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Jagdeo acquired more wealth in office than any other Guyanese President – AFC Chairman

The most corrupt country in the caribbean.

NCN corruption debates…Jagdeo acquired more wealth in office than any other Guyanese President – AFC Chairman

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Originally Posted by Devindra:
Jagdeo acquired more wealth in office than any other Guyanese President – AFC Chairman

The most corrupt country in the caribbean.

NCN corruption debates…Jagdeo acquired more wealth in office than any other Guyanese President – AFC Chairman

You will have to forgive me for citing the name of this BIG RAT who like to tief cheese.

But can you imagine jagdow had the temerity to seek judicial redress when Freddie call him a institutional racist?

His vexatious voyage into a clean image was bloodied by his stick fingers on the BIG billion dollar deals all signed in his time and all the grease passed in his time.

THE DUCK is not fool, he know they cut him out, but does he want anything with a pension of $3 million a month?

Only Neanderthals want a clean image and at the same time robbing housewife and children of Guyana blindly.


If those people who sit in parliament and swear to up hold the constitution and ensure Region 10 get a fair share of the budget, we would not have lost 3 lives.


So said Chris Ram in Linden.


WELL SAID RAM!  He has exposed the do little parliament.  Many MPs continue to draw salary under false pretense, they are not working for their salary especially those in APNU/PNC.


APNU is siting and waiting to cut a deal with the ppp,two of the same kind.nigle,mose and ramjattan have to do like the rest of the world and get the people on the streets.demand answers.this a new year no more bull shit,the ppp will run to  APNU for help,so they can hang on to some kand of power.this will expose them to the indian people,that they will do anything to stay in power even sleeping with the people that they claim is the enemy of the people 

Originally Posted by warrior:

APNU is siting and waiting to cut a deal with the ppp,two of the same kind.nigle,mose and ramjattan have to do like the rest of the world and get the people on the streets.demand answers.this a new year no more bull shit,the ppp will run to  APNU for help,so they can hang on to some kand of power.this will expose them to the indian people,that they will do anything to stay in power even sleeping with the people that they claim is the enemy of the people 





Ramjattan is a blessed soul for fighting these bandits that rob the poor people every day.


ME FADA seh he is our Arjuna who battle the evil Dhoroydhan.


Let us not be fooled, TEAM FAGDEO is in charge of Guyana.  PREZ RAMU is the nice old man.


What is the relevance of Jagdeo today? He has not been president for a year but the AFC boys still on his case. Why don't they dig up some dirt on Ramotar who is the president? Jagdeo made his money on land deals and his current house is owned by the bank which is on the verge of foreclosure. 

Originally Posted by Mahen:
Originally Posted by warrior:

APNU is siting and waiting to cut a deal with the ppp,two of the same kind.nigle,mose and ramjattan have to do like the rest of the world and get the people on the streets.demand answers.this a new year no more bull shit,the ppp will run to  APNU for help,so they can hang on to some kand of power.this will expose them to the indian people,that they will do anything to stay in power even sleeping with the people that they claim is the enemy of the people 





AFC is burning in Envy as the PPP proves them useless and worthless on parliament.  PPP will deal with the big boys. AFC is just a bunch of losers.


The AFC over-reached in it's aim to out-do the PNC.  The PNC sat back and allowed their lose cannons like GR to self destruct themselves and the party and will now move in as a pragmatist and offer the PPP a way forward.  The AFC, in taking the extreme and hostile stand, has rendered itself irrelevant.  They are no longer the "swing" party.  They have been used by the PNC.


The AFC is now a failed party. They failed to understand how politics work due to a lack of political experience. They took a very extreme position and that brought their downfall. Their terrorist actions in Linden and Agricola is what destroyed the AFC.


The PNC outfoxed the AFC.

Originally Posted by baseman:

The AFC over-reached in it's aim to out-do the PNC.  The PNC sat back and allowed their lose cannons like GR to self destruct themselves and the party and will now move in as a pragmatist and offer the PPP a way forward.  The AFC, in taking the extreme and hostile stand, has rendered itself irrelevant.  They are no longer the "swing" party.  They have been used by the PNC.

Correct Baseman. That is why the PNC kicked out the AFC from recent talks in Linden. The PNC will now stick the fork in the AFC's back. That is gonna hurt the AFC. Ouch.

Originally Posted by cain:

So,here's the question.


Does PPP = PNC?

Or is it PNC = PPP?


Which one right?

If you knew your history you would know that ppp and pnc were once one until folks like you sewed the seeds of racism and split the party. 


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