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Jagdeo bars Kaieteur News from asking questions at press conference

… Allows his newspaper to dominate 

Opposition Leader, Bharrat Jagdeo, hosted a press conference at Freedom House yesterday and spoke for just over an hour before he fielded his first question. Yet he limited questions from Kaieteur News reporters.

The first question he accepted was posed by a reporter attached to the newspaper he owns with his best friend, Dr Ranjisinghi ‘Bobby’ Ramroop. Jagdeo entertained two questions from that reporter.

The moderator, Zulfikar Mustapha then asked if any other reporter wished to pose further questions. The two reporters representing Kaieteur News at the press conference simultaneously indicated, by raised hands, that they wished to question the Opposition Leader.
The two were the only reporters in the room who indicated, at that time, their interest to pose questions so Jagdeo allowed one of the reporters to ask questions.
When that reporter finished, the other Kaieteur News representative attempted to pose questions to Jagdeo after receiving permission to do so by the moderator. However, Jagdeo said, “No, no, no, you cannot ask any question. Your colleague already asked questions.”
He then asked if any other reporter wished to take the floor. After taking questions from one other media house, Jagdeo again allowed the reporter from his newspaper to ask further questions. This occurred even with objections from the Kaieteur News reporter who was deprived of asking questions.
At that stage the reporter simply walked out.
The reporter wanted to ask Jagdeo how could he criticize the government for not offering an increase in salary for workers of a dying sugar industry knowing that his investment in an almost useless Skeldon plant was one of the major wounds inflicted on the industry.
The reporter wanted Jagdeo to explain why he is so obsessed with Glenn Lall, the Kaieteur News Publisher, to the point where his only concern about the broadcasting sector, based on his opening statement, is that Lall seems aggrieved that he has not yet been granted a radio licence. Jagdeo totally ignored the fact that the Board of the Guyana National Broadcasting Authority (GNBA) is under investigations for corruption.
The discord on that Board and the stalled progress were of no interest to Jagdeo. The reporter wanted to know how Jagdeo has no concern about the fact that the Board has done nothing to improve the broadcast sector since its appointment.
The reporter also wanted Jagdeo to speak about the wealth he has accumulated during his political career and has stored in an overseas account.
Also, the reporter wanted to ask Jagdeo how is it that he can criticize this government about corrupt deals when he supervised some of the most corrupt projects and negotiated the most questionable deals during his presidential tenure.
Those questions remain unanswered.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

What the hell is Kaieteur News doing at Freedom House?  These PPP boys are slackers to let them in there.  Jagdeo is not running the country.  They need to go and ask Granger those questions.  Why is Granger allowed to hide under the carpet and have no accountability to the Guyanese people?  When is Granger going to have a press conference as the President of Guyana?

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa

Jagdeo have every right to denied reporter's questions that work for a newspaper that historically has personal dislikes for the honorable president. KNEWS broke every laws in journalism and retracted most of its articles than any other newspaper in Guyana.


Last edited by Former Member
Bibi Haniffa posted:

 Jagdeo is not running the country.  They need to go and ask Granger those questions. 

The reporter also wanted Jagdeo to speak about the wealth he has accumulated during his political career and has stored in an overseas account.
Also, the reporter wanted to ask Jagdeo how is it that he can criticize this government about corrupt deals when he supervised some of the most corrupt projects and negotiated the most questionable deals during his presidential tenure.
Those questions remain unanswered.


Was he not earning a salary for the 11 years that he was President?  And the many years before that when he was Minister of Finance?  Does he not get paid for his speeches and Board Memberships around the world?  Does he not have investments?  How is it that Nagamootoo can get a bigger pension than Jagdeo for being Prime Minister for only one year?

You all need to stop with you all jealousy and put things into perspective.  Some people here on GNI can't even write a proper sentence and they live in huge houses.

That reporter must be a real jackass.   Was it Freddie Kissoon by any chance?

Bibi Haniffa
cain posted:

Poor Freddie, always being blamed when he speaks against anything that's PPP but when he speaks against the Granger Govt as he usually does, he's a great man nuh gyal?

When he sees how many more grenades Harmon has, he will tuck his tail between his legs and run.  The guy is a twisted creature, anyway you look at it.

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa

The audit findings probably link many of the irregularities to many in high places in the AFC and the coalition as whole. Remember, the AFC is a breakaway faction of the PPP and the PNC.  Their hands are not cleaned. 

Billy Ram Balgobin

I don't think so.  The PNC guys are ready to throw the AFC under the bus and this would be a good opportunity to get rid of them.  They want them OUT.  The audits really did not find anything or they would have gone after them with gusto.  Don't forget they ran their election with promises of jailing the PPP guys.  They did not want to be proven wrong.  But in the end the truth will always set you free. 

Bibi Haniffa

This ole hindu hating imam can really cuss on GNI heyso.

Looks like Jagdeo is more popular than Granger although he is in the Opposition.  These reporters are rushing to interview him, wonder when they will be having a press conference with the PNC dawg in charge.

Can we see the evidence of the overseas accounts and balances??    


Storm sewage, Dopey, Gil and other AFC/PNC supporters cannot prove shyte about PPP theft. They are just victims of KN YELLOW journalism.

Moses and Ramjattan shove a big stick in their backs. Even Baigan and Curassman is now exposing AFC corruption and the Auditor General recently further exposed these conmen.

They are so barefaced that they are now raiding and looting the contingency funds in broad daylight.

Last edited by Former Member
Bibi Haniffa posted:

What the hell is Kaieteur News doing at Freedom House?  These PPP boys are slackers to let them in there.  Jagdeo is not running the country.  They need to go and ask Granger those questions.  Why is Granger allowed to hide under the carpet and have no accountability to the Guyanese people?  When is Granger going to have a press conference as the President of Guyana?

That's right Bibi.

The Yellow Journalism from KN belongs to the toilet. Their Toilet Paper journalists should be in the rotten company of Mitwah, right where they belong.


Next time Mr Jagdeo holds a press conference at Freedom House, there should be a clear prior indication which media house or reporter is not welcome to ask questions there. The non-desirables should keep their distance and silence. The PPP Mirror, Guyana Times and associates are sufficient to convey Mr Jagdeo's views and ruminations.


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