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Jagdeo amassing great wealth to buy loyalty – Ramjattan



The Bharrat Jagdeo administration accumulated and amassed great wealth which it used to buy the loyalty of supporters and to punish opponents.
This observation was made by Alliance For Change Leader - Khemraj Ramjattan, who described Guyana’s democracy as ‘Sultanistic’, which he said will unravel so quickly that even the ‘Sultan’ will be befuddled.


“I see our Sultan befuddled in Guyana,” Ramjattan said, in obvious reference to President Bharrat Jagdeo.


According to Ramjattan, while many people refer to Guyana as an elected dictatorship or a fragile democracy, he is impressed with the ‘Sultanistic’ description given by a distinguished professor in a foreign affairs journal.
He said that the attributes of such a democracy is a regime with a national leader who expands his personal power at the expense of formal institutions. It also involves a political cabal around such a ‘Sultan’, which appeals to no ideology and has no purpose other than maintaining their personal authority.

AFC Presidential Candidate Khemraj Ramjattan



Ramjattan said that they managed to do these things by procuring aid and investment monies, “a large proportion of which is then funneled to the ‘Sultan’ and his cronies.”


He said that the kind of democracy being practiced in Guyana keeps the masses de-politicised, disorganised and divided by paying the population off with subsidies.

And when the administration is unable to do this, Ramjattan said that the state engages in surveillance and media control and intimidation of citizens.
“It is marked by high levels of corruption and unemployment…



Ramjattan said that local businessmen had revealed to a World Bank team that they have to pay a 15% bribe on government contracts and three percent on their annual sales to those in authority.
“So if any businessman in Guyana were to make gross sales of $100M, 3.5 million goes to paying somebody something to do business in Guyana…and this is not a perception index,” he stressed.


Ramjattan also pointed to the absolute inequality which obtains in Guyana with the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer.


The inequality, he said, creates distrust, mistrust and a general disequilibrium, resulting in a lack of cooperative spirit and “the madness that we see all around us such as crime, corruption, violence, drunkenness and vulgarity.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Is where BASEMAN hiding?


Ramjattan said that they managed to do these things by procuring aid and investment monies, “a large proportion of which is then funneled to the ‘Sultan’ and his cronies.”



Is funneling money into that Baroda Bank by Baseman party of this SULTANATE OPERATIONS?

Originally Posted by Mahen:



PPP fools on this blog time to retire.


Ramjattan on top!

What is it that you don't understand? Ramjattan have a nasty habit to look in other people's pocket and he don't have to be right. His jealously of Jagdeo's wealth is running wild. He is angry that he is not getting his chance to fingle the cookie jar and he knows he may never see the light of that day if he don't go after Jagdeo and Ramotar. So, you know what that means? When one thief leave office another thief will take his place. Ramjattan and Granger are bigger thieves you will ever experience if you like long enough.

The Bharrat Jagdeo administration accumulated and amassed great wealth which it used to buy the loyalty of supporters and to punish opponents.




I'm tired of hearing 'blame Jagdeo' - let's switch to something else that will help us move forward.



Originally Posted by alena06:

The Bharrat Jagdeo administration accumulated and amassed great wealth which it used to buy the loyalty of supporters and to punish opponents.




I'm tired of hearing 'blame Jagdeo' - let's switch to something else that will help us move forward.



Right, leave the man alone.


They simply don't have anything better to do with their time. Their job is to play the blame game that leads to speculation. My ears are ringing with the same nonsense every day. I expected this nonsense to play out for the next four years or until a snap election takes place. We have oppositions in parliament who are confused about the laws of the land and the english language.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by alena06:

The Bharrat Jagdeo administration accumulated and amassed great wealth which it used to buy the loyalty of supporters and to punish opponents.




I'm tired of hearing 'blame Jagdeo' - let's switch to something else that will help us move forward.



Right, leave the man alone.


52% of Guyana will nver leave Fagdeo alone.


Until and unless Prez Ramu take command of Guyana and stop allowing Fagdeo run to OP every day and run the country, he shall never be left alone.


Guyana want an honest and active Prez to lead, not an NIGHT WATCHMAN what is a place marker for Guyana's Mugabe!

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

Give us some facts why you think Ramotar is a dishonest man? No bullshit, hard facts and you get the board to yourself.

YUh gun mek dek donkey bray and run away.

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

Give us some facts why you think Ramotar is a dishonest man? No bullshit, hard facts and you get the board to yourself.

Did I say Prez Ramu is dishonest?


I said he has surrendered the running of the Government to FAGDEO, the BIG tief!


The mere fact that he sit flat feeted and allow all the PPP Ali Babas to tief more right in front of his face make him not only incompetent but corrupt and weak.


I honestly believe that Prez Ramu is a good man but he is a weakling that got a weakness for covering up TEAM Fagdeo corruption.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by alena06:

The Bharrat Jagdeo administration accumulated and amassed great wealth which it used to buy the loyalty of supporters and to punish opponents.




I'm tired of hearing 'blame Jagdeo' - let's switch to something else that will help us move forward.



Right, leave the man alone.

That is Sheer BS!


Keepin presshaa on he and his clowns will help the country in moving forward.

Maybe some much needed cash will finally be freed up an jus in case you doan understan:  The people will realize they have been giving certain freedoms and yes they agree to some extent that Guyana is moving ahead, but a heck of a lot more should have been accomplished.

The Govt throws a few measly crumbs to the people to appease them, while they themselves gorge on the rest of the loaf and its fixings.


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