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Originally Posted by Cobra:

 Like yall forget Burnham grandchildren is still living off the Guyanese taxpayers money.

That is the biggest hoax of the century. We have seen NO evidence that Burnham's KIDS have any wealth.  What they have they WORKED for.


Jagdeo is definitely a thief!  No one is providing private jets free.

Last edited by Former Member

If I were Jagdeo and have stolen/influenced so much money/power, I would not have gone with the Pradoville2 approach. I would have chosen a private island instead with all the glitz and glamor befitting a corrupted politician.


Seriously though, isn't Nigel Hughes the same guy who not so long ago resigned his AFC position because of some kind of underhand dealings? Point being that Guyana has not yet matured to where anyone, no matter which race or party affiliation would govern honestly. They seem to all be inclined to abuse the power allotted to them.


Hopefully Guyana reaches that maturity soon because the ordinary and not so ordinary but especially the ordinary citizens deserve it.

Originally Posted by Amral:

At least Jagdeo made a name for himself, what have some of you done, diddly squat.

LOL! Yea de man mek wan name tekkin fram de people. And de bamboo weddin.


hey the way I look it, if a president does not try and get some perks when he leaves office then he is a damn dunce. I have yet to see a poor retired president or a poor preacher.  I will say hats of to Jagdeo, he outwit them all.

Originally Posted by Amral:

hey the way I look it, if ant president does not try and get some perks when he leave office then he is  damn dunce. I have yet to see a poor retired president or a poor preacher.  I will say hats of to Jagdeo, he outwit them all.

Yuh eva pass round Desmon Hoyte house pun Narth Road? Muss pass am and den go see Jagdoe wan 5 mill USD pun de pradoville 2. Wile yu at it check out yu bai Rohee wan. LOL!


Clinton with his indiscretions and Bush with his alleged inclinations to circumvent laws pretty much ceased after they leave office. That is how the US keep moving forward. Guyana can learn something by dealing with their current and impending challenges than waste time worrying about Jagdeo. Good or bad, he is now history regarding the current politics of Guyana. If Nigel wants to keep looking in his rear view mirror (no pun intended) he may end up running into a bad situation.


Even in Cda here them MPs making sure they get a big fat pension when they retire, so nothing is different in Guyana. If Cheddie wanted to leave with nothing then that was his choice, he was older anyways, Jags have his whole life ahead of him. Wait and see what Donald will come out with and then you will laugh.

Originally Posted by Amral:

At least Jagdeo made a name for himself, what have some of you done, diddly squat.

What name did he make for himself? The most corrupt Guyanese president ever? The first antiman president of Guyana? The president who had the most state sponsored extrajudicial murders of Guyanese citizens while he was in office? The Guyanese president who "saved" the most money while in office?

Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Amral:

At least Jagdeo made a name for himself, what have some of you done, diddly squat.

What name did he make for himself? The most corrupt Guyanese president ever? The first antiman president of Guyana? The president who had the most state sponsored extrajudicial murders of Guyanese citizens while he was in office? The Guyanese president who "saved" the most money while in office?


If someone calls C N a rapist, and mind you,CN was not convicted for that crime then it would mean that that person takes her eyes and pass CN. She/He can be sued in a court of law and made to pay for that stupidity.


Perception or realty?

Originally Posted by Amral:

hey the way I look it, if a president does not try and get some perks when he leaves office then he is a damn dunce. I have yet to see a poor retired president or a poor preacher.  I will say hats of to Jagdeo, he outwit [out-tief] them all.

time capsule stuff! . . . a celebration of tiefmanism (as lang as abee doin de tiefin)


explains a lot about the 'administrative' turn this BB has taken of late

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Amral:

Even in Cda here them MPs making sure they get a big fat pension when they retire, so nothing is different in Guyana. If Cheddie wanted to leave with nothing then that was his choice, he was older anyways, Jags have his whole life ahead of him. Wait and see what Donald will come out with and then you will laugh.

When last I checked Canada was a wealthy country meaning three things.


1.  Salaries are high and in order to attract quality people they must pay well, which includes good benefits.  Less so Guyana.


2.  Canada has well developed social and physical infra structure, so there are fewer competing demands for gov't expenditures than is the case of Guyana where 80% of the country is still literally locked in 19th century darkness with 18th transportation.


3. Canada has a comprehensive social support system for its seniors.  Not so Guyana.


So why the comparison? 

Originally Posted by Amral:

hey the way I look it, if a president does not try and get some perks when he leaves office then he is a damn dunce. I have yet to see a poor retired president or a poor preacher.  I will say hats of to Jagdeo, he outwit them all.

Hitler outwitted a lot of countries in his time too. Ivan Boesky and Madoff and others did the same too. Heck Mugabe has done the same in Zimbabwe.


Yeah, if you employ the notion that Jagdeo accumulated what he did and would like to forgive the inefficient bureaucracy of nincompoops, and then emphasize that it is the rest of Guyana who allowed the man to ride rough-shod over them, and he must be praised for taking what he took, then yes, he outwitted them and take your hats off to him.

Originally Posted by ksazma:

If I were Jagdeo and have stolen/influenced so much money/power, I would not have gone with the Pradoville2 approach. I would have chosen a private island instead with all the glitz and glamor befitting a corrupted politician.


Seriously though, isn't Nigel Hughes the same guy who not so long ago resigned his AFC position because of some kind of underhand dealings? Point being that Guyana has not yet matured to where anyone, no matter which race or party affiliation would govern honestly. They seem to all be inclined to abuse the power allotted to them.


Hopefully Guyana reaches that maturity soon because the ordinary and not so ordinary but especially the ordinary citizens deserve it.

your Nigel Hughes/Jagdeo 'comparison' is desperate and ignorant


pls articulate for us the monstrous 'underhand dealings' the PPP would have us believe Mr Hughes got filthy rich off

Last edited by Former Member
riginally Posted by redux:

your Nigel Hughes/Jagdeo 'comparison' is desperate and ignorant


Only because Nigel didn't have the opportunity to do what Jagdeo did.  That whole Amaila fiasco undermined what ever confidence I had in his integrity.  He single handedly reduced the AFC to looking no better than either the PNC or the PPP.

Originally Posted by caribny:
riginally Posted by redux:

your Nigel Hughes/Jagdeo 'comparison' is desperate and ignorant


Only because Nigel didn't have the opportunity to do what Jagdeo did.  That whole Amaila fiasco undermined what ever confidence I had in his integrity.  He single handedly reduced the AFC to looking no better than either the PNC or the PPP.

Yes. My mamoo said that too.

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by caribny:
riginally Posted by redux:

your Nigel Hughes/Jagdeo 'comparison' is desperate and ignorant


Only because Nigel didn't have the opportunity to do what Jagdeo did.  That whole Amaila fiasco undermined what ever confidence I had in his integrity.  He single handedly reduced the AFC to looking no better than either the PNC or the PPP.

Yes. My mamoo said that too.

You mamoo is a long mouth yawari that can suck a raw unbroken egg in a baby's bottle.

Originally Posted by caribny:
riginally Posted by redux:

your Nigel Hughes/Jagdeo 'comparison' is desperate and ignorant


Only because Nigel didn't have the opportunity to do what Jagdeo did.  That whole Amaila fiasco undermined what ever confidence I had in his integrity.  He single handedly reduced the AFC to looking no better than either the PNC or the PPP.

to equate Nigel Hughes' supposed 'potential' for high crimes (based solely on the Amaila Falls fiasco) with the actualized rape of Guyana by the jagdeoite horde is, in a word, FARCE, and reduces your reasoning here to the level of conscience and the GINA crew

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

If I were Jagdeo and have stolen/influenced so much money/power, I would not have gone with the Pradoville2 approach. I would have chosen a private island instead with all the glitz and glamor befitting a corrupted politician.


Seriously though, isn't Nigel Hughes the same guy who not so long ago resigned his AFC position because of some kind of underhand dealings? Point being that Guyana has not yet matured to where anyone, no matter which race or party affiliation would govern honestly. They seem to all be inclined to abuse the power allotted to them.


Hopefully Guyana reaches that maturity soon because the ordinary and not so ordinary but especially the ordinary citizens deserve it.

your Nigel Hughes/Jagdeo 'comparison' is desperate and ignorant


pls articulate for us the monstrous 'underhand dealings' the PPP would have us believe Mr Hughes got filthy rich off

Hughes being unsuccessful of attaining the same as Jagdeo does not relieve him of his efforts therewith. I have no doubt that Hughes would be no less dishonest if given that opportunity. Politicians all over the world are crooked. Same in Guyana. The problem is that Guyana does not have the necessary infrastructure to guard against these kinds of crookedness and corruption. And that is what my post above highlighted. My comment about Hughes is that he is no less crooked whether it is a penny or a dollar.  

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

If I were Jagdeo and have stolen/influenced so much money/power, I would not have gone with the Pradoville2 approach. I would have chosen a private island instead with all the glitz and glamor befitting a corrupted politician.


Seriously though, isn't Nigel Hughes the same guy who not so long ago resigned his AFC position because of some kind of underhand dealings? Point being that Guyana has not yet matured to where anyone, no matter which race or party affiliation would govern honestly. They seem to all be inclined to abuse the power allotted to them.


Hopefully Guyana reaches that maturity soon because the ordinary and not so ordinary but especially the ordinary citizens deserve it.

your Nigel Hughes/Jagdeo 'comparison' is desperate and ignorant


pls articulate for us the monstrous 'underhand dealings' the PPP would have us believe Mr Hughes got filthy rich off

Hughes being unsuccessful of attaining the same as Jagdeo does not relieve him of his efforts therewith. I have no doubt that Hughes would be no less dishonest if given that opportunity. Politicians all over the world are crooked. Same in Guyana. The problem is that Guyana does not have the necessary infrastructure to guard against these kinds of crookedness and corruption. And that is what my post above highlighted. My comment about Hughes is that he is no less crooked whether it is a penny or a dollar.  

i understand that u have "no doubt . . . "


it is, after all, a studied Freedom House practice to present conjecture as fact and build narratives predicated on these tendentious  imaginings, then present them as new reality when the need to deflect attention from alyuh crimes becomes dire


is not dat what u doing hay bai?

NC or the PPP.

to equate Nigel Hughes' supposed 'potential' for high crimes (based solely on the Amaila Falls fiasco) with the actualized rape of Guyana by the jagdeoite horde is, in a word, FARCE, and reduces your reasoning here to the level of conscience and the GINA crew

This wasn't his potential.  This is what he did.  Now imagine if he had the power that Jagdeo did.

Originally Posted by caribny:
NC or the PPP.

to equate Nigel Hughes' supposed 'potential' for high crimes (based solely on the Amaila Falls fiasco) with the actualized rape of Guyana by the jagdeoite horde is, in a word, FARCE, and reduces your reasoning here to the level of conscience and the GINA crew

This wasn't his potential.  This is what he did.  Now imagine if he had the power that Jagdeo did.

sir, what exactly did Nigel Hughes DO that qualifies him to be quarantined in the same tiefman category as jagdeo?


and no, i cannot imagine . . .

Originally Posted by redux:
exactly did Nigel Hughes DO that qualifies him to be quarantined in the same tiefman category as jagdeo?


and no, i cannot imagine . . .

Amaila Falls. As an AFC leader blocking the project, because of concerns that it was a bad deal, inappropriately structured, and had a history of corruption.  This while he and is wife were intimately involved in it earning fees. 


In another society Hughes would have declared conflict of interest, and removed himself from any parliamentary discussions.  He did so only when discovered that he was deriving an income from this project.


How can one bad talk a project, disguise a conflict of interest, and be a very important person connected with it.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

If I were Jagdeo and have stolen/influenced so much money/power, I would not have gone with the Pradoville2 approach. I would have chosen a private island instead with all the glitz and glamor befitting a corrupted politician.


Seriously though, isn't Nigel Hughes the same guy who not so long ago resigned his AFC position because of some kind of underhand dealings? Point being that Guyana has not yet matured to where anyone, no matter which race or party affiliation would govern honestly. They seem to all be inclined to abuse the power allotted to them.


Hopefully Guyana reaches that maturity soon because the ordinary and not so ordinary but especially the ordinary citizens deserve it.

your Nigel Hughes/Jagdeo 'comparison' is desperate and ignorant


pls articulate for us the monstrous 'underhand dealings' the PPP would have us believe Mr Hughes got filthy rich off

Hughes being unsuccessful of attaining the same as Jagdeo does not relieve him of his efforts therewith. I have no doubt that Hughes would be no less dishonest if given that opportunity. Politicians all over the world are crooked. Same in Guyana. The problem is that Guyana does not have the necessary infrastructure to guard against these kinds of crookedness and corruption. And that is what my post above highlighted. My comment about Hughes is that he is no less crooked whether it is a penny or a dollar.  

i understand that u have "no doubt . . . "


it is, after all, a studied Freedom House practice to present conjecture as fact and build narratives predicated on these tendentious  imaginings, then present them as new reality when the need to deflect attention from alyuh crimes becomes dire


is not dat what u doing hay bai?

Political crimes and corruption did not begin with the PPP in 1992. It was there before that. I don't know how old you are but I lived through the 1973 elections as well as the 1978 Referendum Amendment Bill. Those were rigged by the PNC to give Burnham infinite power and make him president for life. Too bad for him a greater power decided that his presidency while still rigged in 1980 will only have a normal 5 years life. Good for Guyana, his life was also removed so he does not continue to abuse the Guyanese people. During that period, there were a bunch of incompetent people managing the corporations that the rest of us work at only because they were affiliated with the PNC. People did not get the reward of their efforts unless those efforts were to appease the PNC. Those were some of the many ills of the PNC government prior to bankrupting the country and being forced to hold a transparent election in 1992.

And yes, the PPP are doing the same today. That is why I stand by my statement before the last election that Guyana would be better served by a balanced government with representatives to everyone. And good for the country, it got somewhat of that balanced government. But the non-PPP parties were expecting to be the majority which did not happen. So instead of accepting their one seat minority knowing that they can do so much more with the added seats that they have, they decided to become saboteurs instead. They have so far squandered a valuable opportunity. To state that there is no doubt about that does not require quotation marks but I am sure you will find a need for it because you are determined that the PPP have issues. I don't deny that. Your problem, however, is that you do not have a substitute that is not just as crooked. Crookedness is crookedness, big or small.


A long time ago, a co-worker was talking about the Dodgers. He stated that he does not discuss religion or politics but he does sports. That is because when it comes to politics and religion, people get so emotionally invested that logic gets thrown out the window.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

If I were Jagdeo and have stolen/influenced so much money/power, I would not have gone with the Pradoville2 approach. I would have chosen a private island instead with all the glitz and glamor befitting a corrupted politician.


Seriously though, isn't Nigel Hughes the same guy who not so long ago resigned his AFC position because of some kind of underhand dealings? Point being that Guyana has not yet matured to where anyone, no matter which race or party affiliation would govern honestly. They seem to all be inclined to abuse the power allotted to them.


Hopefully Guyana reaches that maturity soon because the ordinary and not so ordinary but especially the ordinary citizens deserve it.

your Nigel Hughes/Jagdeo 'comparison' is desperate and ignorant


pls articulate for us the monstrous 'underhand dealings' the PPP would have us believe Mr Hughes got filthy rich off

Hughes being unsuccessful of attaining the same as Jagdeo does not relieve him of his efforts therewith. I have no doubt that Hughes would be no less dishonest if given that opportunity. Politicians all over the world are crooked. Same in Guyana. The problem is that Guyana does not have the necessary infrastructure to guard against these kinds of crookedness and corruption. And that is what my post above highlighted. My comment about Hughes is that he is no less crooked whether it is a penny or a dollar.  

i understand that u have "no doubt . . . "


it is, after all, a studied Freedom House practice to present conjecture as fact and build narratives predicated on these tendentious  imaginings, then present them as new reality when the need to deflect attention from alyuh crimes becomes dire


is not dat what u doing hay bai?

Political crimes and corruption did not begin with the PPP in 1992. It was there before that. I don't know how old you are but I lived through the 1973 elections as well as the 1978 Referendum Amendment Bill. Those were rigged by the PNC to give Burnham infinite power and make him president for life. Too bad for him a greater power decided that his presidency while still rigged in 1980 will only have a normal 5 years life. Good for Guyana, his life was also removed so he does not continue to abuse the Guyanese people. During that period, there were a bunch of incompetent people managing the corporations that the rest of us work at only because they were affiliated with the PNC. People did not get the reward of their efforts unless those efforts were to appease the PNC. Those were some of the many ills of the PNC government prior to bankrupting the country and being forced to hold a transparent election in 1992.

And yes, the PPP are doing the same today. That is why I stand by my statement before the last election that Guyana would be better served by a balanced government with representatives to everyone. And good for the country, it got somewhat of that balanced government. But the non-PPP parties were expecting to be the majority which did not happen. So instead of accepting their one seat minority knowing that they can do so much more with the added seats that they have, they decided to become saboteurs instead. They have so far squandered a valuable opportunity. To state that there is no doubt about that does not require quotation marks but I am sure you will find a need for it because you are determined that the PPP have issues. I don't deny that. Your problem, however, is that you do not have a substitute that is not just as crooked. Crookedness is crookedness, big or small.


A long time ago, a co-worker was talking about the Dodgers. He stated that he does not discuss religion or politics but he does sports. That is because when it comes to politics and religion, people get so emotionally invested that logic gets thrown out the window.

You obviously don't know what you're talking about. 


When we were kids, we had a shop because although my dad worked at the hospital, he liked the idea of getting paid every day. I saw the stocks in our shop drop from where we used to sell all kinds of stuff including apples and grapes to where out shelves were empty. Even out glass cases were empty and don't even start talking about those rice flour experiments. Don't even start talking about the many people who had their cars seized for having even a pound of flour. Those same cars becoming the vehicles by police officers who had no business driving them except that it was standard acceptable practices during the PNC days. So while you may be educated and I may not be. While you may suggest that I am uneducated and ignorant, the fact that I have never stretched out may hand for a handout from you makes whatever you think about me inconsequential. 

Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

If I were Jagdeo and have stolen/influenced so much money/power, I would not have gone with the Pradoville2 approach. I would have chosen a private island instead with all the glitz and glamor befitting a corrupted politician.


Seriously though, isn't Nigel Hughes the same guy who not so long ago resigned his AFC position because of some kind of underhand dealings? Point being that Guyana has not yet matured to where anyone, no matter which race or party affiliation would govern honestly. They seem to all be inclined to abuse the power allotted to them.


Hopefully Guyana reaches that maturity soon because the ordinary and not so ordinary but especially the ordinary citizens deserve it.

your Nigel Hughes/Jagdeo 'comparison' is desperate and ignorant


pls articulate for us the monstrous 'underhand dealings' the PPP would have us believe Mr Hughes got filthy rich off

Hughes being unsuccessful of attaining the same as Jagdeo does not relieve him of his efforts therewith. I have no doubt that Hughes would be no less dishonest if given that opportunity. Politicians all over the world are crooked. Same in Guyana. The problem is that Guyana does not have the necessary infrastructure to guard against these kinds of crookedness and corruption. And that is what my post above highlighted. My comment about Hughes is that he is no less crooked whether it is a penny or a dollar.  

i understand that u have "no doubt . . . "


it is, after all, a studied Freedom House practice to present conjecture as fact and build narratives predicated on these tendentious  imaginings, then present them as new reality when the need to deflect attention from alyuh crimes becomes dire


is not dat what u doing hay bai?

Political crimes and corruption did not begin with the PPP in 1992. It was there before that. I don't know how old you are but I lived through the 1973 elections as well as the 1978 Referendum Amendment Bill. Those were rigged by the PNC to give Burnham infinite power and make him president for life. Too bad for him a greater power decided that his presidency while still rigged in 1980 will only have a normal 5 years life. Good for Guyana, his life was also removed so he does not continue to abuse the Guyanese people. During that period, there were a bunch of incompetent people managing the corporations that the rest of us work at only because they were affiliated with the PNC. People did not get the reward of their efforts unless those efforts were to appease the PNC. Those were some of the many ills of the PNC government prior to bankrupting the country and being forced to hold a transparent election in 1992.

And yes, the PPP are doing the same today. That is why I stand by my statement before the last election that Guyana would be better served by a balanced government with representatives to everyone. And good for the country, it got somewhat of that balanced government. But the non-PPP parties were expecting to be the majority which did not happen. So instead of accepting their one seat minority knowing that they can do so much more with the added seats that they have, they decided to become saboteurs instead. They have so far squandered a valuable opportunity. To state that there is no doubt about that does not require quotation marks but I am sure you will find a need for it because you are determined that the PPP have issues. I don't deny that. Your problem, however, is that you do not have a substitute that is not just as crooked. Crookedness is crookedness, big or small.


A long time ago, a co-worker was talking about the Dodgers. He stated that he does not discuss religion or politics but he does sports. That is because when it comes to politics and religion, people get so emotionally invested that logic gets thrown out the window.

You obviously don't know what you're talking about. 

By all means, please educate me. Please correct my incorrect citations in the above. Many thanks.

Originally Posted by ksazma:

When we were kids, we had a shop because although my dad worked at the hospital, he liked the idea of getting paid every day. I saw the stocks in our shop drop from where we used to sell all kinds of stuff including apples and grapes to where out shelves were empty. Even out glass cases were empty and don't even start talking about those rice flour experiments. Don't even start talking about the many people who had their cars seized for having even a pound of flour. Those same cars becoming the vehicles by police officers who had no business driving them except that it was standard acceptable practices during the PNC days. So while you may be educated and I may not be. While you may suggest that I am uneducated and ignorant, the fact that I have never stretched out may hand for a handout from you makes whatever you think about me inconsequential. 

Stick to discussing topics of which you have a clue. What you wrote in your previous post is full of inaccuracies.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

If I were Jagdeo and have stolen/influenced so much money/power, I would not have gone with the Pradoville2 approach. I would have chosen a private island instead with all the glitz and glamor befitting a corrupted politician.


Seriously though, isn't Nigel Hughes the same guy who not so long ago resigned his AFC position because of some kind of underhand dealings? Point being that Guyana has not yet matured to where anyone, no matter which race or party affiliation would govern honestly. They seem to all be inclined to abuse the power allotted to them.


Hopefully Guyana reaches that maturity soon because the ordinary and not so ordinary but especially the ordinary citizens deserve it.

your Nigel Hughes/Jagdeo 'comparison' is desperate and ignorant


pls articulate for us the monstrous 'underhand dealings' the PPP would have us believe Mr Hughes got filthy rich off

Hughes being unsuccessful of attaining the same as Jagdeo does not relieve him of his efforts therewith. I have no doubt that Hughes would be no less dishonest if given that opportunity. Politicians all over the world are crooked. Same in Guyana. The problem is that Guyana does not have the necessary infrastructure to guard against these kinds of crookedness and corruption. And that is what my post above highlighted. My comment about Hughes is that he is no less crooked whether it is a penny or a dollar.  

i understand that u have "no doubt . . . "


it is, after all, a studied Freedom House practice to present conjecture as fact and build narratives predicated on these tendentious  imaginings, then present them as new reality when the need to deflect attention from alyuh crimes becomes dire


is not dat what u doing hay bai?

Political crimes and corruption did not begin with the PPP in 1992. It was there before that. I don't know how old you are but I lived through the 1973 elections as well as the 1978 Referendum Amendment Bill. Those were rigged by the PNC to give Burnham infinite power and make him president for life. Too bad for him a greater power decided that his presidency while still rigged in 1980 will only have a normal 5 years life. Good for Guyana, his life was also removed so he does not continue to abuse the Guyanese people. During that period, there were a bunch of incompetent people managing the corporations that the rest of us work at only because they were affiliated with the PNC. People did not get the reward of their efforts unless those efforts were to appease the PNC. Those were some of the many ills of the PNC government prior to bankrupting the country and being forced to hold a transparent election in 1992.

And yes, the PPP are doing the same today. That is why I stand by my statement before the last election that Guyana would be better served by a balanced government with representatives to everyone. And good for the country, it got somewhat of that balanced government. But the non-PPP parties were expecting to be the majority which did not happen. So instead of accepting their one seat minority knowing that they can do so much more with the added seats that they have, they decided to become saboteurs instead. They have so far squandered a valuable opportunity. To state that there is no doubt about that does not require quotation marks but I am sure you will find a need for it because you are determined that the PPP have issues. I don't deny that. Your problem, however, is that you do not have a substitute that is not just as crooked. Crookedness is crookedness, big or small.


A long time ago, a co-worker was talking about the Dodgers. He stated that he does not discuss religion or politics but he does sports. That is because when it comes to politics and religion, people get so emotionally invested that logic gets thrown out the window.

You obviously don't know what you're talking about. 

By all means, please educate me. Please correct my incorrect citations in the above. Many thanks.

I'm not here to school anyone. I simply have to laugh at people who write nonsense and don't even know what they are talking about. 

Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

If I were Jagdeo and have stolen/influenced so much money/power, I would not have gone with the Pradoville2 approach. I would have chosen a private island instead with all the glitz and glamor befitting a corrupted politician.


Seriously though, isn't Nigel Hughes the same guy who not so long ago resigned his AFC position because of some kind of underhand dealings? Point being that Guyana has not yet matured to where anyone, no matter which race or party affiliation would govern honestly. They seem to all be inclined to abuse the power allotted to them.


Hopefully Guyana reaches that maturity soon because the ordinary and not so ordinary but especially the ordinary citizens deserve it.

your Nigel Hughes/Jagdeo 'comparison' is desperate and ignorant


pls articulate for us the monstrous 'underhand dealings' the PPP would have us believe Mr Hughes got filthy rich off

Hughes being unsuccessful of attaining the same as Jagdeo does not relieve him of his efforts therewith. I have no doubt that Hughes would be no less dishonest if given that opportunity. Politicians all over the world are crooked. Same in Guyana. The problem is that Guyana does not have the necessary infrastructure to guard against these kinds of crookedness and corruption. And that is what my post above highlighted. My comment about Hughes is that he is no less crooked whether it is a penny or a dollar.  

i understand that u have "no doubt . . . "


it is, after all, a studied Freedom House practice to present conjecture as fact and build narratives predicated on these tendentious  imaginings, then present them as new reality when the need to deflect attention from alyuh crimes becomes dire


is not dat what u doing hay bai?

Political crimes and corruption did not begin with the PPP in 1992. It was there before that. I don't know how old you are but I lived through the 1973 elections as well as the 1978 Referendum Amendment Bill. Those were rigged by the PNC to give Burnham infinite power and make him president for life. Too bad for him a greater power decided that his presidency while still rigged in 1980 will only have a normal 5 years life. Good for Guyana, his life was also removed so he does not continue to abuse the Guyanese people. During that period, there were a bunch of incompetent people managing the corporations that the rest of us work at only because they were affiliated with the PNC. People did not get the reward of their efforts unless those efforts were to appease the PNC. Those were some of the many ills of the PNC government prior to bankrupting the country and being forced to hold a transparent election in 1992.

And yes, the PPP are doing the same today. That is why I stand by my statement before the last election that Guyana would be better served by a balanced government with representatives to everyone. And good for the country, it got somewhat of that balanced government. But the non-PPP parties were expecting to be the majority which did not happen. So instead of accepting their one seat minority knowing that they can do so much more with the added seats that they have, they decided to become saboteurs instead. They have so far squandered a valuable opportunity. To state that there is no doubt about that does not require quotation marks but I am sure you will find a need for it because you are determined that the PPP have issues. I don't deny that. Your problem, however, is that you do not have a substitute that is not just as crooked. Crookedness is crookedness, big or small.


A long time ago, a co-worker was talking about the Dodgers. He stated that he does not discuss religion or politics but he does sports. That is because when it comes to politics and religion, people get so emotionally invested that logic gets thrown out the window.

You obviously don't know what you're talking about. 

By all means, please educate me. Please correct my incorrect citations in the above. Many thanks.

I'm not here to school anyone. I simply have to laugh at people who write nonsense and don't even know what they are talking about. 

It is your right to be here to waste time. But unless are able/willing to point out someone else's error, just stating that it exist is meaningless.

But like I stated above, it is your right to just be a meaningless participant.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

When we were kids, we had a shop because although my dad worked at the hospital, he liked the idea of getting paid every day. I saw the stocks in our shop drop from where we used to sell all kinds of stuff including apples and grapes to where out shelves were empty. Even out glass cases were empty and don't even start talking about those rice flour experiments. Don't even start talking about the many people who had their cars seized for having even a pound of flour. Those same cars becoming the vehicles by police officers who had no business driving them except that it was standard acceptable practices during the PNC days. So while you may be educated and I may not be. While you may suggest that I am uneducated and ignorant, the fact that I have never stretched out may hand for a handout from you makes whatever you think about me inconsequential. 

Stick to discussing topics of which you have a clue. What you wrote in your previous post is full of inaccuracies.

Go right ahead and point them out if you wish to be more than just a meaningless participant.

Originally Posted by ksazma:

It is your right to be here to waste time. But unless are able/willing to point out someone else's error, just stating that it exist is meaningless.

But like I stated above, it is your right to just be an meaningless participant.

I will let someone else help you out in this instance. You have your "facts" all wrong. My advice to you is just to stick with what you know about.

Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

It is your right to be here to waste time. But unless are able/willing to point out someone else's error, just stating that it exist is meaningless.

But like I stated above, it is your right to just be an meaningless participant.

I will let someone else help you out in this instance. You have your "facts" all wrong. My advice to you is just to stick with what you know about.

So all you plan to do here is hang around like a lungera?

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

It is your right to be here to waste time. But unless are able/willing to point out someone else's error, just stating that it exist is meaningless.

But like I stated above, it is your right to just be an meaningless participant.

I will let someone else help you out in this instance. You have your "facts" all wrong. My advice to you is just to stick with what you know about.

So all you plan to do here is hang around like a lungera?

I don't speak or understand the language of Guyanese Dalits so I don't know the meaning of "lungera". You can spare me the meaning too since I'm not interested in learning the way Dalits communicate.


I have given you good advice so that is far from me just hanging around. You're the one making meaningless statements since they are completely false. If you don't even know what you wrote wrong, you're obviously clueless about Guyanese politics. I am not obligated to show you how stupid you are. I leave people like you to your own devices.

Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

It is your right to be here to waste time. But unless are able/willing to point out someone else's error, just stating that it exist is meaningless.

But like I stated above, it is your right to just be an meaningless participant.

I will let someone else help you out in this instance. You have your "facts" all wrong. My advice to you is just to stick with what you know about.

So all you plan to do here is hang around like a lungera?

I don't speak or understand the language of Guyanese Dalits so I don't know the meaning of "lungera". You can spare me the meaning too since I'm not interested in learning the way Dalits communicate.


I have given you good advice so that is far from me just hanging around. You're the one making meaningless statements since they are completely false. If you don't even know what you wrote wrong, you're obviously clueless about Guyanese politics. I am not obligated to show you how stupid you are. I leave people like you to your own devices.

It is your right to be a lungera. It would have also been your right to just bypass my statements if you were going to become impotent in expanding on them. But I do not stand in your way of choosing to be impotent. That is your right.


You have not added anything through your past few statements so don't fool yourself.

Last edited by Former Member

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