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Jagdeo bypassed experienced Indian firm for Chinese


- pays extra US$30M to build Skeldon factory  
Former President Bharrat Jagdeo, looking for a contractor to build a modern, state-of-the-art sugar factory

Bharrat Jagdeo

Bharrat Jagdeo

at Skeldon in the 2000s, made a strange move. He chose an inexperienced Chinese contractor that had no history of building such a sugar factory over an internationally recognized Indian firm.
The government had announced that two tenders were received for the Skeldon sugar factory- one from Walchandnagar Industries Limited (WIL), of India, and the other, China National Technical Import and Export Corporation (CNTIC) – which was known more for importing vehicles into China.
The decision to go the way of CNTIC was taken by Jagdeo.
The Indian company’s bid came in US$30M cheaper than that of the Chinese firm. The Chinese exceeded the construction deadline by almost three years, completing the project in 2009.
The project cost, under the Chinese firm, escalated from US$112M to over US$200M.
The monies to finance the entire project including the factory and field expansion, under the direction of Jagdeo, came from the World Bank- US$56M; Export/Import of China- US$32M and US$25 from the Caribbean Development Bank.
But even then the factory was not working as it should.
Government accepted the malfunctioning Skeldon factory in August 2009.
Months later Jagdeo gave the same Chinese company another major contract. This time it was the US$40M-plus to install the new transmission power lines along the coast.

Board Member: President Donald Ramotar

Board Member: President Donald Ramotar

These power lines stretch from Parika, in Essequibo to Moleson Creek on the Corentyne.
The Indian company has constructed more than 80 turn-key sugar factories and has modernized more than 100 facilities to boost efficiency and production capacity. It had a proven track record in the diffuser technology, similar to what the current factory has.
The Chinese firm had virtually no experience in building sugar factories. That company had to purchase components from all over the world, including Louisiana, US, to construct the factory.
He has since been taking significant flak for his role in the growing scandal which refuses to go away.
To date, no one has been held responsible for the failures. Sitting on GuySuCo’s Board of Directors at the time was current President Donald Ramotar.
In the 90s, Government recognizing that GuySuCo was producing excess sugar, came up with Skeldon modernization project, including a new factory, and expanded fields, to target the CARICOM markets. It was a good idea with plans for a sugar refinery as well.
Guyana and GuySuCo plugged more than US$70M.
Skeldon, despite its newness, has been recording the worst performance of all the older factories in Demerara and Berbice, the cane growing areas of Guyana.
Its efficiency, or lack of, saw the factory requiring more than double the industry’s average of canes to

Dr. Raj Singh, CEO of GuySuCo

Dr. Raj Singh,
CEO of GuySuCo

produce one tonne of sugar last year.
GuySuCo, at this stage, has been forced to hire at significant costs, several experts, including Indians and South Africans to correct the deficiencies of the factory.
The issue of sugar is a serious one for political parties contesting the elections. None of them wants to touch it, except to promise the 16,000-plus workers that the industry will remain alive despite other CARICOM countries abandoning production.


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Originally Posted by Amral:
Jagdeo most likely got a big kick back by going the chinese route. Typical of govt officials

That is exactly what the Chinese do. It is their standard business protocol. They corrupt third world leaders and keep t hem on a string. They then have a free hand with the state sufficiently so they will go after any citizen of said state who complains of their pillaging.




This is the "Fleecing of Guyana."


Money stolen this way reduces what's available to spend on 24-hour water, electricity, salaries, old age pensions, rods, etc.


The PPP cares nothing about nation or development as long as their personal bank accounts are growing.


Jagdeo really smart Guyana


Imagine Granger had a fridge that was wukking. He decide to get a bigger one suh he hire Donald fuh fix up this big fridge. But Donald know bout TV. He never fix a fridge. Donald tek $100,000 fuh do de wuk. But fuh some reason de fridge never wuk good. Donald hand it over and Granger tek it.
Things spoiling in de fridge and Granger decide to call Donald. He can’t find Donald nowhere. But he find Donald when he stove did want fixing. He advertise and Donald tun up. Granger either had to be a scamp, had runnings wid Donald or plain stupid because he give Donald that contract, too, fuh another $100,000.
If that sound like a joke, dem boys want you think wha happen wid de Skeldon sugar factory. De company wha build it never build one and when dem hand it over to de government it wasn’t wukking good. It still ain’t wukking.
Dem boys remember when Rob de Earth was de Minister. When dem ask bout Skeldon he tell dem how he suing de company. Was nuff talk and nutten bout talk because he boss Jagdeo give de same company another contract.
Wha surprise dem boys was that de company was more dear than de one from India which build more sugar factories that dem got flies following dead dog. Why Jagdeo pick dem ain’t had to guess. If you want protect you money de best people to keep it is dem who paying you.
Dem boys sure that just like how dem cricketers does have dem money in foreign banks and not all in dem own bank, is just suh nuff government people got money in foreign banks. Dem boys willing to bet that none of dem got money hide away in America. De money deh in India and China.
Every month de arrangement is fuh de foreign bank to transfer some money to de local bank. Dem should have a law fuh people to explain why de money coming in every month. And dem boys seh that dem ain’t talking bout mother-in-law; father-in-law, son-in-law or daughter-in-law.
Jagdeo ain’t got none of dem in-law. He got a special in-law though. De Germans seh that got dieb in richt. Fuh dem people who don’t know de meaning of that phrase, it mean thief-in-law.
Talk half and thank de Germans.




Not sure about everyone, definitely sure about the PPP and Komal Chand.


The PPP's record on destroying labor unions and disrespecting the working class is well established.


The PPP has no respect for Human resources.


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