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March 26 2019


“Anyone who has a track record that is ethically compromised should be kept far away from Guyana’s oil future. As such, I see Opposition Leader, Bharrat Jagdeo, and his cohorts as great risks to the nation’s oil industry. They should be kept at bay.”

These were the words of Oil and Gas Consultant, Dr. Jan Mangal, during an interview with the Guyana Standard yesterday.

His comments are in wake of Jagdeo’s revelation last week that he has an interest in crafting policies for Guyana’s oil sector if the PPP is elected to office.

During an interview with radio personality, Stan Gouveia, on 94.1 Boom FM, the Opposition Leader said, “I have travelled to Venezuela, Angola, Equatorial Guinea, Nigeria, many other countries and almost all of them [demonstrate that] if you don’t integrate oil money well in the system, if you use up all of it, you [end up being] worse off than you were before.”

He added, “So policy-making, I have some experience in that; that’s what I want to do for the new government. I want to contribute in a way that ensures that we get more jobs for our people, have a broad-based outlook and, as General Secretary of the party, I believe I can make that difference.”

But regardless of Jagdeo’s enthusiasm to “make that difference” in the oil sector, Dr. Mangal sought to remind that the former president and his cohorts have a track record which speaks to the lack of transparency.

The Petroleum Consultant said, “Jagdeo and his cohorts like [Former Minister of Natural Resources and the Environment] Robert Persaud are risks to Guyana’s oil sector because they gave away the Canje and Kaieteur blocks for next to nothing. So the only reason governments give away blocks like that, is usually because of corruption.”

Dr. Mangal added, “The way those blocks were given away by the PPP, it says that those involved are already in the pockets of the oil companies. ExxonMobil and French oil major, Total, have farmed into those blocks and these politicians who gave it away for nothing are already under the control of the companies.”

The former Presidential Advisor said that these PPP politicians have essentially proven that they have no interest in helping Guyana.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

I don't find Dr. Mangal any more trustworthy than the people he is criticizing. He is saying what he thinks he needs to say so that he can continue his consulting gig. He will quickly change his words if the government changes. He sounds like an opportunist of the worst kind.


It’s interesting that a person who was hired to work or a project is weighing in on politics on one side.  People should be concerned regarding his objectivity and price!  

Furthermore, given his bold one sided stance, what assurance he has that the PNC will continue in government after elections!  Seems he knows something the others don’t!

ksazma posted:

I don't find Dr. Mangal any more trustworthy than the people he is criticizing.

He is saying what he thinks he needs to say so that he can continue his consulting gig.

He will quickly change his words if the government changes. He sounds like an opportunist of the worst kind.

Dr.Mangal no longer works as an adviser to the current gov't, his contract wasn't renewed.

Mr.T posted:

It is clear that Jagdeo is after our oil money. And it's good to see that I am not the only one who can see that.

Lots of folks sees the same, only the supporters differs. The East Indian population of Guyana, majority who blindly support, will be taken for a ride again by the kleptocrats, if they win.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
ksazma posted:

I don't find Dr. Mangal any more trustworthy than the people he is criticizing.

He is saying what he thinks he needs to say so that he can continue his consulting gig.

He will quickly change his words if the government changes. He sounds like an opportunist of the worst kind.

Dr.Mangal no longer works as an adviser to the current gov't, his contract wasn't renewed.

Maybe he trying to get hired again. His statement does reek of sucking up. 😀

ksazma posted:
Django posted:
ksazma posted:

I don't find Dr. Mangal any more trustworthy than the people he is criticizing.

He is saying what he thinks he needs to say so that he can continue his consulting gig.

He will quickly change his words if the government changes. He sounds like an opportunist of the worst kind.

Dr.Mangal no longer works as an adviser to the current gov't, his contract wasn't renewed.

Maybe he trying to get hired again. His statement does reek of sucking up. 😀

Don't think so, his brother have some oil industry investments in Guyana.

His father is Dr Keshav ‘Bud’ Mangal,the longest-serving commissioner of the Guyana Elections Commission, passed away in 2015.

Django posted:
ksazma posted:
Django posted:
ksazma posted:

I don't find Dr. Mangal any more trustworthy than the people he is criticizing.

He is saying what he thinks he needs to say so that he can continue his consulting gig.

He will quickly change his words if the government changes. He sounds like an opportunist of the worst kind.

Dr.Mangal no longer works as an adviser to the current gov't, his contract wasn't renewed.

Maybe he trying to get hired again. His statement does reek of sucking up. 😀

Don't think so, his brother have some oil industry investments in Guyana.

His father is Dr Keshav ‘Bud’ Mangal,the longest-serving commissioner of the Guyana Elections Commission, passed away in 2015.

Bud Mangal was a PPP representative in GECOM. Longstanding PPP comrade.

Django posted:
ksazma posted:
Django posted:
ksazma posted:

I don't find Dr. Mangal any more trustworthy than the people he is criticizing.

He is saying what he thinks he needs to say so that he can continue his consulting gig.

He will quickly change his words if the government changes. He sounds like an opportunist of the worst kind.

Dr.Mangal no longer works as an adviser to the current gov't, his contract wasn't renewed.

Maybe he trying to get hired again. His statement does reek of sucking up. 😀

Don't think so, his brother have some oil industry investments in Guyana.

His father is Dr Keshav ‘Bud’ Mangal,the longest-serving commissioner of the Guyana Elections Commission, passed away in 2015.

Everyone in Guyana is greedy. Mangal no different. I am less interested in chasing after the greedy tendencies of every Guyanese than I am in highlighting that the Coalition government is currently illegal.

Django posted:
ksazma posted:
Django posted:
ksazma posted:

I don't find Dr. Mangal any more trustworthy than the people he is criticizing.

He is saying what he thinks he needs to say so that he can continue his consulting gig.

He will quickly change his words if the government changes. He sounds like an opportunist of the worst kind.

Dr.Mangal no longer works as an adviser to the current gov't, his contract wasn't renewed.

Maybe he trying to get hired again. His statement does reek of sucking up. 😀

Don't think so, his brother have some oil industry investments in Guyana.

His father is Dr Keshav ‘Bud’ Mangal,the longest-serving commissioner of the Guyana Elections Commission, passed away in 2015.

Thought his brother investment in Texas..

Labba posted:

hey hey hey...Mangal need foh ask heself whyb he contract na get renew. He need foh study Guyana histry lil. Hey hey hey...

Looks like he trying fuh suckup lil bit in de hope dat de Coalition change dem mind but he is fuggetting wat vulgar Volda said about who will get jobs. 😀

ksazma posted:
Labba posted:

hey hey hey...Mangal need foh ask heself whyb he contract na get renew. He need foh study Guyana histry lil. Hey hey hey...

Looks like he trying fuh suckup lil bit in de hope dat de Coalition change dem mind but he is fuggetting wat vulgar Volda said about who will get jobs. 😀

Yes...Volda and ayoo read hammie letter in today SN. hey hey hey...


Look, Mangal has an opinion. I do not think he is 100% wrong BUT surely he is playing a game to benefit himself. He thinks Jagdeo alone will be able to make policies. He gives the impression that the PPP are not capable of hiring Experts to deal with such issues.  Self interest and hate for Jagdeo is evident. Also, looking forward to ensure he is relevant and in the game for prosperity, if you know what I mean.

Dave posted:
Django posted:
ksazma posted:
Django posted:
ksazma posted:

I don't find Dr. Mangal any more trustworthy than the people he is criticizing.

He is saying what he thinks he needs to say so that he can continue his consulting gig.

He will quickly change his words if the government changes. He sounds like an opportunist of the worst kind.

Dr.Mangal no longer works as an adviser to the current gov't, his contract wasn't renewed.

Maybe he trying to get hired again. His statement does reek of sucking up. 😀

Don't think so, his brother have some oil industry investments in Guyana.

His father is Dr Keshav ‘Bud’ Mangal,the longest-serving commissioner of the Guyana Elections Commission, passed away in 2015.

Thought his brother investment in Texas..

Check links

Django posted:

Dr.Mangal no longer works as an adviser to the current gov't, his contract wasn't renewed.

So one would think that he wouldn't be disposed to the people ho didn't renew his contract.

So on this basis his views are valid and we can see the obvious haste that Jagdeo has to put his hands on oil money. 

Note that he isn't even suggesting that the PPP gov't might have others in mind to deal with the pil industry.  Clearly he masterminds the PPP so is confident about what an Irfaan regime will do.

No wonder he didn't chose Frank Anthony who might well tell him get lost and select some one else to deal with the oil industry.

That Ksazma and the rest of his crew are so trapped in tribalism that they cannot see this because noteworthy.

ksazma posted:
Django posted:
ksazma posted:

I don't find Dr. Mangal any more trustworthy than the people he is criticizing.

He is saying what he thinks he needs to say so that he can continue his consulting gig.

He will quickly change his words if the government changes. He sounds like an opportunist of the worst kind.

Dr.Mangal no longer works as an adviser to the current gov't, his contract wasn't renewed.

Maybe he trying to get hired again. His statement does reek of sucking up. 😀

If his contract wasn't renewed why would he think that it would be? Why would he even want to work with them if this is how they behave?

I suspect that Mr. Mangal isn't begging Guyana for his sustenance.

ksazma posted:

Everyone in Guyana is greedy. Mangal no different. I am less interested in chasing after the greedy tendencies of every Guyanese than I am in highlighting that the Coalition government is currently illegal.

Does he live in Guyana?  With his contacts in IDB and the oil industry I bet he isn't sitting down in TX starving and begging Harmon and Trotman for $$ to feed himself.

Last edited by Former Member

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