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June 21 2018


Dear Editor,

As expected the PPP/C and its leader Bharrat Jagdeo have decided to intensify their hostile campaign of lies and misrepresentation of facts directed in part against GECOM’s Chairman, Retired Justice James Patterson, and those Commissioners in GECOM not under the control of the PPP/C. With no justification, they are raising the often repeated “red herring” of GECOM/PNC rigging of elections.

Mr. Jagdeo and his party are well aware that the 1992 elections, which resulted in the PPP/C’s return to power, marked the end of the PNC dominance and control of Guyana’s election process and that party’s ability to rig elections. Equally important, the changed international political situation i.e. the end of the Cold War between the USA and the USSR saw political leaders in countries like Guyana who were previously aligned to one of the two superpowers, primarily on ideological, economic  and political self interests, and presumably, in the belief that their country’s sovereignty was guaranteed by the country they chose to align with, conveniently and opportunistically switching their support to new political masters in pursuit of their political ambitions. The Marxist PPP party under Dr. Cheddi Jagan was able to arrive at an accommodation with the US State Department which guaranteed that country’s noninterference in the 1992 elections thereby paving the way for 23 years of the PPP’s vicious hegemony of the political process in Guyana.

In those twenty-three years of the PPP regime manipulation at election time became a more sophisticated art that was practiced by the new controllers of GECOM’s machinery. While it is true that the Elections Commission was no longer the commission of the old days it is important to note that its senior staff for the greater part of that period, was dominated by persons of Indian Guyanese origin, while the composition of staff members at the lower levels was and are the same. Unlike what Robeson Benn claims the composition was not then and is not now 90% African Guyanese. It is also important to note that the confusion around the results of the elections from 1997 to 2011 must be blamed on those who controlled the process at GECOM for that period. Almost all of whom were PPP/C members and supporters.

The present reality, locally, regionally and internationally, militates against any attempt to rig elections. Any government which chooses to go in that direction will invite the collective wrath of all the international agencies and governments which now express their abhorrence for rigging (except in their satellite states) and consider a change at the governmental level as a fundamental right of citizens around the world. The APNU+AFC coalition government even if it so desires, cannot successfully rig the upcoming Local Government Elections, more so, the 2020 General and Regional Elections. The eyes of the world are on them.

The question Guyanese need to ask is – why, in spite of these known facts, is Jagdeo and his party ramping up the cry of “rigged elections”? The answer I believe is three dimensional and is rooted in what has gone before. First, I will submit here that historically, the PPP leadership has, when in opposition, always sought to use the cry of rigging as one of its primary methods to mobilize its traditional base in the population. This approach for that party has proven to be an effective political/racial weapon in the context of Guyana’s politics.    

Secondly, while some may be of the view that Jagdeo’s ranting and raving of the possibilities of the forthcoming elections being rigged is just about him rehearsing from the PPP/C playbook, this is a simplistic view of the PPP/C’s Leader intentions. Jagdeo is an extremely, cunning, devious and vicious political person and is not averse to adopting certain approaches to achieve his objectives. He believes that there is a growing political disconnect and apathy in the APNU+AFC constituency and is seeking to exploit what he sees as a great opportunity to create more problems in the coalition’s support base. By raising the spectre of election rigging by the coalition camp he is also attempting to lure coalition supporters into a sense of complacency and the belief that the results of both the 2018 local government Elections and the 2020 General and Regional elections have already been determined in the coalition’s interest and as a result, there is no need for them to organize their communities to take the ongoing registration exercise seriously while putting themselves in a state of readiness to turn out and vote in large numbers in those elections.

Thirdly, I believe that Jagdeo’s descent into his expressions of racial bile is deliberately designed to force his arrest by the security forces on some kind of charge. The arrest he believes will force those in his traditional support base who continue to be skeptical of his intentions, to finally line up behind him thereby providing him with the solid support base he is in search of.

To neutralize Jagdeo’s behaviour and the PPP/C’s propaganda the APNU+AFC has to (a) counter with its own campaign to convince its supporters that every vote is needed to win the 2020 General and Regional Elections; (b) craft a message that election rigging is not an alternative. This message must be clear, concise and consistent; (c) coalition supporters must be told what are the objectives of Jagdeo’s and the PPP’s propaganda blitz; and (d) the coalition government must ensure that it does not fall prey to the trap that Jagdeo is setting for it, by arresting him. That matter will eventually resolve itself.

Jagdeo and his cohorts who dominate the PPP/C leadership feel very comfortable with their heinous political plot of crying rigged elections as a way of defeating the APNU+AFC. In their opinion, this will guarantee victory in the forthcoming elections and particularly in 2020. While seeking to demobilize the APNU+AFC base with the false cry of rigged elections, Jagdeo in so doing may also succeed in demobilizing his party base.

Yours faithfully,

Tacuma Ogunseye             

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Nehru posted:

You really that DUMB!! Not a question. The PNC is the definition/standard for RIGGED Election!!!

Well DUMMY,if you got some sense,it will be realized why the PNC was allowed to rig elections from 1968 to 1985.

Nehru posted:

Another DUMB question but expected from you. The US, England, GDF, GPF, now run along DUMMY!!

Ok leader of the DUMB PACK,no more communication with you for the day.

Last edited by Django

Is Jagdeo singing his mantra again on rigging? Is he going to put his constituents to shame and validate the coalition government by returning to parliament in 2020, as he did in 2015? Nehru, how are you today, bhaiji?  

Meh head is out of my BT.  

Last edited by Former Member

If Jagdeo is a fighter, he needs to put more emphasis on strategy as the election gets closer. If he knows he's not going to win, he should show statesmanship and let his constituents accept defeat with dignity. This daily crying makes Guyanese politicians look like comedians. 

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Django how come all these threads only have Jagdeo name.   No articles in the papers with Granger name?  Does he still live in Guyana?

LOL...Django look like he on the campaign trail for the coalition...

Django posted:

June 21 2018


Dear Editor,

As expected the PPP/C and its leader Bharrat Jagdeo have decided to intensify their hostile campaign of lies and misrepresentation of facts directed in part against GECOM’s Chairman, Retired Justice James Patterson, and those Commissioners in GECOM not under the control of the PPP/C. With no justification, they are raising the often repeated “red herring” of GECOM/PNC rigging of elections.

Mr. Jagdeo and his party are well aware that the 1992 elections, which resulted in the PPP/C’s return to power, marked the end of the PNC dominance and control of Guyana’s election process and that party’s ability to rig elections. Equally important, the changed international political situation i.e. the end of the Cold War between the USA and the USSR saw political leaders in countries like Guyana who were previously aligned to one of the two superpowers, primarily on ideological, economic  and political self interests, and presumably, in the belief that their country’s sovereignty was guaranteed by the country they chose to align with, conveniently and opportunistically switching their support to new political masters in pursuit of their political ambitions. The Marxist PPP party under Dr. Cheddi Jagan was able to arrive at an accommodation with the US State Department which guaranteed that country’s noninterference in the 1992 elections thereby paving the way for 23 years of the PPP’s vicious hegemony of the political process in Guyana.

In those twenty-three years of the PPP regime manipulation at election time became a more sophisticated art that was practiced by the new controllers of GECOM’s machinery. While it is true that the Elections Commission was no longer the commission of the old days it is important to note that its senior staff for the greater part of that period, was dominated by persons of Indian Guyanese origin, while the composition of staff members at the lower levels was and are the same. Unlike what Robeson Benn claims the composition was not then and is not now 90% African Guyanese. It is also important to note that the confusion around the results of the elections from 1997 to 2011 must be blamed on those who controlled the process at GECOM for that period. Almost all of whom were PPP/C members and supporters.

The present reality, locally, regionally and internationally, militates against any attempt to rig elections. Any government which chooses to go in that direction will invite the collective wrath of all the international agencies and governments which now express their abhorrence for rigging (except in their satellite states) and consider a change at the governmental level as a fundamental right of citizens around the world. The APNU+AFC coalition government even if it so desires, cannot successfully rig the upcoming Local Government Elections, more so, the 2020 General and Regional Elections. The eyes of the world are on them.

The question Guyanese need to ask is – why, in spite of these known facts, is Jagdeo and his party ramping up the cry of “rigged elections”? The answer I believe is three dimensional and is rooted in what has gone before. First, I will submit here that historically, the PPP leadership has, when in opposition, always sought to use the cry of rigging as one of its primary methods to mobilize its traditional base in the population. This approach for that party has proven to be an effective political/racial weapon in the context of Guyana’s politics.    

Secondly, while some may be of the view that Jagdeo’s ranting and raving of the possibilities of the forthcoming elections being rigged is just about him rehearsing from the PPP/C playbook, this is a simplistic view of the PPP/C’s Leader intentions. Jagdeo is an extremely, cunning, devious and vicious political person and is not averse to adopting certain approaches to achieve his objectives. He believes that there is a growing political disconnect and apathy in the APNU+AFC constituency and is seeking to exploit what he sees as a great opportunity to create more problems in the coalition’s support base. By raising the spectre of election rigging by the coalition camp he is also attempting to lure coalition supporters into a sense of complacency and the belief that the results of both the 2018 local government Elections and the 2020 General and Regional elections have already been determined in the coalition’s interest and as a result, there is no need for them to organize their communities to take the ongoing registration exercise seriously while putting themselves in a state of readiness to turn out and vote in large numbers in those elections.

Thirdly, I believe that Jagdeo’s descent into his expressions of racial bile is deliberately designed to force his arrest by the security forces on some kind of charge. The arrest he believes will force those in his traditional support base who continue to be skeptical of his intentions, to finally line up behind him thereby providing him with the solid support base he is in search of.

To neutralize Jagdeo’s behaviour and the PPP/C’s propaganda the APNU+AFC has to (a) counter with its own campaign to convince its supporters that every vote is needed to win the 2020 General and Regional Elections; (b) craft a message that election rigging is not an alternative. This message must be clear, concise and consistent; (c) coalition supporters must be told what are the objectives of Jagdeo’s and the PPP’s propaganda blitz; and (d) the coalition government must ensure that it does not fall prey to the trap that Jagdeo is setting for it, by arresting him. That matter will eventually resolve itself.

Jagdeo and his cohorts who dominate the PPP/C leadership feel very comfortable with their heinous political plot of crying rigged elections as a way of defeating the APNU+AFC. In their opinion, this will guarantee victory in the forthcoming elections and particularly in 2020. While seeking to demobilize the APNU+AFC base with the false cry of rigged elections, Jagdeo in so doing may also succeed in demobilizing his party base.

Yours faithfully,

Tacuma Ogunseye             

If I recall correctly, Ogunsese was sympathetic to the people who escaped from prison...and he publicly gave support to


VishnuMahabir, You have given me doubts on the basis of your judgment of other posters. Your assumption is weak and baseless. Django is not campaigning for anyone. He is self-employed/business entrepreneur. His free time is his business on and off GNI. I am sure Django will approve this message. I had runnings with Django until I found out that he is one of the best posters on GNI. We need more men like him on GNI.

Last edited by Former Member
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Django how come all these threads only have Jagdeo name.   No articles in the papers with Granger name?  Does he still live in Guyana?

Is he not the Opposition Leader who is looking to get in Office thru the backdoor for a second time.

VishMahabir posted:

Django...just curious banna...what you do for a living?...look like to spend all day on the internet...

But you are a resourceful banna...


I am self-employed and semi-retired,done mek hay while the sun was shining.I am currently working a couple hours Mon-Fri at my workshop to keep from sitting at home.

Django posted:
VishMahabir posted:

Django...just curious banna...what you do for a living?...look like to spend all day on the internet...

But you are a resourceful banna...


I am self-employed and semi-retired,done mek hay while the sun was shining.I am currently working a couple hours Mon-Fri at my workshop to keep from sitting at home.

No coolie-man works for the PNC for free, unless you really don't have your marbles together.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Django posted:
VishMahabir posted:

Django...just curious banna...what you do for a living?...look like to spend all day on the internet...

But you are a resourceful banna...


I am self-employed and semi-retired,done mek hay while the sun was shining.I am currently working a couple hours Mon-Fri at my workshop to keep from sitting at home.


Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Django posted:
VishMahabir posted:

Django...just curious banna...what you do for a living?...look like to spend all day on the internet...

But you are a resourceful banna...


I am self-employed and semi-retired,done mek hay while the sun was shining.I am currently working a couple hours Mon-Fri at my workshop to keep from sitting at home.

No coolie-man works for the PNC for free, unless you really don't have your marbles together.

This one never look at $$,came from poverty and content with what sweat for,dislike handouts.

VishMahabir posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Django how come all these threads only have Jagdeo name.   No articles in the papers with Granger name?  Does he still live in Guyana?

LOL...Django look like he on the campaign trail for the coalition...

There has never been a free and fair election yet under a Black President in Guyana's history. One exception, The USA pressured the biggest rigger Hoyte and he buckled and fell.

Last edited by Former Member

Yuji, can you say something that is current and makes sense of what's ahead of us? Can you eliminate race and focus on elections rather than rigged elections? Hoyte days are over. We are dealing with Granger vs Jagdeo or APNU vs PPP in 2018. You are actually giving rise to the PNC and putting the PPP down and you don't even realize it. That's not what die-hard PPP supporters do. Think for yourself and don't follow what fools are saying. 

Django posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Django posted:
VishMahabir posted:

Django...just curious banna...what you do for a living?...look like to spend all day on the internet...

But you are a resourceful banna...


I am self-employed and semi-retired,done mek hay while the sun was shining.I am currently working a couple hours Mon-Fri at my workshop to keep from sitting at home.

No coolie-man works for the PNC for free, unless you really don't have your marbles together.

This one never look at $$,came from poverty and content with what sweat for,dislike handouts.

Be careful how you prevaricate. They are smart people reading this blog. 

Billy Ram Balgobin
Prince posted:

Yuji, can you say something that is current and makes sense of what's ahead of us? Can you eliminate race and focus on elections rather than rigged elections? Hoyte days are over. We are dealing with Granger vs Jagdeo or APNU vs PPP in 2018. You are actually giving rise to the PNC and putting the PPP down and you don't even realize it. That's not what die-hard PPP supporters do. Think for yourself and don't follow what fools are saying. 

You ought to start thinking for yourself and be honest with yourself before you pass orders on others.  Your response is a poor attempt to evade the real facts about the present government's past and its utterly shameless pursuit to control the election machinery. Stinks of Burnhamism....

Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Prince posted:

Yuji, can you say something that is current and makes sense of what's ahead of us? Can you eliminate race and focus on elections rather than rigged elections? Hoyte days are over. We are dealing with Granger vs Jagdeo or APNU vs PPP in 2018. You are actually giving rise to the PNC and putting the PPP down and you don't even realize it. That's not what die-hard PPP supporters do. Think for yourself and don't follow what fools are saying. 

You ought to start thinking for yourself and be honest with yourself before you pass orders on others.  Your response is a poor attempt to evade the real facts about the present government's past and its utterly shameless pursuit to control the election machinery. Stinks of Burnhamism....

Rigging is what satisfies your bias appetite, but it's not nutritious to the brains. So, tell us what is the rigging machinery? How does it work? Why is it always on the PPP lips? Who validates APNU government when PPP enters parliament? Give me one good example and shut me up. 

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Django posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Django posted:
VishMahabir posted:

Django...just curious banna...what you do for a living?...look like to spend all day on the internet...

But you are a resourceful banna...


I am self-employed and semi-retired,done mek hay while the sun was shining.I am currently working a couple hours Mon-Fri at my workshop to keep from sitting at home.

No coolie-man works for the PNC for free, unless you really don't have your marbles together.

This one never look at $$,came from poverty and content with what sweat for,dislike handouts.

Be careful how you prevaricate. They are smart people reading this blog. 

Using big words BRB,I stand by my statement.

I challenge any of the smart people to prove otherwise.

Prince posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Prince posted:

Yuji, can you say something that is current and makes sense of what's ahead of us? Can you eliminate race and focus on elections rather than rigged elections? Hoyte days are over. We are dealing with Granger vs Jagdeo or APNU vs PPP in 2018. You are actually giving rise to the PNC and putting the PPP down and you don't even realize it. That's not what die-hard PPP supporters do. Think for yourself and don't follow what fools are saying. 

You ought to start thinking for yourself and be honest with yourself before you pass orders on others.  Your response is a poor attempt to evade the real facts about the present government's past and its utterly shameless pursuit to control the election machinery. Stinks of Burnhamism....

Rigging is what satisfies your bias appetite, but it's not nutritious to the brains. So, tell us what is the rigging machinery? How does it work? Why is it always on the PPP lips? Who validates APNU government when PPP enters parliament? Give me one good example and shut me up. 

Judiciary undermining constitutional remedy for electoral breaches – Jagdeo

Election petition delay

More than three years after the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) filed an election petition in the High Court, the matter is still to be heard. On Wednesday, PPP/C General Secretary Bharrat Jagdeo said if this matter continues to languish in the court, it would mean that the Judiciary is violating laws.

A section of the gathering at Enmore in observance of the Enmore Martyrs

Addressing a large gathering at Enmore in observance of the Enmore Martyrs, Jagdeo told his supporters that the Judiciary needs to understand the signal it is sending Guyanese if it does not act in an expeditious manner on these matters, particularly the election petition.
“We are not asking for a particular outcome, we’re asking for expeditious hearing of these matters. But if the Judiciary tolerates this sloth, then they will be violating undermining a constitutional remedy to rigs and flaws in the electoral process,” Jagdeo told a cheering audience.
The former Head of State was critical of the Judiciary, stating that the delays are causing people to lose confidence in a judicial remedy to rig the elections by keeping it languishing there. He argued that the law stipulates that this matter must be heard continuously, but that has clearly not been the case.
Jagdeo also used the opportunity to remind supporters that elections were rigged post 1992 and there is a possibility that it could happen again.
He referred to a case in Barbados where a citizen was denied the constitutional right to vote. The matter was nevertheless appealed and went as far as the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ), which incidentally handed down a ruling in the citizens’ favour, and that individual was allowed to vote.
“Ours has been languishing for three years. So, in this case with the (Guyana Elections Commission) GECOM Chairman, using the precedence in Barbados, we have applied to the Court of Appeal to hear this matter expeditiously because it has an impact; a bearing on the elections in the future,” he added.
The petition filed on behalf of the PPP/C seeks to challenge the validity of the outcome of the 2015 General and Regional Elections. Following the outcome of May 2015 elections, the party underscored that the elections were not held in conformity with the Constitution of Guyana.
The matter, which was filed in the name of PPP/C parliamentarian, Ganga Persaud, essentially requested a recount of all ballot boxes for the last elections and fresh elections were also called for. He had claimed that the elections were “unlawfully conducted” and that the results of the elections were affected.
He cited procedural errors and instances of fraudulent and/or suspicious actions during the elections. Unrest, fake Statements of Poll (SOPs) and multiple voting were among the reasons for the petition. Further, the presence of ‘huge mobs’ at several polling stations and other strategic places, particularly in Region Four (Demerara-Mahaica), were also cited by the party as another cause for intimidation and fear.
But the Chief Elections Officer Keith Lowenfield had described the petition as frivolous and vexatious. He said too that the petition discloses no reasonable cause of the action and asked for it to be struck out.
But before demitting office, former Acting Chief Justice Ian Chang overruled Lowenfield’s summons to have the petition struck out. Justice Chang had ruled that the summons to strike out the petition was premature and therefore the court should proceed in hearing it.
Attorney representing Lowenfield, Roysdale Forde, had filed an appeal and further disclosed that Chang erred in law when he failed to direct his mind to the summons and to apply the proper principles applicable to the striking out of the petition.

Forde said the Judge erred in law when he made a finding and determination with respect to Article 163 (1) of the Constitution of Guyana and its relationship with Section 42 of the National Assembly Validity of Election Act, Chapter 1:04 without affording the Appellant an opportunity of responding to the said finding.The matter was last heard in 2017 before acting Chief Justice Roxane George and Justice Franklin Holder.


Jagdeo preaching the Rigging mantra.


If Jagdeo is anticipating rigging in 2020, why didn't he blame ABC for their participation in 2015? They were foreign observers, including America and British ambassadors who said the election results were fair. Where does the buck stop? You can have Jagdeo put fear like this in people's mind without any proof. If Indian doesn't show up to vote then that will be another problem with the PPP.  



Prince posted:

If Jagdeo is anticipating rigging in 2020, why didn't he blame ABC for their participation in 2015? They were foreign observers, including America and British ambassadors who said the election results were fair. Where does the buck stop? You can have Jagdeo put fear like this in people's mind without any proof. If Indian doesn't show up to vote then that will be another problem with the PPP.  



It’s the best Jagdeo can do to Indians. He should apologize to them for the 23 years neglect when PPP was in power.


Dave posted:
Prince posted:

If Jagdeo is anticipating rigging in 2020, why didn't he blame ABC for their participation in 2015? They were foreign observers, including America and British ambassadors who said the election results were fair. Where does the buck stop? You can have Jagdeo put fear like this in people's mind without any proof. If Indian doesn't show up to vote then that will be another problem with the PPP.  



It’s the best Jagdeo can do to Indians. He should apologize to them for the 23 years neglect when PPP was in power.


I have my issues with BJ and the PPP.  But are you saying they did absolutely nothing for their constituency over the entire 23 years?  I would not agree!

Baseman posted:
Dave posted:
Prince posted:

If Jagdeo is anticipating rigging in 2020, why didn't he blame ABC for their participation in 2015? They were foreign observers, including America and British ambassadors who said the election results were fair. Where does the buck stop? You can have Jagdeo put fear like this in people's mind without any proof. If Indian doesn't show up to vote then that will be another problem with the PPP.  



It’s the best Jagdeo can do to Indians. He should apologize to them for the 23 years neglect when PPP was in power.


I have my issues with BJ and the PPP.  But are you saying they did absolutely nothing for their constituency over the entire 23 years?  I would not agree!

I would not say they absolutely did nothing, they ignore their grass root supporters and turn their backs on them.

local party meeting was ignore. The occupant of Freedom house  has no time to listen to Indians cries when they were in government. 

They tell indians to show up at freedom house on Saturday morning ...Jagdeo, Rohee, and the likes would disappear upstairs and have their baggage boys writing complain on piece of paper ... 

Today the same Jagdeo, Irfan, Frank Anthony showing up at indians village sitting in hammock .. these bareface scum. 

I witness a ppp stalwart last year tell Frank Anthony to get the hell out. The PPP Comrade had approach Frank as a minister for assistance to built a bridge joining two villages and for sports gear to get the youths occupied and stay away from drugs .. Frank tell him to raise the money by hosting a bbq.

The sports gear was given to Afro neighbourhood, millions of dollars in sports gear was found rotten in a storage.. manage by Neil Kumar. 

Last edited by Former Member
Dave posted:
Baseman posted:
Dave posted:
Prince posted:

If Jagdeo is anticipating rigging in 2020, why didn't he blame ABC for their participation in 2015? They were foreign observers, including America and British ambassadors who said the election results were fair. Where does the buck stop? You can have Jagdeo put fear like this in people's mind without any proof. If Indian doesn't show up to vote then that will be another problem with the PPP.  



It’s the best Jagdeo can do to Indians. He should apologize to them for the 23 years neglect when PPP was in power.


I have my issues with BJ and the PPP.  But are you saying they did absolutely nothing for their constituency over the entire 23 years?  I would not agree!

I would not say they absolutely did nothing, they ignore their grass root supporters and turn their backs on them.

local party meeting was ignore. The occupant of Freedom house  has no time to listen to Indians cries when they were in government. 

They tell indians to show up at freedom house on Saturday morning ...Jagdeo, Rohee, and the likes would disappear upstairs and have their baggage boys writing complain on piece of paper ... 

Today the same Jagdeo, Irfan, Frank Anthony showing up at indians village sitting in hammock .. these bareface scum. 

I witness a ppp stalwart last year tell Frank Anthony to get the hell out. The PPP Comrade had approach Frank as a minister for assistance to built a bridge joining two villages and for sports gear to get the youths occupied and stay away from drugs .. Frank tell him to raise the money by hosting a bbq.

The sports gear was given to Afro neighbourhood, millions of dollars in sports gear was found rotten in a storage.. manage by Neil Kumar. 

And this is exactly how these Indians end up with the PNC.  They show up at these Ministers doors begging for this and begging for that and when they don't get what they want they gone to the PNC.

In 2015, they all Vote like a Boss, and now PNC left them with their mouth hanging.

Bibi Haniffa

“And this is exactly how these Indians end up with the PNC.” 

You sure darn right!! Ask yourself why PPP was a minority party and then get kicked out 2015.

were you the beneficiary of state land also.. saw the other day, you said you  sended money for PPP fund raising .... what happen, funds running down back home

or you was their deposit account.  

Regarding Begging at ministers door...  why you have to so scornfully  describe your fellow Indians this way. 

Dave posted:

“And this is exactly how these Indians end up with the PNC.” 

You sure darn right!! Ask yourself why PPP was a minority party and then get kicked out 2015.

were you the beneficiary of state land also.. saw the other day, you said you  sended money for PPP fund raising .... what happen, funds running down back home

or you was their deposit account.  

Regarding Begging at ministers door...  why you have to so scornfully  describe your fellow Indians this way. 

If I choose to assist sugar workers who are unemployed that is my business.  My great grandfather, under the British was among the largest landowners in the county of Demerara.  Our land is still there under rice and coconut cultivation.  One portion of our land was purchased from Bookers in 1900.   When Cheddi was kicked out in 1964, we GAVE him the land that his current house is built on.

I never stole any state land.

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
Prince posted:

If Jagdeo is a fighter, he needs to put more emphasis on strategy as the election gets closer. If he knows he's not going to win, he should show statesmanship and let his constituents accept defeat with dignity. This daily crying makes Guyanese politicians look like comedians. 

When a human jackass fails to understand that winning by all foul means is not defeating your opponent, then the human jackass should not post his putrid hogwash. Another lump of human feces posted here.


Bibi Haniffa posted:
Dave posted:

“And this is exactly how these Indians end up with the PNC.” 

You sure darn right!! Ask yourself why PPP was a minority party and then get kicked out 2015.

were you the beneficiary of state land also.. saw the other day, you said you  sended money for PPP fund raising .... what happen, funds running down back home

or you was their deposit account.  

Regarding Begging at ministers door...  why you have to so scornfully  describe your fellow Indians this way. 

If I choose to assist sugar workers who are unemployed that is my business.  My great grandfather, under the British was among the largest landowners in the county of Demerara.  Our land is still there under rice and coconut cultivation.  One portion of our land was purchased from Bookers in 1900.   When Cheddi was kicked out in 1964, we GAVE him the land that his current house is built on.

I never stole any state land.

@ Bibi and Dave.

Looks like both of your families made valuable contributions to the PPP.

Brother Dave, good morning and HK.

We need to learn from the PNC. They had a big brawl at Congress Place with Granger Rigging his own leadership race and purple firing shots etc. Despite this the Blacks hugged and kissed up and they cheated their way to office.

Looks like Indos will never learn and still go at each other's throats. Blacks are not condemning PNC racism, crime towards Indos, the illegal installation of a GECOM chairman in violation of the constitution of Guyana.

What are a few Indos doing ? Going at each other's throats. Moses and Ramjattan took advantage of this and pulled off one of the biggest con job in Guyana's political history.

Yes, the PPP made mistakes by ignoring their base and working too hard to please blacks who ate from their plates and bore a big hole in it. Lesson learnt, the PPP and their supporters who are angry about it need to move on.

The election victory rests with the Douglas and Amerindian votes, this should be one of the PPP's main focus. Stop wasting time wasting time with the Black votes.

Indos need to look at the bigger picture. PNC has no intention of leaving office. Every Black leader was a rigger. Combatting efforts to rig is the issue at hand. Miss Piggy's nomination over an Indo at GECOM is another effort to galvanize their rigging machinery.

Corruption is rampant under the PNC yet blacks say nothing about it because of a code of silence and a clannish system. We need to unite and fight all efforts to rig and for the survival of our people and STOP going at each other's throat.


Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:

@ Bibi and Dave.

Looks like both of your families made valuable contributions to the PPP.

Brother Dave, good morning and HK.

We need to learn from the PNC. They had a big brawl at Congress Place with Granger Rigging his own leadership race and purple firing shots etc. Despite this the Blacks hugged and kissed up and they cheated their way to office.

Looks like Indos will never learn and still go at each other's throats. Blacks are not condemning PNC racism, crime towards Indos, the illegal installation of a GECOM chairman in violation of the constitution of Guyana.

What are a few Indos doing ? Going at each other's throats. Moses and Ramjattan took advantage of this and pulled off one of the biggest con job in Guyana's political history.

Yes, the PPP made mistakes by ignoring their base and working too hard to please blacks who ate from their plates and bore a big hole in it. Lesson learnt, the PPP and their supporters who are angry about it need to move on.

The election victory rests with the Douglas and Amerindian votes, this should be one of the PPP's main focus. Stop wasting time wasting time with the Black votes.

Indos need to look at the bigger picture. PNC has no intention of leaving office. Every Black leader was a rigger. Combatting efforts to rig is the issue at hand. Miss Piggy's nomination over and Indo at GECOM is another effort to galvanize their rigging machinery.

Corruption is rampant under the PNC yet blacks say nothing about it because of a code of silence and a clannish system. We need to unite and fight all efforts to rig and for the survival of our people and STOP going at each other's throat.


Bibi Haniffa posted:
Dave posted:

“And this is exactly how these Indians end up with the PNC.” 

You sure darn right!! Ask yourself why PPP was a minority party and then get kicked out 2015.

were you the beneficiary of state land also.. saw the other day, you said you  sended money for PPP fund raising .... what happen, funds running down back home

or you was their deposit account.  

Regarding Begging at ministers door...  why you have to so scornfully  describe your fellow Indians this way. 

If I choose to assist sugar workers who are unemployed that is my business.  My great grandfather, under the British was among the largest landowners in the county of Demerara.  Our land is still there under rice and coconut cultivation.  One portion of our land was purchased from Bookers in 1900.   When Cheddi was kicked out in 1964, we GAVE him the land that his current house is built on.

I never stole any state land.

Who should we believe 

Moses Nagamootoo says in his Facebook page:

1). "Jagdeo slanders Cheddi: During 1966, I came down to Bel Air village in Georgetown with Pandit Tiwari and a group of PPP activists to help prepare the land on which Cheddi Jagan would build his house. We fetched dirt in rice bags to fill the swampy land. Dr. Jagan, the country's former Premier, was at the time living in a rented building.
The Corentyne volunteers stayed in an old, wooden house in the adjoining lot that was owned by Boysie Ramkarran, who was then the PPP's deputy leader. We were told that Boysie had given or sold a piece of his land so that Cheddi could live near to him.

2) Jagdeo claim the land was bought for $2000. 


So here this gal Bibi, I know them bhai does question your credibility of information... you have an opportunity to prove yourself now. 

Since you claim WE as in the family donate the land to Cheddi, your family will have some evidence of this.

lets put Naga and Jaggy to shame ... provide that evidence of land giving by your family. 

yuji22 posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Dave posted:

“And this is exactly how these Indians end up with the PNC.” 

You sure darn right!! Ask yourself why PPP was a minority party and then get kicked out 2015.

were you the beneficiary of state land also.. saw the other day, you said you  sended money for PPP fund raising .... what happen, funds running down back home

or you was their deposit account.  

Regarding Begging at ministers door...  why you have to so scornfully  describe your fellow Indians this way. 

If I choose to assist sugar workers who are unemployed that is my business.  My great grandfather, under the British was among the largest landowners in the county of Demerara.  Our land is still there under rice and coconut cultivation.  One portion of our land was purchased from Bookers in 1900.   When Cheddi was kicked out in 1964, we GAVE him the land that his current house is built on.

I never stole any state land.

@ Bibi and Dave.

Looks like both of your families made valuable contributions to the PPP.

Brother Dave, good morning and HK.

We need to learn from the PNC. They had a big brawl at Congress Place with Granger Rigging his own leadership race and purple firing shots etc. Despite this the Blacks hugged and kissed up and they cheated their way to office.

Looks like Indos will never learn and still go at each other's throats. Blacks are not condemning PNC racism, crime towards Indos, the illegal installation of a GECOM chairman in violation of the constitution of Guyana.

What are a few Indos doing ? Going at each other's throats. Moses and Ramjattan took advantage of this and pulled off one of the biggest con job in Guyana's political history.

Yes, the PPP made mistakes by ignoring their base and working too hard to please blacks who ate from their plates and bore a big hole in it. Lesson learnt, the PPP and their supporters who are angry about it need to move on.

The election victory rests with the Douglas and Amerindian votes, this should be one of the PPP's main focus. Stop wasting time wasting time with the Black votes.

Indos need to look at the bigger picture. PNC has no intention of leaving office. Every Black leader was a rigger. Combatting efforts to rig is the issue at hand. Miss Piggy's nomination over an Indo at GECOM is another effort to galvanize their rigging machinery.

Corruption is rampant under the PNC yet blacks say nothing about it because of a code of silence and a clannish system. We need to unite and fight all efforts to rig and for the survival of our people and STOP going at each other's throat.


Harri Krishna Yujji... indians have suffer at the hands of Afo and it will be that way unless Indians stands up to the bullyism, unfortunately, BJ and his cronies have destroy the confidence of Indians.

We need a new leadership at Freedom House. One that can command the Indians to protest by thousands and bring this government down. 

Dave posted:

We need a new leadership at Freedom House. One that can command the Indians to protest by thousands and bring this government down. 

Never going to happen.

Don't tell East Indians at 40% of the population have the given right to rule continuously forever.

Django posted:
Dave posted:

We need a new leadership at Freedom House. One that can command the Indians to protest by thousands and bring this government down. 

Never going to happen.

Don't tell East Indians at 40% of the population have the given right to rule continuously forever.

But Blacks who are 29 percent can rig and rule ? Bai your are a real hypocrite. 

Django posted:
Dave posted:

We need a new leadership at Freedom House. One that can command the Indians to protest by thousands and bring this government down. 

Never going to happen.

Don't tell East Indians at 40% of the population have the given right to rule continuously forever.

It's ok for you to tell niggroes, about 30% of the population, that they could rape coolies, murder coolies, rob coolies, and kick down coolie doors? Oh, how warped this thinking is? Why don't you support the American KKK then?


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