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Jagdeo details plans to tackle corruption

As parties gear up to contest next year’s General and Regional Elections in about two months’ time, Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo has outlined plans that the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) will implement to tackle corruption in Government if it wins the upcoming polls.

Opposition Leader
Bharrat Jagdeo

Jagdeo pointed out that leading up to the 2015 elections, which ousted the PPP from office after 23 years, the APNU/AFC coalition played on the perception that the then Government was corrupt. However, he pointed out that after nearly five years in office, the governing coalition has failed to present any concrete evidence to prove this.
As such, going into the March 2, 2020 polls, the Opposition Leader said the PPP has to tackle such issues frontally. This includes outlining a clear plan of how it intends to uphold transparency and accountability in office.
Among these efforts, he noted, is full reinstatement of the Integrity Commission. Jagdeo explained that despite persons in high public office being obligated to submit their declarations to the Commission, the coalition stopped this for three years.
“We made it clear that we will ensure that we not only make submissions going forward but that [the coalition] also submit for those three years. So resumption of the Integrity Commission and strengthening the body,” he posited.
Jagdeo, a former President, went on to outline too that the incumbent Administration has also managed to violate the country’s procurement laws – something they will have to correct as well.
“I’ve given one example where the law is explicit on approval of contract. [They] moved away from that explicit position that Cabinet should not approve contract, must only give a ‘no objection’ and if it withholds the ‘no objection’, it has to why and write the Tender Board. This Government has violated all of the procurement laws. We intend to return to upholding the procurement laws,” he stressed.
The Opposition Leader further noted that another area that the PPP will have to work on reversing doings of the governing coalition is the processing of duty-free concessions.
“This Government has resumed ministerial processing of duty-free concessions. In the last budget, [Finance Minister Winston] Jordan passed a legislation that says you can now go to him and he can wavier the VAT or penalty associated with VAT – that never happened under the PPP. We removed the right the process concessions. When I was Finance Minister at that time, we inherited a system where the Minister used to sign the duty-free letter. We changed that and we said GRA (Guyana Revenue Authority) must process it.”
According to Jagdeo, this is all enshrined in the laws. “… They wanted ministerial processing but we will return to technical processing,” he contended.
He continued to point out that the PPP had published every privatisation done between 1992 and 2011 in a booklet, outlining details of those transactions, but under the coalition, many state assets are being privatised even without a Privatisation Board.
“We had the [Privatisation] Unit and then it goes to the Board, which used to have three members from civil society – labour, Private Sector and consumer affairs… Now NICIL (National Industrial and Commercial Investments Limited) makes all the decision. We used to use Unit-Board-Cabinet… we have to return to that with oversight of privatisation and publication of these transactions,” Jagdeo stated.
As Guyana is now on the cusp of transformational development from its budding oil and gas industry, the Opposition Leader underscored the importance, now more than ever, of ensuring transparency and accountability in the sector. To this end, he reiterated plans by the PPP to ensure that all Guyanese are made aware of every dollar that comes in from the sector as well as the party’s intention to criminalise non-disclosure of oil money.
According to the PPP plans, its Finance Minister can be jailed for up to 10 years if he or she fails to reveal information of monies collected from oil companies within a short period and gazette.
Moreover, also among the plans on PPP’s anti-corruption list are the passage of campaign financing legislation as well as making access to information easier for the Guyanese public.
“There are hundreds of things that we need to do or we can do to strength or even go back to what we had before… Those are just some of the ways you can strengthen accountability,” Jagdeo asserted.  Guyana Times

Replies sorted oldest to newest

The first line item in his plan is to say "I hereby recuse myself from any option to discuss, mediate or otherwise engage in any policy, planning or strategy development for any aspect of the Guyanese society". That would greatly diminish the chance that corruption will again seep into the system and be the central organizing economic strategy in the state. 


According to the PPP plans, its Finance Minister can be jailed for up to 10 years if he or she fails to reveal information of monies collected from oil companies within a short period and gazette.

All government ministers and individuals should be jailed for corruption.

skeldon_man posted:

According to the PPP plans, its Finance Minister can be jailed for up to 10 years if he or she fails to reveal information of monies collected from oil companies within a short period and gazette.

All government ministers and individuals should be jailed for corruption.

The PPP is plainly being silly. They did not install the accounts receivable or inventory module of their expensive accounting system despite being advised to by the provider. When asked to explain they said it was expensive. The reality is it was in the way of their thievery.

If the present regime find it difficult to jail their backsides why would the PPP get the chance to do the same to any present larcenous practices  in office? Further, they have little chance of winning. Granger does not care of cheating.

Black people are not relinquishing their only chance to fill their pockets. After all, they  believe the state is their legacy and they will forgive any thievery at the polls. Granger is not being kicked out of office.

Stormborn posted:
skeldon_man posted:

According to the PPP plans, its Finance Minister can be jailed for up to 10 years if he or she fails to reveal information of monies collected from oil companies within a short period and gazette.

All government ministers and individuals should be jailed for corruption.

The PPP is plainly being silly. They did not install the accounts receivable or inventory module of their expensive accounting system despite being advised to by the provider. When asked to explain they said it was expensive. The reality is it was in the way of their thievery.

If the present regime find it difficult to jail their backsides why would the PPP get the chance to do the same to any present larcenous practices  in office? Further, they have little chance of winning. Granger does not care of cheating.

Black people are not relinquishing their only chance to fill their pockets. After all, they  believe the state is their legacy and they will forgive any thievery at the polls. Granger is not being kicked out of office.

Ok I trying to understand something here . given all this analysis how government should function behind a computer is no help for Guyanese.. you will  agree with me rite.. good, so Will you be supporting  Shuman and provide your “ analysis “ how government should function. 


Jagdeo had all the time in the world to tackle and curb corruption while he was in power. Never happened. Corruption, especially in Guyana go hand in hand like batty and bench. There will be no end to corruption, it will always be there.

And why is he detailing plans for this lost cause. Is he running for president. Where's the other fella?


Na tek worries brother Sheik. De other fella busy campaigning. We having two presidents governing Guyana in 2020. A lot better then having one brain dead Granger.

Dr Dr President.  

Dave posted:
Stormborn posted:
skeldon_man posted:

According to the PPP plans, its Finance Minister can be jailed for up to 10 years if he or she fails to reveal information of monies collected from oil companies within a short period and gazette.

All government ministers and individuals should be jailed for corruption.

The PPP is plainly being silly. They did not install the accounts receivable or inventory module of their expensive accounting system despite being advised to by the provider. When asked to explain they said it was expensive. The reality is it was in the way of their thievery.

If the present regime find it difficult to jail their backsides why would the PPP get the chance to do the same to any present larcenous practices  in office? Further, they have little chance of winning. Granger does not care of cheating.

Black people are not relinquishing their only chance to fill their pockets. After all, they  believe the state is their legacy and they will forgive any thievery at the polls. Granger is not being kicked out of office.

Ok I trying to understand something here . given all this analysis how government should function behind a computer is no help for Guyanese.. you will  agree with me rite.. good, so Will you be supporting  Shuman and provide your “ analysis “ how government should function. 

Where do you want to do my analysis?...from a soapbox in the park? Shuman made a grave mistake going to granger. I could never support a weak man or one so easily distracted from what is clearly the only course; taking the middle. He has lots of work to do to prove himself. 

I therefore play the matter by the numbers...denying either party the middle ground. Votes to any third party, Shuman included  is my advice. Never allow the PNC or the PPP to gain a majority in parliament ever again. 

Sheik101 posted:

Jagdeo had all the time in the world to tackle and curb corruption while he was in power. Never happened. Corruption, especially in Guyana go hand in hand like batty and bench. There will be no end to corruption, it will always be there.

And why is he detailing plans for this lost cause. Is he running for president. Where's the other fella?

Where did Dr Jagdeo had all this time bhai. The man left government in 2006 as the first president to respect and honour the constitution. 
In 2015, he was elected as opposition leader, and in January 2017 as General Secretary of PPP. He is in order to speak. 
It is Jagdeo single handedly who took APNU / AFC to task. 
Dr Jagdeo acknowledges, PPP government should have done something’s differently and did make mistakes in Government , it’s only fair to give the man another opportunity and then pronounce judgment if he did not keep his promises. 

Tell your families and friends back home to put that X next to the cup for a BETTER FUTURE. 


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Sean posted:

Na tek worries brother Sheik. De other fella busy campaigning. We having two presidents governing Guyana in 2020. A lot better then having one brain dead Granger.

Dr Dr President.  

U see sean down by the ravine, the issue here is simple. If the PPP stand any chance of winning the election or even remotely so, Jagdeo needs to do three things. Appoint someone who the masses can gravitate to. Put the bovine back in the Leonora pasture to continue grazing ( peacefully).  And slip back in the shadows and call his shot quietly. 


Most response on this thread is the joke for day , Jagdeo talking about curtailing corruption. Clearly shows he will be running the government , Irfaan will be the puppet.

Most Guyanese aren't stupid , Jagdeo will not be given no chance to govern Guyana again, 12 years was enough for kleptocracy.

Sheik101 posted:
Sean posted:

Na tek worries brother Sheik. De other fella busy campaigning. We having two presidents governing Guyana in 2020. A lot better then having one brain dead Granger.

Dr Dr President.  

U see sean down by the ravine, the issue here is simple. If the PPP stand any chance of winning the election or even remotely so, Jagdeo needs to do three things. Appoint someone who the masses can gravitate to. Put the bovine back in the Leonora pasture to continue grazing ( peacefully).  And slip back in the shadows and call his shot quietly. 

Shiek, I hear you about the individual with mass support, but it’s too late.. it’s now time for solidarity with Dr Irfan if we want a better Guyana. 
Keep in mind, Guyanese think differently about their politicians, we are not speaking of North America politics.. you knows what I mean. And Muslims in Guyana have unity, hundreds of Afro are Muslim and they are surrounding this fella. 

In my opinion, Irfan is more popular that Granger. 


Just this other day, you posted a big story that many in the PPP rejected yuh saying he mo popular than Granger and everybody support him...

So, which is it really? How can we believe you?


Oh Rass, the sound of Dr Bharrat Jagdeo wake some people up ... Gud Gud the man is like returning of Jesus Christ  the people’s saviour. Oh what a beautiful day, no wonder the sun is shining in all it’s glory. 


Does the PNC have a plan, period!! Yes, Rumjaat had a plan to tackle crime, he did so well he got promoted to Prime Minister. 

PNC plan is to open Over seas BANK accounts to deposit the LOOT.

Ray posted:

Just this other day, you posted a big story that many in the PPP rejected yuh saying he mo popular than Granger and everybody support him...

So, which is it really? How can we believe you?

I thought you smarter but then again... Anyhow I share a story.. it doesn’t mean I support the story. You should have followed up what I wrote Saturday morning and Amral closed and delete the thread. 

Dave posted:

Oh Rass, the sound of Dr Bharrat Jagdeo wake some people up ... Gud Gud the man is like returning of Jesus Christ  the people’s saviour. Oh what a beautiful day, no wonder the sun is shining in all it’s glory. 

Dr Jagdeo hurt the man in the cane field , still not recovered. 

Dave posted:
Ray posted:

Just this other day, you posted a big story that many in the PPP rejected yuh saying he mo popular than Granger and everybody support him...

So, which is it really? How can we believe you?

I thought you smarter but then again... Anyhow I share a story.. it doesn’t mean I support the story. You should have followed up what I wrote Saturday morning and Amral closed and delete the thread. 

Lemme were writing in large letters....telling it to the world loudly. It look like you were anti Irfaan like the people who gave you the story.

Imagine, that's all it took for you to broadcast it that PPP insiders hate Irfan...your support is weak man

Even I, a fervent anti PPP, did not believe it the moment I saw it....but you wanted it to be true!

kp posted:
Dave posted:

Oh Rass, the sound of Dr Bharrat Jagdeo wake some people up ... Gud Gud the man is like returning of Jesus Christ  the people’s saviour. Oh what a beautiful day, no wonder the sun is shining in all it’s glory. 

Dr Jagdeo hurt the man in the cane field , still not recovered. 

True dat! Had he not dealt with the Chinese and their skeleton shit.

Sheik101 posted:
Sean posted:

Na tek worries brother Sheik. De other fella busy campaigning. We having two presidents governing Guyana in 2020. A lot better then having one brain dead Granger.

Dr Dr President.  

U see sean down by the ravine, the issue here is simple. If the PPP stand any chance of winning the election or even remotely so, Jagdeo needs to do three things. Appoint someone who the masses can gravitate to. Put the bovine back in the Leonora pasture to continue grazing ( peacefully).  And slip back in the shadows and call his shot quietly. 

Exactly! He too dam scraven for that power bai, he not doin that, he probably thinking."not a blade ah oil..oops, ah mean not a blade ah grass"

kp posted:
Dave posted:

Oh Rass, the sound of Dr Bharrat Jagdeo wake some people up ... Gud Gud the man is like returning of Jesus Christ  the people’s saviour. Oh what a beautiful day, no wonder the sun is shining in all it’s glory. 

Dr Jagdeo hurt the man in the cane field , still not recovered. 

Bhai that had to be very painful left such  Bitterness.

BTW Ray, I man knows when you used to hug up Bro Joe Bacchus back in the days when he convert to Muslim, so support your brother Irfan. 

ksazma posted:

Dr Irfaan Ali, PhD. is far more superior to anyone the Coalition fools can present especially Granger who has spent the past year violating the laws of Guyana.

hey...I don't blame you for your support...although it looks like them Hindu bais were wavering a few days ago


Bai Cain, if Dr Jagdeo was scraven for power, he would have done what Granger is currently doing. But he did more than just demit office at the end of his term. He even defied the PNC framers of the constitution by limiting a president to just two terms. Burnham had planned to remain president for life. Hoyte was going down the same road. Looks like Granger intends to do as Burnham and Hoyte wanted to.

Ray posted:

Not just you...a number of other PPPites on here were in agreement with the substance of the story

Yall support real weak

You got it wrong... it’s good we still express our honest opinion than be a Hypocrite and biased like what that  fella  .. but we have SOLIDARITY and unity . And let’s be honest, you only speak like that but your heart is with PPP. 

Ray posted:
ksazma posted:

Dr Irfaan Ali, PhD. is far more superior to anyone the Coalition fools can present especially Granger who has spent the past year violating the laws of Guyana.

hey...I don't blame you for your support...although it looks like them Hindu bais were wavering a few days ago

Bai, me preferred Anil but anyone PPP is a huge improvement to the Coalition fools.

Ray posted:
ksazma posted:

Dr Irfaan Ali, PhD. is far more superior to anyone the Coalition fools can present especially Granger who has spent the past year violating the laws of Guyana.

hey...I don't blame you for your support...although it looks like them Hindu bais were wavering a few days ago

Guyanese never lets religion divide them, you knows that. But Muslim will unite and support their own . 

Dave posted:
Ray posted:

Not just you...a number of other PPPites on here were in agreement with the substance of the story

Yall support real weak

You got it wrong... it’s good we still express our honest opinion than be a Hypocrite and biased like what that  fella  .. but we have SOLIDARITY and unity . And let’s be honest, you only speak like that but your heart is with PPP. 

Ray is a closet PPP!!

ksazma posted:
Ray posted:
ksazma posted:

Dr Irfaan Ali, PhD. is far more superior to anyone the Coalition fools can present especially Granger who has spent the past year violating the laws of Guyana.

hey...I don't blame you for your support...although it looks like them Hindu bais were wavering a few days ago

Bai, me preferred Anil but anyone PPP is a huge improvement to the Coalition fools.

I would rather Anil as well, but remember who u dealing with, the PNC is not going to just fold over like that. this oil findings is a big game changer.


only time I supported the PPP is when they won the first time there was free elections

Other than that, I supported AFC...and I am hoping that neither PNC or PPP get total power....I want the smaller parties to make a difference

Ray posted:

only time I supported the PPP is when they won the first time there was free elections

Other than that, I supported AFC...and I am hoping that neither PNC or PPP get total power....I want the smaller parties to make a difference

How come I never saw you at an AFC meeting in NY?


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