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Jagdeo calls on overseas-based Guyanese to return home to vote


Attendees at the Association of Concerned Guyanese (ACG) fund-raising event in Toronto, Canada.

Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo is encouraging overseas-based Guyanese to return home and vote in next March’s general elections, even as his party vigorously resists the planned removal of names from the voters’ list because the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) cannot locate those persons.

Addressing an event in Toronto, Canada organised by the  Association of Concerned Guyanese (ACG)- a front group for his opposition People’s Progressive Party (PPP)- Mr. Jagdeo appealed to the packed audience to come back to Guyana to cast their ballots. “I’m hoping that some of you, who registered in Guyana after 2008 are still on the list. Now, you can come home and vote. You can’t vote from here. You can come home and vote in the area you’re registered in,” he said. “You can help by coming home to vote. You can help like how you’re doing here, financially…,” he added.

He told them that if they could not return to Guyana to vote, they could still engage in activism from abroad. “If you can’t get home to register or not, you can use the Internet to join the battle against racism and polarisation and to promote the positive messages of the PPP,” he said.

Opposition Leader, Bharrat Jagdeo addressing an Association of Concerned Guyanese fund-raising event in Canada.

The PPP General Secretary’s call for the Canada-based Guyanese to come back and vote comes even as his party is demanding that the Chairman of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM), Claudette Singh explain her decision to remove the names of persons from the voters’ list.  PPP-aligned elections commissioner, Sase Gunraj has said the Chairman has decided that those persons who did not uplift their national identification cards since 2008 would be struck off the voters’ roll after GECOM sends them written notices and publishes their names in the newspapers.

The number of persons being floated around is 25,0000.

Back in July, 2019, Jagdeo seemed to have been stumped by the question of whether the PPP intended to fly in its supporters from overseas to vote if it gets to use the existing voters’ list.

Mr. Jagdeo has already hinted that legal action might be filed against GECOM if his party does not agree with explanations by the Chairman for the intended removal of the names from the voters’ list.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

Dem Haitians learn Guyanese talk already. PNC prep dem up. Those planeloads are still hiding in Guyana. Some of them might even be used to ignite post election violence. 

Last edited by Former Member

I don’t know how practical or realistic that is.  You have to go and establish residency, which means 6 months + 1 day!

even if he’s targeting the retired, time up on the 6 months requirement!  Jagdeo losing it!

skeldon_man posted:

There's an easy way to tell if you are Guyanese and don't have an ID. Say something in broken down Guyanese dialect and ask the voter to translate it.

This is a good election point, like what it mean by 'borrowing de neighba chicken for cook-up' ? 


I want GECOM to reintroduce overseas voting. The former PNC had abused overseas voting but nothing is wrong with the system in principle. We are still Guyanese citizens and deserve to vote by right. 


I do not. Even saying that, if someone resides away but still has business in Guyana or gives back something in one or way or another that's great, but for those who moved away and contribute in no way to Guyana, they should not be allowed to vote. I see no reason someone can vote for a party to run a country when they themselves have nothing to do with the country.

...If allowed to vote..dual citizenship should also be allowed.

Last edited by cain
Gilbakka posted:

I want GECOM to reintroduce overseas voting. The former PNC had abused overseas voting but nothing is wrong with the system in principle. We are still Guyanese citizens and deserve to vote by right. 

I don’t agree. If you have taken up residency and citizenship in a foreign land, you have no right to tell the people who live there who they should live under!  Only people working overseas for the govt, students, etc should be allowed!

Gilbakka posted:

I want GECOM to reintroduce overseas voting. The former PNC had abused overseas voting but nothing is wrong with the system in principle. We are still Guyanese citizens and deserve to vote by right. 

I agree.  Anyone who still have a Guyana passport, no matter where they live, should be allowed to vote in Guyana elections.  Guyana has embassies and these can be overseas polling stations.  

Also, in addition to ID cards, passports and any government ID with picture should be valid to vote. I just voted with my Canadian medical photo card, with  no address.    


Why will I want to vote in an  election for a country that i no longer live in, have no intention of living in or do not care one way or the other as to the results of the election since it has no impact on my life. 

Baseman posted:
Gilbakka posted:

I want GECOM to reintroduce overseas voting. The former PNC had abused overseas voting but nothing is wrong with the system in principle. We are still Guyanese citizens and deserve to vote by right. 

I don’t agree. If you have taken up residency and citizenship in a foreign land, you have no right to tell the people who live there who they should live under!  Only people working overseas for the govt, students, etc should be allowed!

Totally agreed.

My name  nor my family isn't on the voters list , also we are Guyanese American , so how can we vote ?

Last edited by Django
Gilbakka posted:

I want GECOM to reintroduce overseas voting.

The former PNC had abused overseas voting but nothing is wrong with the system in principle.

We are still Guyanese citizens and deserve to vote by right. 

Opens the door for fraud .

There are grey areas when Guyanese becomes Citizens of other Countries.

cain posted:

I do not. Even saying that, if someone resides away but still has business in Guyana or gives back something in one or way or another that's great, but for those who moved away and contribute in no way to Guyana, they should not be allowed to vote. I see no reason someone can vote for a party to run a country when they themselves have nothing to do with the country.

...If allowed to vote..dual citizenship should also be allowed.

Active GNI members should be allowed to vote. We invest a massive amount of our time in this forum talking endlessly about Guyana. We don't do the same in Canadian or US discussed fora. We could have forgotten Guyana and focus on our new domiciles.  And many of us contribute financially and materially to Guyana just by sending stuff to our families, relatives and friends. This assistance is a safety valve to those back home, easing their plight and pressure and thus sparing successive governments mass protests and demonstrations.


It is antikoolie Guyanese who are living in the past. Antikoolies in Guyana will soon be celebrating the 158  birthday of Mugabe H Greene a chartered member of the x13 club which was responsible for the death of many koolies.

Last edited by Prashad

Finally, I can agree with DJ on some thing. I do not think that people permanently living abroad or spending a lot of time contributing to this forum or sending things here for family members or friends or raising money for charitable activities in Guyana or being active in Guyanese politics should have the right to vote in Guyanese elections. 

1. I do not think that those living abroad really understanding what really happens here, how things are done, how decisions are made, etc. and so cannot really make a credible judgment of the party that will move the country forward, is congruent with your vision for Guyana, part policies, and your moral, economic, you philosophical views etc (if those are considerations when cast a vote) I have been a remigrant for over ten years and I thought I have a good grasp of how things work here. Well, last week, I was really surprised at something that occurred when dealing with a situation and which pointed out how uninformed I was on how things are actually done here.

2. I think that when I vote here in Guyana, though I am an individual and maybe the party I voted for did not win, I participated in that democratic process (assuming no rigging) and as part of the contract. I accept the government in place . Also, I bear the consequence of the result of that election. People permanently living abroad do not bear the direct consequence of the vote they cast to elect a Government in Guyana.

Just my two cents worth. All have a good Sunday. Nice weather, breezy because tide started to come in, in hammock.

Tola posted:

If the PPP pays their airfare, there might be hundreds of volunteers returning to GY and have a good time visiting relatives. 

I second that. He should also provide adult refreshments and black cake at the airport to entice them vote. 

Zed posted:

Finally, I can agree with DJ on some thing. I do not think that people permanently living abroad or spending a lot of time contributing to this forum or sending things here for family members or friends or raising money for charitable activities in Guyana or being active in Guyanese politics should have the right to vote in Guyanese elections. 

1. I do not think that those living abroad really understanding what really happens here, how things are done, how decisions are made, etc. and so cannot really make a credible judgment of the party that will move the country forward, is congruent with your vision for Guyana, part policies, and your moral, economic, you philosophical views etc (if those are considerations when cast a vote) I have been a remigrant for over ten years and I thought I have a good grasp of how things work here. Well, last week, I was really surprised at something that occurred when dealing with a situation and which pointed out how uninformed I was on how things are actually done here.

2. I think that when I vote here in Guyana, though I am an individual and maybe the party I voted for did not win, I participated in that democratic process (assuming no rigging) and as part of the contract. I accept the government in place . Also, I bear the consequence of the result of that election. People permanently living abroad do not bear the direct consequence of the vote they cast to elect a Government in Guyana.

Just my two cents worth. All have a good Sunday. Nice weather, breezy because tide started to come in, in hammock.

Zed, am I to conclude from your post that I am wasting time here bothering about the affairs of you folks in the homeland? 

Ray posted:

Let the people who reside in Guyana determine their future. Overseas Guyanese are saddled with remnants of the past and they prove it daily on GNI

Admin Ray. 

How about many of us who still own property in Guyana and are paying land taxes, Water Bills, Electricity bills etc ? Dem rass should send us ID cards and BJ should collect overseas votes and tek it back to Guyana.

Some people also donate huge sums of monies to political parties in Guyana. Goat bite dem ?

Last edited by Former Member
Sean posted:
Ray posted:

Let the people who reside in Guyana determine their future. Overseas Guyanese are saddled with remnants of the past and they prove it daily on GNI

Admin Ray. 

How about many of us who still own property in Guyana and are paying land taxes, Water Bills, Electricity bills etc ? Dem rass should send us ID cards and BJ should collect overseas votes and tek it back to Guyana.

Some people also donate huge sums of monies to political parties in Guyana. Goat bite dem ?

Dumbell...that first paragraph is crock...that make you a Knucklehead for the day. 

VishMahabir posted:
Sean posted:
Ray posted:

Let the people who reside in Guyana determine their future. Overseas Guyanese are saddled with remnants of the past and they prove it daily on GNI

Admin Ray. 

How about many of us who still own property in Guyana and are paying land taxes, Water Bills, Electricity bills etc ? Dem rass should send us ID cards and BJ should collect overseas votes and tek it back to Guyana.

Some people also donate huge sums of monies to political parties in Guyana. Goat bite dem ?

Dumbell...that first paragraph is crock...that make you a Knucklehead for the day. 

No school today? 

Gilbakka posted:
Zed posted:

Finally, I can agree


Zed, am I to conclude from your post that I am wasting time here bothering about the affairs of you folks in the homeland? 

Definitely not! During the Burnham/PNC dictatorship, much valuable support work was done by members of the diaspora and others to finally bring about the removal of the PNC dictatorship and to move Guyana to economic and social recovery. That struggle continues!

My children and other members of my family often posed the same question to me and my quick response has always been that emotionally, I am always Guyanese, born in Guyana, grew up there, attended school there and I owe it something for who I am and the success I have had, my navel string is buried in Guyana.

Regardless how we define the arena of the struggle for the betterment of the working class and poor, such work is of paramount importance. Some confine themselves to focus their struggle in particular geographical localities, local, national or international; some focus their struggle on particular issues across regional and national boundaries. Many, though living abroad struggle for betterment in Guyana because they see that as part of a global struggle though meeting their emotional needs because of the historic and current attachments. Others just confine their struggle to Guyana because of many other reasons. None of this suggests that their concern and struggle for a better Guyana, for the better life for all Guyanese is irrelevant, unnecessary, or not necessary. 

thanks for a very good question and I tried to provide as good an answer I am capable of. Have a good evening.

Gilbakka posted:

I want GECOM to reintroduce overseas voting. The former PNC had abused overseas voting but nothing is wrong with the system in principle. We are still Guyanese citizens and deserve to vote by right. 

Be careful what you ask for Gilly. This is PNC in government and horses from addresses that don’t exist may vote.

Gilbakka posted:
cain posted:

I do not. Even saying that, if someone resides away but still has business in Guyana or gives back something in one or way or another that's great, but for those who moved away and contribute in no way to Guyana, they should not be allowed to vote. I see no reason someone can vote for a party to run a country when they themselves have nothing to do with the country.

...If allowed to vote..dual citizenship should also be allowed.

Active GNI members should be allowed to vote. We invest a massive amount of our time in this forum talking endlessly about Guyana. We don't do the same in Canadian or US discussed fora. We could have forgotten Guyana and focus on our new domiciles.  And many of us contribute financially and materially to Guyana just by sending stuff to our families, relatives and friends. This assistance is a safety valve to those back home, easing their plight and pressure and thus sparing successive governments mass protests and demonstrations.

Some of them post their resume: on GNI and get no paying Advisor job for the government.For their Pro Bono,in return they should get to vote .

Zed posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Zed posted:

Finally, I can agree


Zed, am I to conclude from your post that I am wasting time here bothering about the affairs of you folks in the homeland? 

Definitely not! During the Burnham/PNC dictatorship, much valuable support work was done by members of the diaspora and others to finally bring about the removal of the PNC dictatorship and to move Guyana to economic and social recovery. That struggle continues!

My children and other members of my family often posed the same question to me and my quick response has always been that emotionally, I am always Guyanese, born in Guyana, grew up there, attended school there and I owe it something for who I am and the success I have had, my navel string is buried in Guyana.

Regardless how we define the arena of the struggle for the betterment of the working class and poor, such work is of paramount importance. Some confine themselves to focus their struggle in particular geographical localities, local, national or international; some focus their struggle on particular issues across regional and national boundaries. Many, though living abroad struggle for betterment in Guyana because they see that as part of a global struggle though meeting their emotional needs because of the historic and current attachments. Others just confine their struggle to Guyana because of many other reasons. None of this suggests that their concern and struggle for a better Guyana, for the better life for all Guyanese is irrelevant, unnecessary, or not necessary. 

thanks for a very good question and I tried to provide as good an answer I am capable of. Have a good evening.

Thank you, Zed. I shall continue to urge resident and non-resident Guyanese to support and VOTE PPP/C.

kp posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Sean posted:
Ray posted:

Let the people who reside in Guyana determine their future. Overseas Guyanese are saddled with remnants of the past and they prove it daily on GNI

Admin Ray. 

How about many of us who still own property in Guyana and are paying land taxes, Water Bills, Electricity bills etc ? Dem rass should send us ID cards and BJ should collect overseas votes and tek it back to Guyana.

Some people also donate huge sums of monies to political parties in Guyana. Goat bite dem ?

Dumbell...that first paragraph is crock...that make you a Knucklehead for the day. 

No school today? 

naw...went to church and pray for all you boys on GNI

Dondadda posted:
Gilbakka posted:

I want GECOM to reintroduce overseas voting. The former PNC had abused overseas voting but nothing is wrong with the system in principle. We are still Guyanese citizens and deserve to vote by right. 

Be careful what you ask for Gilly. This is PNC in government and horses from addresses that don’t exist may vote.

Too late to reinstate overseas voting in the 2020 elections. However, pending a coalition defeat the upcoming PPP government could reintroduce overseas voting. In this internet day and age PNC cannot make horses and jumbies vote as they did in 1968, 1973, 1980 and 1985. The PPP's and general population's monitoring capabilities are much more advanced and efficient than previously.

kp posted:

He told them that if they could not return to Guyana to vote, they could still engage in activism from abroad. “If you can’t get home to register or not, you can use the Internet to join the battle against racism and polarisation and to promote the positive messages of the PPP,” he said.


Funny shit from Jagdeo! His supporters here - KP, Skeldon Man, Bramananananana Sean/Yugi, Dave, Nehru, Ksazma the swamp creature from Florida, Ramgoat, Drugb etc are among the racists dogs trolling the internet actively promoting that blacks are an inferior species! Oh, and leh we not forget Baseman in he old days, although he tun chameleon now!

Last edited by Former Member
Iguana posted:
kp posted:

He told them that if they could not return to Guyana to vote, they could still engage in activism from abroad. “If you can’t get home to register or not, you can use the Internet to join the battle against racism and polarisation and to promote the positive messages of the PPP,” he said.


Funny shit from Jagdeo! His supporters here - KP, Skeldon Man, Bramananananana Sean/Yugi, Dave, Nehru, Ksazma the swamp creature from Florida, Ramgoat, Drugb etc are among the racists dogs trolling the internet actively promoting that blacks are an inferior species! Oh, and leh we not forget Baseman in he old days, although he tun chameleon now!

Baseman has never been a diehard PPPite or anything except few pro-Western parties, nor am i a racist!  

Baseman is equally critical and complimentary of all as he sees fit!

The low thinkers see it that I change, what they are too foolish to discern is I am consistent on principle, which places me at odds with either side from time to time!


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