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Former Member
Opposition Leader Dr Bharrat Jagdeo

Despite promises by the APNU/AFC Government under the leadership of President David Granger, even after British Security Advisor Russel Krombe handed over a report of recommendations in 2018, the coalition administration has failed to address the crime situation in Guyana.

This is according to Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo, who on Thursday said that the David Granger-led administration had touted its “security credentials” prior to assuming office in 2015, with claims that its security experts would have resolved the frequency of criminal activities throughout the country but to date, nothing has been done, as crime spirals.

“He (President Granger) was supposed to end all crime in Guyana, saying that the PPP was all bluff. Then to see the appalling failures of his government and his Security Minister on a daily basis, saying things that simply do not make sense without addressing the real problem. Then clearly, the people of this country have a right and we have a right to examine their failures. From the 17 persons losing lives in the prison fire…and until now the situation at Lusignan is appalling, and you can have a prison break at any time”.

Jagdeo stated that statistics can support the fact that the APNU/AFC have failed to protect citizens and curb the crime rate here and noted that the spike in criminal activities has been ongoing but that relevant authorities have been denying the figures.

Minister of Public Security Khemraj Ramjattan haqs come under fire recently over the rising crime rate

He lamented the current situation in Guyana where robberies and murders, coupled with accidents, occur on a daily basis, claiming the lives of innocent people, while the APNU/AFC is yet to address such an issue.

“For the piracy recently, those who suffered from the acts of piracy in Berbice, our Presidential Candidate went up there and also met with several members of the family and witnessed the dire poverty in which people live in those areas. How important the earnings of these individuals who went to sea to earn a living were to maintaining the livelihoods of their families. Then we had the incident with the robbery (at El Dorado Trading) and I spoke with Mrs Stoll (wife of the dead businessman)…another young Guyanese businessman whose life was snuffed out and there are others who suffered death and injury there and so that too, that is senseless killing”.

The Opposition Leader even referred to a murder, which occurred little over a week ago in front of his office at Queenstown, Georgetown, where a man was strangled to death with a belt. The perpetrator had been caught by public-spirited persons and then handed over to the Police.

According to Jagdeo, these crimes could have been prevented but now the result is that innocent lives were lost while families and loved ones are left to suffer

Replies sorted oldest to newest

I agree with BJ here. The President addressed the nation and opened a CoI on the recent tragic unfortunate accident but has been numb on the face of the criminal onslaught on ordinary citizens for years!  Pathetic!


Crime is worst for any country and needs to be nipped in the bud.

I like to base arguments on statistics , found this site with some info on Guyana and other Countries .Please take a peek looks like data source from world bank.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:

Crime is worst for any country and needs to be nipped in the bud.

I like to base arguments on statistics , found this site with some info on Guyana. Please take a peek looks like data source from world bank.

It was data submission by the PNC.  You need to show this to the victim’s’ family and tell them it ain’t too bad. Stop crying!

Baseman posted:
Django posted:

Crime is worst for any country and needs to be nipped in the bud.

I like to base arguments on statistics , found this site with some info on Guyana. Please take a peek looks like data source from world bank.

It was data submission by the PNC.

 You need to show this to the victim’s’ family and tell them it ain’t too bad. Stop crying!

Ha..ha..ha.. there bhai , can be used for some great debate. Info source from World Bank, it's also inclusive of PPP years in Government.

Now tell where i said it ain't too bad ? who is crying bhai ?

Last edited by Django

You know that things were going to go downhill when someone living right next door to the Minister of Public Security was robbed at gunpoint right outside their gate. When asked what he was doing about the crime situation, he said that he was bust planning jubilee celebration. That was about a year before the jubilee celebration. 


When Jagdeo speaks it's like throwing water on duck's back. The man forgot he is dealing with folks who assumably can't run cakeshops. What else does he expect from them?   


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