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Jagdeo ‘appreciation’ draws cheers and jeers
By Gaulbert Sutherland and Frances Abraham

Hailed as a visionary who put the Guyana’s economy on a solid footing and the country on the world map, President Bharrat Jagdeo was honoured at a ‘Day of Appreciation’ yesterday that drew thousands of supporters but also became a lightning rod for critics. Jagdeo, who will demit office in a few months after leading Guyana for the past 12 years, used the occasion to urge reconciliation, togetherness and patriotism. “The journey from a village boy tothe Presidency has been a long one,” he told supporters who packed the National Stadium at Providence for the over four hour long celebration in song, dance and tributes. It has not always been easy, he added.

The event was censured by critics, who argued there was not much to celebrate and the Alliance For Change staged a protest outside the stadium, sharing flyers as thousands thronged in. “We are distributing our flyers here today to let the people understand that this ought not be a day of celebration, it ought to be a day of shame,” AFC Executive Member Gerhard Ramsaroop said. “We have too many unsolved crimes in this country, VAT is killing the working people, there is too much of corruption, there is narco-business(es) going on in this country that is stifling legitimate businesses,” he added.

A member of the Guyana Defence Force greets President Bharrat Jagdeo at yesterday’s ‘Day of Appreciation.’ At the President’s left is Army Chief of Staff Commodore Gary Best. (Anjuli Persaud photo)

Ramsaroop, however, stressed that he was not suggesting that absolutely nothing has been done under the PPP government, saying that there has been progress but it was “uneven” and there is “too few having too much.” “This is the issue that we have with the government. We believe that they need to cut extravagant expenditure and waste such as this… they saying that what they are doing here will be free. How can that be for free? They (joint services) still have to be paid, the aircraft has to be paid for, the transportation has to be paid. This is not very different from what Mr. Burnham did in the 80s,” he said.

Questions have also been raised as to who was footing the bill for the event and when approached by Stabroek News, the event’s spokesman and organizer Juan Edghill said that he could not say, since it was private citizens who contributed in different ways.

Meantime, while some agreed with the AFC, others heading to the stadium did not and some hurled rude remarks at those distributing flyers. One disagreeing passerby said he believed that Jagdeo had helped Guyana move forward. “I think personally that Mr. Bharrat Jagdeo did a lot of good, not the party necessarily but he did,” the man said. He explained that the President provided Guyanese with the housing plan and also much infrastructure such as schools, hospitals and even playgrounds.

‘Better days to come’

Inside the stadium, hundreds of waving flags spoke to the level of support for the event. The 15,000-seater stadium was packed to capacity, but a few seats remained free while there were rows of chairs on the ground itself for those unable to get seats in the stand. Jagdeo thanked supporters saying that he was overwhelmed by the event even as he urged that they do a number of things such as keep faith with the country and to share and feel a sense of pride in things Guyanese. Never stop believing that better days are yet to come, he said.

The president also warned supporters that that they must not be sidetracked by the “scandal industry” and beware the “foreign agenda” in what appeared to be remarks prompted by leaked American diplomatic cables with disclosures regarding government’s links to narco-traffickers, among other issues. “Never allow the scandal industry to take hold in your heart,” he said. “Never allow foreign interests to become our agenda.” The president said that it must be recognized that in some areas, “our values are slightly different” from those in the developed world.

Meantime, Jagdeo also took the opportunity to publicly thank his parents, his sisters, the PPP and other supporters for the role they played in his presidency. “I hope I’ve vindicated your support,” he told the gathering. He said that hopelessness has been replaced with hope and malaise and economic morass with vibrancy and viability. He also urged Guyanese to fight prejudice and racism and said that young people can blaze a trail in this regard. He urged that the focus be kept on women and children and said that men must take responsibility for their children and women must be allowed to blossom.

With regards to politics, he asked the gathering to ensure that political loyalty does not rank higher than love for country. Those who tried to downplay the event, they too are “our brothers” said the president. He said that persons have to enlighten themselves and in this regard, writers and others such as filmmakers must be supported. He also urged support for PPP Presidential Candidate, Donald Ramotar and noted that there is still a lot more to be done. To scattered applause, the President said that he will continue to support the development of the country. “You can’t turn off patriotism,” he said.
Jagdeo also stated that he hoped that the upcoming elections will be conducted with dignity and the results will be accepted by all.


Earlier, tributes to Jagdeo hailed his “fighting spirit” and “gifted mind.” Recalling the President’s youth, Ramotar said that as Jagdeo rose in the ranks, he worked tirelessly. “He is first and foremost, a fighter,” said Ramotar. “But he also has a gifted mind,” he added. He said that in his Presidency, Jagdeo faced difficult times such as the 2005 floods and the crime wave. The achievements over the last few years have to be put in context to understand how important they are he said even as he thanked Jagdeo “for placing us in the position that we are in today.” Ramotar declared that he hopes to lead the country for the next decade and will not only follow the trail laid by Jagdeo but will move to greater heights. “We will move from strength to strength,” he said. “If it’s good today, it will be much better tomorrow.”

Professor Clement Sankat of the University of the West Indies also hailed Jagdeo, describing him as an outstanding regional statesman who worked tirelessly and as an incomparable patriot and one of the most influential regional leaders. The president has a remarkable record of service to the nation, region and the world, said Sankat even as he praised Jagdeo’s “stellar” achievements and said he was a “true pioneer” with regards to environmental protection. “President Jagdeo has been a big voice for small states” especially in the Caribbean, he said.

Prime Minister Samuel Hinds brought a touch of sentimentality to the occasion. “We hope you didn’t find it too perplexing to manage us, your cabinet team,” he told the President. He hailed Jagdeo’s perceptiveness, pragmatism, dynamism and formidable intellect and said he was an “intense fighter for survival and success.” He said that the Cabinet learnt many lessons from their “Chief”. “Many thanks, best wished, long life…ever our president,” he said.

The President’s Appreciation Day opened with a number of cultural items such as calypso, a parachute display by the Guyana Defence Force, dancing, renditions from the Joint Services’ Choir, drumming and a specially prepared song dedicated to the President which was sung by local artistes.

In the parking lot there were a number of canters and buses and upon inquiries, this newspaper was told that supporters journeyed from as far as Bartica, Essequibo, Berbice, Mahaicony and other outlying areas. There have been reports that transportation was provided by the government but according to most drivers, they were hired by private residents while others said that they are uncertain who their employer were affiliated with. A number of persons left while the ceremony was in progress.

Many persons said they were attending to pay tribute to the president for his contribution to national development while others simply said they were there to have fun.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

One overzealous young constable seized some of our material and even threatened one of our activists with arrest. However, our flyers were returned to us by a senior rank, who asked us not to distribute directly at the entrance.
This senior rank will be reprimanded, we should have seized all these flyers it is not nice for you to be distributing these things when we are honoring his Excellency Gerald.

Its a good thing there were no lies on that flyer else we would have arrested you today.
Originally posted by Alexander:
So where were the jeers that is in the headline?
Speaking for myself, the jeers I heard were on the road, from frustrated drivers, some of whom said the traffic was backed up till to Diamond that they were in the line for over an hour. But jeers came primarily from persons who thought we were distributing PPP flyers, but when we explained they took from us.
Originally posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
One overzealous young constable seized some of our material and even threatened one of our activists with arrest. However, our flyers were returned to us by a senior rank, who asked us not to distribute directly at the entrance.

Originally posted by Chief:
Originally posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
One overzealous young constable seized some of our material and even threatened one of our activists with arrest. However, our flyers were returned to us by a senior rank, who asked us not to distribute directly at the entrance.

Chief, my answer is just above. If you weren't so busy shouting, you might have seen it.
Gerald you are a wicked boy, a very very very wicked boy.

What did his excellency ever do to deserve this kind of ungrateful treatment?

His excellency is such a good man, look at all these little children who are sick he is flying them to the best hospitals in the us to get them treatment.

His Excellency is spending a phenomenal amount of money on free Laptops for the country and as soon as he has finished that he will buy exercise books and desks for the schools.

You did a phenomenal and brave job turning up there to protest. Do not let the crowd there distract the great work AFC is doing. Remember our job is not to convince the hard core PPP support base. Race is still a powerful factor. There are about 20% undecided voters. Those are our folks. The PPP will be lucky to get 45% votes this election. Evil must be defeated. The PPP is evil plain and simple.
Originally posted by TK_REDUX:

You did a phenomenal and brave job turning up there to protest. Do not let the crowd there distract the great work AFC is doing. Remember our job is not to convince the hard core PPP support base. Race is still a powerful factor. There are about 20% undecided voters. Those are our folks. The PPP will be lucky to get 45% votes this election. Evil must be defeated. The PPP is evil plain and simple.

The AFC took over from the PNC. That's all they know. Protesting and destroying.

This coming election, you are not going to be allowed to riot and loot.
Originally posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally posted by Chief:


Chief, my answer is just above. If you weren't so busy shouting, you might have seen it.

panman lol lol panman
Originally posted by Bruddaman:
I thought the PPP took over from the PNC. I mean 19 wasted years. The distribution of wealth is uneven and The Champion of Corruption calls himself an economist.

Bruddaman if the PPP is corrupt and if his Excellency is corrupt I can assure you it went to a good cause and for a good reason. Lets embrace it all and celebrate. Sometime bitters is good for you.
Originally posted by TK_REDUX:

You did a phenomenal and brave job turning up there to protest. Do not let the crowd there distract the great work AFC is doing. Remember our job is not to convince the hard core PPP support base. Race is still a powerful factor. There are about 20% undecided voters. Those are our folks. The PPP will be lucky to get 45% votes this election. Evil must be defeated. The PPP is evil plain and simple.


The protest was/is important in that it gives The People (mostly coerced & beaten down) hope.

This will pay enormous dividends come election time.
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by TK_REDUX:

You did a phenomenal and brave job turning up there to protest. Do not let the crowd there distract the great work AFC is doing. Remember our job is not to convince the hard core PPP support base. Race is still a powerful factor. There are about 20% undecided voters. Those are our folks. The PPP will be lucky to get 45% votes this election. Evil must be defeated. The PPP is evil plain and simple.

The AFC took over from the PNC. That's all they know. Protesting and destroying.

This coming election, you are not going to be allowed to riot and loot.


Guyana is already destroyed:

1. Poor infrastructure and public works.

2. A dankey cart economy that produces low value added goods.

3. A narco state and underground economy the size as the official one.

4. Consumption propped up by remittances.

5. Migration of 89% of skilled and educated Guyanese.

6. A narco leadership in the police force.

7. Massive expropriation by the Oligarch-in-Chief of the monies of the people (the descendants of slaves and indentured laborers) by awarding contracts dubious contractors. The kick-backs are banked in India and some will find their way back into Guyana as FDI in things such as a Marriott project.
What your IGNORANT and STUPID Flyer was advertising? Snakeoil???
Originally posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
One overzealous young constable seized some of our material and even threatened one of our activists with arrest. However, our flyers were returned to us by a senior rank, who asked us not to distribute directly at the entrance.
Come Election time Parasites like you will run like Cockroaches in your hole.
Originally posted by redux:
Originally posted by TK_REDUX:

You did a phenomenal and brave job turning up there to protest. Do not let the crowd there distract the great work AFC is doing. Remember our job is not to convince the hard core PPP support base. Race is still a powerful factor. There are about 20% undecided voters. Those are our folks. The PPP will be lucky to get 45% votes this election. Evil must be defeated. The PPP is evil plain and simple.


The protest was/is important in that it gives The People (mostly coerced & beaten down) hope.

This will pay enormous dividends come election time.
Originally posted by TK_REDUX:

Guyana is already destroyed:

1. Poor infrastructure and public works.

2. A dankey cart economy that produces low value added goods.

3. A narco state and underground economy the size as the official one.

4. Consumption propped up by remittances.

5. Migration of 89% of skilled and educated Guyanese.

6. A narco leadership in the police force.

7. Massive expropriation by the Oligarch-in-Chief of the monies of the people (the descendants of slaves and indentured laborers) by awarding contracts dubious contractors. The kick-backs are banked in India and some will find their way back into Guyana as FDI in things such as a Marriott project.

Continued blabbering of nonsense.
Originally posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
One overzealous young constable seized some of our material and even threatened one of our activists with arrest. However, our flyers were returned to us by a senior rank, who asked us not to distribute directly at the entrance.

The content of your fliers is an injustice to the truth. The AFC was there to mourn Guyana on a happy occasion by wearing black ribbon. The AFC was standing in the shadow of the providence stadium which is a PPP accomplishment. The AFC encouraged their supporters to jeer in the street which was cohered by the AFC. The AFC was there on a personal witch hunt and find nothing to talk about. All of this is a shameful act of the AFC. Is this what the AFC stand for? Shame on them!
Originally posted by TK_REDUX:

You did a phenomenal and brave job turning up there to protest. Do not let the crowd there distract the great work AFC is doing. Remember our job is not to convince the hard core PPP support base. Race is still a powerful factor. There are about 20% undecided voters. Those are our folks. The PPP will be lucky to get 45% votes this election. Evil must be defeated. The PPP is evil plain and simple.
Originally posted by Nehru:
Originally posted by TK_REDUX:

You did a phenomenal and brave job turning up there to protest. Do not let the crowd there distract the great work AFC is doing. Remember our job is not to convince the hard core PPP support base. Race is still a powerful factor. There are about 20% undecided voters. Those are our folks. The PPP will be lucky to get 45% votes this election. Evil must be defeated. The PPP is evil plain and simple.

Nehru you have no shame and you are a disgrace to the PPP.

Show some class and character, Cde. Cheddi never displayed the disgraceful comments that you use against opposition members.

Cde. Ramkarran Snr. Never resorted to the low class behavior you display on here. You and others like you are the reason why we are losing the hearts and minds of the people in this country daily.
Originally posted by TK_REDUX:

You did a phenomenal and brave job turning up there to protest. Do not let the crowd there distract the great work AFC is doing. Remember our job is not to convince the hard core PPP support base. Race is still a powerful factor. There are about 20% undecided voters. Those are our folks. The PPP will be lucky to get 45% votes this election. Evil must be defeated. The PPP is evil plain and simple.

I wish to join with TK and add my second to this statement. Gerhard, you must know that you are already inspiring some of our youth in Guyana who see in you a principled, thoughtful and intelligent leader, capable of humbling himself so that others may be patiently led into the light.
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:
The PPP/C will win more than 55% of the votes at the scheduled 2011 elections.

Hahahahahahaha! Wishful indulgence expressed. Stridently.
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally posted by TK_REDUX:

The PPP will be lucky to get 45% votes this election.

The PPP/C will win more than 55% of the votes at the scheduled 2011 elections.

Perhaps, Perhaps NOT!
Originally posted by Nehru:
Come Election time Parasites like you will run like Cockroaches in your hole.
Originally posted by redux:
Originally posted by TK_REDUX:

You did a phenomenal and brave job turning up there to protest. Do not let the crowd there distract the great work AFC is doing. Remember our job is not to convince the hard core PPP support base. Race is still a powerful factor. There are about 20% undecided voters. Those are our folks. The PPP will be lucky to get 45% votes this election. Evil must be defeated. The PPP is evil plain and simple.


The protest was/is important in that it gives The People (mostly coerced & beaten down) hope.

This will pay enormous dividends come election time.

"PARASITES" and "COCKROACHES" eh? You illiterate hyena . . . iternalizing the character of your PPP family much?

Goethe famously observed that "There is Nothing more Frightful than Ignorance in Action"

Nehru, take a look in the mirror and SCREAM . . .
The AFC took over from the PNC. That's all they know. Protesting and destroying.

This coming election, you are not going to be allowed to riot and loot.[/QUOTE]


what utter rubbish. Can you find 1 statement from the AFC where they encourage riot and looting?

You chaps must speak the truth and stop this snake oil nonsense. People continue to lose respect and trust in the PPP when you lie this blatantly, if they have any left.
Gerhard my brother, I wish I was in the jurisdiction, I would have been on the protest line with you sharing the AFC materials.

16% VAT paid for all this extravagance.

I was just looking at a 1992 video of uncle cheddie and he used that word extravagance agan and again.

He was complaining about the PNC but if he was alive, can you imagine what he would have been saying today.
Sase, the only reason you are able to attack Jagdeo is because he is a much less ruthless leader of the PPP party than the Jagans.

Jagdeo may be much more corrupt than the Jagans but if you had attacked the Jagans like how you attack Jagdeo you would not have been around along time to attack them on this website. The least you would have get is a good sound beating and worst you would have got is to be 6 feet under in cold Guyanese soil.

So you and Komal Chand should thank your lucky stars you are dealing with Jagdeo and not the Jagans.
Originally posted by Wally:
Sase, the only reason you are able to attack Jagdeo is because he is a much less ruthless leader of the PPP party than the Jagans.

Jagdeo may be much more corrupt than the Jagans but if you had attacked the Jagans like how you attack Jagdeo you would not have been around along time to attack them on this website. The least you would have get is a good sound beating and worst you would have got is to be 6 feet under in cold Guyanese soil.

So you and Komal Chand should thank your lucky stars you are dealing with Jagdeo and not the Jagans.

Uncle Wally that is exactly what I was saying a few weeks ago to a few chaps. This whole episode about the govt using Roger khan to make a hit on Ronald Waddell is not true, under the jagans that would have been true but not his Excellency. His excellency is not ruthless at all he is a kind gentle human being.

A lot of people does point to Mr. Lumumba etc and call him the second coming of Rabbi Washington operating at his excellency's directives but this is pure nonsense.
Waddell was preaching racial violence. He was openly promoting for the killing of innocent indians. No government would allow an individual to do this.

Read what the United States government did to white racist Robert Jay Mathews. If the government under Mr.Jagdeo took out Waddell then Waddell experienced the same raical violence he was advocating.

Why did Waddell return to Guyana why did he not go to Alabama or Idaho and advocate black violence there. The reason is that he would have been murdered in seconds. Waddell got what he deserved. He may have calculated that he could do anything to indian get away with it. But he got another thing coming. He should have followed the peaceful political teachings of his wife Bonita Harris. Bonita is a wonderful human being and a great political advocate for the WPA.

Cheddi and Janet Jagan only knew how to pick on powerless and defenceless indians and crush them. When it comes to the blacks they run away and hide under their beds. Jagdeo may be corrupt and have fights going with Moses and Narvin which I do not like but I am certainly not missing the Jagans. In fact I am glad that they are gone and not around anymore.
Originally posted by Wally:
Waddell was preaching racial violence. He was openly promoting for the killing of innocent indians. No government would allow an individual to do this.

Read what the United States government did to white racist Robert Jay Mathews. If the government under Mr.Jagdeo took out Waddell then Waddell experienced the same raical violence he was advocating.

Why did Waddell return to Guyana why did he not go to Alabama or Idaho and advocate black violence there. The reason is that he would have been murdered in seconds. Waddell got what he deserved. He may have calculated that he could do anything to indian get away with it. But he got another thing coming. He should have followed the peaceful political teachings of his wife Bonita Harris. Bonita is a wonderful human being and a great political advocate for the WPA.

Cheddi and Janet Jagan only knew how to pick on powerless and defenceless indians and crush them. When it comes to the blacks they run away and hide under their beds. Jagdeo may be corrupt and have fights going with Moses and Narvin which I do not like but I am certainly not missing the Jagans. In fact I am glad that they are gone and not around anymore.

Wally, you gatt some balls bai...and I don't mean in a goadie way. Wink
Thanks Baseman. Cain, I watch the Jagans humiliate and crush so many good and tallented Indian politicians over the years. They only know to fight powerless indians.

I am sticking with the current PPP. I hope in the future the PPP get a leader who is not corrupt and who is not into ruthless infighting like the Jagans were.
Originally posted by Wally:
Thanks Baseman. Cain, I watch the Jagans humiliate and crush so many good and tallented Indian politicians over the years. They only know to fight powerless indians.

I am sticking with the current PPP. I hope in the future the PPP get a leader who is not corrupt and who is not into ruthless infighting like the Jagans were.

Wally, the AFC is certainly trying to help the PPP with that process. They will better be able to purge their ranks of Commie diehards and corrupt politicians from the bench. Five years is more than enough time for them to accomplish this and return as a cleansed and reformed group to compete in 2016.
Originally posted by Wally:
Waddell was preaching racial violence. He was openly promoting for the killing of innocent indians. No government would allow an individual to do this.

Read what the United States government did to white racist Robert Jay Mathews. If the government under Mr.Jagdeo took out Waddell then Waddell experienced the same raical violence he was advocating.

Why did Waddell return to Guyana why did he not go to Alabama or Idaho and advocate black violence there. The reason is that he would have been murdered in seconds. Waddell got what he deserved. He may have calculated that he could do anything to indian get away with it. But he got another thing coming. He should have followed the peaceful political teachings of his wife Bonita Harris. Bonita is a wonderful human being and a great political advocate for the WPA.

Cheddi and Janet Jagan only knew how to pick on powerless and defenceless indians and crush them. When it comes to the blacks they run away and hide under their beds. Jagdeo may be corrupt and have fights going with Moses and Narvin which I do not like but I am certainly not missing the Jagans. In fact I am glad that they are gone and not around anymore.

Waddell was racist but the ends does not justify the means, you cannot as a government order the assassination of a citizen because you do not like his views.

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