficiency and production. The visit included a tour of the factory and of the farming operations to meet with cane cutters, some of whom used to work at Wales. An optimistic air was evident at Uitvlugt.

Cutting cane at Uitvlugt

The reverse was Wales. The abandoned factory, manned by one person and security guards, is a source of equipment for other GuySuCo estates because there seems to be some in-order equipment still available. The Wales visit was too short to talk to the population about how they are affected by the closure of the factory. In passing, however, some locals said that GuySuCo’s rice-growing project has failed and lands reverted to bush. The writer hopes to have an opportunity to talk to people and attempt an evaluation of the social impact of the GuySuCo’s “downsizing,” another name for “restructuring.”


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