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Former Member

Jagdeo calls on

Gov’t to resign over ‘oil bonus’ scandal

Guyana’s Opposition Leader, Dr Bharrat Jagdeo today (Friday), during his 2018 Budget presentation, called for the entire Government to resign over revelations that a special account has been set up to funnel millions it received from oil giant ExxonMobil.
Opposition Leader Dr Bharrat Jagdeo making his way to Parliament on Monday for the 2018 Budget presentation

The call also came after the Minister of Natural Resources, Raphael Trotman was forced to admit that the Government indeed received monies from the oil company, which it said will be used to help fight its case regarding the border controversy with Venezuela.

However, in his presentation today, Jagdeo slammed the Government, in particular the Natural Resources Minister, for not being forthright with the Guyanese public on the issue from the inception.

The Opposition Leader said the APNU/AFC Administration has been talking quite a lot about transparency and accountability but is doing quite the opposite, based on its actions.

The Opposition Leader was firm that the signing bonus from the oil giant is Government revenue and therefore ought to have been in an account with the Guyana Geology and Mines Commission (GGMC) or the Consolidated Fund.

He noted that having the money in a separate account is a clear breach of the country’s financial laws, noting that the funds should have been reflected in the budget; but that was not done.

Although Finance Minister Winston Jordan had claimed that there was no advance payment made to the Government by ExxonMobil, a confidential document now proves that the Administration was fully aware of receiving the signing bonus granted by the same company, while a request was also made to open an account at the Central Bank to facilitate a deposit.

A missive dated September 20, 2016 and addressed to the Governor of the Bank of Guyana has this subject: “Signing bonus granted by ExxonMobil – Request to open bank account”. It shows that Finance Secretary at the Finance Ministry, Hector Butts, had requested that a foreign currency account be opened at the Bank in order to receive a deposit in the form of a ‘signing bonus’ to be given by ExxonMobil.

The letter stated, “This account should not be treated as part of the Bank’s reserves. Instead, the proceeds should be held in the currency of the deposit, that is United States dollars, and invested in secured interest-bearing securities.”

At a press conference held two weeks ago, Jagdeo demanded that Government come clean on this signing bonus, stating that he could ‘reasonably confirm’ that it was true.


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17B3B692-24EE-4054-9BDE-12BB00BDBBA2Django posted:

The opposition blow hot-air and walked out of Parliament.

They couldn't stay and listen to the rebuttal to their huffing and puffing from Naga and Jordan.

I am currently listening to the speech.

Dude what the rass you doing , you posted the attach ... now you claim the opposition blowing hot air ... you gat me confused banna .


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why the opposition didn't stay listen to the rebuttal,why did they walked out of Parliament.

Will be paying attention to the sign in bonus debacle.Jordan said the Government didn't receive any US$20M,request was made to open an account in Sept,2016.The governor of the Bank,Ganga can say if there is any money in the account.

I am not taking any sides.

kp posted:

He got you confused, He is confused. He said he is currently listening to the speech, to see whether overseas ADVISORS will get piece of the bonus.

Who confused ?? all you can come with,is posters getting paid.

Total hog wash.


Look like we have to bring Bob Mueller to investigate the $20M + $5M US. As for Jagdeo, getting APNU/AFC to resign is absurd , there is liquid gold coming in 2020 can't afford to give up. Be carefull, Granger might use airplane and spray paint the entire country GREEN, he is overly confident.

Django posted:
kp posted:

He got you confused, He is confused. He said he is currently listening to the speech, to see whether overseas ADVISORS will get piece of the bonus.

Who confused ?? all you can come with,is posters getting paid.

Total hog wash.

Very soon I might have the PROOF, who knows if it's not the house lot.


Jagdeo made a brilliant move by calling on the AFC/PNC thieves to resign. This puts them on the back foot. Transparency International condemnation of this administration adds more credibility to Jagdeo's claim.

Trotman is living the high life while Moses and Ramjattan are now forced to mop Trotman's AND Granger's floor.

Thug Granger will not resign as he plans to become another Afro Dictator worse than Burnham and Hoyte combined. Trotman and Granger executed their master plan in making Moses and Ramjattan House Slaves.

Trotman Head of the AFC

Granger Head of the PNC


Moses and Ramjattan = Scamps and Useless pieces of trash.

Last edited by Former Member

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