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Jagdeo alerts diplomatic community of attempts to ‘witch hunt’ PPP members

July 16, 2016 2:32 pm Category: latest news, Politics A+ /A-

Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo has called on the diplomatic and donor communities to pay close attention to the public declarations made and actions taken by the Head of the State Assets Recovery Unit (SARU), Dr. Clive Thomas, as well as attempts being made by the political hierarchy to use the Serious Organized Crime Unit (SOCU) to target members of the parliamentary opposition.

Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo

Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo

Jagdeo, in a press statement issued earlier today (Saturday) stated that SARU’s role as designed, and its intent since the change of government is to “target, pronounce and make wild unsubstantiated accusations against members of the parliamentary opposition and leaders of the PPP/C while proceeding to try these individuals publicly.”

He urged the Guyanese public, civil society bodies, the diplomatic and donor communities to be alerted to these “worrying developments which are an indicator of creeping authoritarianism undermining democracy, human rights and the rule of law”. 


The following is the full statement issued by the Opposition Leader:

The Office of the Leader of the Opposition calls on the diplomatic and donor communities to pay close attention to the public declarations made and actions taken by the Head of the State Assets Recovery Unit (SARU), Dr. Clive Thomas, an undisguised hostile opponent of the PPP, as well as the politically directed interference in the operations of the Serious Organized Crime Unit (SOCU) which are primarily focused on carrying out a “witch hunt” of members of the parliamentary opposition and the leaders of the PPP/C.

The Office has noted that members of the diplomatic community have publicly committed to lending technical and financial assistance to SARU. However, the SARU’s role as designed and its intent since the change of government is to target, pronounce and make wild unsubstantiated accusations against members of the parliamentary opposition and leaders of the PPP/C while proceeding to try these individuals publicly.

The claim that new legislation is required in order to bring charges against persons who are accused of criminal offences with regards to state assets is false. Statutes already exist to bring such charges. However, the new legislation that is being touted appears to relate more to entrenching the SARU as an entity in law with powers overriding the Guyana Police Force, the Audit Office of Guyana and the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions.The parliamentary opposition is totally opposed to any such legislative instrument.

Public statements by the Head of the SARU, Dr. Clive Thomas, are illustrative. He appears to be consumed with a personal vendetta against the PPP. In fact, his hostility is not exclusively his, the entire Unit is composed of leading APNU/AFC political operatives, some of whom were APNU and AFC Members of the 10th Parliament.

The public is reminded that the SARU is housed in, and operated from, and, financed through the budget of the Ministry of the Presidency. This Unit has been created with the objective of leading the “witch hunt” of the present parliamentary opposition and leaders of the PPP. The SOCU, which was created to investigate money laundering and the financing of terrorism under the AMLCFT Act is now the operational arm that is being used to target these same individuals.

This concern of the parliamentary opposition is further bolstered by recent public statements by Cabinet Ministers which are particularly ominous.

During the debate of the estimates of the 2016 Budget in the National Assembly in February, 2016, the Minister of Public Security as a result of being grilled on the operations of SOCU, promised to make the protocols that guide its operations public in a matter of a few weeks. This promise has remained unfulfilled. Subsequently, Minister Trotman at a press conference a month ago in a response to a question stated that the protocols were not complete. Minister Harmon at a press conference on July 14, 2016 in response to a question stated that the SOCU operates within the laws of Guyana, thereby side-stepping the issue of the promised protocols.

It is the same SOCU with army personnel which led a high speed chase on the car transporting the wife of PPP/C parliamentarian Charles Ramson, Jnr, resulting in 3 persons being killed. The government has stated that there will be no investigation and no body or agency has accepted responsibility for what happened. It is this incident that led to the demand in the National Assembly by the parliamentary opposition for the protocols governing the operations of the SOCU.

The fact that $40 M has been allocated in the 2016 Budget of the Ministry of the Presidency for a “top up” of the SOCU staff is highly suspect and facilitates an environment for overt political interference.

Exacerbating our concerns is the recent public statement by Minister Jaipaul Sharma that the Cabinet would be deciding who was going to be charged as a result of the forensic audits carried out in various Ministries and state entities!

Furthermore, the Office of the Leader of the Opposition is aware of the existence of a list containing the names of political leaders of the PPP/ C and non- PPP/C individuals who are to be targeted by the SOCU. This list originated from no other than the Ministry of the Presidency.

Contrast this manufactured “witch hunt” targeting the parliamentary opposition, with the promises made by the APNU/AFC Coalition in the electoral campaign with regards to their own leaders. The public is reminded that the APNU/AFC MPs have refused to make declarations to the Integrity Commission and voted down a motion in January 2016 by the parliamentary opposition for all MPs to make public their income tax declarations for the last 10 years. In fact, there are long serving MPs, now representing the government, who have consciously and willfully refused to comply with the Integrity Act since it came into force almost 20 years ago.

The government’s silence with regard to the public call by the Leader of the Opposition to hire a specialized firm or ask Interpol to track the assets of all MPs and former Presidents is of particular interest in the context of these developments.

Therefore, our concerns regarding these trends which are undermining the rule of law in Guyana are not emotive, but, based on the very actions and statements made by senior government Ministers and the SARU, coupled with actions of the SOCU. These reveal a stealthy intrusion of the executive into the independence of the prosecutorial and judicial arms of the state by the APNUAFC Coalition government.

In this context, the Guyanese public, civil society bodies, the diplomatic and donor communities are being alerted to these worrying developments which are an indicator of creeping authoritarianism undermining democracy, human rights and the rule of law.

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Rule of law under threat in Guyana – Jagdeo

… urges donor community to “pay close attention”


Leader of the Opposition Bharrat Jagdeo’s Office on Saturday said that the rule of law in Guyana was under threat and it has urged the international community to pay close attention to recent developments.

Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo

Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo

In a strongly-worded statement, Jagdeo’s Office singled out recent declarations made and actions taken by the Head of the State Assets Recovery Unit (SARU), Dr Clive Thomas, who it said is openly hostile to the PPP; and “politically directed” interference in the operations of the Special Organised Crime Unit (SOCU), both of which are aimed at witch-hunting members of the parliamentary opposition and the leaders of the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C).
It said it noted public commitments from the diplomatic community to lending technical and financial assistance to SARU, but argued that the unit’s role as designed since the change of government is to “target, pronounce and make wild unsubstantiated accusations” against the parliamentary opposition and leaders of the PPP/C, while proceeding to try these very individuals publicly.
The claim that new legislation is required in order to bring charges against persons who are accused of criminal offences with regards to state assets is false, according to the statement, which highlighted that already there are existing laws to bring such charges.
In objecting to the new legislation to institutionalise SARU, Jagdeo’s Office argued that it appears to relate more to entrenching SARU as an entity in law with powers overriding the Guyana Police Force, the Audit Office of Guyana and the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions.

Personal vendetta
Meanwhile, turning the attention to Dr Thomas, the opposition leader’s office said that the SARU head seems to have a personal vendetta against the PPP.

Lieutenant Colonel Sydney James

Lieutenant Colonel Sydney James

“Public statements by the Head of the SARU, Dr Clive Thomas, are illustrative. He appears to be consumed with a personal vendetta against the PPP. In fact, his hostility is not exclusively his; the entire Unit is composed of leading APNU/AFC political operatives, some of whom were APNU and AFC Members of the 10th Parliament,” his office said.
The statement reminded that SARU is financed through the budget of the Ministry of the Presidency and alleged that the Unit has been created with the objective of leading the “witch hunt” of the present parliamentary opposition and leaders of the PPP.

Focusing attention on SOCU, Jagdeo’s Office reminded that the Unit was created with the sole purpose of investigating money laundering and the financing of terrorism under the AntiMoney Laundering and Countering the Financing for Terrorism (AMLCFT) Act, but is now the operational arm that is being used to target opposition members.
“This concern of the parliamentary opposition is further bolstered by recent public statements by Cabinet Ministers which are particularly ominous,” the statement highlighted.
It reminded that during the 2016 Budget Debates, in February, the Minister of Public Security Khemraj Ramjattan promised to make the protocols that guide SOCU’s operations public in a matter of weeks, a promise he is still to fulfil.
It also reminded that one government spokesman Minister Raphael Trotman at a press conference a month ago declared that the protocols were not complete, while Minister of State Joseph Harmon last week stated that SOCU operates within the laws of Guyana, thereby side-stepping the issue of the promised protocols.
It was SOCU, the statement said, with army personnel which lead a botched high-speed chase on the car transporting the wife of PPP/C Parliamentarian Charles Ramson Jr, resulting in three persons being killed and the subsequent declaration by the government that there will be no investigation into the incident, while no agency or person has so far accepted responsibility.
Jagdeo’s Office said that the fact that $40 million has been allocated in the 2016 Budget of the Ministry of the Presidency for a “top up” of the SOCU staff, is highly suspect and facilitates an environment for overt political interference.
“Exacerbating our concerns is the recent public statement by Minister Jaipaul Sharma that the Cabinet would be deciding who was going to be charged as a result of the forensic audits carried out in various Ministries and state entities. Furthermore, the Office of the Leader of the Opposition is aware of the existence of a list containing the names of political leaders of the PPP/C and non-PPP/C individuals who are to be targeted by the SOCU. This list originated from no other than the Ministry of the Presidency,” the statement noted.

It added that government’s silence with regard to the public call by Jagdeo for a specialised firm or Interpol to track the assets of all MPs and former Presidents is of particular interest in the context of these developments.
“Therefore, our concerns regarding these trends which are undermining the rule of law in Guyana are not emotive, but, based on the very actions and statements made by senior government Ministers and the SARU, coupled with actions of the SOCU. These reveal a stealthy intrusion of the executive into the independence of the prosecutorial and judicial arms of the state by the APNU/AFC Coalition government,” the statement said.
Jagdeo’s Office is also alerting the Guyanese public, civil society bodies, the diplomatic and donor communities of what it terms “worrying developments which are an indicator of creeping authoritarianism undermining democracy, human rights and the rule of law.


The diplomatic community is aware of three things.

1.  The PPP under Jagdeo was ruthless with those who they saw as opponents, using extra judicial methodologies to intimidate.

2.  There was massive corruption and lack of transparency under the PPP.

3.  During the PPP era when the diplomatic community offered advice or assistance they were cursed out by the PPP. In fact the UK and US heads of mission being PERSONALLY humiliated by Priya, Luncheon and others.


The diplomatic community will yawn and mumble about the PPP should now be willing to take what it so aggressively dished out.

Last edited by Former Member

If state funds/ tax payer money were stolen from the East Indian people then the thief must be ordered to give back the money and be given a fair trial and punished with a jail sentence. There is no excuse for theft. But if it is a political witch hunt or a racial form of oppression taking place then East Indians have a right to resist this form of oppression.

Prashad posted:

If state funds/ tax payer money were stolen from the East Indian people

60% of Guyanese aren't Indian, and yet only Indians are considered tax payers.

Lucky your wife doesn't read what you write or that red woman would really deal with you.

caribny posted:
Prashad posted:

If state funds/ tax payer money were stolen from the East Indian people

60% of Guyanese aren't Indian, and yet only Indians are considered tax payers.

Lucky your wife doesn't read what you write or that red woman would really deal with you.

Listen, paying tax from salaries earned from taxation does not count!

caribny posted:
Prashad posted:

If state funds/ tax payer money were stolen from the East Indian people

60% of Guyanese aren't Indian, and yet only Indians are considered tax payers.

Lucky your wife doesn't read what you write or that red woman would really deal with you.


VishMahabir posted:
caribny posted:
Prashad posted:

If state funds/ tax payer money were stolen from the East Indian people

60% of Guyanese aren't Indian, and yet only Indians are considered tax payers.

Lucky your wife doesn't read what you write or that red woman would really deal with you.


Is a red woman the same as a "buck woman"?

ba$eman posted:
caribny posted:
Prashad posted:

If state funds/ tax payer money were stolen from the East Indian people

60% of Guyanese aren't Indian, and yet only Indians are considered tax payers.

Lucky your wife doesn't read what you write or that red woman would really deal with you.

Listen, paying tax from salaries earned from taxation does not count!

You know full well that business people in Guyana don't pay taxes.  Its income tax from salaried workers, import duty, VAT and other fees and royalties, plus large companies like Banks DIH which pay taxes.

Prashad posted:

Her mother is African and her father is white American. She is typically Guyanese red woman


I have loads in them in my family.  You are really playing with fire if you think that you can turn her into a meek traditional Indian wife.

Red woman en easy.

Prashad posted:

I agree with Carib. The woman got a pepper temper when she is angry. So I keep  my mouth shut to avoid increasing conflict. 


And you want this woman to put on a sari, and kiss your feet when you come home, and have all the food ready.....or else.

OK, now continue to enjoy this fantasy, but I suspect that you will sooner be kissing her feet.  Want to find a Guyanese woman with a firey temper. Find a red woman.

cain posted:

Prashad explain "I keep  my mouth shut to avoid increasing conflict."

Buss head by Belna perhaps?

No he dreams of India because he is afraid of his wife and wishes that he had a nice quiet dulahin.


This witch hunting by the PNC, (because dem nah gat nothing else to do), will be a problem.  Jagdeo shouldn't worry too much about this though.  What he should worry about is the stockpile of grenades that they will pull out from time to time to shut people up.  Ask Glen Lall, he will tell you what I mean.

Remember they still have their grenades, as they didn't get to use it to bun down Georgetown if the PPP bin only win!

Bibi Haniffa

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