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Prashad posted:

President Jagdeo must be commended for his leadership in trying to unite the people during this uncertain time of anti-koolie rule.


Poor man. Your "anti koolie" ruler in your house beat you up again?


HEHEHE GNI FILTH HEADS trying to hold on to any piece of straw while drowning. These SHAMELESS, ILLITERATE Air Heads are indeed pathetic, Uncle Tom got them real good. Who STUPID done STUPID.  Uncle Bob said " Who the cap Fit" Al yuh kno the rest!

How can one be that stupid you ask?? Attend Sophia University for a Semester, you will find out!!!!!!!

Django posted:


Seems like by admitting to stealing he is reaching out to the PPP supporters that defected to come back home,taking in to consideration the Indo Guyanese population have dropped to 39.8 % of which all are not voters,the PPP chances of winning by ethnic based voting are slim.

Just my two cents,I may be wrong.

You're not wrong. Lots of us who supported APNU+AFC at the last election are now disenchanted. Right now we're in no-man's land. Hostility from some vocal PPP people poses a barrier for us to "come back home". This is why I welcomed Mr Jagdeo's statement in another thread yesterday.

Personally, I don't think Jagdeo's statement about massive stealing will work against the PPP in 2020. It's laudable that he is admitting it now in public. He now has to follow-up and ensure that the alleged "thieves" are not on the PPP list of candidates in 2020. I repeat what I said yesterday: it took courage for Jagdeo to admit that. My feeling is that many people will have a positive reaction.

Gilbakka posted: Personally, I don't think Jagdeo's statement about massive stealing will work against the PPP in 2020. It's laudable that he is admitting it now in public. He now has to follow-up and ensure that the alleged "thieves" are not on the PPP list of candidates in 2020. I repeat what I said yesterday: it took courage for Jagdeo to admit that. My feeling is that many people will have a positive reaction.

Gilbakka - sorry for having to say it this nicely but your  statement is what I call dumb Guyanese thinking.

Admitting to STEALING during PPP era could never be considered laudable.  This is like saying it is okay to be corrupt, which many Guyanese believe.

Last edited by Former Member
Nehru posted:

VVP, you are misunderstanding Gilly. The act of admitting mistakes is laudable NOT the act of stealing.

Mistakes that resulted in MASSIVE STEALING bhai?? 

He is going to be hounded on this, but Guyanese might forgive him.

I still think the report was written out of context and Jagdeo was talking about STEALING of votes.

Gilbakka posted:
Django posted:

. He now has to follow-up and ensure that the alleged "thieves" are not on the PPP list of candidates in 2020.

And how will he manage it given that he was among the most notorious of them?  Why would theft have been so widespread of Jagdeo wasn't also involved?

VVP posted:

He is going to be hounded on this, but Guyanese might forgive him.

I .

They will for a number of reasons.

1. APNU/AFC seem unwilling or unable to charge the PPP thieves. Rumors have it that the PPP thieves have incriminating evidence on some PNC officials. Jagdeo, the crafty man that he is, apparently ensured that some starving PNC officials, Corbin being one, rumors also Harmon, got their crumbs.  Believing that the PPP would never lose they supposedly accepted this.  Now they cannot jail the PPP thieves unless they plan to sit next to them.

2. Regardless as to whether APNU/AFC are as corrupt or as engaged with cronyism as the PPP was they aren't innocent of this. So this removes the corruption stigma of the PPP.

3. It is clear that APNU/AFC are a bunch of dunces. Their PR stinks so even when they deserve credit, or when the PPP lies it is the PPPs version that gets play.  Granger did NOT get a 50% pay increase, but one would never know this.

4. They are letting a book keeper determine economic policy. Yes deriving revenues and ensuring budget surpluses is important.  But then the best way to derive revenues is by a growing dynamic economy. NOT over taxing one that is at best stagnant. 

Where is the economic vision for Guyana aside from oil?  Does APNU/AFC even plan to drive Guyana further up the value chain so it ceases to be dependent on volatile commodity prices, or at the very least increases its yield on its commodity imports.

Yes they were correct to punish the Chinese who had no intention to export anything other than tree limbs, but what is the plan to develop a valid timber based industry with processed products? 

Where are the plans to develop a thriving agro industrial sector, or do they plan to concede CARICOM markets to the DR, once that free trade arrangement is fully implemented? 

Coconut this and that all over the world and yet one of the few Caribbean countries whose industry hasn't been totally destroyed by disease does nothing about this.

Just as the PPP thought that another Cineplex or shopping mall was development so does APNU think this if gas stations.

So as the population tired of the PPP by 2020 they will tire of APNU/AFC.

I am truly sorry for Guyana, because the PPP will come back as arrogant, vindictive and vengeful and extremely corrupt.   And Barbados, Trinidad and Antigua cannot accommodate more Guyanese economic refugees, given their obvious problems.

caribny posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Django posted:

. He now has to follow-up and ensure that the alleged "thieves" are not on the PPP list of candidates in 2020.

And how will he manage it given that he was among the most notorious of them?  Why would theft have been so widespread of Jagdeo wasn't also involved?

Good questions. It is a fact known to PPP supporters and detractors alike that as President, Mr Jagdeo micro-managed his government. So, he knew what he said about massive stealing. I can only speak credibly with reference to the findings of the forensic audits. And I feel that the former ministers of those ministries where large sums of money could not be accounted for should not be on the PPP list of candidates in 2020. And I support Nehru's view that Mr Jagdeo himself should not be presidential candidate. But the fact is that he is currently the POWER and MAGNET of the PPP and his words and deeds presently will determine the PPP's chances of success at the polls.

Another important ingredient that I did not mention, but which is necessary, is for Mr Jagdeo and his team to proactively reach out to the masses of Afro-Guyanese and convince them that a future PPP government will not open itself to charges of marginalization as the past PPP regime was. This will be a massive task and the society at large will see whether he is moving in that direction. 

Gilbakka posted:. It is a fact known to PPP supporters and detractors alike that as President, Mr Jagdeo micro-managed his government. So, he knew what he said about massive stealing.

You mean like giving away Sanata in a fire sale?  Or about "giving away" land to himself and cohorts?

caribny posted:
VVP posted:

He is going to be hounded on this, but Guyanese might forgive him.

I .

They will for a number of reasons.

1. APNU/AFC seem unwilling or unable to charge the PPP thieves. Rumors have it that the PPP thieves have incriminating evidence on some PNC officials. Jagdeo, the crafty man that he is, apparently ensured that some starving PNC officials, Corbin being one, rumors also Harmon, got their crumbs.  Believing that the PPP would never lose they supposedly accepted this.  Now they cannot jail the PPP thieves unless they plan to sit next to them.

2. Regardless as to whether APNU/AFC are as corrupt or as engaged with cronyism as the PPP was they aren't innocent of this. So this removes the corruption stigma of the PPP.

3. It is clear that APNU/AFC are a bunch of dunces. Their PR stinks so even when they deserve credit, or when the PPP lies it is the PPPs version that gets play.  Granger did NOT get a 50% pay increase, but one would never know this.

4. They are letting a book keeper determine economic policy. Yes deriving revenues and ensuring budget surpluses is important.  But then the best way to derive revenues is by a growing dynamic economy. NOT over taxing one that is at best stagnant. 

Where is the economic vision for Guyana aside from oil?  Does APNU/AFC even plan to drive Guyana further up the value chain so it ceases to be dependent on volatile commodity prices, or at the very least increases its yield on its commodity imports.

Yes they were correct to punish the Chinese who had no intention to export anything other than tree limbs, but what is the plan to develop a valid timber based industry with processed products? 

Where are the plans to develop a thriving agro industrial sector, or do they plan to concede CARICOM markets to the DR, once that free trade arrangement is fully implemented? 

Coconut this and that all over the world and yet one of the few Caribbean countries whose industry hasn't been totally destroyed by disease does nothing about this.

Just as the PPP thought that another Cineplex or shopping mall was development so does APNU think this if gas stations.

So as the population tired of the PPP by 2020 they will tire of APNU/AFC.

I am truly sorry for Guyana, because the PPP will come back as arrogant, vindictive and vengeful and extremely corrupt.   And Barbados, Trinidad and Antigua cannot accommodate more Guyanese economic refugees, given their obvious problems.

Fair comment.

VVP posted:
Gilbakka posted:. It is a fact known to PPP supporters and detractors alike that as President, Mr Jagdeo micro-managed his government. So, he knew what he said about massive stealing.

You mean like giving away Sanata in a fire sale?  Or about "giving away" land to himself and cohorts?

Exactly. Mr Jagdeo has to admit to the Guyanese people that his sweetheart deals --- Sanata, GPC etc --- to Dr Ramroop were irregular at least. Pradoville2 was irregular too. I understand that the beneficiaries of Pradoville2 are resigned to the idea of paying up the difference whenever the special court determines underpayment, once that difference is considered "reasonable" by Mr Jagdeo and his neighnours. But no one will be jailed.


But y'all were screaming and wailing that the minute the PNC tek over the country all the PPP guys would go to jail.  Wasn't that an election mantra? Several hundreds of millions of dollars of taxpayers money later on useless forensic audits and no one is in jail as yet.   

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
Gilbakka posted:

, but which is necessary, is for Mr Jagdeo and his team to proactively reach out to the masses of Afro-Guyanese . 

Afro Guyanese don't trust Indians any more than do Indians trust them.

This is an Indian party, as we can see by its Exec Committee. We can tell the power that each person has by their popularity within the party.  NONE of the top 10 are blacks, therefore it is clear that the PPP doesn't value black decision makers. So we are back to the pre 2015 where an ethnic group which is a mere 39% of the population then dominates the rest.

Now APNU is no better than this in its ethnic composition of who has the power, but I say this to say that if the PPP thinks that anything will change they fool themselves.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

But y'all were screaming and wailing that the minute the PNC tek over the country all the PPP guys would go to jail.   

Still 3 more years to go. Who ever has ambitions to ensure that APNU/AFC win in 2020 will know that sending some PPP thieves to jail will be an important part of that thrust.

Granger and Nagamootoo just wanted to get that lucrative retirement plan that Jagdeo created for himself, and so they don't care what happens after 2020.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

But y'all were screaming and wailing that the minute the PNC tek over the country all the PPP guys would go to jail.  Wasn't that an election mantra? Several hundreds of millions of dollars of taxpayers money later on useless forensic audits and no one is in jail as yet.   

Yuh don't jail people when you intend to use their exact tactics.  Can't you see what happening gurl?  I taught you was brite.

Gilbakka posted:
caribny posted:
VVP posted:

He is going to be hounded on this, but Guyanese might forgive him.

I .

They will for a number of reasons.

1. APNU/AFC seem unwilling or unable to charge the PPP thieves. Rumors have it that the PPP thieves have incriminating evidence on some PNC officials. Jagdeo, the crafty man that he is, apparently ensured that some starving PNC officials, Corbin being one, rumors also Harmon, got their crumbs.  Believing that the PPP would never lose they supposedly accepted this.  Now they cannot jail the PPP thieves unless they plan to sit next to them.

2. Regardless as to whether APNU/AFC are as corrupt or as engaged with cronyism as the PPP was they aren't innocent of this. So this removes the corruption stigma of the PPP.

3. It is clear that APNU/AFC are a bunch of dunces. Their PR stinks so even when they deserve credit, or when the PPP lies it is the PPPs version that gets play.  Granger did NOT get a 50% pay increase, but one would never know this.

4. They are letting a book keeper determine economic policy. Yes deriving revenues and ensuring budget surpluses is important.  But then the best way to derive revenues is by a growing dynamic economy. NOT over taxing one that is at best stagnant. 

Where is the economic vision for Guyana aside from oil?  Does APNU/AFC even plan to drive Guyana further up the value chain so it ceases to be dependent on volatile commodity prices, or at the very least increases its yield on its commodity imports.

Yes they were correct to punish the Chinese who had no intention to export anything other than tree limbs, but what is the plan to develop a valid timber based industry with processed products? 

Where are the plans to develop a thriving agro industrial sector, or do they plan to concede CARICOM markets to the DR, once that free trade arrangement is fully implemented? 

Coconut this and that all over the world and yet one of the few Caribbean countries whose industry hasn't been totally destroyed by disease does nothing about this.

Just as the PPP thought that another Cineplex or shopping mall was development so does APNU think this if gas stations.

So as the population tired of the PPP by 2020 they will tire of APNU/AFC.

I am truly sorry for Guyana, because the PPP will come back as arrogant, vindictive and vengeful and extremely corrupt.   And Barbados, Trinidad and Antigua cannot accommodate more Guyanese economic refugees, given their obvious problems.

Fair comment.

And I will repost this so that the Indo KKK can see what LIARS they are when they scream that I blindly support the PNC.

I look forward to Baseman doing an analysis of the PPP along these lines. I single him out because the rest of them, druggie, skeldon, yuji, cobra,billyramgoat, and bibi lack the intellectual fcapacity to be anything other than the Animal Farm sheep within the PPP.

VVP posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

But y'all were screaming and wailing that the minute the PNC tek over the country all the PPP guys would go to jail.  Wasn't that an election mantra? Several hundreds of millions of dollars of taxpayers money later on useless forensic audits and no one is in jail as yet.   

Yuh don't jail people when you intend to use their exact tactics.  Can't you see what happening gurl?  I taught you was brite.

In fact it would be a tactic to jail them in 2019, a year before the elections. If they do so now by then folks would have forgotten.

Bibi didn't think of that. I don't think t6hat Granger did either, so this is an idea for him as he is as dim as those old time candles.

 caribny posted:

In fact it would be a tactic to jail them in 2019, a year before the elections. If they do so now by then folks would have forgotten.

Bibi didn't think of that. I don't think t6hat Granger did either, so this is an idea for him as he is as dim as those old time candles.

Is this your excuse for not 1 ppp jailed after 1 1/2 years in power despite umpteen forensic audits?

Drugb posted:
 caribny posted:

In fact it would be a tactic to jail them in 2019, a year before the elections. If they do so now by then folks would have forgotten.

Bibi didn't think of that. I don't think t6hat Granger did either, so this is an idea for him as he is as dim as those old time candles.

Is this your excuse for not 1 ppp jailed after 1 1/2 years in power despite umpteen forensic audits?

Explain to me what will be the gain politically for jailing PPP supporters now, instead of a few months before the election.

Poor Jagdeo will be running around screaming "black man a kill ahbe" instead of boasting "you see dem blackman couldn't fine out what we tief".

He will then be seen as a fraud fearing that he suffers the fate of Roger Khan who now fears nightly gang rapes.

caribny posted:

Explain to me what will be the gain politically for jailing PPP supporters now, instead of a few months before the election.


Fulfilling campaign promises and justice for the people of Guyana. Sitting on evidence a few months before elections is risky, that's like throwing a hail mary in the last seconds of the 4th quarter of a football game in the hope of winning.


The carib hit the nail on the head. It may be a carefully prepared plan taking place now to accumulate evidence of theft/fraud and arrest/ prosecute PPP supporters for theft and fraud just  before the next election so that the irregularities are  fresh in the minds of voters.

Drugb posted:
caribny posted:

Explain to me what will be the gain politically for jailing PPP supporters now, instead of a few months before the election.


Fulfilling campaign promises and justice for the people of Guyana. .

Every good politician knows that people have short memories.  Given that we both know that APNU/AFC aren't going to deliver much in terms of economic development or job growth what better thing to do than a year before the election deliver a bunch of PPP criminals in the hopes that a few of them are sent to jail just before the election? 

This will not win cross over votes, or maybe it might. But it will definitely will be red meat to its core base.  And in fact Guyana doesn't really have a swing vote, aside from a few tochaos who are bribed to deliver votes.

Now that will be at least one campaign promise that they filled!

Prashad posted:

The carib hit the nail on the head. It may be a carefully prepared plan taking place now to accumulate evidence of theft/fraud and arrest/ prosecute PPP supporters for theft and fraud just  before the next election so that the irregularities are  fresh in the minds of voters.

If Granger reads GNI who will exclaim"Aaah, I didn't even think of this". 

Such basic thinking is beyond the gentleman, whose only thought will be the prospects of a much more affluent retirement (after 2020) than he originally thought that he would get. I bet he has even thanked Jagdeo for this, the gentleman that he is.

It is the next tier of APNU leadership, and the Trotman faction of the AFC, who do in fact worry about post 2020 that might work on that plot.

I told the Moses fan club that his faction of the AFC wouldn't last long passed the election, given that he didn't bring in votes, Indo votes in Regions 5 and 6 all fleeing back to the PPP, and G/T Indo votes never being his to begin with.  They called me all kinds of name, Indian hating racist being one of them.  But I see that they don't post on GNI any more.

caribny posted:

Every good politician knows that people have short memories.  Given that we both know that APNU/AFC aren't going to deliver much in terms of economic development or job growth what better thing to do than a year before the election deliver a bunch of PPP criminals in the hopes that a few of them are sent to jail just before the election? 

This will not win cross over votes, or maybe it might. But it will definitely will be red meat to its core base.  And in fact Guyana doesn't really have a swing vote, aside from a few tochaos who are bribed to deliver votes.

Now that will be at least one campaign promise that they filled!

Where you missed the boat is that so far they have found nothing to implicate the PPP.  Bringing charges close to the elections will only be seen as political persecution, if in 5 years they were unable to find one iota of corruption by the PPP.

caribny posted:

If Granger reads GNI who will exclaim"Aaah, I didn't even think of this". 


Caribny - it was mentioned many times in blogs that they will wait for close to the elections to prosecute.  This is not anything new.  But this might be like waiting for oil to come.


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