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Former Member

Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo earlier today blasted A Partnership for National Unity/Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC) for rhetoric used by officials at a recent rally… rhetoric he noted threatens to divide the people.

According to Jagdeo, his party would file a report with the Ethnic Relations Commission (ERC) over recent statements from Minister of State Joseph Harmon that government would target opposition controlled Neighbourhood Democratic Councils (NDCs).

Opposition Leader, Bharrat Jagdeo addressing the media earlier today

In addition, the former President made it clear that he would bring the matter to the attention of the international community. Jagdeo also contended that there are many factors and reasons for works being delayed in these councils.

Harmon was quoted in sections of the online media as saying at the rally; “The people are saying to us: Aren’t we in government? Well, I want you all to know that we are in government and that foolishness got to stop. No NDC, because it’s controlled by the PPP, will take government money and just spend it on PPP areas. It’s got to stop and we are going to work and fix that. We are not going to accept that.”

At the meeting to which Jagdeo referred, it was stated that despite the Government snubbing calls for a Commission of Inquiry to look into the entire period and possible links between gangs and political parties.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

This coming from the same POS who stood up last election and seh he tekking back de country fuh "coolie people" and send out he goat bitten stooge to seh PPP is a "coolie" party. Dis is de man now "blasting rhethoric". Is there any shame in these corrupt, self promoting dogs?


Well, well, well....what do you know?

Now we are back to the same topic I commented on a thread that unjustly deleted...without warning.

Not that Jagdeo is a saint (given his Babu John statement)...the rhetoric emanating from the Harmon/PNC camp may not be as vile...but these politicians cant even pretend for a minute to leave their partisan views and party politics buried and pretend that they are governing a nation of Guyanese....regardless of which party running this godforsaken banana republic for a country. The coalition turned into a Trumpian political entity.

Despite the nation's history, the onus, is really on the governing party to show that they are "evenhanded". Harmon's views can only serve to incite the base, given the history and stakes involved.

Now I know some coalition supporters here will attack the messenger, and Jagdeo will be focus because "well he did it, so is OK fo we to do it".  

If Harmon wants to show compassion, and "evenhandedness", he should address the plight of the 7,000 laid off sugar workers and court Indian support, instead of invoking the bogey man.



This iguana hate koolie bad. Like he got an H. Greene type hate. Koolie take away he slave man job from him that his white master gave him. he vex bad because he can't serve white man anymore.


Iguana posted:

This coming from the same POS who stood up last election and seh he tekking back de country fuh "coolie people" and send out he goat bitten stooge to seh PPP is a "coolie" party. Dis is de man now "blasting rhethoric". Is there any shame in these corrupt, self promoting dogs?

Iggi you beat me to the punch...

...two wrongs dont make it right banna, stop dwellin in the past...Harmon is now the de facto leader of a country ...he and his coalition are there to represent ALL Guyanese instead of showing his true partisan color.

AND, why does Jagdeo's name drive such fear and anger in people like you? like de man got you choking youself.....jes asking...



Harmon's tone and language provided BJ the opportunity to stick it to him.  However, we need to come back to the fundamental question, is there discrimination as to services within the jurisdiction which either party controls?  The people's interest needs to be address, not political point scoring.

Guyana ain't a shithole for no reason!!  It seems the country is getting more and more divided!  This is unhealthy!


The fundamental problem here is that Guyana needs a reciprocal system where taxes from the community is used to pay for improvements within said community. The way that the system works is not fair. Taxes are paid by one community but another community which pays less taxes gets a disproportionate positive benefits based on political affiliation.  One such community is Sophia especially under pnc. During PPP they also made the mistake of rewarding Buxton, Agricola and Linden with much more development within the towns than its residents were proportionally contributing to the tax coffers. 

Drugb posted:

The fundamental problem here is that Guyana needs a reciprocal system where taxes from the community is used to pay for improvements within said community. The way that the system works is not fair. Taxes are paid by one community but another community which pays less taxes gets a disproportionate positive benefits based on political affiliation.  One such community is Sophia especially under pnc. During PPP they also made the mistake of rewarding Buxton, Agricola and Linden with much more development within the towns than its residents were proportionally contributing to the tax coffers. 

Not sure how that works.  I can see property taxes which are well defined and ring-fenced.  However, other tax redistribution, how do you determine?  They will have to use census data to determine allocation of funds!

VishMahabir posted:
Iguana posted:

This coming from the same POS who stood up last election and seh he tekking back de country fuh "coolie people" and send out he goat bitten stooge to seh PPP is a "coolie" party. Dis is de man now "blasting rhethoric". Is there any shame in these corrupt, self promoting dogs?

Iggi you beat me to the punch...

...two wrongs dont make it right banna, stop dwellin in the past...Harmon is now the de facto leader of a country ...he and his coalition are there to represent ALL Guyanese instead of showing his true partisan color.

AND, why does Jagdeo's name drive such fear and anger in people like you? like de man got you choking youself.....jes asking...


first, “Harmon” is absolutely NOT the de facto leader of any country . . . you are simply parroting Freedom House talking points as they and you wukkin hard to actualize/normalize a fake narrative

second, alyuh mission to sanitize Jagdeo by deconstructing “Harmon” statement in the most twisted, ridiculous, counter-common-sense fashion informs that y’all prapa wicked bai

discerning people are on to alyuh legerdemain . . . the scampishness

let’s once again, for the record reflect on what “Harmon” actually said:

No NDC, because it’s controlled by the PPP, will take government money and just spend it on PPP areas. It’s got to stop and we are going to work and fix that. We are not going to accept that.”

imagine, lashing the PPP and its minions for bad behavior now becomes a “high crime” and VIOLENT threat to harmonized race relations

hmmm . . . being Indo carries ‘privileges’ i never heretofore seriously considered

the Blackman must apalagize! patrol (again) in full effect . . . i’ll submit it’s more than a tic . . . very calculated

indeed, maggots like yugee and sundry posers here love to equate criticism of PPP as a violent threat aimed at “Indians”

banna, you just punched your fellow-traveler card . . . or worse

ah tekkin notes . . . faker

Last edited by Former Member
Drugb posted:

The fundamental problem here is that Guyana needs a reciprocal system where taxes from the community is used to pay for improvements within said community. The way that the system works is not fair. Taxes are paid by one community but another community which pays less taxes gets a disproportionate positive benefits based on political affiliation.  One such community is Sophia especially under pnc. During PPP they also made the mistake of rewarding Buxton, Agricola and Linden with much more development within the towns than its residents were proportionally contributing to the tax coffers. 

Huh? How so? Can you explain?

VishMahabir posted: 

If Harmon wants to show compassion, and "evenhandedness", he should address the plight of the 7,000 laid off sugar workers and court Indian support, instead of invoking the bogey man.

i have to conclude that something more than stupidity is afoot when i see inane ‘political’ claptrap dribbling onto threads like we see above

Last edited by Former Member

“Neglected” villages get US$12.4 million to kick start agriculture, combat unemployment


Minister of Agriculture, Noel Holder (left) looks on as Finance Minister, Winston Jordan (second from left) and the Chief Executive Officer of the Caribbean Development Fund, Rodinald Soomer sign the loan agreement for the revival of agriculture in several villages.

Several villages across Guyana that Finance Minister, Winston Jordan says have been neglected during the past 20 years, will benefit from a US$12.43 million programme to help revive their agricultural production to supply local and Caribbean markets.

The Caricom Development Fund says it is providing US$10.4 million and the Guyana government US$2 million towards the project that initially targets 175 farmers in “four very economically challenged areas that were identified by Guyana- Ithaca, Buxton, Triumph and Mocha-all areas with notably high levels of youth and female unemployment.” The CDF says the villages have a total of 1,200 farmers and it is expected that 35,000 persons would benefit.

“Those who live in Buxton and BV and Mocha and Itahca will tell you how neglected they were over the last two decades,”  Jordan said in brief remarks before signing the agreement with CDF’s Chief Executive Officer, Rodinald Soomer.

The CDF Chief noted that those villages in Regions Four and Five had a rich history of agricultural production which has become marginal over time as the entire backlands have been left uncultivated, under-cultivated and underdeveloped due to inadequate access and poor drainage and irrigation.

The monies would be used to buy farming equipment that will remain in the identified communities, finance land clearing, restore and upgrade drainage and irrigation canals,  install a  pump in each of the farming communities and provide technical support for targeted farmers.  Planners expect that 155 kilometres of canals and drains and 40 kilometres of fair weather dam would be constructed and one pump station would be provided to enable farmers to reclaim 2,500 acres of abandoned land and bring it back into cultivation with the aim of increasing production and exports to sister Caribbean Community (Caricom) markets.

Finance Minister Jordan said the project would help combat unemployment in the targeted communities comprising 9,500 farming households and more than 20,000 persons. “It is anticipated that with the improved drainage systems and access, the new farmlands will be brought under cultivation, with a variety of crops and fruits being targeted for production to meet the needs of the community and surrounding villages, nationally and with an eye on export. More importantly, this intervention will result in increased incomes and reduced unemployment in the targeted communities,” Jordan said.

Asked how Guyana intends to penetrate the non-tariff barriers in Caricom member-states, the Finance Minister said the Food and Drug Administration would be equipped with modern laboratories to conduct tests to international standards and packaging of value-added products would be improved. “In times of glut you can process those products and sell to the Caricom and wider afield. Caricom market is there. It’s a guaranteed market,” Jordan added.

Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture, George Jervis told Demerara Waves Online News added that the project is expected to be sustainable because cooperative groups would be established in communities.  He said the farming equipment would remain in communities and would be managed by the National Drainage and Irrigation Authority (NDIA).

Jervis said there would be market-driven approach to match demand for high quality produce in Caricom countries while the second and third best would be processed into value added products. “In the area of processing, we are not waiting on the project to start. We are using funds that the Ministry has in its possession to start processing activities in all four communities as soon as the project kicks off,” he said. Jervis highlighted that tastier bread with a greater shelf life can be made with 30 percent cassava- 70 percent wheaten flour mix.

The cassava flour-wheaten flour mix has been successful in Barbados.

The CDF says its blend of a US$6.63 million loan and US$.3.81 million grant will result in a softer package of assistance. It has a maturity of 15 years and a nominal interest of three percent. There is a grace of two years on principal payments and interest is paid quarterly on the balance disbursed.

Last edited by Former Member
ronan posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Iguana posted:

This coming from the same POS who stood up last election and seh he tekking back de country fuh "coolie people" and send out he goat bitten stooge to seh PPP is a "coolie" party. Dis is de man now "blasting rhethoric". Is there any shame in these corrupt, self promoting dogs?

Iggi you beat me to the punch...

...two wrongs dont make it right banna, stop dwellin in the past...Harmon is now the de facto leader of a country ...he and his coalition are there to represent ALL Guyanese instead of showing his true partisan color.

AND, why does Jagdeo's name drive such fear and anger in people like you? like de man got you choking youself.....jes asking...


first, “Harmon” is absolutely NOT the de facto leader of any country . . . you are simply parroting Freedom House talking points as they and you wukkin hard to actualize/normalize a fake narrative

second, alyuh mission to sanitize Jagdeo by deconstructing “Harmon” statement in the most twisted, ridiculous, counter-common-sense fashion informs that y’all prapa wicked bai

discerning people are on to alyuh legerdemain . . . the scampishness

let’s once again, for the record reflect on what “Harmon” actually said:

No NDC, because it’s controlled by the PPP, will take government money and just spend it on PPP areas. It’s got to stop and we are going to work and fix that. We are not going to accept that.”

imagine, lashing the PPP and its minions for bad behavior now becomes a “high crime” and VIOLENT threat to harmonized race relations

hmmm . . . being Indo carries ‘privileges’ i never heretofore seriously considered

the Blackman must apalagize! patrol (again) in full effect . . . i’ll submit it’s more than a tic . . . very calculated

indeed, maggots like yugee and sundry posers here love to equate criticism of PPP as a violent threat aimed at “Indians”

banna, you just punched your fellow-traveler card . . . or worse

ah tekkin notes . . . faker

More spin...and interminable verbiage from a tongue twister...

I hold no brief for neither the PNC or very well know this...the Freedom House crap is unadulterated twaddle.

Harmon's got more power than the PM, more access to the President, access to crucial inside party and government information...he is de facto a powerful leader of the government...esp when Granger is not there.

Cherry pickin Harmon's the entire speech.

Being obtuse is no excuse, I say this again: matter how you spin this....Govt officials ought to know better and are to be held to a higher standard with their rhetoric...they represent ALL Guyanese while in office...Harmon knows how volatile this society is...but he said they are in campaign mode...when the PPP respond in kind, as they will, ...where does that leave us?

"banna, you just punched your fellow-traveler card . . . or worse

ah tekkin notes . . ." 

Not sure what you mean here ...sounds like you eager to become GNI's standard bearer of the gilloutine and the gatekeeper wrapped up in one.

Tek notes...others watchin you too.   

ronan posted:
VishMahabir posted: 

If Harmon wants to show compassion, and "evenhandedness", he should address the plight of the 7,000 laid off sugar workers and court Indian support, instead of invoking the bogey man.

i have to conclude that something more than stupidity is afoot when i see inane ‘political’ claptrap dribbling onto threads like we see above

More cherry pickin: 

My conclusion here at this moment is that you are here to cause mischief (not that others are not)...the very same accusations you level at all dem "others". You are one of GNI's resident hypocrite... you know very well what you are doing...

Here are your words in another thread:

"yuhknow, i think i’ll just rake back and let dah bai “Nehru” pull down he panty lilll bit more

hold yuh breath and watch the pus oozing from the open sores"

I would not wish this on my worst enemy...revealing your true colors.

I would withhold my comments to your posts, there is nothing of substance from you

...I would urge others here to do the same.... 

VishMahabir posted:
ronan posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Iguana posted:

This coming from the same POS who stood up last election and seh he tekking back de country fuh "coolie people" and send out he goat bitten stooge to seh PPP is a "coolie" party. Dis is de man now "blasting rhethoric". Is there any shame in these corrupt, self promoting dogs?

Iggi you beat me to the punch...

...two wrongs dont make it right banna, stop dwellin in the past...Harmon is now the de facto leader of a country ...he and his coalition are there to represent ALL Guyanese instead of showing his true partisan color.

AND, why does Jagdeo's name drive such fear and anger in people like you? like de man got you choking youself.....jes asking...


first, “Harmon” is absolutely NOT the de facto leader of any country . . . you are simply parroting Freedom House talking points as they and you wukkin hard to actualize/normalize a fake narrative

second, alyuh mission to sanitize Jagdeo by deconstructing “Harmon” statement in the most twisted, ridiculous, counter-common-sense fashion informs that y’all prapa wicked bai

discerning people are on to alyuh legerdemain . . . the scampishness

let’s once again, for the record reflect on what “Harmon” actually said:

No NDC, because it’s controlled by the PPP, will take government money and just spend it on PPP areas. It’s got to stop and we are going to work and fix that. We are not going to accept that.”

imagine, lashing the PPP and its minions for bad behavior now becomes a “high crime” and VIOLENT threat to harmonized race relations

hmmm . . . being Indo carries ‘privileges’ i never heretofore seriously considered

the Blackman must apalagize! patrol (again) in full effect . . . i’ll submit it’s more than a tic . . . very calculated

indeed, maggots like yugee and sundry posers here love to equate criticism of PPP as a violent threat aimed at “Indians”

banna, you just punched your fellow-traveler card . . . or worse

ah tekkin notes . . . faker

More spin...and interminable verbiage from a tongue twister...

I hold no brief for neither the PNC or very well know this...the Freedom House crap is unadulterated twaddle.

Harmon's got more power than the PM, more access to the President, access to crucial inside party and government information...he is de facto a powerful leader of the government...esp when Granger is not there.

Cherry pickin Harmon's the entire speech.

Being obtuse is no excuse, I say this again: matter how you spin this....Govt officials ought to know better and are to be held to a higher standard with their rhetoric...they represent ALL Guyanese while in office...Harmon knows how volatile this society is...but he said they are in campaign mode...when the PPP respond in kind, as they will, ...where does that leave us?

"banna, you just punched your fellow-traveler card . . . or worse

ah tekkin notes . . ." 

Not sure what you mean here ...sounds like you eager to become GNI's standard bearer of the gilloutine and the gatekeeper wrapped up in one.

Tek notes...others watchin you too.   

...I cant fathom why this bellicose response from you...I did not accuse Harmon of promoting violence, all I said was that his rhetoric have consequences...especially in a divided country like this one...

But I been thinking...though this might be a stretch...

I sense an innate upmanship from a person who feels like he knows it all, and feel comfortable in levelling this type of abuse..."dem people must be put in dem place" kind of thing.

Either that or others afraid to "talk back" to you.

Put dat in your notebook too.

VishMahabir posted:
VishMahabir posted:
ronan posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Iguana posted:

This coming from the same POS who stood up last election and seh he tekking back de country fuh "coolie people" and send out he goat bitten stooge to seh PPP is a "coolie" party. Dis is de man now "blasting rhethoric". Is there any shame in these corrupt, self promoting dogs?

Iggi you beat me to the punch...

...two wrongs dont make it right banna, stop dwellin in the past...Harmon is now the de facto leader of a country ...he and his coalition are there to represent ALL Guyanese instead of showing his true partisan color.

AND, why does Jagdeo's name drive such fear and anger in people like you? like de man got you choking youself.....jes asking...


first, “Harmon” is absolutely NOT the de facto leader of any country . . . you are simply parroting Freedom House talking points as they and you wukkin hard to actualize/normalize a fake narrative

second, alyuh mission to sanitize Jagdeo by deconstructing “Harmon” statement in the most twisted, ridiculous, counter-common-sense fashion informs that y’all prapa wicked bai

discerning people are on to alyuh legerdemain . . . the scampishness

let’s once again, for the record reflect on what “Harmon” actually said:

No NDC, because it’s controlled by the PPP, will take government money and just spend it on PPP areas. It’s got to stop and we are going to work and fix that. We are not going to accept that.”

imagine, lashing the PPP and its minions for bad behavior now becomes a “high crime” and VIOLENT threat to harmonized race relations

hmmm . . . being Indo carries ‘privileges’ i never heretofore seriously considered

the Blackman must apalagize! patrol (again) in full effect . . . i’ll submit it’s more than a tic . . . very calculated

indeed, maggots like yugee and sundry posers here love to equate criticism of PPP as a violent threat aimed at “Indians”

banna, you just punched your fellow-traveler card . . . or worse

ah tekkin notes . . . faker

More spin...and interminable verbiage from a tongue twister...

I hold no brief for neither the PNC or very well know this...the Freedom House crap is unadulterated twaddle.

Harmon's got more power than the PM, more access to the President, access to crucial inside party and government information...he is de facto a powerful leader of the government...esp when Granger is not there.

Cherry pickin Harmon's the entire speech.

Being obtuse is no excuse, I say this again: matter how you spin this....Govt officials ought to know better and are to be held to a higher standard with their rhetoric...they represent ALL Guyanese while in office...Harmon knows how volatile this society is...but he said they are in campaign mode...when the PPP respond in kind, as they will, ...where does that leave us?

"banna, you just punched your fellow-traveler card . . . or worse

ah tekkin notes . . ." 

Not sure what you mean here ...sounds like you eager to become GNI's standard bearer of the gilloutine and the gatekeeper wrapped up in one.

Tek notes...others watchin you too.   

...I cant fathom why this bellicose response from you...I did not accuse Harmon of promoting violence, all I said was that his rhetoric have consequences...especially in a divided country like this one...

But I been thinking...though this might be a stretch...

I sense an innate upmanship from a person who feels like he knows it all, and feel comfortable in levelling this type of abuse..."dem people must be put in dem place" kind of thing.

Either that or others afraid to "talk back" to you.

Put dat in your notebook too.

shush, you’re being hysterical . . . responding to yourself and all

methinks thou protesteth waaay too much . . . no?

oh what a tangled web we weave . . . and all that

get a grip

VishMahabir posted:
ronan posted:
VishMahabir posted: 

If Harmon wants to show compassion, and "evenhandedness", he should address the plight of the 7,000 laid off sugar workers and court Indian support, instead of invoking the bogey man.

i have to conclude that something more than stupidity is afoot when i see inane ‘political’ claptrap dribbling onto threads like we see above

More cherry pickin: 

My conclusion here at this moment is that you are here to cause mischief (not that others are not)...the very same accusations you level at all dem "others". You are one of GNI's resident hypocrite... you know very well what you are doing...

Here are your words in another thread:

"yuhknow, i think i’ll just rake back and let dah bai “Nehru” pull down he panty lilll bit more

hold yuh breath and watch the pus oozing from the open sores"

I would not wish this on my worst enemy...revealing your true colors.

I would withhold my comments to your posts, there is nothing of substance from you

...I would urge others here to do the same.... 

hilarious and instructive that you choose to give succor to “Nehru” . . . of all the primitive, racist slime suckers on this board, you chose him to hug up, kiss and commiserate over Ronan ‘cruel’ lash

when moral compasses were being shared out, you mussbe bin busy in class studying elementary smartmanism

the gentleman’s C you got should have been an F given your pathetic, loser performance here

and please, please do “withhold” your comments in the future . . . you beginning to bore me with your sophomoric, pretentious posts of no substance

thanks in advance

Last edited by Former Member
VishMahabir posted:

Here are your words in another thread:

"yuhknow, i think i’ll just rake back and let dah bai “Nehru” pull down he panty lilll bit more

hold yuh breath and watch the pus oozing from the open sores"

I would not wish this on my worst enemy...revealing your true colors.

LMFAO . Bussin' meh belly wid laff. Banna, you ever hear of "figure of speech"???? Are you really in college? 

Iguana posted:
VishMahabir posted:

Here are your words in another thread:

"yuhknow, i think i’ll just rake back and let dah bai “Nehru” pull down he panty lilll bit more

hold yuh breath and watch the pus oozing from the open sores"

I would not wish this on my worst enemy...revealing your true colors.

LMFAO . Bussin' meh belly wid laff. Banna, you ever hear of "figure of speech"???? Are you really in college? 

Yes bro...try it sometime, good remedy for preventing your brain cells from becoming rusted....mek sure you dont breath too fast because the hot air in you belly might give you serious belly ache.

...look like you and the Samurai man holdin hands and always mekkin cameo appearances yall circling de wagons too or what?

In any case, its good to see Guyanese can enjoy a laff at the end of the day...after spouting a lot of hot air.


Jagdeo needs to close the loop explaining if/why the substance of Harmon’s charge is without merit. He should show leadership and let the people know how he will ensure the PPP  live up to its promise to serve all the people.  He talks of discrimination against Indians. This was a charge of discrimination against mostly Blacks!


Base, your marbles got misplaced. The PNC was preaching VIOLENCE, DISCRIMINATION, THUGGERY, BLACKMAIL against PPP supporters. What is so difficult to understand???

The PNC Animals are known for intimidation, look at Donkeys in the Pastures and you will see the same behavior!!!

Nehru posted:

Base, your marbles got misplaced. The PNC was preaching VIOLENCE, DISCRIMINATION, THUGGERY, BLACKMAIL against PPP supporters. What is so difficult to understand???

The PNC Animals are known for intimidation, look at Donkeys in the Pastures and you will see the same behavior!!!

I’m not doubting that.  What I’m saying, is the claim legit?  If it not, BJ should discredit Harmon, apart from denouncing his inciteful statement!

Iguana posted:

This coming from the same POS who stood up last election and seh he tekking back de country fuh "coolie people" and send out he goat bitten stooge to seh PPP is a "coolie" party. Dis is de man now "blasting rhethoric". Is there any shame in these corrupt, self promoting dogs?

Having said that descending to the Jagdeo level does no one favors.  Not sure that the PNC base responds as well to race baiting as the PPP base does. Many might see this for what it is.  Pandering actions from a corrupt man who forgot his base for the past 3 years while he was too busy playing crony capitalism with Jagdeo's Indo oligarchs.

When I read those comments I knew that APNU was finished.  Now Jagdeo is made to look like the "unity" person when we all know that he isn't.

VishMahabir posted:

AND, why does Jagdeo's name drive such fear and anger in people like you? like de man got you choking youself.....jes asking...


It should if you care about Guyana. APNU has now dropped the ball and have virtually handed the country over to Burnham's disciple.  Now Guyana will be back to para militias Honduras style.

yuji22 posted:

Jadgeo buss all you back and rubbed salt.

Yes rub it in. Get the PNC base paranoid and angry.  Last time you stayed in your bed for a whole week when you feared that Amazonian PNC women were on the rampage.

Stoking up ethnic paranoia does no one favors and it doesn't matter whether its Jagdeo or Harmon.

Baseman posted:

Jagdeo needs to close the loop explaining if/why the substance of Harmon’s charge is without merit. He should show leadership and let the people know how he will ensure the PPP  live up to its promise to serve all the people.  He talks of discrimination against Indians. This was a charge of discrimination against mostly Blacks!

In fact Jagdeo can do no such thing as this is in fact how the PPP behaves.

The point is if one behaves like the devil one becomes a devil and so Harmon is now as evil a creature as is Jagdeo.  Rather than addressing the issues of the PNC base and admitting that APNU has neglected them he wants to stir up a frenzy of anti PPP rage, and you know full well that it isnt the PPP oligarchs who suffer when this happens.

Last time the PPP wanted to stir up black anger by engaging in shenanigans in GT on election day.  Now Harmon wants to prove Jagdeo right by redirecting the frustration of the PNC base away from APNU to Indians.

Last edited by Former Member

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